church gives out gas cards for hurting people, hurting bc of Biden

No, I sure don't.

Go ahead, Mr. Economics. Describe how this happened globally.
During Trump the U.S. was a net exporter of oil which caused OPEC to lower prices and therefore lower global gas prices. Since Biden cut off most of our oil exploration and leases on Federal land, the U.S. became a net importer of oil and OPEC had free rein to raise their prices. The U.S. supply of oil around the world (during Trump) limited the billions that Putin raked in as well. Once Biden killed the U.S. oil market Putin's revenue (from oil) skyrocketed giving him the impetus to invade Ukraine. Even Biden recognizes this now because he is releasing leases on federal land.

I'm still reading through this but hey... charities used to give people clothing and food. Now gas is so ridiculous, unemployed people and others can't afford to go anywhere more than 5 miles from home...

Worst "President" ever

which reminds me of some bumper stickers I've seen

First Fake President

(they need to put quotes on the P word, though)
Lol, you mean hurting because of those big oil cock suckered making record profits and all the idiots against alternative energy making the oil companies king.
The United States has the third highest increase in the world. How do you explain that? Putin's fault? Trump's?
It's because we have the most dynamic economy. Demand.

Supply chains are still profoundly damaged globally. Supply.

and Demand: The very foundation of economic theory.

I hope that wasn't too complicated. You're welcome.
Lol, you mean hurting because of those big oil cock suckered making record profits and all the idiots against alternative energy making the oil companies king.
If green energy was a miracle cure, then no one could stop it. It would dominate the market. Why isn't it?
If green energy was a miracle cure, then no one could stop it. It would dominate the market. Why isn't it?
It's getting there. Mean while yelling fight it wanting to give oil a monopoly and then bitch about the monopoly screwing ya over. It's comical as hell.
It's because we have the most dynamic economy. Demand.

Supply chains are still profoundly damaged globally. Supply.

and Demand: The very foundation of economic theory.

I hope that wasn't too complicated. You're welcome.
Yes, Biden cut off supply when demand was not lowered. That causes world prices to soar, inflation, higher prices for goods, etc. Supply and demand. The very foundation of economic theory.
Yes, Biden cut off supply when demand was not lowered. That causes world prices to soar, inflation, higher prices for goods, etc. Supply and demand. The very foundation of economic theory.
It's not just oil.

Holy crap. Come on. Read something outside your little world.

This is depressing. I tried. I'm out.
If green energy was a miracle cure, then no one could stop it. It would dominate the market. Why isn't it?
Because nothing is more energy efficient than petroleum. Green energy depends on government support and 'pie in the sky' dreams of 'clean energy.' There is no such thing.
It's not just oil.

Holy crap. Come on. Read something outside your little world.

This is depressing. I tried. I'm out.
The thread is about GAS!! Did you know higher gas prices affect almost everything in the market? For God's sake, "read something outside your little world."

I'm still reading through this but hey... charities used to give people clothing and food. Now gas is so ridiculous, unemployed people and others can't afford to go anywhere more than 5 miles from home...

Worst "President" ever

Putin? You probably shouldn't have voted for him then.


Green energy depends on government support

Petroleum companies get government subsidies.

and 'pie in the sky' dreams of 'clean energy.' There is no such thing.

I've driven around for about 3 years for effectively no cost! EV car and PV solar on the house. I don't pay electric bills and I don't pay gasoline for my car.

It's pretty sweet.

If you like giving money directly to the petroleum companies AND having your tax money go to them in subsidies that's YOUR THING.

(Oh, and petroleum energy efficiency is NOT the highest. Nuclear is much, much, much higher)
The thread is about GAS!! Did you know higher gas prices affect almost everything in the market? For God's sake, "read something outside your little world."
They don’t want to admit that their precious electric vehicles will still require fossil fuels because that electricity to charge them has to come from somewhere. As well as petroleum being used in some way to make the majority of things they use every day. Plastic is a petroleum product. Ask the left to give up all their things with plastic in them and watch them howl.
They don’t want to admit that their precious electric vehicles will still require fossil fuels because that electricity to charge them has to come from somewhere. As well as petroleum being used in some way to make the majority of things they use every day. Plastic is a petroleum product. Ask the left to give up all their things with plastic in them and watch them howl.
It always amazes me how short sighted and brainwashed 'greenies' are. IMO the 'green deal' is nothing more than a cult at this point.
And people all over the planet must be mad at Biden, because gas prices and inflation are high there, too.

Wow. Just one guy. Incredible.

Had Biden not campaigned and implemented policies that further restrict US domestic oil production, US gas prices would be sustainablly lower than what they are now. When your domestic energy policies are friendlier to companies, foreign countries have an incentive to keep up or compete therefore they produce more. When you restrict production as Biden Harris did, you send a message to the global markets that US will be more dependent on foreign oil. Foreign oil now has the incentive NOT to produce as much and force Biden-Harris to beg for more oil which is exactly what has transpired.

Prove me wrong.
It's because we have the most dynamic economy. Demand.

Supply chains are still profoundly damaged globally. Supply.

and Demand: The very foundation of economic theory.

I hope that wasn't too complicated. You're welcome.
Inflation has zero to do with supply and demand. You people are so

I'm still reading through this but hey... charities used to give people clothing and food. Now gas is so ridiculous, unemployed people and others can't afford to go anywhere more than 5 miles from home...

Worst "President" ever

which reminds me of some bumper stickers I've seen

First Fake President

(they need to put quotes on the P word, though)

okay but why is it a noob black church needing to do this in the heart of Falwell Global, Inc.? Seems like that compassionate conservatism is lagging even in Lynchburg.
Petroleum companies get government subsidies.

I've driven around for about 3 years for effectively no cost! EV car and PV solar on the house. I don't pay electric bills and I don't pay gasoline for my car.

It's pretty sweet.

If you like giving money directly to the petroleum companies AND having your tax money go to them in subsidies that's YOUR THING.

(Oh, and petroleum energy efficiency is NOT the highest. Nuclear is much, much, much higher)
I have no problem with folks that are self sufficient. I believe there is a place for EVs. After all their legacay goes back hundreds of years. The Owen Magnetic comes to mind. I would say if you like giving your money to China (where solar panels are made) that's your thing. I agree about nuclear but, that market has been closed by so-called 'environmental' lobbies. When you acquire a nuclear powered car, get back to us.
It always amazes me how short sighted and brainwashed 'greenies' are. IMO the 'green deal' is nothing more than a cult at this point.
“Going green” costs a lot of green. Storage capacities also aren’t at a level where people can get by if there’s a prolonged period of cloudy, rainy weather (no sun = no solar energy to charge your panels). No wind makes your windmill useless (if you aren’t killing birds with it). The batteries in electric cars contain toxic materials that have to be dealt with when the battery life expires. Yet the greenies never have any answers for those problems.

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