Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

Yep.....Democrats see a problem....and they make it worse.

Never fails.

Progressivism: constantly finding new and interesting ways to break things that are functioning perfectly fine.

"I come, I fuck shit up, I leave" -- Progressive Mantra

Not quite. More like, "I come, I fuck shit up, I use it as an excuse to fuck even more shit up. And I never, EVER leave!"
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax

There are some drawbacks to the poor, but there are benefits also. The fact is that the smoking rate among middle and high school kids has dropped dramatically. This will lead to a much lower rate of smokers down the road, because we all know that most smokers start smoking before they turn 18. As an ex-smoker who smoked for over 30 years, anything that can be done to reduce the number of young smokers is a positive in my book.

The legal age for smoking is usually about 18...and if it isn't in your state then it should be. I suggest that you just enforce the law to get the same outcome!!


You're not all that bright are you? Kids can get pot and heroin with ease, and those items are completely illegal. Do you really believe the laws can be effectively enforced to prevent teenagers from getting cigarettes? You, like so many others, live in a fantasy world rather than reality.

So you're not a fan of gun control, by that logic.
Democrats love unintended consequences.

One example of which was the Kennedy presidency.

The wealth that allowed his father to buy the job for him was just an unintended consequence of prohibition.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined
actually it's been replaced by e cigarettes

Why do you think there are people trying to pass laws to declare e-juice a "tobacco product", which is manifestly is not? So that they can drag it under the umbrella of "tobacco taxes" and generate income.
yep, it is costing them a ton of revenue. government wants people to smoke.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined

Remember when less smoking was going to equal less health insurance costs?

Truth of the matter is, even if you could manage to take away all drugs in society, there would still be some people who would just spin around in a circle until they fell down and saw God. Some people simply refuse to face the world in an unaltered state.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined
actually it's been replaced by e cigarettes

Why do you think there are people trying to pass laws to declare e-juice a "tobacco product", which is manifestly is not? So that they can drag it under the umbrella of "tobacco taxes" and generate income.
yep, it is costing them a ton of revenue. government wants people to smoke.

Well, if they do, they're going about it the wrong way. Taxing inhibits behavior.

What the government REALLY wants is to find as many ways as possible to take people's money.
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined
Cigarette use has dramatically declined? prove it.

Wow. Is your idiocy so powerful that you actually are allowing your biases to overcome a reality that EVERYONE knows?


Allow me:


CDC - Trends in Current Cigarette Smoking - Smoking & Tobacco Use

So this is your proof? The CDC? There is more smoking today by teenagers than ever before, folks like me have quit as we've aged, but your failure here is the teen count. oops!!!!! you lose.

And jesus most probably didn't pay any tax on a cigarette.
"There is more smoking today by teenagers than ever before."

Prove it.

The graph shows teen smoking has also declined.

And there's this:


  • From 2011 to 2014, current cigarette smoking declined among middle and high school students.5,6
    • Nearly 3 of every 100 middle school students (2.5%) reported in 2014 that they smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days—a decrease from 4.3% in 2011.
    • About 9 of every 100 high school students (9.2%) reported in 2014 that they smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days—a decrease from 15.8% in 2011.
Cigarette smoking among U.S. high school students at lowest level in 22 years | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Switching to vapors and that still pisses off liberals.

Rising use of vapor products among teens ignites debate

The Doctor Is In: Increased vaping among teens troubles me

Of course it does. Vaping doesn't have a gazillion sin taxes attached to it, so they're not raking in big bucks from it. So they get a bunch of people to "view with alarm" and make wildly over-generalized declarations and accusations about it, to justify extending the taxes from cigarettes to vaping.
NY just gets beat on taxes. People go to PA and buy them cheap. People buy from indian reservations. People buy black market which has gotten huge in NY. since internet sales of ammunition have been banned in NY the black market for that has boomed too. NY loses in sales, thats about it. people still get their stuff

I know people who will go to the Indian reservation here - which runs right up against the city limits in places, so isn't much of a trip - buy a few cartons of cigarettes, and then carry the packs around and sell the cigarettes individually for $2-5 apiece to desperate smokers trying to bum a smoke.
Were liberals the only ones who didn’t see this coming?

When New York raised their cigarette taxes to the highest in the nation – $4.35 per pack – not only did revenue decline by $1.3 billion, but organized crime and the smuggling of cigarettes across state lines is now rampant in the Empire State.

Over the last ten years, while state lawmakers raised the tobacco tax by190 percent, smokers switched to cheaper alternatives – like going to nearby Indian Reservations – quit smoking altogether or bought them on the rampant black market, The Daily Caller is reporting.

In fact, now 58 percent of all cigarettes are supplied from out-of-state and the number of packs bought at “full price” has dropped by 62 percent.


High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Read more: New York Loses $400 Million After Imposing The Nation’s Highest Cigarette Tax
Meanwhile cigarette smoking has dramatically declined
actually it's been replaced by e cigarettes

Why do you think there are people trying to pass laws to declare e-juice a "tobacco product", which is manifestly is not? So that they can drag it under the umbrella of "tobacco taxes" and generate income.
yep, it is costing them a ton of revenue. government wants people to smoke.

Well, if they do, they're going about it the wrong way. Taxing inhibits behavior.

What the government REALLY wants is to find as many ways as possible to take people's money.

That and if you sift through the rubble, what you find is that it's insurance companies calling the shots. Just like seat belt laws, drug tests at your work place, and of course taxing people into submission for alcohol and cigarettes, insurance companies make the calls.
NY just gets beat on taxes. People go to PA and buy them cheap. People buy from indian reservations. People buy black market which has gotten huge in NY. since internet sales of ammunition have been banned in NY the black market for that has boomed too. NY loses in sales, thats about it. people still get their stuff

I know people who will go to the Indian reservation here - which runs right up against the city limits in places, so isn't much of a trip - buy a few cartons of cigarettes, and then carry the packs around and sell the cigarettes individually for $2-5 apiece to desperate smokers trying to bum a smoke.

$2~$5 a piece?


Smart people say that about cigarette smokers

Well then that leads to all kinds of interesting things....

So, progressives are cigarette smokers. Or maybe cigarette smokers are progressives. Which might explain John Boehner. Either way, progressives have been pushing to tax themselves more, while conservatives were trying to protect them from themselves (and their attempts at self over-taxation). In doing so, they became nanny state progressives in their own right. Meanwhile, the cigarette smoking progressives rebelled against themselves and turned to black markets, which means that Cruz was right all along about criminals being democrats.
Taxes help no one but career politicians... Progressives are fools

Well, I suspect that there are things that we all enjoy that are paid for by taxes. But, on a related issue, My daughter had half of her higher education paid for by the tobacco settlement grant, which enabled her to become a nurse. She is a democrat, which is pretty much the icing on my cake!

Well what about her daughter or son, when the tobacco taxes run out, are you going to be happy when they put a 190 percent tax on Cupcakes?

Is is a slippery slope, isn't it. First, tobacco, next cupcakes, and then toilet paper. Where will it end?

It doesn't, that's the problem.

As long as liberals are able to pit one group of Americans against another, it can't end as long as they are on the side that's winning. Most people in this country don't smoke, so when politicians introduce new taxes or laws against smokers, they get the support of the majority.

But it doesn't matter whether you take money from smokers, prostitutes, a plumber, a businessman, a teacher, when you take money out of circulation and give it to the government, you reduce economic activity, and that's not only bad for the smokers and drinkers, but for everybody.
NY just gets beat on taxes. People go to PA and buy them cheap. People buy from indian reservations. People buy black market which has gotten huge in NY. since internet sales of ammunition have been banned in NY the black market for that has boomed too. NY loses in sales, thats about it. people still get their stuff

I know people who will go to the Indian reservation here - which runs right up against the city limits in places, so isn't much of a trip - buy a few cartons of cigarettes, and then carry the packs around and sell the cigarettes individually for $2-5 apiece to desperate smokers trying to bum a smoke.

$2~$5 a piece?



Dude, a smoker with a nic fit is an open wallet, basically.
Progressives are weak minded fools...
Smart people say that about cigarette smokers

Well then that leads to all kinds of interesting things....

So, progressives are cigarette smokers. Or maybe cigarette smokers are progressives. Which might explain John Boehner. Either way, progressives have been pushing to tax themselves more, while conservatives were trying to protect them from themselves (and their attempts at self over-taxation). In doing so, they became nanny state progressives in their own right. Meanwhile, the cigarette smoking progressives rebelled against themselves and turned to black markets, which means that Cruz was right all along about criminals being democrats.
Taxes help no one but career politicians... Progressives are fools

Well, I suspect that there are things that we all enjoy that are paid for by taxes. But, on a related issue, My daughter had half of her higher education paid for by the tobacco settlement grant, which enabled her to become a nurse. She is a democrat, which is pretty much the icing on my cake!

Gee, and they told us that money was going to be used to treat smoke related illnesses and smoking prevention. I can't believe my federal government lied to me. It's never happened before!
High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Why in the world would poor people engage in such an exorbitant habit??? Guess luxuries like food, heat, and toilet paper aren't that important when you have pennies for your budget. Much better decision to spend the cash on cigarettes. Save yourself the trouble by simply torching dollar bills. Yep, smart decision.
Cigarette use has dramatically declined? prove it.

Wow. Is your idiocy so powerful that you actually are allowing your biases to overcome a reality that EVERYONE knows?


Allow me:


CDC - Trends in Current Cigarette Smoking - Smoking & Tobacco Use

So this is your proof? The CDC? There is more smoking today by teenagers than ever before, folks like me have quit as we've aged, but your failure here is the teen count. oops!!!!! you lose.

And jesus most probably didn't pay any tax on a cigarette.
"There is more smoking today by teenagers than ever before."

Prove it.

The graph shows teen smoking has also declined.

And there's this:


  • From 2011 to 2014, current cigarette smoking declined among middle and high school students.5,6
    • Nearly 3 of every 100 middle school students (2.5%) reported in 2014 that they smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days—a decrease from 4.3% in 2011.
    • About 9 of every 100 high school students (9.2%) reported in 2014 that they smoked cigarettes in the past 30 days—a decrease from 15.8% in 2011.
Cigarette smoking among U.S. high school students at lowest level in 22 years | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC

Switching to vapors and that still pisses off liberals.

Rising use of vapor products among teens ignites debate

The Doctor Is In: Increased vaping among teens troubles me

Of course it does. Vaping doesn't have a gazillion sin taxes attached to it, so they're not raking in big bucks from it. So they get a bunch of people to "view with alarm" and make wildly over-generalized declarations and accusations about it, to justify extending the taxes from cigarettes to vaping.

What is funny is they outlaw it at my work (you have to go outside, with the smokers)

I work in a plastic plant, with P.V.C and a plastic called acetal, (formeldehyde, in it) it is more Damn harmful then breathing water vapor.
It;s always been about money, nothing else. You need to ditch this notion that modern liberals care about anything but money. They'll just replace the lost taxes with new taxes in the name of saving ____________________. (Fill in the blank)

The only thing liberals love more than money is power. However they both kind of go hand in hand.
High cigarette taxes not only assist global crime networks but also have a disproportionate impact on the poor. According to the New York State Department of Health, low-income smokers, defined as individuals in households earning less than $30,000 a year, spent 23.6 percent of the annual household income on cigarettes in 2010-2011. That number is up from 11.6 percent in 2003-2004.

Why in the world would poor people engage in such an exorbitant habit??? Guess luxuries like food, heat, and toilet paper aren't that important when you have pennies for your budget. Much better decision to spend the cash on cigarettes. Save yourself the trouble by simply torching dollar bills. Yep, smart decision.

Wait you are blaming poor people in New York because they voted for politicians to raise taxes on smokes 190 percent? $14 bucks.

When the same pack say in South Carolina cost $3.50 ?

Ok check.
Progressives are weak minded fools...
Smart people say that about cigarette smokers

Well then that leads to all kinds of interesting things....

So, progressives are cigarette smokers. Or maybe cigarette smokers are progressives. Which might explain John Boehner. Either way, progressives have been pushing to tax themselves more, while conservatives were trying to protect them from themselves (and their attempts at self over-taxation). In doing so, they became nanny state progressives in their own right. Meanwhile, the cigarette smoking progressives rebelled against themselves and turned to black markets, which means that Cruz was right all along about criminals being democrats.
Taxes help no one but career politicians... Progressives are fools

Well, I suspect that there are things that we all enjoy that are paid for by taxes. But, on a related issue, My daughter had half of her higher education paid for by the tobacco settlement grant, which enabled her to become a nurse. She is a democrat, which is pretty much the icing on my cake!

Gee, and they told us that money was going to be used to treat smoke related illnesses and smoking prevention. I can't believe my federal government lied to me. It's never happened before!

The money came from the State of Nevada, not from the federal government. Feel free to protest to Carson City.
Holy shit.... 99th post on a thread about cigarette's being bad? Are there really that many people still defending the cigarette industry in 2015?
Who cares, just living is bad for you. Progressives are just a bunch a control freaks that have no shame...

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