church gives out gas cards for hurting people, hurting bc of Biden

Look it up yourself.
I'd like to know what you think it is. Do you think it was necessary to declare a pandemic for a virus with a 95% rate of survival and the only ones significantly affected are folks over 60 with co morbidities.
The 1918 Flu pandemic (which all agree was a pandemic) had an estimate mortality rate of 2%. COVID-19 American body count is now higher than it was for the 1918 flu pandemic.
The mortality rates for Covid were way overestimated.

Covid deaths in the UK may have been overestimated because of the way data was collected, a study suggests.

I've been through this before on the Forum but, the problem is that deaths with Covid and deaths from Covid were conflated. IOW if you die in a car accident and Covid is in your system, it was counted as a Covid death. Kids who contracted Covid and died typically had diseases like leukemia were listed as deaths from Covid. This information is all available online for those who with to learn more. The CDC has made changes to death certs but the inflated stat is still believed to be true by some. Besides, there is no real proof that wearing masks, shutting down the economy and vaccinations helped that much.
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Economic specialists disagree with you.

“We are experiencing this sudden surge in inflation for two main reasons,” says Craig Kirsner, President of Stuart Estate Planning Wealth Advisors in Coconut Creek, Florida. “First, for the past year and a half due to Covid hardly anyone was spending money. Now that the economy is back open, people are spending and traveling and, as such, there is a bottleneck with very high demand. Our system isn’t set up for this high demand level, so that causes inflation in the short term." (SOURCE)

That happened after 2 years of lowered prices due to decreased demand.

Which is what happens when demand suddenly surges.
Inflation is literally caused by the value of a country's currency dropping. That's why this is being called "inflation" and not "supply and demand driving up prices".
And people all over the planet must be mad at Biden, because gas prices and inflation are high there, too.

Wow. Just one guy. Incredible.

We're through the looking glass these days, Alice. The magaturds are doubling down on stupid, and insist on behaving exactly like feral children. Fuck em.
We're through the looking glass these days, Alice. The magaturds are doubling down on stupid, and insist on behaving exactly like feral children. Fuck em.
'Just one guy' caused our economy to boom and gas prices to be the lowest in decades......Trump. 'Just one guy' can have huge world wide negative economic effects as well......Biden
When Trump was President most American working families spent about $30-35 filling up their vehicle to go to work.

Now that Potatohead with disastrous Environmental Wacko policies it takes about $65-70 to fill up. For a lot of American families that is a big hit, especially if there are two working members.

Potatohead thinks it is saving the planet to make it costly to drive your vehicle, you know, because it is good for you. He doesn't give a shit about you trying to make ends meet.

Then we have all the other inflation on top of the price of fuel. Family income has taken a nose dive with Potatohead as President.

The way we should look at it is that it is a tax we all have to pay because we let the Democrats get away with stealing an election.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country. This Potatohead SOB is even outdoing other Democrat disasters.
i agree w/ everything here

why should he care about makng ends meet?

he can transfer large sums of cash from Russia or china or Ukraine any time.... and call it... i dunno... what the hell ever...

he has never had to make ends meet...

But in the next Realm... oh boy... something's going to hit the fan down there....

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