‘Democrats Are in Some Serious Trouble’ – New NBC Poll: 75% of Americans Say Country is on Wrong Track Under Joe Biden

Really?, then why were states literally fighting over ventilators? I thought your Savior initiated a "record pace"....sure.. for a snail. :)

Every single death from COVID is laid at the doorstep of your Lord and Savior, Donald John Trump. Because you cucks thought he was
going to give your America back to you....when the only thing he actually cared about...was himself. :) I know. Must be a bitter bowl of ashes to swallow.
Tell all of us how Trump is responsible for every single death from Covid around the world.

Hey Clown, you have ZERO credibility on this board.

Well, you're right. With all the audits and recounts, he actually got MORE than 81 million votes.. 7 million more than his opponent received
Your President until 1/20/2025. And there is NOTHING you can do about it. :)
I don't know where you get the idea nothing can be done about a President in cognitive decline. There are some options.
Tell all of us how Trump is responsible for every single death from Covid around the world.

Hey Clown, you have ZERO credibility on this board.

Failed to respond. Didn't care.
Sorry Smushy Face Joe...your savior..is responsible.
I don't know where you get the idea nothing can be done about a President in cognitive decline. There are some options.
Nothing can be done..by you or anyone you align with. Joe Biden is your President until 1/20/2025.

So you can’t tell all of us how Trump is responsible for Covid deaths around the world?
He failed to respond in a timely fashion to COVID.
C'mon Smushy Face. Tell the board how he DIDN'T hold pep rallies shadowing
the Democratic primaries.

Regale us. "It was just one person coming from China. We have it under control".
He failed to respond in a timely fashion to COVID.
C'mon Smushy Face. Tell the board how he DIDN'T hold pep rallies shadowing
the Democratic primaries.

Regale us. "It was just one person coming from China. We have it under control".
So you can’t tell all of us how Trump is responsible for Covid deaths around the world?
Nothing can be done..by you or anyone you align with. Joe Biden is your President until 1/20/2025.

Wrong. He could resign because of ill health. He could be forced to resign by the 25th Amendment. He could have a stroke. Some nut could blow his head off, etc.
Really?, then why were states literally fighting over ventilators? I thought your Savior initiated a "record pace"....sure.. for a snail. :)

Every single death from COVID is laid at the doorstep of your Lord and Savior, Donald John Trump. Because you cucks thought he was
going to give your America back to you....when the only thing he actually cared about...was himself. :) I know. Must be a bitter bowl of ashes to swallow.
You are an idiot. We are paying the price for all the shutdowns now. I'm glad I live in Florida, my governor actually apologized for shutting the state for a month.

If This Is True, Democrats Are in Real Trouble for Years to Come

10 Sep 2022 ~~ By Natt Margolis

According to the latest Rasmussen Poll, Republicans maintain a lead in the Generic Congressional Ballot — but that might not be the Democrats’ worst problem. The Democrats’ advantage over Republicans among black voters in the Generic Ballot is only 24%.
According to the poll, 50% of white voters, 31% of black voters, and 42% of voters from other minorities would vote Republican in November, while 55% of black voters, 38% of white voters, and 43% of other minorities said they would vote Democrat. That’s a gap Democrats can’t be comfortable with.
For years, minority voters, particularly black voters, have so consistently voted Democrat that to see numbers like this must scare Democrats down to their core — as it should. The minority shift towards the GOP won’t be unique to this campaign cycle, either, and assuming the GOP continues to make inroads with minority voters, the Democrats’ power in Washington will dwindle.

For years, minority voters, particularly black voters, have so consistently voted Democrat that to see numbers like this must scare Democrats down to their core — as it should. The minority shift towards the GOP won’t be unique to this campaign cycle, either, and assuming the GOP continues to make inroads with minority voters, the Democrats’ power in Washington will dwindle.

This is why Joey Xi and his Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are going full out dictatorship Banana Republic with political prisoners and fixed election and FBI/DoJ Stasi Gestapo.
They will use the surveillance state and take complete control with a digital currency. It is not what is coming. It is already here. Economic, food, and supply chain destruction are tools already being implemented.
In what direction should we head after a protracted pandemic that the last administration failed to respond to in a timely fashion, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands and upending our economy?

More bullshit excuses from the worthless lying INCOMPETENT left.

This question is useless (and has been for almost four decades) when conducting a poll. Of course if things are bad, the person(s) sitting in the big chair is gonna get the blame. But the reasons are more nuanced.

No, they're not. They're entirely straightforward.

The problem is the average American voter has the attention span of a dung beetle and the learning capacity of a Cocker Spaniel puppy. :)

That's not the problem, Skippy.

Righties are highly focused on your sorry ass at the moment.

Asking me if the country is or is not headed in the wrong direction is like asking me if I have a boating accident in the middle of the ocean, would I like to drown, or be killed in a fuel explosion and fire? :auiqs.jpg:
That's cause you're a retarded leftie who thinks the best country in the world needs to be fundamentally transformed.

Hey - if this is the transformation you've been talking about, we will

A. Stop it dead in its tracks
B. Get rid of the people pushing it, and
C. Make sure the Stalinists end up in jail
For years, minority voters, particularly black voters, have so consistently voted Democrat that to see numbers like this must scare Democrats down to their core — as it should.
This doesn't scare Dems one iota. Here's how it works, CRAM THROUGH the liberal agenda, spending and tax increases. Lock it in. Get clobbered in the next election for it. Then LIE and RIG and CHEAT your way back into power and do the whole thing over again.
This doesn't scare Dems one iota. Here's how it works, CRAM THROUGH the liberal agenda, spending and tax increases. Lock it in. Get clobbered in the next election for it. Then LIE and RIG and CHEAT your way back into power and do the whole thing over again.
That's why lefties are getting heat on the ground now.

They're getting heat when they try to push their bullshit in public.

They're getting heat at the dinner table. They're getting heat when they're standing in line at the grocery store They're getting heat when they dare to open their retarded mouths at the local watering hole.
Really?, then why were states literally fighting over ventilators? I thought your Savior initiated a "record pace"....sure.. for a snail. :)

Every single death from COVID is laid at the doorstep of your Lord and Savior, Donald John Trump. Because you cucks thought he was
going to give your America back to you....when the only thing he actually cared about...was himself. :) I know. Must be a bitter bowl of ashes to swallow.
In reality, the numbers are much higher than being said.

Who wouldn't be pissed at massive inflation, millions of Illegals flooding across the border, high price of gas at the pump. decreased family income and all the other Leftest destruction we see coming out of the Potatohead administration?

Only a stupid uneducated Moon Bat would support this administration.
In what direction should we head after a protracted pandemic that the last administration failed to respond to in a timely fashion, resulting in the death of hundreds of thousands and upending our economy?
This question is useless (and has been for almost four decades) when conducting a poll. Of course if things are bad, the person(s) sitting in the big chair is gonna get the blame. But the reasons are more nuanced.
The problem is the average American voter has the attention span of a dung beetle and the learning capacity of a Cocker Spaniel puppy. :)

Asking me if the country is or is not headed in the wrong direction is like asking me if I have a boating accident in the middle of the ocean, would I like to drown, or be killed in a fuel explosion and fire? :auiqs.jpg:

You are confused Moon Bat.

First of all it was Potatohead's Chicom buddies that unleashed the bio weapon. The same guys that made the Biden family rich.

Trump did an excellent job managing the effects of China's bio weapon from a Federal level. The Democrat shitheads called him a racist for doing it because he quickly shut down foreign travel. He then mobilized Federal emergency response to high infected areas. He mobilized American industry to produce needed medical supplies like masks and ventilators. He got the pharmaceutical companies to produce a vaccine quickly without Federal bureaucracy.

He did that without using the Federal government to shut down the economy like the Democrat filth wanted him to do.

The Democrats stole the 2020 election by using the pandemic as a cover to scam fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots, counted by Democrats in Democrat controlled swing districts. When Trump left office he turned over a post pandemic recovering economy, complete with a vaccine, to this Potatohead clown. The idiot that the Chinese that created the virus and made rich wanted to be President.

Obama said to never underestimate the ability of Potatohead to fuck everything up and we certainly saw that didn't we? Not only were there more COVID related deaths but the sonofabitch managed to screw up the economy with massive inflation, a recession and destroy energy independence costing enormous price of gas at the pump. That stupidity was on top of decreasing family income and allowing millions of goddamn Illegals flood into our country.

No wonder 75% of Americans think he fucked things up. Only stupid uneducated Moon Bats still support this idiot.

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