Church refuses to hold funeral for gay man

Gunny Wrote:
Myabe people ought to start cleaning up their own trashy houses before worrying about how everyone else keeps house. I take it then that you'll stop posting anything until you're absolutely perfect? Geez...I'll just say goodbye now...because even though you seem nice enough, I'm guess that if you're anything like every other human on the're going to be gone for quite awhile until you get it all right.

Come on, Gunny...we all comment here on things that we don't know everything about...we add our opinions and thoughts to arguments that we don't have a direct, personal stake in...that don't directly relate to us...that maybe we don't even really care that much about but we want to comment on anyway...thats what makes it a political message board rather than a message board only for Christians or only for those who work in the campaign offices of specific politicians, or only those who teach, or only those who have served in the military, etc. etc. etc.

I know that you are frustrated with the opinions you are reading here...but telling them that they shouldn't express them because you don't think they have "their own trashy houses" clean or until they start attending the church in question just doesn't make sense.
A church is NOT a buisness nor is it a Funeral home. It is a gathering of people that generally believe the same thing in regards spiritual matters. Principles and morals are VERY important. There is no reason to gather and meet as a religious group if you can not even follow your own beliefs and your own religious convictions.

The Church did not refuse the service because he was gay, they refused it because the service intended to portray that lifestyle as acceptable and good. Something that church and most Christian churches DO NOT believe.

God forgives us our sins BUT we can not continue to purposefully continue to do the same sin over and over and be forgiven for it. Being Gay AND living the Gay life style negates forgiveness. Living the sex life of a gay person day in and day out negates any forgiveness because the person has willfully chosen to sin day in and day out in the exact same manner that they know is wrong and is a sin.

To be forgiven one must ask for forgiveness and REPENT from the sin. You can slip up now and again but when you set out to commit the same exact sin every day, you are NOT Repenting of your sin.

No church should refuse to allow a gay person to be a member because there is always a chance they may actually repent. BUT no church should EMBRACE the gay lifestyle and the SIN of Gay life and sex.

Can a Gay person be a preacher? I do not see why not IF they are NOT living the GAY lifestyle. One can not be committing a daily sin on purpose with full knowledge of that sin and be forgiven while continuing to practice the sin on PURPOSE.
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The Church did not refuse the service because he was gay, they refused it because the service intended to portray that lifestyle as acceptable and good. Something that church and most Christian churches DO NOT believe.

Actually this fact is now in dispute.

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance

I hate child molesters, as a group, obstinately and with total intolerance...
Am I a bigot ? If so, I wear the label proudly....

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance

I hate child molesters, as a group, obstinately and with total intolerance...
Am I a bigot ? If so, I wear the label proudly....

Good job, Batman!

One small problem: Child molestation is a felony crime. Being gay isn't.
Actually this fact is now in dispute.

Yeah, I never read anywhere in that article that they intended to promote homosexuality, or glorify it. Near as I can tell, there were some photos of him, his family, and I guess his life partner, or whatever.
I think that the term "bigot" is one that can be used broadly or narrowly...I don't think we should get bogged down in silly word games that don't really do anything but frustrate and alienate people needlessly.
read the first paragraph.....

I can't believe you made me waste my time.

The first paragraph said his homosexuality would be identified. Not glorified or promoted.

If he had a male life parter, and photographs, it'd be pretty hard (and dishonest) to hide that part of his life.

Don't bother me anymore, unless you have an honest post.
What if the church felt that it shouldn't bury someone who had a bi-racial marriage and suggested that the family "find more appropriate location"? Would you still say that wasn't hatred?

Get it now?

If the porn star want her xxx DVD's played at her church funeral should that tolerated?

Get it now?
Lets not get into a pissing contest with examples of what might, could or would be acceptable for some or any Church to do...its this Church's actions we are debating....and not if a UCC church should hold services for a Wiccan...
I meant there was nothing indicating that they wanted to glorify homosexuality. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

And your post was a good find. Thanks.

Ahh, yes. No there was nothing in it that said they wanted to glorify homosexuality. Not even the church has claimed that, its basically just something some posters made up to support their pov.
I think that the term "bigot" is one that can be used broadly or narrowly...I don't think we should get bogged down in silly word games that don't really do anything but frustrate and alienate people needlessly.

QFT. Thanks for being a tide of reason between the two clashing tides of opinion.
I can't believe you made me waste my time.

The first paragraph said his homosexuality would be identified. Not glorified or promoted.

If he had a male life parter, and photographs, it'd be pretty hard (and dishonest) to hide that part of his life.

Don't bother me anymore, unless you have an honest post.

why would his sexuality need to be identifed.....
If the porn star want her xxx DVD's played at her church funeral should that tolerated?

Get it now?

Was this dude's family showing pornographic movies of him and his life parter at the funeral?

Or, did you just pull that lame ass and stupid analogy out of your ass?
Good job, Batman!

One small problem: Child molestation is a felony crime. Being gay isn't.
Being a crime isn't irrelevant....we not talking about law here....nor if the church had a right to deny this guy....we've long passed that phase of the debate...catch up
And I would STILL hate them if I lived in theME where the age of consent is 9 years old and its offends me
why would his sexuality need to be identifed.....

Dunno, maybe so his partner who he lived together with, might be mentioned? Or is it the custom where you live to leave out mention of someones partner at their funeral?

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