
On another thread the other day, thread topic involved Female Genital Mutilation, one of the great evils, someone responded to me "what about male genital multilation?"

I said to them that there was no similarity at all between Female Genital Mutilation and male circumcision, for there to be essentially the entire penis pretty much would have to be removed.

Here is the link to the FGM thread I refer to:

Increased "risk" of female genital mutilation?

The response though has me curious, male genital "mutilation"

So for the males who've been circumcised, do you think you've been mutilated?

Would you have preferred to have been given a choice to have been circumcised, rather than your parents make that choice for you as a baby and/or child?

Or are you quite happy with the situation?

Edited to add link.

I would have preferred not to have been circumcised.

But my parents thought they were doing the right thing.

If I had a son, I wouldn't circumsize him- if he wants to get one later, that would be up to him.
There is no comparison between FGM and circumcision done on male infants. Regardless of what you think of male circumcision there are no known negative health effects, and no memory of it. Doing it on an adult female is horrendous. I don't see how you can make comparisons in that case.

I think when done----female circumcision----for muslims ---is done as is male circumcision----at early adolescence. Like about 12 years----THEY DO REMEMBER------Contrary to my usual practice of "GO ASK A MUSLIM"-----DON"T----
you would have to know the person VERY VERY well to get into such an issue.
AND, ABSOLUTELY, don't ask "so what happened to your sisters !!!! ??
even I never got into that one
The foreskin serves valid biological purposes in the function of the penis. Removing it without medical cause is absolutely mutilation.

Please explain your supposition.

At age 75, I was circumcised again for a perfectly valid reason in that the foreskin was preventing me from urinating freely. I see no mutilation whatsoever in having it done at any age. It does not affect sexual function as does FGM.

my very young assistant in one of the places where I worked-----about 15 years ago-----then about 26 years old-----developed a phimosis-----and was circumcised. We were friendly enough for
me to ask how much "EFFECT" it has on his-----"abilities"-----the answer was
NONE AT ALL. There is actually no reason, physiologically, that it would---HOWEVER it is a lot more traumatic for an adult than for a one week old baby.
SHEEEESH -----did they sedate you? I am convinced that the male foreskin is a
VESTIGIAL structure-------protection for apes that need something to protect the
tender glans------whilst he swings on vines and climbs trees or for dogs who get so
sexed up at the scent of a woman that they attempt to hump the firehydrant/ First
time I saw an uncircumcised male------I had to hold my breath to keep from laughing----I have four brothers-----(jews) I was just not accustomed to seeing a
man who whose family jewels resemble that of a dog
You are referencing uncircumcised people as dogs and monkeys. Is that a goyim hatred? I thought you weren't racist. Oh well... it makes no difference if there is one more or less....

your comment is idiotic-----muslims are circumcised-------are you suggesting that I am "RACIST" against Hispanic catholics and LOVE muslims so much more? -----
gee------talk to the people who claim I hate muslims. Hindus are not circumcised----I have EXPRESSED a strange FONDNESS for them
... muslims are circumcised-------
Hindus are not circumcised----
Wikipedia agrees with you about who is circumcised:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that globally one-third of males aged 15 years and over are circumcised, with almost 70% of those being Muslims.

Prevalence of circumcision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, unless one is a Muslim or Jew, it's not a big deal to be natural.

I have read that at one point in America that 90% of males had been circumcised, this was from turn of 20th Century until about the mid-1960s, this now has diminished significantly. Canada though didn't mimic her American neighbours, Canada never had a high rate of circumcision, I don't know if this is because they followed the lines of their Commonwealth kin.
Lucy causes me to wonder....when a tranniy has a penis custom built does he/she/it get to choose the style?

Well, I can say it's not a topic I've given much thought to Henry, until you mention this. I don't know, maybe they're just happy with a constructed penis that works.
The foreskin serves valid biological purposes in the function of the penis. Removing it without medical cause is absolutely mutilation.

So based on this, you agree with the person who said this to me in the FGM thread I just linked in this thread.

No. The degree of mutilation is considerably more severe in most forms of FGM; it causes far greater impediments to sexual functioning for the victims.

I think the argument "what about male circumcision" in response to a thread about FGM is stupid, knee-jerk "what about the menz" MRA whining. We can oppose the forced genital mutilation of males on our own time, without hijacking discussion of a much more serious crime being committed against girls.

I think there is no MORE serious crime than FGM, with the exception of actual murder, FGM is a wicked and fundamentally evil practice and as I said in the FGM thread that I've now linked in this thread, the World needs to shun anyone who commits it.

Regarding male circumcision, I have no problem with this myself, even for non-medical reasons.

Why not? It still represents a fundamental modification of a person's body against their will, and it causes numerous medical problems with the penis as well.

Not to mention all the cases of boys "raised as girls" because the surgeon slipped.

There's no justification for imposing this procedure on anyone that does not request it themselves when they have reached the age of consent.

Cases of boys raised as girls because the surgeon slipped? That is dumber than most dumb things said here.
On another thread the other day, thread topic involved Female Genital Mutilation, one of the great evils, someone responded to me "what about male genital multilation?"

I said to them that there was no similarity at all between Female Genital Mutilation and male circumcision, for there to be essentially the entire penis pretty much would have to be removed.

Here is the link to the FGM thread I refer to:

Increased "risk" of female genital mutilation?

The response though has me curious, male genital "mutilation"

So for the males who've been circumcised, do you think you've been mutilated?

Would you have preferred to have been given a choice to have been circumcised, rather than your parents make that choice for you as a baby and/or child?

Or are you quite happy with the situation?

Edited to add link.

I am not circumcised, but when I was about thirteen the uncle that was raising me had to have one done on him because the skin around the head of his penis had shrunk and was ripping, so they cut him and he was almost fifty years old at that time.

After he had the circumcision done my aunt took me to my doctor asking to have me done, and my doctor called her a idiot in the office and told her there was no reason for me to have one done unless I wanted it done, and I told him no.

There are a good arguments to have it done and not done, and to me it is a personal choice that should be left to the child and parents should stop the barbaric ritual.

If a child make the choice in their teen so be it, but I was never going to have it done, and the main reason they do it when the child is a baby is the fact it hurt when it is being done, and as a baby you will never remember it but as a adult or young male the circumcision will be scared into your memory, and again not worth it.

As for the hygiene factor, well the male need to wash their private area daily, and after sexual relations they should wash and if any type of contamination in the region should be washed and keeping it clean will make sure you never need a circumcision...

Just my opinion...
With Female Genital Mutilation, the mutilation is they remove pretty much ALL of the female lower body part and then leave a tiny hole through which to urinate.
My understanding of female circumcision is....women in the ME are not supposed to feel pleasure. Hence, removing the clitoris.
With Female Genital Mutilation, the mutilation is they remove pretty much ALL of the female lower body part and then leave a tiny hole through which to urinate.
My understanding of female circumcision is....women in the ME are not supposed to feel pleasure. Hence, removing the clitoris.

This is because women in the ME are treated as third class citizens, they have no rights, and are controlled completely by the men. What greater show of male control over women than even controlling the female sexual organ by removing nearly ALL of it.

It's absolutely horrific, I can think of nothing more horrific regarding the violation of a woman, except raping and murdering said woman.

I have no problem with male circumcision, whether it's for historically religious reasons or for medical purposes, there are reasons FOR male circumcision....there are NO reasons for FGM.
And unfortunately, they are so brainwashed, the mothers do it to their daughters themselves.
And unfortunately, they are so brainwashed, the mothers do it to their daughters themselves.

A few months ago, there was an awful documentary on one of the satellite channels, it was an hour long thing, I could only manage 10 minutes and that was it.

There was also a documentary on the week earlier, this about women who've had acid thrown in their faces in Afghanistan for refusing the male members of their families orders on anything from when the dinner should be on the table to that they went to the local shop whilst not accompanied by a male relative.

That these things are not given higher attention in the MSM and amongst the so-called Human Rights Groups is a complete disgrace.
Their customs, their problems. As long as they keep their 3rd world ways there and not bring them here.
I tire of feeling indignant on behalf of peoples who continue to stay brainwashed and then pass it on to their children who pass it on to theirs.
Their customs, their problems. As long as they keep their 3rd world ways there and not bring them here.
I tire of feeling indignant on behalf of peoples who continue to stay brainwashed and then pass it on to their children who pass it on to theirs.

The problem is that as they are brought to our nations, there's little evidence they want to integrate, so they just tend to live amongst each other in their own semi-closed areas in our nations.

With this they act like they do in their own nations in the ME, the women covered up etc, so with that we know they practice FGM, even though it's illegal in EVERY Western nation.

They're rooted in 7th Century customs, many of them being completely offensive to the 21st Century.

They shouldn't be allowed into Western nations, the majority of them hate everything about how we live in The West, I don't even know why they want to live in our nations in the first place, they certainly don't adhere to the When In Rome, Do As The Romans motto.
Their customs, their problems. As long as they keep their 3rd world ways there and not bring them here.
I tire of feeling indignant on behalf of peoples who continue to stay brainwashed and then pass it on to their children who pass it on to theirs.

The problem is that as they are brought to our nations, there's little evidence they want to integrate, so they just tend to live amongst each other in their own semi-closed areas in our nations.

With this they act like they do in their own nations in the ME, the women covered up etc, so with that we know they practice FGM, even though it's illegal in EVERY Western nation.

They're rooted in 7th Century customs, many of them being completely offensive to the 21st Century.

They shouldn't be allowed into Western nations, the majority of them hate everything about how we live in The West, I don't even know why they want to live in our nations in the first place, they certainly don't adhere to the When In Rome, Do As The Romans motto.
Some women break free. Not a lot, but some.
On another thread the other day, thread topic involved Female Genital Mutilation, one of the great evils, someone responded to me "what about male genital multilation?"

I said to them that there was no similarity at all between Female Genital Mutilation and male circumcision, for there to be essentially the entire penis pretty much would have to be removed.

Here is the link to the FGM thread I refer to:

Increased "risk" of female genital mutilation?

The response though has me curious, male genital "mutilation"

So for the males who've been circumcised, do you think you've been mutilated?

Would you have preferred to have been given a choice to have been circumcised, rather than your parents make that choice for you as a baby and/or child?

Or are you quite happy with the situation?

Edited to add link.
I was circumcised at age 28,it was an unpleasant experience, but would do it again. Wife liked the new me much better.

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