Chronicle of Palestinian terrorism

Tinmore, the people living in Israel, outside the West Bank, are CIVILIANS OF ISRAEL.
They are NOT excluded from civilian status. That is a lie. I've never heard such crap in my life.
People living in for example Tel-Aviv or Haifa , are civilians. Those cities are not occupied.
Also, you once again said the 'Palestinians are defending their country', but again, what country??
Jews living between the River and the sea numbered around 650,000 in 1948 along with approximately 1.35 million non-Jews. Any semblance of self-determination would have required a plebiscite not a UN mandated partition giving Jews a majority of the land.
Ignorant drivel.

I always like the "Stolen land is a myth" stuff as the Israeli lot always quote how they've been there for 3,000 years and it's their place.

Of course. they always neglect to mention how The kingdom of Davis and Solomon came to be and how it ended; they stole it from the Philistines in battle.
David, known as the brave killer of giants, also had bad habits such as murdering men so he could marry their wife and enslaving his own people.
David's kids were little better as one was a rapist and another, Solomon, taxed the merry crap out of his subjects until they were so pissed off, the 10 northern tribes kicked his son out of the palace andcreated their own kingdom.
The famous kingdom of David the Zionists are trying to claim as their promised land was a place for murder, rape, and generally destroying lives.

Oh, hang on, they've recreated it perfectly.
Why not look at the different countries in the Middle East? Can Freddie honestly say that these countries were originally Muslim or can he admit that the Muslims left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries, forcing people to convert and killing so many who refused. Now the Muslims there are emulating Mohammed and his gang and we constantly seeing people blown up no matter if they are Christians or Muslims of different sects. Naturally, Freddie that devout convert, even closes his eyes to what is happening closer to home in Southeast Asia. How many people were killed by suicide or car bombers lately in Pakistan, Freddie? Maybe Freddie doesn't care how many Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims have been killed at the hands of other Muslims since the Jews are not involved in these killings.

Pakistan church bomb: Christians mourn 85 killed in Peshawar suicide attack | World news | The Guardian
P F Tinmore, et al,

That is wrong.

You are half right.


The Occupation Force has to follow both sets of laws.

Most Respectfully,

OK, but Israel is very, very bad at following any law including sometimes their own.

That said.

What I am saying is that what the Palestinians do inside Palestine to defend their country and their people does not fall under international law.

Specifically, nationals of an occupying power are excluded from the protected person (civilian) class.

Things like international terrorism simply do not apply to activities inside their own country.

You are either under International Coverage, or you are not. You can't say that Israel is violating some international law (criminal or humanitarian) relative to the West Bank and Gaza, and on the other hand say you are not under international law. It is an all or nothing affair.

Most Respectfully,

Good point. What international law has ever been used to protect the Palestinians?

The Goldstone report alleged that Hamas and the PA in the West Bank both were in violation of some international law. Why was nothing done?

A girl from Gaza whose entire family was killed by Israel went to the ICC and filed a complaint. Nothing happened.

It seems that Israel/Palestine is a no law zone.
The Goldstone report alleged that Hamas and the PA in the West Bank both were in violation of some international law. Why was nothing done?
Because it would constitute a violation of their allah-given right to break and violate some (infidel) international law, of course.
A girl from Gaza whose entire family was killed by Israel went to the ICC and filed a complaint. Nothing happened.
Was her complaint a frivolous drivel? Was her entire family sitting on a storage of explosive thingies?
PFLP-Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Black September-Month in which King Hussein of Jordan expelled
Palestinians from his country
Islamic Jihad-Islamic "Holy War"
Abu Nidal-former associate of Yasser Arafat
PFL-Palestine Liberation Front

Date Place Incident Group Responsible

7/22/68 Rome El Al Boeing 707 hijacked Where
Israelis on board were imprisoned
For 2 months

12/26/68 Athens Two Palestinians attack El Al Boeing
707 as it takes off with grenades
and submachine
One passenger

7/7/69 London Marks and Spencer store
firebombed PFLP

2/2/70 Zurich-Tel
Aviv Swiss airliner destroyed by mid-air
47 people die

5/5/71 Istanbul-Israeli consul-general
murdered TPLA,

7/20/71 Rome First of series of attacks onJordanian
in revenge for Black September,
when Jordan expelled
11/28/71 Cairo Wasfi Tell, Jordanian Prime Minister,
assassinated by Palestinian
Black September

5/31/72 Tel Aviv Passengers at Lod airport attacked,

12/17/73 Rome 5 terrorists throw thermite bombs into Pan-
Am airliner, burning 32 passengers
to death NAYLP

4/11/74 Qiryat
Shemona 3 Palestinians storm block of
apartments in this Israeli
Town,killing 18 and wounding 16

9/7/74 Athens TWA airliner blown up in flight over the Ionian
Sea- all 88 passengers killed

12/31/80 Nairobi Norfolk Hotel, owned by Jews, is blown up.16
people die. Revenge for Kenya's help
to Israel in Entebbe operation. PFLP

10/23/83 Beirut Suicide lorry bombers attack HQ of U.S. Marines
serving peacekeeping force. 241 Marines
and 58 French soldiers
Islamic Jihad

9/20/84 Beirut Suicide bombing of U.S. Embassy-nine killed
Islamic Jihad

9/5/86 Pakistan Four men hijack Pan Am plane, killing 20
Abu Nidal

9/6/86 Istanbul 21 Jewish worshippers killed in synagogue by
with AK 47s Abu Nidal

Jewish religious terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This list only has events that occurred prior to the Intifada.
Source:"The Never-Ending War"by Christopher Dobson and Ronald Payne.
Copyright 1987.

The following groups have been considered religious terrorist organizations in Israel:
Gush Emunim Underground (1979–84): formed by members of the Israeli political movement Gush Emunim.[10] This group is most well known for two actions. Firstly, for bomb attacks on the mayors of West Bank cities on June 2, 1980, and secondly, an abandoned plot to blow up the Temple Mount mosques. The Israeli Judge Zvi Cohen, heading the sentencing panel at the group’s trial, stated that they had three motives, ‘not necessarily shared by all the defendants. The first motive, at the heart of the Temple Mount conspiracy, is religious.’[11]
Keshet (Kvutza Shelo Titpasher) (1981–1989): A Tel Aviv anti-Zionist haredi group focused on bombing property without loss of life.[12][13]:101 Yigal Marcus, Tel Aviv District Police commander, said that he considered the group a gang of criminals, not a terrorist group.[14]
The "Bat Ayin Underground" or Bat Ayin group. In 2002, four people from Bat Ayin and Hebron were arrested outside of Abu Tor School, a Palestinian girls' school in East Jerusalem, with a trailer filled with explosives. Three of the men were convicted for the attempted bombing.[15][16][17][18][19][20][21]
Brit HaKanaim (Hebrew: בְּרִית הַקַנַאִים, lit. Covenant of the Zealots) was a radical religious Jewish underground organisation which operated in Israel between 1950 and 1953, against the widespread trend of secularisation in the country. The ultimate goal of the movement was to impose Jewish religious law in the State of Israel and establish a Halakhic state.[22]
The Kingdom of Israel group (Hebrew: מלכות ישראל, Malchut Yisrael), or Tzrifin Underground, were active in Israel in the 1950s. The group carried out attacks on the diplomatic facilities of the USSR and Czechoslovakia and occasionally shot at Jordanian troops stationed along the border in Jerusalem. Members of the group were caught trying to bomb the Israeli Ministry of Education in May 1953, have been described as acting because of the secularisation of Jewish North African immigrants which they saw as 'a direct assault on the religious Jews' way of life and as an existential threat to the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel
[ame=]Do Palestinians ever have the right of self-defence against Israel? - YouTube[/ame]
Of course. they always neglect to mention how The kingdom of Davis and Solomon came to be and how it ended; they stole it from the Philistines in battle.
David, known as the brave killer of giants, also had bad habits such as murdering men so he could marry their wife and enslaving his own people. David's kids were little better as one was a rapist and another, Solomon, taxed the merry crap out of his subjects until they were so pissed off, the 10 northern tribes kicked his son out of the palace andcreated their own kingdom. The famous kingdom of David the Zionists are trying to claim as their promised land was a place for murder, rape, and generally destroying lives. Oh, hang on, they've recreated it perfectly.

Drivel drama.

So tell me where I'm wrong.
These are historical facts; not the glossy, sugar coated version the Zionists love so much.

Land stolen in battle by a man who arranges murder and has rapist, slave owner sons who are so unpopular, the Jews of the time rebel and toss them out of power.
Why not look at the different countries in the Middle East?

Because I was talking about Israel; not trying to deflect the truth by looking at unrelated matters.
Prove my post wrong or admit the crappy kingdom of David the murderer was rubbish.

Can Freddie honestly say that these countries were originally Muslim

No and I didn't claim it was.

Your pathetic attempt to make it look as if I'm claiming what I am not is slightly more rubbish than David's rapist son.
Why not look at the different countries in the Middle East?

Because I was talking about Israel; not trying to deflect the truth by looking at unrelated matters.
Prove my post wrong or admit the crappy kingdom of David the murderer was rubbish.

Can Freddie honestly say that these countries were originally Muslim

No and I didn't claim it was.

Your pathetic attempt to make it look as if I'm claiming what I am not is slightly more rubbish than David's rapist son.
Why bring up King David who lived in those violent ancient times? Perhaps when you studied history in England, you never learned of the Peloponnesian or Punic Wars, Why not go later on in time and tell us how Islam was spread in the Middle East by Muhammed and his gang? Do you think this gang actually went about peacefully converting people to Islam? And let us not forget that even in these modern days, people in Muslim countries are being forced into Islam. Speaking of rapists, Freddie, can you tell us why your brethren are raping their way across Europe in the 21st century? We know that rape happens in all groups, but your Muslim brethren are going for the championship.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640)
Why not look at the different countries in the Middle East?

Because I was talking about Israel; not trying to deflect the truth by looking at unrelated matters.
Prove my post wrong or admit the crappy kingdom of David the murderer was rubbish.

Can Freddie honestly say that these countries were originally Muslim

No and I didn't claim it was.

Your pathetic attempt to make it look as if I'm claiming what I am not is slightly more rubbish than David's rapist son.

Why bring up King David who lived in those violent ancient times?

Because Zionists tend to use his kingdom as an ideal for Israel, at least as far as land grabbing goes.

If the Zionist extremists were to stop doing this, there would be little point in mentioning it; however, they do.

It may also be noted, the anti Muslim lot use the blessed prophet's time as evidence of Islam's violent start. Given that, why is it such a crime to point out Israel was about the same?
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Because I was talking about Israel; not trying to deflect the truth by looking at unrelated matters.
Prove my post wrong or admit the crappy kingdom of David the murderer was rubbish.

No and I didn't claim it was.

Your pathetic attempt to make it look as if I'm claiming what I am not is slightly more rubbish than David's rapist son.

Why bring up King David who lived in those violent ancient times?

Because Zionists tend to use his kingdom as an ideal for Israel, at least as far as land grabbing goes.

If the Zionist extremists were to stop doing this, there would be little point in mentioning it; however, they do.

It may also be noted, the anti Muslim lot use the blessed prophet's time as evidence of Islam's violent start. Given that, why is it such a crime to point out Israel was about the same?
You're an OK guy, Fred, but you're a little bit off kilter. Sorta like being in a parallel universe about a half second behind. Work on it, Marine.
Because I was talking about Israel; not trying to deflect the truth by looking at unrelated matters.
Prove my post wrong or admit the crappy kingdom of David the murderer was rubbish.

No and I didn't claim it was.

Your pathetic attempt to make it look as if I'm claiming what I am not is slightly more rubbish than David's rapist son.

Why bring up King David who lived in those violent ancient times?

Because Zionists tend to use his kingdom as an ideal for Israel, at least as far as land grabbing goes.

If the Zionist extremists were to stop doing this, there would be little point in mentioning it; however, they do.

It may also be noted, the anti Muslim lot use the blessed prophet's time as evidence of Islam's violent start. Given that, why is it such a crime to point out Israel was about the same?
Yeah, most all the Muslims in the world, even the converts, can't bear the thought of Jews governing a postage-sized piece of property in the Middle East. When you consider the huge amount of Muslim land in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa, Israel is like a speck on the map. Meanwhile, of course, Freddie goes all the way back to King David for some silly reason, but he forgets all the land grabbing of Mohammed (PBUH) and his gang. Way to go, Freddie. And, Freddie, you can consider Mohammed (PBUH) as blessed as you want, but those who aren't Muslims aren't of the same opinion. No one would even think about the Muslims if they weren't committing such violence in so many different locations in the world. and such violence against each other!!! What would Mohammed (PBUH) say???
Since the abd Georgie Boy has become a devout Dhimmi, he will never tell you of Arab atrocities, not even when they are committed on Black people and he doesn't care that this is routine Since we are talking about after 1967 when Israel got control of the territories and had to administer them, the Israelis built schools, hospitals and clinics for the Arabs, put in infrastructure, gave inoculations against infectious diseases that were never given before, increased the life expectancy of these Arabs and gave them one of the highest standards of living in the Middle East. Perhaps Georgie Boy can explain to us why the Egyptians and Jordanians didn't do this for the "Palestinians."
"And so it is.

"As Yifrah was freed, the Israeli press reported that an army patrol fired into the yard of a school for young boys in one of the miserable refugee camps, wounding five children, allegedly intending only 'to shock them.'

There were no charges, and the event again attracted no attention.

"It was just another episode in the program of 'illiteracy as punishment,' the Israeli press reported, including the closing of schools, use of gas bombs, beating of students with rifle butts, barring of medical aid for victims; and beyond the schools a reign of more severe brutality, becoming even more savage during the Intifada, under the orders of Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, an admired dove, who informed a Peace Now delegation at the peak of the brutality that he was pleased with the meaningless US-PLO dialogue that had just been initiated, “low-level discussions” that avoid any serious issue and grant Israel 'at least a year' to resolve the problems by force.

"'The inhabitants of the territories are subject to harsh military and economic pressure,' Rabin explained, and 'In the end, they will be broken,' abandoning their hopes for a life of dignity."

Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East (2013 Edward Said Lecture)
Since Edward Said is an Arab, he speaks out for his people (even if he isn't telling the truth many times). How about you speak out about what your people are going through at the hands of the Arabs on the forums available to you? Is it because it is more important for you to diss the Jews and Israel than to condemn what is happening to Black people? Would you show some outrage if you saw one of the Arabs eating a Black person's heart like was shown in Syria by a rebel, or if a Black person was captured by an Arab and his captors held up the man's liver like the Palestinians did of a captured Israeli soldier? What would it take for you to show some outrage regarding what is happening to Blacks in the Muslim world???
What would it take for you to remember the forum and or thread you're currently subscribed to:

"From the earliest days, Arabs were regarded as an alien implant in the Land of Israel, who would be just as happy anywhere else in Arab domains.

"As the Balfour Declaration was released, Chaim Weizmann, the first President of Israel and the most respected Zionist figure, remarked that the British had informed him that in Palestine 'there are a few hundred thousand Negroes, but that is a matter of no significance.'

"Weizmann had in turn informed Lord Balfour that 'the issue known as the Arab problem in Palestine will be of merely local character and, in effect, anyone cognizant of the situation does not consider it a highly significant factor.' Hence displacement of the inhabitants by Jewish settlement raises no moral issue.

"A later Israeli president, Haim Herzog, also a Labor Dove, articulated the basic guidelines in 1972: 'I do not deny the Palestinians any place or stand or opinion on every matter. But certainly I am not prepared to consider them as partners in any respect in a land that has been consecrated in the hands of our nation for thousands of years.

"For the Jews of this land there cannot be any partner.'”

Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East (2013 Edward Said Lecture)
"And so it is.

"As Yifrah was freed, the Israeli press reported that an army patrol fired into the yard of a school for young boys in one of the miserable refugee camps, wounding five children, allegedly intending only 'to shock them.'

There were no charges, and the event again attracted no attention.

"It was just another episode in the program of 'illiteracy as punishment,' the Israeli press reported, including the closing of schools, use of gas bombs, beating of students with rifle butts, barring of medical aid for victims; and beyond the schools a reign of more severe brutality, becoming even more savage during the Intifada, under the orders of Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin, an admired dove, who informed a Peace Now delegation at the peak of the brutality that he was pleased with the meaningless US-PLO dialogue that had just been initiated, “low-level discussions” that avoid any serious issue and grant Israel 'at least a year' to resolve the problems by force.

"'The inhabitants of the territories are subject to harsh military and economic pressure,' Rabin explained, and 'In the end, they will be broken,' abandoning their hopes for a life of dignity."

Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East (2013 Edward Said Lecture)
Since Edward Said is an Arab, he speaks out for his people (even if he isn't telling the truth many times). How about you speak out about what your people are going through at the hands of the Arabs on the forums available to you? Is it because it is more important for you to diss the Jews and Israel than to condemn what is happening to Black people? Would you show some outrage if you saw one of the Arabs eating a Black person's heart like was shown in Syria by a rebel, or if a Black person was captured by an Arab and his captors held up the man's liver like the Palestinians did of a captured Israeli soldier? What would it take for you to show some outrage regarding what is happening to Blacks in the Muslim world???
What would it take for you to remember the forum and or thread you're currently subscribed to:

"From the earliest days, Arabs were regarded as an alien implant in the Land of Israel, who would be just as happy anywhere else in Arab domains.

"As the Balfour Declaration was released, Chaim Weizmann, the first President of Israel and the most respected Zionist figure, remarked that the British had informed him that in Palestine 'there are a few hundred thousand Negroes, but that is a matter of no significance.'

"Weizmann had in turn informed Lord Balfour that 'the issue known as the Arab problem in Palestine will be of merely local character and, in effect, anyone cognizant of the situation does not consider it a highly significant factor.' Hence displacement of the inhabitants by Jewish settlement raises no moral issue.

"A later Israeli president, Haim Herzog, also a Labor Dove, articulated the basic guidelines in 1972: 'I do not deny the Palestinians any place or stand or opinion on every matter. But certainly I am not prepared to consider them as partners in any respect in a land that has been consecrated in the hands of our nation for thousands of years.

"For the Jews of this land there cannot be any partner.'”

Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East (2013 Edward Said Lecture)
Why, Georgie Boy, there are other forums on this USMBMessageBoard, and yet you seem loathe to post on them about what is happening to your fellow Blacks. It is like you don't care about them because you are so obsessed with the Jews and Israel, even though many of the Black Muslim captives, like those from Darfur, are being used as slaves. And many of the Black Muslim women from Darfur are living in tents in refugee camps in Chad, and they are being helped by a Jewish group from your area, Geroge Boy, while you are busy dissing the Jews, Israel and, of course, America. Naturally, Georgie Boy, given the good Dhimmi Abd he is today overlooks the fact that in the 21st century it is only the Muslims who are still into slavery. And, let's face it -- as much as Georgie Boy hates the Jews, he would never give them credit for helping the Blacks in the Civil Rights Movement? However, he doesn't mind if the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles contribute toward his subsidized apartment. By the way, let's give three cheers to the current Miss Israel who is from Ethiopia.
Since Edward Said is an Arab, he speaks out for his people (even if he isn't telling the truth many times). How about you speak out about what your people are going through at the hands of the Arabs on the forums available to you? Is it because it is more important for you to diss the Jews and Israel than to condemn what is happening to Black people? Would you show some outrage if you saw one of the Arabs eating a Black person's heart like was shown in Syria by a rebel, or if a Black person was captured by an Arab and his captors held up the man's liver like the Palestinians did of a captured Israeli soldier? What would it take for you to show some outrage regarding what is happening to Blacks in the Muslim world???
What would it take for you to remember the forum and or thread you're currently subscribed to:

"From the earliest days, Arabs were regarded as an alien implant in the Land of Israel, who would be just as happy anywhere else in Arab domains.

"As the Balfour Declaration was released, Chaim Weizmann, the first President of Israel and the most respected Zionist figure, remarked that the British had informed him that in Palestine 'there are a few hundred thousand Negroes, but that is a matter of no significance.'

"Weizmann had in turn informed Lord Balfour that 'the issue known as the Arab problem in Palestine will be of merely local character and, in effect, anyone cognizant of the situation does not consider it a highly significant factor.' Hence displacement of the inhabitants by Jewish settlement raises no moral issue.

"A later Israeli president, Haim Herzog, also a Labor Dove, articulated the basic guidelines in 1972: 'I do not deny the Palestinians any place or stand or opinion on every matter. But certainly I am not prepared to consider them as partners in any respect in a land that has been consecrated in the hands of our nation for thousands of years.

"For the Jews of this land there cannot be any partner.'”

Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East (2013 Edward Said Lecture)
Why, Georgie Boy, there are other forums on this USMBMessageBoard, and yet you seem loathe to post on them about what is happening to your fellow Blacks. It is like you don't care about them because you are so obsessed with the Jews and Israel, even though many of the Black Muslim captives, like those from Darfur, are being used as slaves. And many of the Black Muslim women from Darfur are living in tents in refugee camps in Chad, and they are being helped by a Jewish group from your area, Geroge Boy, while you are busy dissing the Jews, Israel and, of course, America. Naturally, Georgie Boy, given the good Dhimmi Abd he is today overlooks the fact that in the 21st century it is only the Muslims who are still into slavery. And, let's face it -- as much as Georgie Boy hates the Jews, he would never give them credit for helping the Blacks in the Civil Rights Movement? However, he doesn't mind if the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles contribute toward his subsidized apartment. By the way, let's give three cheers to the current Miss Israel who is from Ethiopia.
"Palestinian Arabs, West Bank: 2,676,740

Palestinian Arabs, Gaza Strip: 1,763,387

(Total Palestinians, Israeli military-administered territories: 4,440,127)

Israeli Arabs (citizens): 1,666,800

Total Arabs under Israeli sovereign administration: 6,106,927

Israeli Jews: 6,056,100"

Maybe more Jews should move back to Ethiopia?

What would it take for you to remember the forum and or thread you're currently subscribed to:

"From the earliest days, Arabs were regarded as an alien implant in the Land of Israel, who would be just as happy anywhere else in Arab domains.

"As the Balfour Declaration was released, Chaim Weizmann, the first President of Israel and the most respected Zionist figure, remarked that the British had informed him that in Palestine 'there are a few hundred thousand Negroes, but that is a matter of no significance.'

"Weizmann had in turn informed Lord Balfour that 'the issue known as the Arab problem in Palestine will be of merely local character and, in effect, anyone cognizant of the situation does not consider it a highly significant factor.' Hence displacement of the inhabitants by Jewish settlement raises no moral issue.

"A later Israeli president, Haim Herzog, also a Labor Dove, articulated the basic guidelines in 1972: 'I do not deny the Palestinians any place or stand or opinion on every matter. But certainly I am not prepared to consider them as partners in any respect in a land that has been consecrated in the hands of our nation for thousands of years.

"For the Jews of this land there cannot be any partner.'”

Violence and Dignity: Reflections on the Middle East (2013 Edward Said Lecture)
Why, Georgie Boy, there are other forums on this USMBMessageBoard, and yet you seem loathe to post on them about what is happening to your fellow Blacks. It is like you don't care about them because you are so obsessed with the Jews and Israel, even though many of the Black Muslim captives, like those from Darfur, are being used as slaves. And many of the Black Muslim women from Darfur are living in tents in refugee camps in Chad, and they are being helped by a Jewish group from your area, Geroge Boy, while you are busy dissing the Jews, Israel and, of course, America. Naturally, Georgie Boy, given the good Dhimmi Abd he is today overlooks the fact that in the 21st century it is only the Muslims who are still into slavery. And, let's face it -- as much as Georgie Boy hates the Jews, he would never give them credit for helping the Blacks in the Civil Rights Movement? However, he doesn't mind if the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles contribute toward his subsidized apartment. By the way, let's give three cheers to the current Miss Israel who is from Ethiopia.
"Palestinian Arabs, West Bank: 2,676,740

Palestinian Arabs, Gaza Strip: 1,763,387

(Total Palestinians, Israeli military-administered territories: 4,440,127)

Israeli Arabs (citizens): 1,666,800

Total Arabs under Israeli sovereign administration: 6,106,927

Israeli Jews: 6,056,100"

Maybe more Jews should move back to Ethiopia?

As the viewers can see, Georgie Boy is salivating over the fact that the Arabs might take over the entire region. What the Jews did to him in his delusional mind is anyone's guess, but he certainly doesn't really care about the Arabs. He is using them in his fight against the Jews. Say, Georgie Boy, I heard the Orthodox Jews have a higher birthrate than the Arabs do in Israel proper. Perhaps you better take up a collection and hop over there and tell the Arabs to have more babies. By the way, Israel just took in many Jews from India -- the Bnai Menashe, and the Ethiopian Jews certainly don't want to go back to Ethiopia. Do you want to go back to Africa from where your roots are, Georgie Boy?
Of course. they always neglect to mention how The kingdom of Davis and Solomon came to be and how it ended; they stole it from the Philistines in battle. David, known as the brave killer of giants, also had bad habits such as murdering men so he could marry their wife and enslaving his own people. David's kids were little better as one was a rapist and another, Solomon, taxed the merry crap out of his subjects until they were so pissed off, the 10 northern tribes kicked his son out of the palace andcreated their own kingdom. The famous kingdom of David the Zionists are trying to claim as their promised land was a place for murder, rape, and generally destroying lives. Oh, hang on, they've recreated it perfectly.
Drivel drama.
So tell me where I'm wrong. These are historical facts; not the glossy, sugar coated version the Zionists love so much. Land stolen in battle by a man who arranges murder and has rapist, slave owner sons who are so unpopular, the Jews of the time rebel and toss them out of power.
As determined in "Violations Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights And Of Relevant Paragraphs Of Geneva Conventions Protocols By King David" verdict, struck down by a three-judge panel of the Sudanese Judges on Human Rights appointed by the Organisation of Islamic Conference relative to protection and preservation of rights of religious minorities, of course.
"From the earliest days, Arabs were regarded as an alien implant in the Land of Israel, who would be just as happy anywhere else in Arab domains.
Indeed, but the smell was in the air and immigrants has been following ther noses. Entire algerian tribes settled Galilee after the french arrived in Algeria in 1830. That area became an attraction for immigrants from Syria, arabs and kurds. The ottomans let circassian refugees in from the Caucacus, running away from the the russian advance south. Turkomen tribes from Iraq settled the Carmel area with the turk permission. Yemeni arabs settled Jaffa in 1908. Etc..
"So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied till their population has increased more than even all world Jewry could lift up the Jewish population." Winnie Churchill.

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