Christmas Tree: Natural or Artificial?

Smaller than that?

Are ya sure it ain't an earring?

Ours looks like the Peanuts Christmas tree.


HAHAHA! James and I had a few of those when the kids were little.

I think it was our second Christmas together and he drags this "tree" inside and plops it down on my livingroom floor. I said wtf is that fugly thing? The look on his face held hope, but I wiped it when I said get that shrubbery out of here and get me a tree!
Between you and me and the deep blue sea: I ACTUALLY have a Charlie Brown Xmas tree I bought from Walgreens in 2011, that's the best I could afford. It has lights though. Anybody remember those aluminum trees? With the revolving red/ green /blue lights that could cook curious little girls that got too close...remember those? I want one. Happy festivus, BTW.
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We go to a tree farm and cut our own tree every year. Those farms seem to be getting harder to find every year, as we had to drive 30 miles to one that was still in business.

Maybe an artificial tree next year, or maybe not. Who knows?


No tree for us again this year. This will be our 5th year..or is it 4th?...not celebrating with a tree or even gifts. Not until we are settled. And maybe have another dog. It just isn't Christmas without furkids tearing up their prezzies. Cats don't give a damn.

Nice. You have more gifts under there than we'll probably have. We've both gotten to the point of "What the hell else do I really need?"

I ask my wife to give me a carton of cigarettes, and bottle of booze, and some ammunition every year, but she keeps forgetting for some reason.

We stopped bothering exchanging gifts about 15 years ago

My wife and I lived through decades of exchanging gifts (I'm 80 and she's 75). We gave up the entire shopping and present wrapping scene about ten years ago. My wife came up with a brilliant idea for this coming Christmas. We will give each other gifts, but each gift will be something in the house; something old that we used in the past like a can opener or a screw driver. There are a lot of special memories hidden in common everyday things, and that is what our Christmas will be about.

Our “wrapping paper” will consist of plastic bags collected from stores and anything else we can think of including socks and pillow cases. It may sound silly, but I believe that every happy life includes at least a small measure of silliness.
Because I don't have the space to store an artificial tree, I get a real one. $25.00 is what I paid this year. The guy that I buy from comes to my area every year from somewhere in Michigan and my first tree from him was a Douglas Fir in 1998. I've gotten at least one white pine from him, but the scotch pine is the most common tree that I get and they are around six feet high which is only about six inches above me. The only year that I did not get one was in 2015 because the floors in my kitchen, living room, and hallway had to be replaced due to the water heater in my home. It started leaking and had ran up underneath the floors. Anyway the floor replacement wasn't completely done until just a couple of days before the big one. By then, my "tree supplier" had already gone back home.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Because I get a real one every time, I get it around two weeks before the big day so that it still looks okay by then. By the way, I have heard it said that putting an aspirin pill in the tree water helps to keep the tree going longer. Is that true?
Ah, the old real vs. artificial tree debate. Sometimes one has to consider the “wife factor.”

Post Christmas one year the bride proudly announced she’d found a great sale deal on an artificial tree, still a bit expensive but the selling feature presented to me was our days of annually shelling out money for a tree were over, and in just a few years it’ll have paid for itself, or something along those lines.

About five or so years later I start hearing how she misses the natural pine smell of a real tree. Knowing the battle was already lost I nonetheless bought her an aerosol can of fake pine scent to hopefully stall the inevitable for a year or two, but alas the next year we were back on the real smell tree circuit once again. And remain so.
Ah, the old real vs. artificial tree debate. Sometimes one has to consider the “wife factor.”

Post Christmas one year the bride proudly announced she’d found a great sale deal on an artificial tree, still a bit expensive but the selling feature presented to me was our days of annually shelling out money for a tree were over, and in just a few years it’ll have paid for itself, or something along those lines.

About five or so years later I start hearing how she misses the natural pine smell of a real tree. Knowing the battle was already lost I nonetheless bought her an aerosol can of fake pine scent to hopefully stall the inevitable for a year or two, but alas the next year we were back on the real smell tree circuit once again. And remain so.



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