Chuck Norris is insane

Uhm, right now. You and your party are saying they want to overthrow the entire fucking government.

Who said that? Other than you I mean. What was in the article was a question. Will our leaders begin to listen or will things spin so out of control that a revolution is called for.

This is a very Jeffersonian question. Recall Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."

Just the last paragraph of the article:

Again, Sam Houston put it well when he gave the marching orders, "We view ourselves on the eve of battle. We are nerved for the contest, and must conquer or perish. It is vain to look for present aid: None is at hand. We must now act or abandon all hope! Rally to the standard, and be no longer the scoff of mercenary tongues! Be men, be free men, that your children may bless their father's name."

I may run for president of Texas

He sounds like he is organizing a Wako type thing. I don't think he is in his right mind but others have been known to listen to nutcases like him before. And they always get little kids involved...

ROFL Now for those of you that have wondered why I respond to leftists as though they are females?? That is a fairly strong example of what you idiots sound like ^-^

Now to simply this for you intellectuals...

Yeah homes... dat Sam Houston and my boei JEFFERSON... dem boies wuh Craaaiizaiah... just like dey crazy ass boeiizzzz wit all dat white ass wig shit... Ain't no WAY we goin be gettin up in dey ass... them muh#@#*ers will pop yo ass for a whole lot less den DAT!...' and beside homes, whuddahbout my baby bruh... he be bedda off living in tyranny waitin' on his check den dying cause sum white boei git all pissed dat he aint free."

(Don't no one tellim 'aint free' dun meant slavery...' cuh, he be all up in dey shit iffin' he find dat shit out...')
Ravi, I didn't see anything about the election. Where were you looking?
I was reading his post on World Net Daily. Revolutions happen in democracies when elections aren't valid, or when the government acts in an unconstitutional manner...and as far as I can tell we haven't had either of those happenings.

You don't think it's unconstitutional to put our grandchildren in debt to bail out private companies so their CEO's can make $millions in bonuses?
No. And that isn't the reason we are doing it.
the felons list alone in Florida changed the outcome of the election.

To pretend their was no reason to question the 2000 election is just bullshit.

To try to pretend that the election was fixed in BUSH'S favor is bullshit. To try to pretend that Gore's Unconstitutional and illegal hissy fit was merely "questioning the election" is just offensively dishonest.

And to then accuse REPUBLICANS of having trouble accepting legal election results is hypocrisy. So if the shoe fits, wear it.

Florida Central Voter File - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the facts are in the record.

its wasnt the ONLY illegal thing doen by the Rs during the election but it in itself was enough to disenfranchise thousands of legal voters.

Its fact and court documents prove it.
But proposition 8 is okay to protest and vow to change.:eusa_hand:

you don't understand the difference? the Court exists to overturn unconstitutional laws. Nothing in the election process was unconstitutional or illegal.

As usual, the right wingnuts are sore losers and have been throwing tantrums since the people rejected Sawah Bawwacuda.
read the context, if this is a true story, he is talking about this only if the government turns this country into a totalitarian state....

yeah, how wacko for someone to fight against that

I read the original article by Chuck and he says its gotten to that point and its time for the revolution!
read the context, if this is a true story, he is talking about this only if the government turns this country into a totalitarian state....

yeah, how wacko for someone to fight against that

I read the original article by Chuck and he says its gotten to that point and its time for the revolution!


That need may be a reality sooner than we think. If not me, someone someday may again be running for president of the Lone Star state, if the state of the union continues to turn into the enemy of the state.


How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to record a second American Revolution?

nice try, he clearly says that time is not here yet
Norris is a generally well-meaning guy. If he is going to back something in public, given who he is in the public eye, what else would you expect him to say?

That said, he does not strike me as one who enjoys being out of the spotlight. In that respect he is part of an army of Hollywood types with the same problem.

If there is going to be any kind of uprising, it will happen with or without him. Talk of this has been building long before The Prophet. Political ideology has had little to do with it. It is a conflict of values that has been building for years compounded by an economic crisis that Washington was clearly a big part of.
But proposition 8 is okay to protest and vow to change.:eusa_hand:

you don't understand the difference? the Court exists to overturn unconstitutional laws. Nothing in the election process was unconstitutional or illegal.

As usual, the right wingnuts are sore losers and have been throwing tantrums since the people rejected Sawah Bawwacuda.

You can believe that if it keeps you warm at night, but you are just plain wrong.
Uhm, right now. You and your party are saying they want to overthrow the entire fucking government.

Who said that? Other than you I mean. What was in the article was a question. Will our leaders begin to listen or will things spin so out of control that a revolution is called for.

This is a very Jeffersonian question. Recall Jefferson said "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."

Just the last paragraph of the article:

Again, Sam Houston put it well when he gave the marching orders, "We view ourselves on the eve of battle. We are nerved for the contest, and must conquer or perish. It is vain to look for present aid: None is at hand. We must now act or abandon all hope! Rally to the standard, and be no longer the scoff of mercenary tongues! Be men, be free men, that your children may bless their father's name."

I may run for president of Texas

He sounds like he is organizing a Wako type thing. I don't think he is in his right mind but others have been known to listen to nutcases like him before. And they always get little kids involved...

I'm surprised they let patients in your ward to get on the computer.

"We view ourselves on the eve of battle...." Clearly, from the foregoing text of his blog, he is quoting Sam Houston metaphorically. While he also makes clear, that should it come to it, he would not be metaphorical in the least.

What I can't understand in the least is how you can compare someone who has based his opposition to the actions of the current government firmly in our founding documents, held precious to this country as securing for posterity our liberty and saying it sounds like he is the same kind of guy as a cultist leader of a separatist religious sect. :cuckoo:

Exactly what kind of meds do you take to make such a loony connection?
But proposition 8 is okay to protest and vow to change.:eusa_hand:

you don't understand the difference? the Court exists to overturn unconstitutional laws. Nothing in the election process was unconstitutional or illegal.

As usual, the right wingnuts are sore losers and have been throwing tantrums since the people rejected Sawah Bawwacuda.

You can believe that if it keeps you warm at night, but you are just plain wrong.

From what I've heard, describing her as plain wrong is a compliment.
We ALL long for a world where all the bad guys wear black hats and all the good guys are cops.

Sadly, and I don't how to break this to you guys who admire Chuck, that's not the world we live in and even if Chuch Norris were made KING, that's not the world he could make our of what we've got either.

Human nature folks.

It has an ugly side, too.

It is sad. Doesnt mean Chuck doesn't have a right to speak out against it.

Besides, I wouldnt want his roundhouse to my chest.
you don't understand the difference? the Court exists to overturn unconstitutional laws. Nothing in the election process was unconstitutional or illegal.

As usual, the right wingnuts are sore losers and have been throwing tantrums since the people rejected Sawah Bawwacuda.

You can believe that if it keeps you warm at night, but you are just plain wrong.

From what I've heard, describing her as plain wrong is a compliment.

LOL....what can I say, I've developed a soft spot for Jillian.:disbelief:
I don't really get this one. If true, why would you be concerning yourself with should be trying to live a Godly life.

2. I believe in God and He is the Center of my Life.

How can you live a godly life and ignore whats going on in the world?
I can call you guys party the emo party but that does not make it true.

The Democratic party has control right now and the socialists party has next to no control of anything.

::stands on one foot:: I'm a Democrat! ::takes one step to the side:: Now I'm a socialist! ::steps back on the other foot:: Now I'm a Democrat again!

And that's about all the difference there is.

And I thought Clark Kent had a bad disguise...
Talk of revolution started in the 70's. As the income gap increased, so did talk of revolution. We've about hit our breaking point.

My only question is which will come first, the revolution, or the civil war?

I always assumed it would be one and the same.

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