Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

Or grammar apparently.

Grammar and spelling police = control freak
Go smoke a cigarette. It'll help you calm down.
I don't smoke, drink hell I don't even drink coffee, but at the same time I don't want to tell anyone else what to do when it comes to personal liberties.
Your buddies can grow their own tobacco and circumvent everything. Tell those addict cancer-mongers to get off their lazy asses and get to it.
Buy more guns and ammo... Cures what ails ya
Uh oh you went full retard. Better luck next time.
Grammar and spelling police = control freak
Go smoke a cigarette. It'll help you calm down.
I don't smoke, drink hell I don't even drink coffee, but at the same time I don't want to tell anyone else what to do when it comes to personal liberties.
Your buddies can grow their own tobacco and circumvent everything. Tell those addict cancer-mongers to get off their lazy asses and get to it.
Buy more guns and ammo... Cures what ails ya
Uh oh you went full retard. Better luck next time.

I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:
I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:
What about pot?? Or any number of things that "cause cancer".
Anyone else get sick of the dumbass nanny state?? A bunch of candy fucks...
Smoking and its health effects weigh heavily on the cost of healthcare. As does second hand second hand smoke.
I would bet that every single one of the posters who are whining about cigarette taxes and liberals sticking their noses in their business,are the same people who are whining about the cost of healthcare insurance. Hey geniuses, you can't have it both ways.
I didn't realize we had so many high school drop outs on this board.
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The country does not have the time or money for all this type of thing, they neither have ethics, morals and credibility.
Or grammar apparently.

Grammar and spelling police = control freak
Go smoke a cigarette. It'll help you calm down.
I don't smoke, drink hell I don't even drink coffee, but at the same time I don't want to tell anyone else what to do when it comes to personal liberties.
Your buddies can grow their own tobacco and circumvent everything. Tell those addict cancer-mongers to get off their lazy asses and get to it.

Sounds like a good idea. Next we can tell people to grow their own food instead of using SNAP's cards to buy it. Think of the savings to the taxpayers. After all, we have over 45 million people on food stamps today; many more people than those who smoke.
Or grammar apparently.

Grammar and spelling police = control freak
Go smoke a cigarette. It'll help you calm down.
I don't smoke, drink hell I don't even drink coffee, but at the same time I don't want to tell anyone else what to do when it comes to personal liberties.
Your buddies can grow their own tobacco and circumvent everything. Tell those addict cancer-mongers to get off their lazy asses and get to it.

Sounds like a good idea. Next we can tell people to grow their own food instead of using SNAP's cards to buy it. Think of the savings to the taxpayers. After all, we have over 45 million people on food stamps today; many more people than those who smoke.
I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:

So you would rather pay more in health care for a 100 million people living to a 100 years old?

That's another unintended consequence the OP and so far this thread didn't address.

Don't you remember that japaneese guy go on record saying old people of his country should just die because they are costing to much to Japan?
I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:

So you would rather pay more in health care for a 100 million people living to a 100 years old?

That's another unintended consequence the OP and so far this thread didn't address.

Don't you remember that japaneese guy go on record saying old people of his country should just die because they are costing to much to Japan?

Correct. Assuming that people will retire at the age of 65, imagine the cost of Social Security and Medicare to keep them alive until 85. Then of course we have to consider what to do with these people who have no money or insurance for nursing home care. We taxpayers will have to foot the bill for that as well.
The reason that cigarette taxes are so high is that it discourages smoking, especially among children making minimum wage at McDonalds. It has nothing to do with raising government revenue. And, it works. few kids take up smoking today, whereas when I was a kid, 48% of people 16 and over smoked. As a retired health insurance professional, I guarantee you that the taxes are saving tens of thousands, and probably hundreds of thousands of people from premature death. It is also keeping medical costs down. A lung transplant costs over half a million dollars.

So you think it's okay that government controls people via taxation? Think our founders would approve of this if they were still alive today?

What if conservatives gained a super major leadership in this country and decided to tax abortions? After all, abortions are the act of killing people. Let's tax abortions at $500.00 a pop. If it worked like cigarettes, we could greatly reduce the number of abortions we have every year.

That's interesting news. I was in high school in 1960, and a knew at least 4 girls that had abortions (which were illegal)...except the doctors called the D&C's. So, you feel that putting doctors in prison is a good thing?
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Holy shit.... 99th post on a thread about cigarette's being bad? Are there really that many people still defending the cigarette industry in 2015?
Who cares, just living is bad for you. Progressives are just a bunch a control freaks that have no shame...
Wow and the 100th post is the dumbest of them all
All of this stuff is none of the governments business, they just fail at everything they get involved in...

Libertarians, proudly marching backwards for over 100 years....
Well, this country has turned to shit and piss and we want to try the same failed shit over and over again.
What do they call that??

I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:

So you would rather pay more in health care for a 100 million people living to a 100 years old?

That's another unintended consequence the OP and so far this thread didn't address.

Don't you remember that japaneese guy go on record saying old people of his country should just die because they are costing to much to Japan?

Libertarian logic=longevity is bad for you!
I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:

So you would rather pay more in health care for a 100 million people living to a 100 years old?

That's another unintended consequence the OP and so far this thread didn't address.

Don't you remember that japaneese guy go on record saying old people of his country should just die because they are costing to much to Japan?

Correct. Assuming that people will retire at the age of 65, imagine the cost of Social Security and Medicare to keep them alive until 85. Then of course we have to consider what to do with these people who have no money or insurance for nursing home care. We taxpayers will have to foot the bill for that as well.

Oh the unfairness of those people who live too long! Another argument from the Right to kill our aged!
The reason that cigarette taxes are so high is that it discourages smoking, especially among children making minimum wage at McDonalds. It has nothing to do with raising government revenue. And, it works. few kids take up smoking today, whereas when I was a kid, 48% of people 16 and over smoked. As a retired health insurance professional, I guarantee you that the taxes are saving tens of thousands, and probably hundreds of thousands of people from premature death. It is also keeping medical costs down. A lung transplant costs over half a million dollars.

So you think it's okay that government controls people via taxation? Think our founders would approve of this if they were still alive today?

What if conservatives gained a super major leadership in this country and decided to tax abortions? After all, abortions are the act of killing people. Let's tax abortions at $500.00 a pop. If it worked like cigarettes, we could greatly reduce the number of abortions we have every year.

That's interesting news. I was in high school in 1960, and a knew at least 4 girls that had abortions...except the doctors called the D&C's. So, you feel that putting doctors in prison is a good thing?

I have no idea where you got that from. What I said is that if you think it's acceptable for government to control people through taxation to save our society money, why not abortions? Would you approve of a conservative government controlling people's actions then?
I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:

So you would rather pay more in health care for a 100 million people living to a 100 years old?

That's another unintended consequence the OP and so far this thread didn't address.

Don't you remember that japaneese guy go on record saying old people of his country should just die because they are costing to much to Japan?

Correct. Assuming that people will retire at the age of 65, imagine the cost of Social Security and Medicare to keep them alive until 85. Then of course we have to consider what to do with these people who have no money or insurance for nursing home care. We taxpayers will have to foot the bill for that as well.

Oh the unfairness of those people who live too long! Another argument from the Right to kill our aged!

That sure flew right over your head. The point I was making is that there is no economic advantage to stop people from smoking or drinking. If we pressure people into leading a more healthy lifestyle, then we will age and somebody has to support us. If our government allows us to participate in unhealthy activity, we die much younger and that savings offsets what we would otherwise spend on treatment for smoking and drinking related illnesses.

In short, it's a wash. There is no economic advantage to stopping people from smoking or drinking.
I'd have thought one of the consequences of the cost of cigarettes would be to make them too expensive for all but the most dedicated addict, thus reducing the number of cases of lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, etc., etc., etc. and the concomitant costs to society as a whole. :dunno:

So you would rather pay more in health care for a 100 million people living to a 100 years old?

That's another unintended consequence the OP and so far this thread didn't address.

Don't you remember that japaneese guy go on record saying old people of his country should just die because they are costing to much to Japan?

Correct. Assuming that people will retire at the age of 65, imagine the cost of Social Security and Medicare to keep them alive until 85. Then of course we have to consider what to do with these people who have no money or insurance for nursing home care. We taxpayers will have to foot the bill for that as well.

Oh the unfairness of those people who live too long! Another argument from the Right to kill our aged!

Uhm be realistic, they wanted to save "lives" under the pretense it was costing us to much money for people to smoke.

But never did the math on what would happened if everyone did stop smoking, ate healthy, lived longer...

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