Zone1 Churchgoers getting kicked out

really ...


your southern brethren ... nothing new there.
Not reading.

Nationalism is simply the desire for autonomy from foreign powers. It's also about pride of one's home nation. What's wrong with that?

What wrong with this is.... well, what's wrong with all "-isms" is that people will follow the "-ism" even when it doesn't make sense to follow the "-ism"

"Pride of one's home nation" means what? A Communist would be proud of their home nation if it were Communist. A Fascist would be proud of their home nation if it were Fascist.
Really, what people like you are doing is trying to make your policies equate to "caring about their home nation".

You'll have destructive policies that are making the nation WORSE, but you'll say you're patriots nonetheless because, clearly, your policies are "patriotic policies" no matter what.
If Biden doesn't shoot down a Chinese balloon, it's because he's a traitor.
If Trump doesn't shoot down a Chinese balloon, it's because he doesn't want to hurt US citizens on the ground, so he's a patriot.
If Biden shoots down a Chinese balloon he's endangering the lives if US citizens, therefore a traitor.
If Trump shoots down a Chinese balloon, he's strong on protecting the integrity of US borders, therefore a patriot.
I mean, this is what you people do on this forum day in, day out. So tiring.
Someone who cares about his country.
Racial nationalism is the belief that the only true citizens of a country belong to a certain race.

For white nationalism, Is the belief that the only true Americans are white and that all other races are outsiders. They believe that only white people should be allowed to be citizens of the United States, Or at least that non white citizens Should not be allowed to have all rights guaranteed in the Constitution.
Then they should be called white separatists or white supremacists--- saying white nationalist is really a divisive term as while a white separatist or white supremacist is a FUNCTION of RACE, being a nationalist isn't at all about race or skin colour but about COUNTRY, so the use of white there is misleading in making the reader think it is.

To prove the point, since nationalism is at the opposite end of the same spectrum from socialism, have you ever heard of anyone referred to as a white globalist? How about a black globalist?

It's why you add the "White" in front of it, but I see your point.

And as for globalism, the only ones really pushing for it are a bunch of white elites, so the white is inherent in it to me.
You're pro Christian-nationals OP?
With all due respect, Mr. MarcATL, not all Christians agree, and not all atheists agree. It's called the human condition. The human condition tends to cause people to make mistakes under pressure, but with humility and truth, Christians can make amends for their errors if they repent and avoid making the same mistake due to the learning process that admitting one's mistake and taking steps to make sure they never do it again is made to happen by disciplining oneself to make righteousness their goal thereafter. Our God sees who is sincere and who isn't, because he looks on the heart and opens it to follow his Word. Some people in the world who are unsympathetic to sincerity and redemption never get it for who knows what reason, and my elaboration is limited.
No wonder church attendance is falling, the church leaders are actively kicking out members.

---Lutheran Church official calls for white nationalists to be excommunicated---

have you seen the articles about conservative churches kicking out members deemed NOT conservative enough?

a whole church (saddleback in cal) was kicked out of the national organization for accepting gay rights!

in florida a church is demanding their congregation sign a statement oppossing homosexuals or be kicked out.

how do you feel about these incidents?
With all due respect, Mr. MarcATL, not all Christians agree, and not all atheists agree. It's called the human condition. The human condition tends to cause people to make mistakes under pressure, but with humility and truth, Christians can make amends for their errors if they repent and avoid making the same mistake due to the learning process that admitting one's mistake and taking steps to make sure they never do it again is made to happen by disciplining oneself to make righteousness their goal thereafter. Our God sees who is sincere and who isn't, because he looks on the heart and opens it to follow his Word. Some people in the world who are unsympathetic to sincerity and redemption never get it for who knows what reason, and my elaboration is limited.
How does what anything you just posted address the simple question I posed?

Matthew 18:15-17

New Living Translation

Correcting Another Believer​

15 “If another believer[a] sins against you,[b] go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. 16 But if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. 17 If the person still refuses to listen, take your case to the church. Then if he or she won’t accept the church’s decision, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector.
have you seen the articles about conservative churches kicking out members deemed NOT conservative enough?

a whole church (saddleback in cal) was kicked out of the national organization for accepting gay rights!

in florida a church is demanding their congregation sign a statement oppossing homosexuals or be kicked out.

how do you feel about these incidents?
I feel that the those churches are following the Bible
I feel that the those churches are following the Bible

and I ‘feel’ that the churches kicking out white nationalists are also following their interpretation of the bible.

if one side has that right, so does every OTHER side.
Kicking out white nationalists? Really?
Not sure how one can misinterpret what the Bible says on the issue.
It's black and white.

jesus never said ‘kick out the gays and their supporters’

and he also never said ‘seperate the blacks from the whites’

and if he did he meant when doing the laundry
jesus never said ‘kick out the gays and their supporters’

and he also never said ‘seperate the blacks from the whites’

and if he did he meant when doing the laundry

Oh, it's 'Jesus', not jesus.

I Corinthians 6:9-10
I Timothy 1:9-10
Jude 1:7

I'm willing to wager that the extremism isn't a movement by any religion, but just a
small faction within that religion. It's that 'free will' that was given to us.

Kinda like when the Arian Nation was in north Idaho, it wasn't a movement of all
who lived in the area, but a small faction.
So stop with the broad brushing
Not reading.

Nationalism is simply the desire for autonomy from foreign powers. It's also about pride of one's home nation. What's wrong with that?
Not answering, because your questions are answered in what I just posted.
An interrogatory for the OP. You would be comfortable when being in a church with multiple white nationalists? I mean like you would be ok being physically around them and their views, raising you children around them and their views?
Is this something you do now?
What is a white nationalist?
I see a white nationalist as one who prefers the company of whites - and usually white Gentiles - to that of non whites. Extreme white nationalists think that non whites and Jews do not belong in the United States.

I have had black, Jewish, and East Asian friends. I enjoy dining at ethnic restaurants, shopping at ethnic stores, attending ethnic festivals, and so on. I am not woke because I do not think those who do not like that sort of thing should be criticized. I am only opposed to those white nationalists who engage in hate crimes against non whites and Jews.
Then they should be called white separatists or white supremacists--- saying white nationalist is really a divisive term as while a white separatist or white supremacist is a FUNCTION of RACE, being a nationalist isn't at all about race or skin colour but about COUNTRY, so the use of white there is misleading in making the reader think it is.
No, they want a white nation of America and are not shy about saying it. Well, I guess you are but the others are less ashamed of their racism.

Next you'll say Christian Nationalists don't want a Christian country.
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