Chuck Schumer: "Illegal Immigration Will Be A Thing Of The Past"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

After the U.S. Senate voted to pass the motion to proceed to floor debate on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) claimed that this bill would solve illegal immigration and secure the border.

“Illegal immigration will be a thing of the past,” Schumer said on the Senate floor, celebrating the passage of the motion to proceed.
Schumer complained in an impassioned and lengthy speech on the Senate floor that opponents saying the bill does not have border security “is not fair.” Schumer said giving billions of dollars to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will lead to increased border security, even if illegal immigrants are given amnesty first. He promised that assurances of future border security measures would be maintained.
Nonetheless, Schumer admitted the bill “is not perfect.” He pleaded with other senators, “If you have a better idea" on how to secure the border "tell us." Though Sens. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Rand Paul (R-KY) have offered outlines of amendments that would improve the border security provisions in the bill, Schumer did not say he would support them.
Schumer said the Gang of Eight would not compromise by conditioning the path to citizenship on “factors that may not ever happen” like border security. He complained that border security should not be used as a “bargaining chip.”
And while Schumer claims the bill fixes enforcement issues, he also dismissed border security as not a pressing concern.
“We don't have a problem whereby these people [illegal immigrants] are besieging us with terrorist acts,” Schumer said.

The left considers illegals simply to be undocumented Democrats. No wonder they hope for the day that illegal immigration will become a thing of the past.
Apparently so will fair elections.

So, I figure the left doesn't want to worry about convincing Americans but they want to sell their ideas on newcomers and illegals. This is how they took California and also how they destroyed the California economy.

I guess the ends justify the means.

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Chuck Schumer: "Illegal Immigration Will Be A Thing Of The Past"
and if you eliminate speed limits, speeders will also be a thing of the past.
Same reasoning.
Let's get real.

The only reason why we have an "illegal" problem isthat rich people hire them instead of Americans because they will work for dirt cheap wages.

A Fence is a feel good measure.

[ame=]Penn & Teller BS: Immigration pt 3/3 - YouTube[/ame]

Penn and Teller did a bit where they took six illegals and had them build a section of fence to the same specs as the one the anti-immigration types want to build. It took them 8 hours to build a 20 foot section.

They then broke the six illegals up into three teams. One had to go OVER the fence, one UNDER the fence and one THROUGH the fence. All three teams were through the fence in less than three minutes.
Let's get real.

The only reason why we have an "illegal" problem isthat rich people hire them instead of Americans because they will work for dirt cheap wages.

A Fence is a feel good measure.

Penn & Teller BS: Immigration pt 3/3 - YouTube

Penn and Teller did a bit where they took six illegals and had them build a section of fence to the same specs as the one the anti-immigration types want to build. It took them 8 hours to build a 20 foot section.

They then broke the six illegals up into three teams. One had to go OVER the fence, one UNDER the fence and one THROUGH the fence. All three teams were through the fence in less than three minutes.

If you started putting some of those rich people in jail that would change things a bit.

Also, if you stopped giving speeches here and in their countries encouraging them to come here and saying that we deserve to have our wealth taken from us I think that would reverse the trend as well.

Unfortunately Democrats like what happens to states that are flooded with undocumented workers. It serves two purposes. It changes the demographics of the state politically and it causes more of the citizens to apply for entitlements because with all of the new workers willing to work for peanuts it drives wages down and consequentially increases poverty.

If you started putting some of those rich people in jail that would change things a bit.

yeah, but that ain't ever going to happen. This is where you RUBES get fooled. They get you all upset these folks are coming over, when they are the ones hiring them. because you're a RUBE!

Also, if you stopped giving speeches here and in their countries encouraging them to come here and saying that we deserve to have our wealth taken from us I think that would reverse the trend as well.

yeah, I'm sure these folks were hanging on Obama's every word coming to the same crazy interpretation you did.

Unfortunately Democrats like what happens to states that are flooded with undocumented workers. It serves two purposes. It changes the demographics of the state politically and it causes more of the citizens to apply for entitlements because with all of the new workers willing to work for peanuts it drives wages down and consequentially increases poverty.

It would seem to me that the ones who drive down wages are Republicans. Frankly, I've never had a Democratic boss trying to use the recession to cheat me on wages or put me in a dead-end job destined to phase out after I ran up a bunch of medical bills. That's all Republicans, baby.

My ex-boss. The asshole. He knowingly hired illegals to work in the Warehouse. As long as the day labor company handled them, he didn't care where they came from.

If you started putting some of those rich people in jail that would change things a bit.

yeah, but that ain't ever going to happen. This is where you RUBES get fooled. They get you all upset these folks are coming over, when they are the ones hiring them. because you're a RUBE!

Also, if you stopped giving speeches here and in their countries encouraging them to come here and saying that we deserve to have our wealth taken from us I think that would reverse the trend as well.

yeah, I'm sure these folks were hanging on Obama's every word coming to the same crazy interpretation you did.

Unfortunately Democrats like what happens to states that are flooded with undocumented workers. It serves two purposes. It changes the demographics of the state politically and it causes more of the citizens to apply for entitlements because with all of the new workers willing to work for peanuts it drives wages down and consequentially increases poverty.

It would seem to me that the ones who drive down wages are Republicans. Frankly, I've never had a Democratic boss trying to use the recession to cheat me on wages or put me in a dead-end job destined to phase out after I ran up a bunch of medical bills. That's all Republicans, baby.

My ex-boss. The asshole. He knowingly hired illegals to work in the Warehouse. As long as the day labor company handled them, he didn't care where they came from.

There is no such thing as a Democratic boss. Maybe a boss who is a Democrat. Businesses fail if they become a Democracy. The employees simply vote not to have to work and get paid anyway, sort of like unions. Oh, and you don't seem to know the difference between an official party platform and a private business trying to stay afloat. As the minimum-wage goes up the more they feel they have to cheat to make a profit. California has been decimated by liberal policies. They encourage illegals to enter the country for the free benefits, meanwhile the residents suffer. Do Democrats care? Heck no. A broke voter is a dependent voter.
And illegals don't hang on every word from Democrats, especially Obama, but they do know when someone is offering a get out of jail free card to them. Never put it past even the most illiterate foreign national to recognize stupidity and to take advantage of that stupidity.
We have illegal immigration because we have borders and laws. Eliminate the border, strike off the laws and there will be no such thing as illegal immigration.
Chuck Schumer: "Illegal Immigration Will Be A Thing Of The Past

Yeah....right along with the rule of law.
We have illegal immigration because we have borders and laws. Eliminate the border, strike off the laws and there will be no such thing as illegal immigration.

I have a better idea.

Why don't we enforce the laws we have and make this country less friendly to illegals. Remove the magnets and they won't come. Their own laws would make the US the last place they'd want to move to.

This issue was invented by politicians on both sides. They are the source of the problem. Fuckers like Obama and Schumer who don't believe in borders. They would build a moat filled with acid if every Mexican voted GOP, but they primarily vote Democrap because they promise the goodies.
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There is no such thing as a Democratic boss. Maybe a boss who is a Democrat. Businesses fail if they become a Democracy. The employees simply vote not to have to work and get paid anyway, sort of like unions. Oh, and you don't seem to know the difference between an official party platform and a private business trying to stay afloat. As the minimum-wage goes up the more they feel they have to cheat to make a profit. California has been decimated by liberal policies. They encourage illegals to enter the country for the free benefits, meanwhile the residents suffer. Do Democrats care? Heck no. A broke voter is a dependent voter.

I've been in enough companies that have crashed and burned to get pretty tired of them lecturing me about how they know best.

It's usually "What kind of ass-pounding stupidity are they going to impose this week."

Accusing Minimum wage or OSHA for illegals is like blaming short dresses for rape.
Probably the only time Chucky Schumer ever used the word "illegal" in relation to the hoard of criminals swarming across the southern border. The concept is simple, if we legalize a crime we can no longer call it illegal.

If you started putting some of those rich people in jail that would change things a bit.

yeah, but that ain't ever going to happen. This is where you RUBES get fooled. They get you all upset these folks are coming over, when they are the ones hiring them. because you're a RUBE!

Also, if you stopped giving speeches here and in their countries encouraging them to come here and saying that we deserve to have our wealth taken from us I think that would reverse the trend as well.

yeah, I'm sure these folks were hanging on Obama's every word coming to the same crazy interpretation you did.

Unfortunately Democrats like what happens to states that are flooded with undocumented workers. It serves two purposes. It changes the demographics of the state politically and it causes more of the citizens to apply for entitlements because with all of the new workers willing to work for peanuts it drives wages down and consequentially increases poverty.

It would seem to me that the ones who drive down wages are Republicans. Frankly, I've never had a Democratic boss trying to use the recession to cheat me on wages or put me in a dead-end job destined to phase out after I ran up a bunch of medical bills. That's all Republicans, baby.

My ex-boss. The asshole. He knowingly hired illegals to work in the Warehouse. As long as the day labor company handled them, he didn't care where they came from.

Joe....there are countless DEMOCRAT bosses out here who hire Illegals......and it puts many LEGAL Citizens out of work....Cal has a 9.6 % Unemployment rate for a reason....

Joe....there are countless DEMOCRAT bosses out here who hire Illegals......and it puts many LEGAL Citizens out of work....Cal has a 9.6 % Unemployment rate for a reason....

Probably a lot of reasons.

I still submit the prime reason for illegal immigration is the unwillingness of those with wealth to pay a fair wage unless forced to.

but you were just blaming Republican rich guys.....and that is being kinda dishonest.....i submit that rich people no matter what their politics all have one thing in common....MONEY....and they care more about that than any of us peasants....

Joe....there are countless DEMOCRAT bosses out here who hire Illegals......and it puts many LEGAL Citizens out of work....Cal has a 9.6 % Unemployment rate for a reason....

Probably a lot of reasons.

I still submit the prime reason for illegal immigration is the unwillingness of those with wealth to pay a fair wage unless forced to.

but you were just blaming Republican rich guys.....and that is being kinda dishonest.....i submit that rich people no matter what their politics all have one thing in common....MONEY....and they care more about that than any of us peasants....

I blame Republicans because they support the policies that screw working folks, like "right to work", "Free Trade" and "At Will Employment".

Wasn't always this way. The GOP used to be for working folks under Ike, Nixon and I would dare say even Reagan.

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