Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Why in the world would poor people engage in such an exorbitant habit??? Guess luxuries like food, heat, and toilet paper aren't that important when you have pennies for your budget. Much better decision to spend the cash on cigarettes. Save yourself the trouble by simply torching dollar bills. Yep, smart decision.

Wait you are blaming poor people in New York because they voted for politicians to raise taxes on smokes 190 percent? $14 bucks.

When the same pack say in South Carolina cost $3.50 ?

Ok check.

Not so, I just happen to think smoking is a waste when you could spend the money on othe
High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Why in the world would poor people engage in such an exorbitant habit??? Guess luxuries like food, heat, and toilet paper aren't that important when you have pennies for your budget. Much better decision to spend the cash on cigarettes. Save yourself the trouble by simply torching dollar bills. Yep, smart decision.

Wait you are blaming poor people in New York because they voted for politicians to raise taxes on smokes 190 percent? $14 bucks.

When the same pack say in South Carolina cost $3.50 ?

Ok check.

Not so, I just happen to think smoking is a waste when you could spend the money on othe

I would spend my cigar money regardless If I quit, probably sit around and get fat.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax

black market wrongly taxed smokes is big business these days

the ATF says it is becoming their number one problem

High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Why in the world would poor people engage in such an exorbitant habit??? Guess luxuries like food, heat, and toilet paper aren't that important when you have pennies for your budget. Much better decision to spend the cash on cigarettes. Save yourself the trouble by simply torching dollar bills. Yep, smart decision.

Wait you are blaming poor people in New York because they voted for politicians to raise taxes on smokes 190 percent? $14 bucks.

When the same pack say in South Carolina cost $3.50 ?

Ok check.

No, I just think you could spend the money on more important, tangible, enjoyable things if one's budget was limited, that's all. Besides, it seems to upset most other people, so take up a different past time that is cheaper or at least lasts longer, like a tin of Altoid mints, that don't offend others.
Holy shit.... 99th post on a thread about cigarette's being bad? Are there really that many people still defending the cigarette industry in 2015?
Who cares, just living is bad for you. Progressives are just a bunch a control freaks that have no shame...
Wow and the 100th post is the dumbest of them all

Actually, that was a couple posts back, when you utterly misunderstood the topic of the thread.
I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:

So you would rather pay more in health care for a 100 million people living to a 100 years old?

That's another unintended consequence the OP and so far this thread didn't address.

Don't you remember that japaneese guy go on record saying old people of his country should just die because they are costing to much to Japan?

Why is it that the left champions Darwinism, and then does everything it can to circumvent it?

People are going to weigh the costs and benefits of everything they want to do, and in some cases, they're going to decide that they want the bennies more than they care about the costs. Isn't that their decision to make with THEIR bodies?

And please, don't anyone prattle on to me about "costing the rest of us in healthcare", because THAT wasn't my idea, either. Once again, let's not lose sight of the fact that it was the left who decided the government had to be up everyone's asses in terms of healthcare, and now keeps wanting to use it as an excuse to be up their asses about how to live their lives.

Maybe just return to a policy of letting people make their own decisions and take their own consequences? If you bundle people up in bubble wrap and try to protect them and coddle them from everything, all you get are a bunch of weak, fragile little whiners.

Hey, maybe that's why our colleges are full of pseudo-adults who need "safe spaces" because words.
High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Why in the world would poor people engage in such an exorbitant habit??? Guess luxuries like food, heat, and toilet paper aren't that important when you have pennies for your budget. Much better decision to spend the cash on cigarettes. Save yourself the trouble by simply torching dollar bills. Yep, smart decision.

Wait you are blaming poor people in New York because they voted for politicians to raise taxes on smokes 190 percent? $14 bucks.

When the same pack say in South Carolina cost $3.50 ?

Ok check.

No, I just think you could spend the money on more important, tangible, enjoyable things if one's budget was limited, that's all. Besides, it seems to upset most other people, so take up a different past time that is cheaper or at least lasts longer, like a tin of Altoid mints, that don't offend others.

I think there are better things to spend money on, too . . . but it's NOT MY MONEY. Why do so many people jump straight from "This is a good idea" to " . . . therefore, the government must do it"?
this is why we are all struggling under this Progressive/Democrat regime. they have stupid ideas like this one, that ONLY hurts the middle and poor the most. but all the state sees and these Socialist/Democrats ever see is more $$$$$$ FOR them. they don't care if hurts you people in the country
Y'all do know that when smoking is finally against the law punishable by fines or jail, those who aimed their ire at smokers will be looking for a new target, dontcha?
Get ready drinkers. Yer next.
Dems like to make things legal and tax them. So let us. GOPers and their fundamentalists are the law and order tyrants...

Cigarettes were always legal. Democrats just love to tax everything.
I have no idea where you got that from. What I said is that if you think it's acceptable for government to control people through taxation to save our society money, why not abortions? Would you approve of a conservative government controlling people's actions then?

I have no problem abiding by the law, as defined by the Supreme Court. I just believe in interpreting it leniently;

Well there is no law that says we can't tax people having abortions. So again, would you approve of that?

I am more concerned about the government taxing us for bowel movements.

Come on, Ray. Get real. You are floundering around in some sort of mythical "What if?...universe. What if pigs learn to fly and shit on us while we wait for a bus on Broadway?

It's not a mythical "what if." If Democrats can tax people into submission for their desires, why can't Republicans? And if Republicans were to do the same as Democrats, would you object or would you just accept it as Republicans had the ability?

Why, that is going to keep me awake all night, with worry. Kind of reminds me of when LBJ slapped a 10% surtax on income tax for all Americans to finance the Vietnam war. Yet, oddly enough, I lived through that.

Maybe, but your fellow Democrats would be in such an uproar it would be headline news for a month.
Y'all do know that when smoking is finally against the law punishable by fines or jail, those who aimed their ire at smokers will be looking for a new target, dontcha?
Get ready drinkers. Yer next.
Dems like to make things legal and tax them. So let us. GOPers and their fundamentalists are the law and order tyrants...

Cigarettes were always legal. Democrats just love to tax everything.

of course. I hope they start taxing the crap out of something these uppity cigarette haters like.
Y'all do know that when smoking is finally against the law punishable by fines or jail, those who aimed their ire at smokers will be looking for a new target, dontcha?
Get ready drinkers. Yer next.
Dems like to make things legal and tax them. So let us. GOPers and their fundamentalists are the law and order tyrants...

Cigarettes were always legal. Democrats just love to tax everything.

of course. I hope they start taxing the crap out of something these uppity cigarette haters like.

That's why I say tax abortions. Libs love killing babies, so an abortion tax would kill them. LOL!
Y'all do know that when smoking is finally against the law punishable by fines or jail, those who aimed their ire at smokers will be looking for a new target, dontcha?
Get ready drinkers. Yer next.
Dems like to make things legal and tax them. So let us. GOPers and their fundamentalists are the law and order tyrants...

Cigarettes were always legal. Democrats just love to tax everything.

of course. I hope they start taxing the crap out of something these uppity cigarette haters like.

That's why I say tax abortions. Libs love killing babies, so an abortion tax would kill them. LOL!
I could live with that idea. $200 tax on abortions to properly dispose of their children they are killing off.
This is what irks me about this: I KNOW that a bit of pipe smoking of a very good quality tobacco has a very small health risk..probably less than driving a car. It took me years to find a tobacco that was to my liking and now? You cannot import it here and a fair but inferior tobacco is about $60 per 50g tin. Now to the new age wowsers who consider this a good thing...damn: we're not in the Flame Zone!!

....let me just say that I consider you money grubbing low lifes that should just go and mind your own effing business.


No one minds their own f-ing business anymore. The number of people who feel it's perfectly acceptable to walk up to a total stranger on the street and start berating and/or lecturing them about whatever they don't personally approve of is just stunning. I'm not sure if it's simply that people have no manners whatsoever any more, or that we now live in a talk-show, drama-queen society, where everyone feels they MUST have an opinion about everything, and if at all possible, be outraged by it.

I suspect it's a combination of the two.

I was in Walgreens last night waiting for a prescription and this old woman walked up who just reeked of tobacco

Don't you smokers realize how badly you stink? Is their such a thing as a stink tax?
So you're ok with cancer caused by Cigarettes costing our economy hundreds of billions of dollars! You conservatives are disgusting pieces of shit and I can't believe it but I am starting to see that liberals were always right about you.

The cost is transferred by libs who are legalizing marijuana for recreational use.
Still going to cost hundreds of billions of dollars from the damage marijuana will cause and that will include more than just health costs.
This is what irks me about this: I KNOW that a bit of pipe smoking of a very good quality tobacco has a very small health risk..probably less than driving a car. It took me years to find a tobacco that was to my liking and now? You cannot import it here and a fair but inferior tobacco is about $60 per 50g tin. Now to the new age wowsers who consider this a good thing...damn: we're not in the Flame Zone!!

....let me just say that I consider you money grubbing low lifes that should just go and mind your own effing business.


No one minds their own f-ing business anymore. The number of people who feel it's perfectly acceptable to walk up to a total stranger on the street and start berating and/or lecturing them about whatever they don't personally approve of is just stunning. I'm not sure if it's simply that people have no manners whatsoever any more, or that we now live in a talk-show, drama-queen society, where everyone feels they MUST have an opinion about everything, and if at all possible, be outraged by it.

I suspect it's a combination of the two.

I was in Walgreens last night waiting for a prescription and this old woman walked up who just reeked of tobacco

Don't you smokers realize how badly you stink? Is their such a thing as a stink tax?

Not any worse with people who smoke skunk weed.
I think they stink even worse.
This is what irks me about this: I KNOW that a bit of pipe smoking of a very good quality tobacco has a very small health risk..probably less than driving a car. It took me years to find a tobacco that was to my liking and now? You cannot import it here and a fair but inferior tobacco is about $60 per 50g tin. Now to the new age wowsers who consider this a good thing...damn: we're not in the Flame Zone!!

....let me just say that I consider you money grubbing low lifes that should just go and mind your own effing business.


No one minds their own f-ing business anymore. The number of people who feel it's perfectly acceptable to walk up to a total stranger on the street and start berating and/or lecturing them about whatever they don't personally approve of is just stunning. I'm not sure if it's simply that people have no manners whatsoever any more, or that we now live in a talk-show, drama-queen society, where everyone feels they MUST have an opinion about everything, and if at all possible, be outraged by it.

I suspect it's a combination of the two.

I was in Walgreens last night waiting for a prescription and this old woman walked up who just reeked of tobacco

Don't you smokers realize how badly you stink? Is their such a thing as a stink tax?

Not any worse with people who smoke skunk weed.
I think they stink even worse.

I don't understand smokers..

I remember smoking used to be cool....But what is so cool about stinking like that?
here these people chastise other for smoking cigarettes and then in the next breath say they are for legalizing pot which is even worse to inhale into your body and the damage it also does to their brains. Maybe that's what it is with these idiot liberals running government. they shouldn't ever BE ALLOWED to run a lemon-aid stand let alone OUR LIVES in OUR GOVERNMENTS
here these people chastise other for smoking cigarettes and then in the next breath say they are for legalizing pot which is even worse to inhale into your body and the damage it also does to their brains. Maybe that's what it is with these idiot liberals running government. they shouldn't ever BE ALLOWED to run a lemon-aid stand let alone OUR LIVES in OUR GOVERNMENTS

I have no problem chastising people who smoke pot....still a nasty habit

I just don't want to waste tax dollars chasing them down and incarcerating them

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