Zone1 Churchgoers getting kicked out

How many actual White Nationalists/Supremacists are mainline Lutherans?

Worse, a nationalist is simply the opposite of being a globalist, a matter of economic ideology, and really has nothing to do with the false association of being an aryan white racist. Mixing the two is about as bad as getting torqued over the word "niggardly," which really means stingy and too has nothing to do with race.
oh, the new york flim flam is now southern, living in florida ... you aint no southerner. probably born in alaska.
New York City?! Get a rope!

That's why I eat greens and swamp cabbage, amirite? Do you even know what swamp cabbage is?

I'm a 7th generation cracker, that's why they call me cracker. Because I AM the cracker.
Funny how the word 'White' became invisible.

Because it is just another leftwing lie to confuse stupid people. The term began as 'white supremacists' because they WERE a racially-motivated group, then got dissolved in the media to include white nationalists as well, confusing the two terms, when anyone of any race or skin colour can really be nationalistic-patriotic.

All the term is really meant to mean is one who puts one's own country first, which is any good citizen. The very word "citizen" is inferred to mean a person who resides physically, emotionally and politically within the boundaries of his/her own country.

Not a globalist.
Worse, a nationalist is simply the opposite of being a globalist, a matter of economic ideology, and really has nothing to do with the false association of being an aryan white racist. Mixing the two is about as bad as getting torqued over the word "niggardly," which really means stingy and too has nothing to do with race.

I know they try to make anyone to the right of Mitt Romney a WP type, but there are actually White Nationalists, who want the US to be white run only, and White Separatists who want to carve out their own little countries for white people only.

I prefer to use the term Americanism as opposed to the blanket term of Nationalism for what I support.
I know they try to make anyone to the right of Mitt Romney a WP type, but there are actually White Nationalists, who want the US to be white run only, and White Separatists who want to carve out their own little countries for white people only.

Then they should be called white separatists or white supremacists--- saying white nationalist is really a divisive term as while a white separatist or white supremacist is a FUNCTION of RACE, being a nationalist isn't at all about race or skin colour but about COUNTRY, so the use of white there is misleading in making the reader think it is.

To prove the point, since nationalism is at the opposite end of the same spectrum from socialism, have you ever heard of anyone referred to as a white globalist? How about a black globalist?
Then they should be called white separatists or white supremacists--- saying white nationalist is really a divisive term as while a white separatist or white supremacist is a FUNCTION of RACE, being a nationalist isn't at all about race or skin colour but about COUNTRY, so the use of white there is misleading in making the reader think it is.

To prove the point, since nationalism is at the opposite end of the same spectrum from socialism, have you ever heard of anyone referred to as a white globalist? How about a black globalist?
Democrats are always playing games with words, changing definitions, making new ones up. It's annoying AF.
New York City?! Get a rope!

That's why I eat greens and swamp cabbage, amirite? Do you even know what swamp cabbage is?

I'm a 7th generation cracker, that's why they call me cracker. Because I AM the cracker.

could that be the heart of a sable palm - and some yocal would cut it down for a cheap snack ...

you calling trump a southerner ... proves how bright the sun shines for an inbred redneck.
No wonder church attendance is falling, the church leaders are actively kicking out members.

---Lutheran Church official calls for white nationalists to be excommunicated---

That's ironic considering that their founder authored the book "The Jews and their lies", which undoubtedly contributed to the persecution of Jewish people for centuries, particularly the Holocaust. I would NEVER consider being a Lutheran.
could that be the heart of a sable palm - and some yocal would cut it down for a cheap snack ...

you calling trump a southerner ... proves how bright the sun shines for an inbred redneck.
Da fuq are you on about? :wtf:
That's ironic considering that their founder authored the book "The Jews and their lies", which undoubtedly contributed to the persecution of Jewish people for centuries, particularly the Holocaust. I would NEVER consider being a Lutheran.
Whu-? Oh wow, I never knew about that.
Da fuq are you on about? :wtf:

really ...


your southern brethren ... nothing new there.

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