Cinderella is living in the pumpkin


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Cinderella is now living in the pumpkin
I was thinking today, Disney is the perfect example of a Democrat micro climate.
You have the Disney park, a beloved American institution.
What does the left have to say about the founder? All they can do is call the guy a racist.
Disney was not for sale. so the leftwing Dreamworks got together and attempted a hostile takeover of the company, which would have worked if a billionaire didn't save the family.
Eventually, the family knew they wouldn't win so they took a deal and sold the company.
Walt Disney produced classic characters, and brilliant cartoons.
What does leftwing Dreamworks produce? Cartoons that look like you dropped acid before you walked in the theater.
...cartoons with hidden sexual images, and toilet jokes to cover their lack of writing skills.
Naturally, leftwing Dreamworks jacked up the price of the parks to obscene levels, forcing Walt to turn in his grave that only rich and/or dumb families can enter the park.
The leftwing Democrats always claim they are heroes of the working class, but when they run the park they charge top dollar at the gate, and their employees are homeless and living in their cars.
(lawsuit announced today from employees)
"Disney" said they will be raising wages to $15 , two years before the state does.
I feel a Disney song coming on that starts with the word 'Someday..."
Cinderella is now living in the pumpkin
I was thinking today, Disney is the perfect example of a Democrat micro climate.
You have the Disney park, a beloved American institution.
What does the left have to say about the founder? All they can do is call the guy a racist.
Disney was not for sale. so the leftwing Dreamworks got together and attempted a hostile takeover of the company, which would have worked if a billionaire didn't save the family.
Eventually, the family knew they wouldn't win so they took a deal and sold the company.
Walt Disney produced classic characters, and brilliant cartoons.
What does leftwing Dreamworks produce? Cartoons that look like you dropped acid before you walked in the theater.
...cartoons with hidden sexual images, and toilet jokes to cover their lack of writing skills.
Naturally, leftwing Dreamworks jacked up the price of the parks to obscene levels, forcing Walt to turn in his grave that only rich and/or dumb families can enter the park.
The leftwing Democrats always claim they are heroes of the working class, but when they run the park they charge top dollar at the gate, and their employees are homeless and living in their cars.
(lawsuit announced today from employees)
"Disney" said they will be raising wages to $15 , two years before the state does.
I feel a Disney song coming on that starts with the word 'Someday..."

Thank you for your input. Be sure and drink plenty of water to help with that hangover.
Cinderella is now living in the pumpkin
I was thinking today, Disney is the perfect example of a Democrat micro climate.
You have the Disney park, a beloved American institution.
What does the left have to say about the founder? All they can do is call the guy a racist.

Um, yeah, I don't know why people would think Walt was a racist..


Oh, wow, that was awkward...


um, okay,



Well, next you'll be showing me Donald Duck was a Nazi...


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