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Churches Considering Divestment Of Assets Of Companies Profiting From Occupation

José said:
Originally posted by RWA
I support them anyway, as an ally against barbaric, murderous, backward, muslims. I don't really care about "who has the right".

Let’s try to find some common ground here, avenger.

I still remember a dialogue you had with WJ.

William had started one of his typical threads:

“I choose the whites...

I choose white chicks...

I choose my people... etc etc etc”

Then you posted something along these lines:

“I choose us too, William... but I still believe in a pan-ethnic society.”

Hell, if you do believe in pan-ethnic societies, I wonder whether there is still something left for us to disagree !!!

A pan-ethnic society is all I’d like to see in Palestine, Avenger.

When you say the jewish supremacist state is an ally against muslim fundamentalists, you couldn’t be more wrong.

A pan-ethnic Palestine would help isolate the wahabists from the arab people.

As a mono-ethnic state for jews, Israel is nothing but a major cause of anti-americanism in the Middle East and, consequently, a major source of recruitment for wahabists.

If the REGULAR ARABS can never throw off the domination of the kiling freaks, they deserve to die to.
ajwps said:
Unfortunately Jose, the Arabs living in Israel also claim that they are decendents of the Canaanites and Philistines who were definitely NOT SEMITES. These two groups were Bronze age peoples who migrated to this land. It may be said in general that the theories about the origins of the Philistines have not fundamentally changed in the course of time. The idea that the Philistines settled themselves during the mass migration of the 13th and 12th centuries B.C. and that they belonged to the 'Sea Peoples', as the invaders were named in Egyptian texts, is both found in recent and older literature.

The Old Testament also offers a clue as to the origins of the Philistines. In Jeremiah 47:4 they are named 'the remnant from the coasts of Caphtor', and Amos compares the exodus of Israel from Egypt with that of the Philistines 'from Caphtor'(Am.9:7)

The question remains what exactly is meant by 'Caphtor'? Usually it is identified with Kephtiu, which is known from Egyptian records, as well as from Ugarit and Mari.

Caphtor is generally taken as synonymous with Crete, but also with Cyprus and the southwest of Asia Minor. The Septuagint and other ancient translations of the Bible identify Caphtor with Cappadocia. There is extensive literature on the subject.

The oldest literature about the Philistines points to Crete as their original home. This idea is strengthened by the ancient name of the Philistine city of Gaza: Minoah; the same name was given to several trade stations started from Crete. It is furthermore known from the Odyssee that the island was inhabited around 1200 B.C.

Modern day Arabs are not semites. The bastard son of Abraham, Ishmael is now the modern day Saudi Arabian people.

And you Jose are you just another decendant of modern day Cretins?

centuries of ethnicity---does this argument make anyones' "rights" more valid than the others'?
rtwngAvngr said:
If the REGULAR ARABS can never throw off the domination of the kiling freaks, they deserve to die to.

Avenger there is no domination of 'killing freak Arabs' but simply a culture of murder of fellow human beings, whether their own brothers or the non-believing civilizations who cause them consternation by existing.

This is the dogma of the Islam's Qur'anic book of Muhammad. It can be summed up by the concepts of 'murder', 'treachery', 'war against neighbor', 'theft of neighbors goods and women', 'idolatry' and just about violations of every one of the commandments that most of western civilization considers the cornerstone of morality.

History has recorded time and time again, that cultures and religions like Islam have mysteriously been destroyed in the drifting sands of time.
dilloduck said:
centuries of ethnicity---does this argument make anyones' "rights" more valid than the others'?

Centuries of ethnicity arguments makes everyones 'rights' valid in the context of who is the victor and who is the owner of the sliver of land desired by so many right now.

Everyone's rights are only arbritrary depending on your perspective.
ajwps said:
Centuries of ethnicity arguments makes everyones 'rights' valid in the context of who is the victor and who is the owner of the sliver of land desired by so many right now.

Everyone's rights are only arbritrary depending on your perspective.

Everyone knows the strongest own it----it's what they do with it is the question isn't it?
dilloduck said:
Everyone knows the strongest own it----it's what they do with it is the question isn't it?

Exactly on point.

The strongest have taken a desert with swamps and turned it into a modern metropolis of civilization, culture, research technology, medical innovations to benefit mankind and those whose people have also created the science which has changed the world forever. THE ATOM and PHYSICS.

Merry Xmas.....
ajwps said:
Exactly on point.

The strongest have taken a desert with swamps and turned it into a modern metropolis of civilization, culture, research technology, medical innovations to benefit mankind and those whose people have also created the science which has changed the world forever. THE ATOM and PHYSICS.

Merry Xmas.....

LMAO---even you are trying to take Christ out of Christmas?---I'm a bit surprised!
dilloduck said:
LMAO---even you are trying to take Christ out of Christmas?---I'm a bit surprised!

Exactly when did you say that Christmas was celebrated by Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
ajwps said:
Exactly when did you say that Christmas was celebrated by Jesus Christ of Nazareth?
Don't think he celebrated Easter either-----his followers began to honor these holy days. AJ--you know better ! Don't have any respect for the Christians?
ajwps said:
Exactly when did you say that Christmas was celebrated by Jesus Christ of Nazareth?

AJ. You're smarter than this. Why do you say this stupid shit.
rtwngAvngr said:
AJ. You're smarter than this. Why do you say this stupid shit.

Because of our friend Dill. His snide remarks desire a similar reply. Didn't mean to be disrespective of Christians or beliefs.
ajwps said:
Because of our friend Dill. His snide remarks desire a similar reply. Didn't mean to be disrespective of Christians or beliefs.

So you thought to insult Christianity would be a good way to retaliate against some "sinde" comment the I made ? For someone who depises ant-semtism I would have thought you able to respond to me as an individual instead of assuming I was a christian and insulting the religion!
dilloduck said:
So you thought to insult Christianity would be a good way to retaliate against some "sinde" comment the I made ? For someone who depises ant-semtism I would have thought you able to respond to me as an individual instead of assuming I was a christian and insulting the religion!

What is a SINDE?

What made you think that my comment was to insult YOUR Christianity as you have made it quite clear in the past that you are not a Chrisitian?

You made the original statement that I was being derogatory to Christianity with my reply.
ajwps said:
What is a SINDE?

What made you think that my comment was to insult YOUR Christianity as you have made it quite clear in the past that you are not a Chrisitian?

You made the original statement that I was being derogatory to Christianity with my reply.

Sinde is obviously a typo, AJ-----I still think your comment was anti-christian in spite of my presonal beliefs. Just wondering why you chose to make an anti-christian remark.
Posted by NATO Air

"good for them

this is not anti-semetic, this is about fairness, justice and peace."

I would agree with you in general if not for the fact that they are focusing solely on Israel as a culprit to the exclusion of far more obvious candidates .. for example Arab financial institutions. I don't see the vatican considering issuing edicts against DeBeers for their nation destroying diamond trade. I don't see the church divesting from Pepsi, a largely Saudi owned operation. As I recall, the Saudi's are the #1 exporter of Wahabism (radical Islam) and have a national zero tolerance towards other religion policy. They financially support terrorism in Israel and globally. The Church does not divest from China, Russia, N Korea, etc etc etc. So why israel ?!? You say it's about fairness and justice. I not-so-humbly disagree. I think it's about not pissing off people that blow stuff up and have lots of petroleum. This is pure appeasement !!! Has Israel done anything that other nations have not had to do .. but been nicer about it ?!? I do not see the Church diveting fron JAPAN over the RAPE of NANKING which the Japanese govt still refuses to appologize for. Why isn't the church divesting from any US corporations since the US' manifest destiny policy was a nationally sponsored land grab. So this IS anti-Jewish/anti-Israel. Not for the fact that the Church wants to divest, but rather for the fact that they skip right over much more obvious candidates and went right to the Jewish state. When you explain to me why they skipped over handfulls of more obvious candidates in favor of Israel, I'll accept your statement !!! Is it that the Church is trying to buddy up to Islam ?!? IDIOTS ... Islam has no intention of buddying up to the church !!! This happened during WW2 with the Pope and the Nazi party and yet the Church apparently learned nothing from it. Sacrificing Jews to appease tyranical world powers does not work and you will forever be judged for it. You are only adding fuel to the fire. The Arab nations torture and murder their own as well as non-believers and you want to signal to them that they are on the right path. How about trying some positive reinforcement of positive actions. Stop blowing stuff up and we'll invest money in the Palestinian territories to help build the nation. But that would be a loss of money for the Church as any such institution would eventually be blown up as a foreign western influence. These Church leaders are playing a dangerous game picking a side on this issue period. THEY ARE ANTI-JEWISH !!! THEY WILL BE JUDGES AS SUCH IN HISTORY !!! SHAME ON THEM ALL !!! They are not bringing peace, just attempting to destroy the only vestage of democracy in the region. The Arab nations want to destroy the democracy and the Church is helping. SHAME ON THE CHURCH !!!! The day this divestment becomes policy, is the day I divest from all Church holdings and start a public campaign to disgrace the Church for it's continued politcal anti-Jewish interests stand and general hypocracy. Like I said ... SHAME ON THEM !!!
DaTroof said:
Posted by NATO Air

"good for them

this is not anti-semetic, this is about fairness, justice and peace."

I would agree with you in general if not for the fact that they are focusing solely on Israel as a culprit to the exclusion of far more obvious candidates .. for example Arab financial institutions. I don't see the vatican considering issuing edicts against DeBeers for their nation destroying diamond trade. I don't see the church divesting from Pepsi, a largely Saudi owned operation. As I recall, the Saudi's are the #1 exporter of Wahabism (radical Islam) and have a national zero tolerance towards other religion policy. They financially support terrorism in Israel and globally. The Church does not divest from China, Russia, N Korea, etc etc etc. So why israel ?!? You say it's about fairness and justice. I not-so-humbly disagree. I think it's about not pissing off people that blow stuff up and have lots of petroleum. This is pure appeasement !!! Has Israel done anything that other nations have not had to do .. but been nicer about it ?!? I do not see the Church diveting fron JAPAN over the RAPE of NANKING which the Japanese govt still refuses to appologize for. Why isn't the church divesting from any US corporations since the US' manifest destiny policy was a nationally sponsored land grab. So this IS anti-Jewish/anti-Israel. Not for the fact that the Church wants to divest, but rather for the fact that they skip right over much more obvious candidates and went right to the Jewish state. When you explain to me why they skipped over handfulls of more obvious candidates in favor of Israel, I'll accept your statement !!! Is it that the Church is trying to buddy up to Islam ?!? IDIOTS ... Islam has no intention of buddying up to the church !!! This happened during WW2 with the Pope and the Nazi party and yet the Church apparently learned nothing from it. Sacrificing Jews to appease tyranical world powers does not work and you will forever be judged for it. You are only adding fuel to the fire. The Arab nations torture and murder their own as well as non-believers and you want to signal to them that they are on the right path. How about trying some positive reinforcement of positive actions. Stop blowing stuff up and we'll invest money in the Palestinian territories to help build the nation. But that would be a loss of money for the Church as any such institution would eventually be blown up as a foreign western influence. These Church leaders are playing a dangerous game picking a side on this issue period. THEY ARE ANTI-JEWISH !!! THEY WILL BE JUDGES AS SUCH IN HISTORY !!! SHAME ON THEM ALL !!! They are not bringing peace, just attempting to destroy the only vestage of democracy in the region. The Arab nations want to destroy the democracy and the Church is helping. SHAME ON THE CHURCH !!!! The day this divestment becomes policy, is the day I divest from all Church holdings and start a public campaign to disgrace the Church for it's continued politcal anti-Jewish interests stand and general hypocracy. Like I said ... SHAME ON THEM !!!
Perhaps the attitude reflected above in AJs posts give some churches reason to question. I sure haven't seen the Jewish population come to the defense of the secular attack on Christianity. Why is that? The people who suffered perhaps the worst religious persecution stand idly by while another reigion is attacked? Let me guess--they deserve it ?
dilloduck said:
Perhaps the attitude reflected above in AJs posts give some churches reason to question. I sure haven't seen the Jewish population come to the defense of the secular attack on Christianity. Why is that? The people who suffered perhaps the worst religious persecution stand idly by while another reigion is attacked? Let me guess--they deserve it ?

Dill can you give some succint evidences or incidences of any secular or Christian people attacking Christianity?

If your talking about Christians placing religious symbols on public property then you are referrencing a straw dog.
ajwps said:
Dill can you give some succint evidences or incidences of any secular or Christian people attacking Christianity?

If your talking about Christians placing religious symbols on public property then you are referrencing a straw dog.

Christian symbols on public property violate no constitutional principle or law. The constitution says "congress shall make no law.." this is what protects you from theocracy. The dechristification of the american public view, is straight up religious persecution. Unjustified by law.
rtwngAvngr said:
Christian symbols on public property violate no constitutional principle or law. The constitution says "congress shall make no law.." this is what protects you from theocracy. The dechristification of the american public view, is straight up religious persecution. Unjustified by law.

Hey rightwing we have gone over this many times before. The US Supreme Court has ruled that religion and religious symbols are Constitutionally protected on private property, church property, homes and business properties.

For Christianity to be threatened, the law of the land would have to outlaw the free practice of your faith.

The Constitution says that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...... Do you think that a Christmas tree, a Menorah or a Monkey god on public property or in a school room is in affect persecuting the rights of atheists who have no symbol to place on private property or in a class room which is also prohibiting their free exercise thereof as well?

There already is a customary two week Christmas holdiday for our children in public schools and Christmas songs are sung by one and all in every school grade. What about a week holiday for Quanza or a fire god during the week of October 3 - 10th every year and songs to the monkey god of Shiva? Do you think Christian children should be taught to sing their songs and religious beliefs and confuse them even more.

"Amendment I (1791) Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

No one passes laws against the free exercise of Christianity in homes, schools and even in private gatherings. Religions are for everyone and a very private and personal freedom which is neither established by Congress or the Federal Government nor prohibited from being practiced to the full extent of each believer in his own way.

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