Chuck Todd Reports New NBC Poll Finds 74% of Americans Say Country is on Wrong Track, “Americans Are Angry, Disappointed And Worried” (Video)

You don't need to keep showing us your ignorance on the issue. Or do you have some actual data to base your opinions on?
You're being facetious, right? I sure hope you are otherwise you just look foolish!
You don't need to keep showing us your ignorance on the issue. Or do you have some actual data to base your opinions on?
Since you asked so nicely for data on the radical increase in crime sweeping our country.

Published January 18, 2022 4:32pm EST

US murder rate highest it's been in 25 years as big cities shatter records

2021 ended with several cities – Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis, to name a few – reporting upticks in murders

Crime rates have varied over time, with a sharp rise after 1900 and reaching a broad bulging peak between the 1970s and early 1990s. After 1992, crime rates began to fall year by year and has since declined significantly. This trend lasted until 2015, where crime rates began to rise slightly.

Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to correlate Biden's policies with crime.
Well, I never really said it was Biden's policies. But, before Biden even took office, leftist policies, pretty much all local ones, have led to much higher crime rates. Hell, even in very liberal SF they booted out their DA because his leftist progressive policies led to higher crime. And, in the George Floyd district they defunded the police so badly that crime rose significantly. And in AOC's own district crime rose significantly due to progressive policies.

But home in on the four neighborhoods surrounding George Floyd Square, the name given to the corner where Mr. Floyd died, and the story is far bleaker and deadlier. In those areas — Powderhorn Park, Central, Bryant and Bancroft — violent crime shot up by 66 percent last year, according to statistics from the Police Department. And this year, so far, little has changed. The area has become something of an autonomous zone, with barriers and signs calling it “the free state of George Floyd.” The police have stayed away for almost a year to avoid inflaming tensions.

Seriously? Have you been hiding under a rock? Here's just two:

Like the old saying goes, figures don't lie but liars figure.

The NYC numbers only go back to 2020 so it is impossible to see a real trend. The link I provided shows the NYC crime rate is less today than it was in 2000.

The San Fran numbers are also cherry-picked to show a bias:
SAN FRANCISCO – June 2, 2022 – A publication released today by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice compares crime trends during Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert’s conservative prosecutorial term in office with those of San Francisco’s progressive prosecutors (George Gascon and Chesa Boudin) over a key period in California’s criminal justice reform era (2014-2021). DA Schubert has positioned herself as the state’s leading “tough-on-crime” candidate as she criticizes San Francisco’s progressive DA, Chesa Boudin, and seeks to unseat California’s reform-minded Attorney General, Rob Bonta. Yet DA Schubert’s rhetoric and policies have not delivered lower crime or falling crime rates. In fact, San Francisco has sustained larger crime declines overall and achieved lower rates of violent crime than the City of Sacramento since 2014.​
Violent crime rates have risen an average of 9% in Sacramento while falling an average of 29% in San Francisco from 2014-2021, a period that spans the tenures of DA Schubert and San Francisco's progressive DA’s.
Like the old saying goes, figures don't lie but liars figure.

The NYC numbers only go back to 2020 so it is impossible to see a real trend. The link I provided shows the NYC crime rate is less today than it was in 2000.

The San Fran numbers are also cherry-picked to show a bias:
SAN FRANCISCO – June 2, 2022 – A publication released today by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice compares crime trends during Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert’s conservative prosecutorial term in office with those of San Francisco’s progressive prosecutors (George Gascon and Chesa Boudin) over a key period in California’s criminal justice reform era (2014-2021). DA Schubert has positioned herself as the state’s leading “tough-on-crime” candidate as she criticizes San Francisco’s progressive DA, Chesa Boudin, and seeks to unseat California’s reform-minded Attorney General, Rob Bonta. Yet DA Schubert’s rhetoric and policies have not delivered lower crime or falling crime rates. In fact, San Francisco has sustained larger crime declines overall and achieved lower rates of violent crime than the City of Sacramento since 2014.​
Violent crime rates have risen an average of 9% in Sacramento while falling an average of 29% in San Francisco from 2014-2021, a period that spans the tenures of DA Schubert and San Francisco's progressive DA’s.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, speaking of cherry picking ..............................................................
Since you asked so nicely for data on the radical increase in crime sweeping our country.

Published January 18, 2022 4:32pm EST

US murder rate highest it's been in 25 years as big cities shatter records

2021 ended with several cities – Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and Minneapolis, to name a few – reporting upticks in murders

Finally someone with real numbers but is the increase a fluke or a long term trend? In the last few days Dallas got almost 10" of rain. Is that going to be the norm in TX and it becomes a rain forest or is it just a fluke?
Even liberal media toadie Chuck Todd is now reporting what a disaster the installed Usurper has caused and how Americans feel about it.

It shows how concerned Americans are about fascist Republican attacks on the rights of Americans. Republican attacks on gays and transgenders. The loss of women's right to choose.
I definelty agree with premise in this clip. Most normal people agree with Republican policies, even *gasp*, Trump’s policies, but many blindly believe the headlines and short blips they get from left-wing MSM and social media regarding Trump and Republicans.

These folks are the epitome of blind sheep. Just look how many on this board, you know, those that actually do follow the news, still believe many of the lies perpetuated by the MSM. For example, Trump is a racist because he called white supremicists “fine people”. They still believe that out of context quote and have no interest in reading it in context. It’s amazing, but not surprising given the direction our school system has been heading for the last couple of decades.

Most normal people disagree with Republican policies. That is why they must rely on the courts and gerrymandering to hold onto power. It is Trump supporters who are blind sheep. Like lemmings, they are prepared to march off of a cliff for their god Trump. Worth noting that Trump's chief of staff cringed when he heard Trump call white supremacists fine people. He knew exactly what he meant. You right wing fascists want to turn our schgools into indoctrination centers to push your anti-America agenda.
Dr. Oz has just closed the gap in his race and I think Walker is also within striking distance. However, current wisdom shows a fairly easy win for Republicans in the House and a not so likely chance of winning back the Senate.

He has done no such thing. The gap has increased. Herschel Walker makes Trump look smart which is quite a feat. Wa;lker's reaction to the climate bill. "We have too many trees." He also threatens women which makes him perfect for Republicans since they are against women's rights.
You're in the 26%, Mac. The tiny cult who voted for Biden and still supports everything he does.

This is your fault.

You are the piece of shit. The country is heading in the wrong direction. It is Republicans who are the cause of it as they encourage violence against people they doon't like. They attack thje rights of Americans as they attempt to establish a authoritarian government which goes after anyone who speaks out against it.
From what I'm seeing in Pennsylvania (important governor's race and critical Senate race), the Republicans are not really highlighting all the fucked up things that have got the population to where they "think we are on the wrong track."

I'm speaking of course of,
  • massive, uncontrolled, illegal immigration,
  • crushing inflation,
  • Anti-American education,
  • weaponization of DoJ, IRS,
  • neurotic persecution of Trump,
  • the J6 show-trials,
and on and on.

It seems the R's are trying to lose...they want to be the "other party."

Very discouraging.

The fucked up things are in the Republican Party.

Threats of violence against the FBI, IRS, transgenders, gays and anyone else who disagrees with you. When Dan Crenshaw calls you out, things have gotten crazy.
Pushing the idea that Trump is above the law.
Excusing violent J6 offenders and others who attacked our capitol.
Turning our education system into a indoctrination center.
Republicans protect companies who gouge consumers.
58% say the investigation of Trump’s handling of classified docs should continue and 60% are angry about Roe and the assault on democracy
Last edited:
He has done no such thing. The gap has increased. Herschel Walker makes Trump look smart which is quite a feat. Wa;lker's reaction to the climate bill. "We have too many trees." He also threatens women which makes him perfect for Republicans since they are against women's rights.

You should really look at the actual polls instead of formulating your personal opinion. Both Oz and Walker have moved closer.
You are the piece of shit. The country is heading in the wrong direction. It is Republicans who are the cause of it as they encourage violence against people they doon't like. They attack thje rights of Americans as they attempt to establish a authoritarian government which goes after anyone who speaks out against it.
Link us up to all this right wing violence.
The fucked up things are in the Republican Party.

Threats of violence against the FBI, IRS, transgenders, gays and anyone else who disagrees with you. When Dan Crenshaw calls you out, things have gotten crazy.
Pushing the idea that Trump is above the law.
Excusing violent J6 offenders and others who attacked our capitol.
Turning our education system into a indoctrination center.
Republicans protect companies who gouge consumers.
Threats of violence against the FBI, IRS, transgenders, gays and anyone else who disagrees with you.


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