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Churches Considering Divestment Of Assets Of Companies Profiting From Occupation

A christmas tree in public is not a law. Is it? Please explain how an object is a law. If you can do that, you win. Otherwise, you lose.
There we have it folks, the tree stays. Pass me the cup of christ, I need some of the blood of salvation. Cheers! :wine:
rtwngAvngr said:
A christmas tree in public is not a law. Is it? Please explain how an object is a law. If you can do that, you win. Otherwise, you lose.

I WIN....

The Christmas tree is not a Constitutional law but neither is the elephant god of Vishnu nor the Menorah of the Jewish people. Individually each of these religious symbols constitutes a law respecting the establishment of one particular religion and prohibits the free exercise of each other's religion. Ergo, a violation of this law.

We all accept that your own belief in Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the one, the only correct faith and it alone deserves to be the one displayed in everybodies public places which are paid for by all people of every faith.

Then your Christimas tree is now forcing the courts to define religion. They hope that some court will be careless enough to define religion in the broad terms they use. For instance, they would like courts to say that "religion is the view of the world around which people structure their lives" or "religion is the set of beliefs which a person believes before all others, beliefs which a person believes central to their existence and to the existence of the world." Under these clumsy and self-serving definitions, there is no separation between truth and religion. Anything that is true, and is believed, becomes religious.

Most people are smarter than that. But to the American Taliban, anything deeply believed is religious. Those who deeply believe in reason are, according to the Taliban, followers of the Church of Reason. And if the government can't endorse the American Taliban's religion, then government can't endorse the Christian Church of Reason, either.
rtwngAvngr said:
You lose. A symbol does not contitute a law either. That's nonsenical.

I give up.... If you don't have any religious symbols (Christmas trees, Crosses, NT Bibles, Christmas Carols, etc) that represent the legal definition of the establishment of law making A religion or that which does not prohibit the free exercise of others religions, then you are saying that there is absolutely no need to display any religious symbols granted by government law in public places.

For if you TRULY believe that Christianity is the only true religion, then you really don't need to promote truth with any symbols to confuse others who do not not know that their religions are false. You would in affect have the only true god in your life and your god would see to it that all his creations saw it the same way you do. In other words, your god does not need symbols in public places to make him real. Does he?

Is this nonsence too?
ajwps said:
I give up....
Good. You lost.
If you don't have any religious symbols (Christmas trees, Crosses, NT Bibles, Christmas Carols, etc) that represent the legal definition of the establishment of law making A religion or that which does not prohibit the free exercise of others religions, then you are saying that there is absolutely no need to display any religious symbols granted by government law in public places.
A symbol that represents the legal definition of the establishment of law?

Have you been attending the Isaac Brock school of nonsensical word salad?
For if you TRULY believe that Christianity is the only true religion, then you really don't need to promote truth with any symbols to confuse others who do not not know that their religions are false. You would in affect have the only true god in your life and your god would see to it that all his creations saw it the same way you do. In other words, your god does not need symbols in public places to make him real. Does he?

Is this nonsence too?

Yes it is nonsense. It's decorations man. Get over it. Quit being a nazi.

And I don't care if there are symbols of other religions either. I'm not attempting to erase the culture identity of others as you are. Anyone who feels threatened by the sight of a christmas tree or a nativity scene needs therapy.
rtwngAvngr said:
And I don't care if there are symbols of other religions either. I'm not attempting to erase the culture identity of others as you are. Anyone who feels threatened by the sight of a christmas tree or a nativity scene needs therapy.

:clap1: AJ, maybe you need to a place like Miami or Ft. Lauderdale where there are many Jewish and Christian symbols all over the place and people have no problem with either.
NATO AIR said:
:clap1: AJ, maybe you need to a place like Miami or Ft. Lauderdale where there are many Jewish and Christian symbols all over the place and people have no problem with either.

Nato and you Rightwing are very funny. Symbols and icons mean so very very much in a world of pain and death.

Keep your totems and ignore what really matters.
ajwps said:
Nato and you Rightwing are very funny. Symbols and icons mean so very very much in a world of pain and death.

Keep your totems and ignore what really matters.

The right to express your faith with symbols and public gatherings is a right people are suffering and dying for in places like China, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Iran and several other oppressive environments around the world. Symbols and icons mean very much indeed AJ.
ajwps said:
Nato and you Rightwing are very funny. Symbols and icons mean so very very much in a world of pain and death.

Keep your totems and ignore what really matters.

Tell us what really matters, oh wisened aj.
rtwngAvngr said:
Tell us what really matters, oh wisened aj.

From one not so wise.

Expressions of faith by imagery of religious manger symbols, pagan green trees, Easter bunnies, King Jame Version bibles that lay on platforms matter much more than the real meaning of Jesus Christ.

Peace, love, mercy, foregiveness and justice are meaningless if they are not displayed in public walkways or in public schools. Why if you can't display these intangibles as a signs of your religion, then you might be violating the Constitution of the USA.
ajwps said:
From one not so wise.

Expressions of faith by imagery of religious manger symbols, pagan green trees, Easter bunnies, King Jame Version bibles that lay on platforms matter much more than the real meaning of Jesus Christ.

Peace, love, mercy, foregiveness and justice are meaningless if they are not displayed in public walkways or in public schools. Why if you can't display these intangibles as a signs of your religion, then you might be violating the Constitution of the USA.

This argument is ridiculous and one of your worst.

This is what you're saying, distilled, "Anyone who insists their symbols be allowed must be overly fixated on symbols and not understand the true meaning". That's crap. You need to retake a basic logic class.
rtwngAvngr said:
This argument is ridiculous and one of your worst.

This is what you're saying, distilled, "Anyone who insists their symbols be allowed must be overly fixated on symbols and not understand the true meaning". That's crap. You need to retake a basic logic class.

Apparently it served its purpose. Or you wouldn't find logic ridiculous and my arguement the worst. Good for you....
ajwps said:
Apparently it served its purpose. Or you wouldn't find logic ridiculous and my arguement the worst. Good for you....

If your purpose was to avoid the issue with verbage, you done good AJ.
ajwps said:
Apparently it served its purpose. Or you wouldn't find logic ridiculous and my arguement the worst. Good for you....

Do you enjoy looking like a moron in public?
Originally posted by DaTroof
I would agree with you in general if not for the fact that they are focusing solely on Israel as a culprit to the exclusion of far more obvious candidates .. for example Arab financial institutions. I don't see the vatican considering issuing edicts against DeBeers for their nation destroying diamond trade. I don't see the church divesting from Pepsi, a largely Saudi owned operation. As I recall, the Saudi's are the #1 exporter of Wahabism (radical Islam) and have a national zero tolerance towards other religion policy. They financially support terrorism in Israel and globally. The Church does not divest from China, Russia, N Korea, etc etc etc. So why israel ?!? You say it's about fairness and justice. I not-so-humbly disagree. I think it's about not pissing off people that blow stuff up and have lots of petroleum. This is pure appeasement !!! Has Israel done anything that other nations have not had to do .. but been nicer about it ?!? I do not see the Church diveting fron JAPAN over the RAPE of NANKING which the Japanese govt still refuses to appologize for. Why isn't the church divesting from any US corporations since the US' manifest destiny policy was a nationally sponsored land grab. So this IS anti-Jewish/anti-Israel. Not for the fact that the Church wants to divest, but rather for the fact that they skip right over much more obvious candidates and went right to the Jewish state. When you explain to me why they skipped over handfulls of more obvious candidates in favor of Israel, I'll accept your statement !!! Is it that the Church is trying to buddy up to Islam ?!? IDIOTS ... Islam has no intention of buddying up to the church !!! This happened during WW2 with the Pope and the Nazi party and yet the Church apparently learned nothing from it. Sacrificing Jews to appease tyranical world powers does not work and you will forever be judged for it. You are only adding fuel to the fire. The Arab nations torture and murder their own as well as non-believers and you want to signal to them that they are on the right path. How about trying some positive reinforcement of positive actions. Stop blowing stuff up and we'll invest money in the Palestinian territories to help build the nation. But that would be a loss of money for the Church as any such institution would eventually be blown up as a foreign western influence. These Church leaders are playing a dangerous game picking a side on this issue period. THEY ARE ANTI-JEWISH !!! THEY WILL BE JUDGES AS SUCH IN HISTORY !!! SHAME ON THEM ALL !!! They are not bringing peace, just attempting to destroy the only vestage of democracy in the region. The Arab nations want to destroy the democracy and the Church is helping. SHAME ON THE CHURCH !!!! The day this divestment becomes policy, is the day I divest from all Church holdings and start a public campaign to disgrace the Church for it's continued politcal anti-Jewish interests stand and general hypocracy. Like I said ... SHAME ON THEM !!!


You are clearly missing the big picture here.

Give a few steps backwards and you will realize that the tree in front of you is, in fact, part of an entire forest.

This has little to do with the occupation of easter Palestine.

This is the human family starting to say no to intitutionalised jewish racism in the entire region of Palestine.

This is the beginning of the end of the jewish racial dictatorship created by the West and ashkhenazi jews in Palestine.

And I can only say:

José said:
This is the beginning of the end of the jewish racial dictatorship
Replace jewish with arab and I think you would be painting a more accurate picture of the middle east. Please name a single Arab country that gives anywhere close to the same level of protection for Jews and anything close to Jewish representation in their "democracies" that Israel gives towards Muslims in Israel.

Tell you what though, if Israel has to repatriate all the Palestinians, the following countries have to repatriate the following number of Jews that have been kicked out of their homes AND give them full protection against discrimination AND give them representation in their democratic governments:
Algeria: 140,000
Egypt: 75,000
Iran: 50,000
Iraq: 150,000
Lebanon: 20,000
Libya: 40,000
Morocco: 250,000
Syria: 30,000
Tunisia: 100,000
Yemen: 60,000

That is a total of nearly 1 million Jews. Once 10% of that number (only 100,000 spread over a VERY large arab muslim population) have been given financial compensation and their old homes back, then we can start talking about doing the same for the suicide bombers of Palestine. Deal?
I am so very glad that our friend Horhay joined in. He proves a very important point Jose. No matter how much bullshit you pile up, the world is still quite aware of exactly what the problem in the region is. You are a flippin idiot calling Israel a racist state when that is exactly what every other Arab/Muslem state in the region is .. only to the n'th degree. Most people in the US, and educated people around the world, are not fooled for a second by the Arab states' propganda. The Saudis are "our friends", yet they export wahabism to the US and abroad. This is the most radical/orthodox of the major teachings. The Saudis allow the collection of funds for families of terrorists as if it where a charity. Rant all you want Jose, but whatever derogitory statement you make regarding Israel, I can say 10 times over about the Arab states. You are still advocating a one state two people solution. Which part of "WILL NEVER HAPPEN" do you not understand ?! Which part of "UNILATERAL WITHDRAWL" do you not comprende ?! You're right ... it is over. Once this wall is done, Palestinian leverage is gone. I wish them all the best of luck in attempting to create a nation from what is essentially a state sanctioned dumbening campaign. I'll be in this chatroom to say told you so when it happens.
Hey Jose,

This whole Ahkenazi thing has got to stop. I am Ashkenazi. Yet I am a Cohen, a Jewish priest. My dad's a cohen, his dad's a cohen, etc, etc, etc till you get to Aron, Moses' brother. Cohens are not allowed to intermarry or marry a convert, so forget about whatever is brewing in your head.

How can I be Askenazi and a Cohen ?! I am Ashkenazi and I can prove that I am Jewish and decendent of Moses' brother. You getting the picture ?!

PS. You sound more like Goebbels every day.
Originally posted by DaTroof
Hey Jose,

This whole Ahkenazi thing has got to stop. I am Ashkenazi. Yet I am a Cohen, a Jewish priest. My dad's a cohen, his dad's a cohen, etc, etc, etc till you get to Aron, Moses' brother. Cohens are not allowed to intermarry or marry a convert, so forget about whatever is brewing in your head.

How can I be Askenazi and a Cohen ?! I am Ashkenazi and I can prove that I am Jewish and decendent of Moses' brother. You getting the picture ?!

PS. You sound more like Goebbels every day.


I’m gonna tell you a story.

In 556 a jewish young lady named Tovah arrived in Germany from the ME together with his family.

In 563 she met a german gentile named Wolfgang. The physical attraction between Tovah and Wolfgang was immediate.

Wolfgang was attracted to her middle eastern apperance: brunette, brown eyes etc etc and Tovah felt the same towards Wolfgang’s nordic type: tall, blond, blue eyes etc etc.

In 565 Wolfgang gathered enough courage to tell Tovah’s father that he intended to marry her. Her father was obviously outraged and expelled him from his home.

But the two fled to Poland in 567 and settled in what is now the city of Cracow, where they lived for 5 years and had 4 children before Wolfgang’s sudden death in 572. Tovah then returned to Germany where she was finally forgiven by her parents who helped her raise her children as jews.

OK, I made up this story but one has only to look at all those white faces walking down the streets of Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv to realise that stories similar to the one I created happened throughout Europe hundreds of thousands of times during the last 1500 years.

You said Cohens are not allowed to intermarry and I won’t even dare to pretend I understand Judaism as well as you, but as far as I know, not only Cohens but all ethnic jews were not allowed to marry outside their ethnic/religious group.

But what can moral/religious codes of conduct accomplish against the most primal of all human instincts: sexuality?

Not much.

It’s a known fact that people with darker skin complexion (ancient ethnic jews) are prone to be attracted to people with lighter complexion (europeans).

And the end result of thousands upon thousands of Wolfgangs and Tovahs intermarrying/interbreeding is you and ajwps, the so-called ashkenazi jews of today, ethnic europeans in all but religion.

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