Cindy Sheehan for President


Senior Member
May 9, 2004
This is rich.....,lombardi,69553,6.html

may I suggest her cabinet?

Michael Moore
Sean Penn
Barbara Streisand
Ward Churchill
Mumia Abu Jamal
Charlie Sheen
Ed Asner
Michael Farrell
Angela Davis
Jane Fonda

and some runners up

PeeWee Herman
Michael Jackson
The Tooth Fairy
The Abominable Snowman
Mickey Mouse
Big Foot
The Loch Ness Monster
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
KarlMarx said:
This is rich.....,lombardi,69553,6.html

may I suggest her cabinet?

Michael Moore
Sean Penn
Barbara Streisand
Ward Churchill
Mumia Abu Jamal
Charlie Sheen
Ed Asner
Michael Farrell
Angela Davis
Jane Fonda

and some runners up

PeeWee Herman
Michael Jackson
The Tooth Fairy
The Abominable Snowman
Mickey Mouse
Big Foot
The Loch Ness Monster
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Would Santa be in charge of welfare?
The sad part is, She WILL get votes.

Which brings me to what I never ever suggest, cept now.

That would be a Constitutional Amendment that states;
“In order to vote in a National election, you must pass, with a minimum score of 80%, a nationally standardized test in U.S. history, Government, and the Constitution before being allowed to vote.

That’ll do er!
Bonnie said:
Well how about Valerie Plame the new liberal poster child??
I haven't heard her say a word..Maybe she's above the politics BS..Dunno.
Mr. P said:
The sad part is, She WILL get votes.

Which brings me to what I never ever suggest, cept now.

That would be a Constitutional Amendment that states;
“In order to vote in a National election, you must pass, with a minimum score of 80%, a nationally standardized test in U.S. history, Government, and the Constitution before being allowed to vote.

That’ll do er!

I couldn't agree more. I would like to add that the test should be in English only. :read:
manu1959 said:
she still thinks she is under cover
:rotflmao: She better tell the MSM, I just saw her pic on tv in the last few days.
Mr. P said:
:rotflmao: She better tell the MSM, I just saw her pic on tv in the last few days.

oh that blonde chic....think hef has called her yet...or maybe larry flynt
manu1959 said:
oh that blonde chic....think hef has called her yet...or maybe larry flynt
That's the one.
Dunno about hef or larry calling, probably, she is attractive from what I saw anyway.
Well, just let 'em go. Let the left keep rolling out the whack jobs and nut cases, and let the morons and retards vote for them. The left is cutting their own throat doing it. It's lovely.
Mr. P said:
The sad part is, She WILL get votes.

Which brings me to what I never ever suggest, cept now.

That would be a Constitutional Amendment that states;
“In order to vote in a National election, you must pass, with a minimum score of 80%, a nationally standardized test in U.S. history, Government, and the Constitution before being allowed to vote.

That’ll do er!

Sounds good as long as its REAL History. Not that Abe Lincoln was gay or that Indians were persecuted etc. Revisionist history is worse then the Political Correctness that spawned some of it.
Mr. P said:
The sad part is, She WILL get votes.

Which brings me to what I never ever suggest, cept now.

That would be a Constitutional Amendment that states;
“In order to vote in a National election, you must pass, with a minimum score of 80%, a nationally standardized test in U.S. history, Government, and the Constitution before being allowed to vote.

That’ll do er!

:clap: Don't be ashamed. Many philosophers, including Plato and Nietsche, have suggested the same thing.

Right now, politics are filled with propaganda. The last election was won by 2% points. It was decided through propaganda, "Swift Boat Veterans for Un-Truth" on one side and "" on the other.

I think that a standardized test is a good idea. It would level the playing field greatly.
Mr. P said:
:rotflmao: She better tell the MSM, I just saw her pic on tv in the last few days.

Yes and also on the cover of that book in that zippy little convertable :teeth:
Palestinian Jew said:
:clap: Don't be ashamed. Many philosophers, including Plato and Nietsche, have suggested the same thing.

Right now, politics are filled with propaganda. The last election was won by 2% points. It was decided through propaganda, "Swift Boat Veterans for Un-Truth" on one side and "" on the other.

I think that a standardized test is a good idea. It would level the playing field greatly.

LOL well if propaganda was coming from both sides I'd say that already levels the playing field..........

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