Church refuses to hold funeral for gay man

you don't believe in religion or god why is this so fucking important to you

Because I dislike homophobia and the effect it has on this country. I dislike what the feelings of hate, dislike, intolerance, does to people who just want to live out their lives in peace without you continually projecting your morals and hatred of them onto them.
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Dunno, maybe so his partner who he lived together with, might be mentioned? Or is it the custom where you live to leave out mention of someones partner at their funeral?

And there in you have the ENTIRE problem in a nutshell. The Church would appear to be condoning his lifestyle and his sin.
I would imagine that for a church who disapproved of the gay lifestyle even photographs that showed a gay couple doing "typical couple-y things" would be too much.
And there in you have the ENTIRE problem in a nutshell. The Church would appear to be condoning his lifestyle and his sin.

Peh...we've gone over this. I don't think that condoning and mentioning something are the same thing.
I would imagine that for a church who disapproved of the gay lifestyle even photographs that showed a gay couple doing "typical couple-y things" would be too much.

According to the partner there weren't any...but who knows.
the church said no got a dick your partner has a funeral.......complicated huh...

No, actually thats not what they said. Rather they canceled the funeral without meeting with the family nor appealing for any sort of compromise, or really talking to them at all.
And there in you have the ENTIRE problem in a nutshell. The Church would appear to be condoning his lifestyle and his sin.

No they wouldn't be condoning it. They would have been merely holding a funeral for Navy Veteran and a Gay man. I'm sure there are many sinners who have crossed that church's doorstep - that does not imply they are condoning those sins.

This has nothing to do with condoning it. It has to do with being a decent human being.
Because I dislike homophobia and the effect it has on this country. I dislike what the feelings of hate, dislike, intolerance, does to people who just want to live out their lives in peace without you continually projecting your morals and hatred of them onto them.

homophobia would mean afraid of one is one hates them, no one is intollerant, no one dislikes them.....the issues is ...gays demand they be accepted and can not make people like sex is not the biological norm.....accept it... tollerate it....
Gunny Wrote: I take it then that you'll stop posting anything until you're absolutely perfect? Geez...I'll just say goodbye now...because even though you seem nice enough, I'm guess that if you're anything like every other human on the're going to be gone for quite awhile until you get it all right.

Come on, Gunny...we all comment here on things that we don't know everything about...we add our opinions and thoughts to arguments that we don't have a direct, personal stake in...that don't directly relate to us...that maybe we don't even really care that much about but we want to comment on anyway...thats what makes it a political message board rather than a message board only for Christians or only for those who work in the campaign offices of specific politicians, or only those who teach, or only those who have served in the military, etc. etc. etc.

I know that you are frustrated with the opinions you are reading here...but telling them that they shouldn't express them because you don't think they have "their own trashy houses" clean or until they start attending the church in question just doesn't make sense.

Maybe you're reading to far into what i posted. I didn't tell anyone not to express their opinion on this or any other message board.
homophobia would mean afraid of one is one hates them, no one is intollerant, no one dislikes them.....the issues is ...gays demand they be accepted and can not make people like sex is not the biological norm.....accept it... tollerate it....

Bullshit. First of all thats not what homophobia means. Secondly, there are plenty of people who are afraid of gays, and there are plenty of people who hate them. There are plenty of people who are intolerant, and plenty of people who dislike them. If you don't see this, you must be living in a box. See Matthew Shepard for a particularly disturbing instance of hatred of gays being manifested.

Yes, they demand they be accepted and tolerated. They don't give a shit if you like them or not, they just want to be left the fuck alone and provided the right to marry who they love, just as you are given. Who cares about the biological norm?
Perspective begets reality. Your perspective just might not be the perspective of the HighPoint church. Possibly. Maybe.

Completely possible. Which is why I can, as I've said oh I don't know 20 times now, disagree with their decision without in ANY WAY wanting to remove their ability to make that decision.
I can't believe you made me waste my time.

The first paragraph said his homosexuality would be identified. Not glorified or promoted.

If he had a male life parter, and photographs, it'd be pretty hard (and dishonest) to hide that part of his life.

Don't bother me anymore, unless you have an honest post.

I don't many Christian churches that would perform the service if it was mentioned at all. Glorified or promoted is irrelevant.
Bullshit. First of all thats not what homophobia means. Secondly, there are plenty of people who are afraid of gays, and there are plenty of people who hate them. There are plenty of people who are intolerant, and plenty of people who dislike them. If you don't see this, you must be living in a box. See Matthew Shepard for a particularly disturbing instance of hatred of gays being manifested.

Yes, they demand they be accepted and tolerated. They don't give a shit if you like them or not, they just want to be left the fuck alone and provided the right to marry who they love, just as you are given. Who cares about the biological norm?

bullshit....homophobia by definition means one is afraid of them...what are they going to do install track lighting...the word is a marketing creation.....hate sure....but not for the reason you claim....

i live in sf.....if they wanted to be left alone they would not demand acceptance tollerance and hold a parade....

discard the biological norm to justify behavior.....

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