CIA, FBI Informant Was Washington Post Source For Russiagate Smears

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Of course he was. Operation Mockingbird is more prevalent now than before it supposedly ended in the 70's. WaPo and NY Times real headquarters is Langley Va.

CIA, FBI Informant Was Washington Post Source For Russiagate Smears

The Federalist has learned that the now-outed CIA and FBI informant Stefan Halper served as a source for Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, providing more evidence that the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories. In addition, an email recently obtained by The Federalist from the MI5-connected Christopher Andrew bragging that his long-time friend Ignatius has the “‘inside track’ on Flynn” adds further confirmation of this conclusion.


Stefan Halper is a known long-time operative for the CIA/FBI. He was paid exorbitant sums by the FBI/CIA/DOD through the Department of Defense Department’s Office of Net Assessment in 2016. His tasks seem to have included slandering Mr. Flynn with accusations of having an affair with a young professor (a British national of Russian descent) Flynn met at an official dinner at Cambridge University when he was head of DIA in 2014.

Flynn has requested the records of Col. James Baker because he was Halper’s ‘handler’ in the Office of Net Assessment in the Pentagon, and ONA Director Baker regularly lunched with Washington Post Reporter David Ignatius. Baker is believed to be the person who illegally leaked the transcript of Mr. Flynn’s calls to Ignatius. The defense has requested the phone records of James Clapper to confirm his contacts with Washington Post reporter Ignatius—especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn.’ It cannot escape mention that the press has long had transcripts of the Kislyak calls that the government has denied to the defense.

Or at the very least, an act of war by the U.K.

The Western Deep State works in Unison. The illusion that we do not already have a one world government, at least in the west, is just that, an illusion.

The real meddling by a foreign nation, was probably Britain.

GCHQ hits out at claims it spied on Donald Trump's election campaign
Wikileaks Disclosure About Ultra Secret NSA Military Base at Pine Gap (Area 51 of Australia)
And in the meantime they're going after real journalists trying to get the truth out.

You can never trust corporate or government news.

Max Blumenthal

Someone told me that even Wikileaks is 'controlled' by the clowns now.
I mean they took out Assange with barely a whisper of public outrage, so it's no surprise.

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) | Twitter

Yeah, Wikileaks was always meant to be a limited hang-out. You really needed to study the history of Assange and his hacking crimes and how they set him up. Cryptome was the original, but even they have strict establishment guidelines and work with the state.

"2006: Cryptome became one of the early organizers of WikiLeaks. John Young revealed that he was approached by Julian Assange and asked to be the public face of Wikileaks; Young agreed and his name was listed on the website's original domain registration form.[98][99]

2007: In the early part of the year, John Young and Deborah Natsios left Wikileaks due to concerns about the organizations' finances and fundraising, accusing it of being a "money-making operation" and "business intelligence" scheme, and expressing concern that the amount of money they sought "could not be needed so soon except for suspect purposes."[98][99] Cryptome published an archive of the secret, internal electronic mailing list of the Wikileaks organizers, from its inception through Young's departure from the group.[13] On April 20 the website received notice from its hosting company, Verio, that it would be evicted on May 4 for unspecified breaches of their acceptable use policy.[100][101] Cryptome alleged that the shutdown is a censorship attempt in response to posts about the Coast Guard's Deepwater program.[102]

2010: Cryptome added a second privacy policy.[67] Cryptome's Earthlink account was compromised, leading to its website being hacked and Cryptome's data copied. The hackers posted screenshots of the compromised email account. Cryptome confirmed the accuracy of the information taken, but contested specific assertions, claiming they had only about seven gigabytes of data, not the seven terabytes the attackers claimed to copy.[103] In February, Cryptome is briefly shut down by Network Solutions for alleged DMCA violations after it posted a "Microsoft legal spy manual".[104][105][106] Microsoft withdraws the complaint 3 days later and the website is restored.[107] In March, PayPal stopped processing donations to Cryptome and froze the account due to "suspicious activities". The account was restored after an "investigation" by PayPal.[36][108] Cryptome ended on bad terms with Wikileaks, with John Young directly accusing them of selling classified material and calling them "a criminal organization". He called Julian Assange's anti-American rhetoric insincere, saying he was "just a crowd pleaser".[citation needed] In a separate interview, he called Assange a narcissistic and compared him to Henry Kissinger. Young also accused George Soros and the Koch brothers of "backing Wikileaks generously".[109]

2011: In July, Cryptome named the alleged CIA analyst who found Osama Bin Laden.[9] In September, Cryptome published a list of Intelligence and National Security Alliance members, alleging that they were spies.[110] Cryptome stopped cooperating with the production team for We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks upon learning it was tentatively titled "Unnamed Wikileaks Project," explaining that "the project appears to have retreated into a narrow-focussed commercial theme, perhaps unavoidable in buzzy-headline Media World."[85]"

Cryptome - Wikipedia

Cryptome - WikiLeaks

The best information about what is going on with Assange can usually be had at Consortium News. John Pilger was even at the most recent trial. The next one will be held in secret. The British are really being authoritarian about this political prisoner. It's awful that no one on this political site gives a damn. Mostly? It is because our government and corporate owned press tell them what stories are important. Big Brother fail to mention this outrage, thus, the plebes do not get outraged.

He has now taken on the status of sort of a "Winston Smith" from 1984, or "Josef K" from Kafka's "Trial."

He really no longer has any rights, it is a kangaroo court, with a predetermined outcome.

I have been reading about his cause from the start. I remain stunned the Trump says nothing, as if it weren't for Assange, he would not be president.

Julian Assange

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