Chuck Todd Reports New NBC Poll Finds 74% of Americans Say Country is on Wrong Track, “Americans Are Angry, Disappointed And Worried” (Video)

I don't know that is true. They have been very successful at bringing the subject to the attention of Americans and the world.
It's a magic trick. You get people to watch one hand so they can't see what's going on with the other hand. Yes, they have brought attention but in doing so things have been worse. They share a huge part of the blame for increased violence in big cities by screaming for defunding and most of this higher crime affects who to a greater proportion? Blacks. Meanwhile, some of them have used donations to buy million dollar homes which are probably not in defunded areas.
Zero for two. Never said either.

You're one of the weakest Trumpsters here, and that's SAYING something.

If Trumpsters appear weak than what does that say about Joe
Biden supporters.Howz about during his 2020 Presidential
Campaign.Where instead the massive overflow crowds jam-packed
into whatever venue often waiting in the rain or camping out overnight.
Compared to the few Biden attempts at a rally.
Like small parkings lots filled with a few dozen cars honking out
approval in their cars.Talk about a Twilight Zone episode.
That We the People have been forced to undergo when shown
on TV.
I don't know that is true. They have been very successful at bringing the subject to the attention of Americans and the world.
One of the most alarming movements in American history.
The massive choreographed { in league with Democrats and the MSM }
attempt to force a narrative on the nation for Political advantage.
That Black Lives Don't Matter ... Unless everyone plays along and
Demonizes Cops and those who support cops { Conservatives ]
All the while Ignoring that Blacks are Killing other blacks.
Black females having 5 times the number of Abortions than White
Females.Kermit Gosnell's Philly Abortion clinic was a House of
Horrors.The Left refused to cover Gosnell.
Blacks commit around 52 % of all Homicides in the U.S.
the last 10 years.{ FBI reports }
The hiearchy at BLM profitted with their False Narrative.
Enriching themself with new homes.George Floyd had a rap
sheet.Was arrested 9 times.Sent to Prison for 5 years { 2009 } for
Aggravated Robbery with a deadly weapon.His partner in that
caper pistol-whipped the Female that was being robbed.
It's a magic trick. You get people to watch one hand so they can't see what's going on with the other hand.
I see it as an honest, grassroots reaction to Blacks killed by cops and not some organize conspiracy.

Yes, they have brought attention but in doing so things have been worse. They share a huge part of the blame for increased violence in big cities by screaming for defunding and most of this higher crime affects who to a greater proportion? Blacks.
Don't you think they know who are the victims of crime in their neighborhoods? All the more reason to listen to their complaints about cops. Ironically, it is now the Right that is calling for defunding the cops (FBI).

Meanwhile, some of them have used donations to buy million dollar homes which are probably not in defunded areas.
Blacks are no different than any other group, where there is money there will be corruption.
One of the most alarming movements in American history.
The massive choreographed { in league with Democrats and the MSM }
attempt to force a narrative on the nation for Political advantage.
That Black Lives Don't Matter ... Unless everyone plays along and
Demonizes Cops and those who support cops { Conservatives ]
All the while Ignoring that Blacks are Killing other blacks.
Black females having 5 times the number of Abortions than White
Females.Kermit Gosnell's Philly Abortion clinic was a House of
Horrors.The Left refused to cover Gosnell.
Blacks commit around 52 % of all Homicides in the U.S.
the last 10 years.{ FBI reports }
The hiearchy at BLM profitted with their False Narrative.
Enriching themself with new homes.George Floyd had a rap
sheet.Was arrested 9 times.Sent to Prison for 5 years { 2009 } for
Aggravated Robbery with a deadly weapon.His partner in that
caper pistol-whipped the Female that was being robbed.
I'm not sure why you dropped abortion in but you're only telling one side of the story. Your massively choreographed conspiracy seems like a off the wall, it seems to be a grassroots movement to me. It is not just some on the Left that demonize cops, some on the Right have called for defunding (Federal) cops too.

I think anyone looking at our history would agree that Blacks have been the victims of police overzealousness shall we say. Ask any Black person about Driving While Black. The last Black man I saw who attested to this is a GOP senator. With that history is it so hard to understand the anger and fear in the Black community?
I see it as an honest, grassroots reaction to Blacks killed by cops and not some organize conspiracy.

Don't you think they know who are the victims of crime in their neighborhoods? All the more reason to listen to their complaints about cops. Ironically, it is now the Right that is calling for defunding the cops (FBI).

Blacks are no different than any other group, where there is money there will be corruption.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, it isn't cops committing the crimes that are from the increased crime rates. Leftist policies, spurred on by the BLM movement have increased crime rates in big cities everywhere. These increased crime rates hit the black community harder than the white community. So, no matter how much "attention" BLM is bringing to their cause, crime rates have soared, hurting blacks much more than whites. Blacks are more worse off now than before.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, it isn't cops committing the crimes that are from the increased crime rates. Leftist policies, spurred on by the BLM movement have increased crime rates in big cities everywhere. These increased crime rates hit the black community harder than the white community. So, no matter how much "attention" BLM is bringing to their cause, crime rates have soared, hurting blacks much more than whites. Blacks are more worse off now than before.
It is hard to be an independent thinker and to be so ignorant at the same time. In NYC the crime rate is less today than it was in 2000. I didn't check other cities but I'm pretty sure they are similar so nothing you wrote is valid.
So democrats are shocked US citizens who are now paying double food and energy costs aren’t all that excited about an army of 87000 IRS agents crawling up their financial asses or electric vehicle incentives of 7500 bucks, of which is now useless because the cost of those cars just suddenly jumped by… get this, 7500 bucks.

Well there’s a fucking shocker of a story.
That is exactly what happened when the government started making student loans so available and attractive. Since the loans were so easy, schools started increasing the tuition. Democrats are blind to cause and effect.
Democrats and even republicans agree, the Roe vs Wade reversal shows the country is moving backward, according to polls. Not surprised by this new poll.
You don't need to keep showing us your ignorance on the issue. Or do you have some actual data to base your opinions on?
Seriously? Have you been hiding under a rock? Here's just two:

I see it as an honest, grassroots reaction to Blacks killed by cops and not some organize conspiracy.

Don't you think they know who are the victims of crime in their neighborhoods? All the more reason to listen to their complaints about cops. Ironically, it is now the Right that is calling for defunding the cops (FBI).

Blacks are no different than any other group, where there is money there will be corruption.
Oh please. Crime is up A LOT in just about every city in the country, so much so that it even makes the biased lefty news.
Crime rates have varied over time, with a sharp rise after 1900 and reaching a broad bulging peak between the 1970s and early 1990s. After 1992, crime rates began to fall year by year and has since declined significantly. This trend lasted until 2015, where crime rates began to rise slightly.

Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to correlate Biden's policies with crime.

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