
Their customs, their problems. As long as they keep their 3rd world ways there and not bring them here.
I tire of feeling indignant on behalf of peoples who continue to stay brainwashed and then pass it on to their children who pass it on to theirs.

The problem is that as they are brought to our nations, there's little evidence they want to integrate, so they just tend to live amongst each other in their own semi-closed areas in our nations.

With this they act like they do in their own nations in the ME, the women covered up etc, so with that we know they practice FGM, even though it's illegal in EVERY Western nation.

They're rooted in 7th Century customs, many of them being completely offensive to the 21st Century.

They shouldn't be allowed into Western nations, the majority of them hate everything about how we live in The West, I don't even know why they want to live in our nations in the first place, they certainly don't adhere to the When In Rome, Do As The Romans motto.
Some women break free. Not a lot, but some.

Yes they do, I wish we could help more break free, but if anyone even attempts to suggest this they're called "racist" or something.
Their customs, their problems. As long as they keep their 3rd world ways there and not bring them here.
I tire of feeling indignant on behalf of peoples who continue to stay brainwashed and then pass it on to their children who pass it on to theirs.

The problem is that as they are brought to our nations, there's little evidence they want to integrate, so they just tend to live amongst each other in their own semi-closed areas in our nations.

With this they act like they do in their own nations in the ME, the women covered up etc, so with that we know they practice FGM, even though it's illegal in EVERY Western nation.

They're rooted in 7th Century customs, many of them being completely offensive to the 21st Century.

They shouldn't be allowed into Western nations, the majority of them hate everything about how we live in The West, I don't even know why they want to live in our nations in the first place, they certainly don't adhere to the When In Rome, Do As The Romans motto.
Some women break free. Not a lot, but some.

Yes they do, I wish we could help more break free, but if anyone even attempts to suggest this they're called "racist" or something.
I managed an apartment complex in Oxnard and one of the couples renting a unit were from Pakistan...or was it Iraq? Somewhere over there. Anyway, I heard lots of yelling by the guy on some days. Other days, silence. Then one day as I was walking the grounds, I heard her screaming STOP STOP OUCH STOP and I headed up the stairs and banged on the door. He opened it..all sweaty and face all red, her standing way back holding her face. He asked me what I wanted and I said "to talk to your wife". She told me to go away...she was fine...but she had to show her face to say it and I saw the bruises on her face.
That was it for me. I told her to come to me and she is inching her way towards me and he blocks the door. I said "you wanna try that shit with me? Really? I will kick your ass from here to there, asswipe. COME HERE, LADY" and he was aghast. Shocked. But he stepped back. She came to me and I took her hand and led her out the door to my apartment. I told her "you are in the USA now. He cannot do that to you. It is against the law here. Leave his sorry ass". She cried, was scared, but she did leave him. I gave him notice to move. So yes...some break free. And the men? Pussies.
I need to write a book. Managing apartment complexes for over 40 years....I have a shitload of stories.
Their customs, their problems. As long as they keep their 3rd world ways there and not bring them here.
I tire of feeling indignant on behalf of peoples who continue to stay brainwashed and then pass it on to their children who pass it on to theirs.

The problem is that as they are brought to our nations, there's little evidence they want to integrate, so they just tend to live amongst each other in their own semi-closed areas in our nations.

With this they act like they do in their own nations in the ME, the women covered up etc, so with that we know they practice FGM, even though it's illegal in EVERY Western nation.

They're rooted in 7th Century customs, many of them being completely offensive to the 21st Century.

They shouldn't be allowed into Western nations, the majority of them hate everything about how we live in The West, I don't even know why they want to live in our nations in the first place, they certainly don't adhere to the When In Rome, Do As The Romans motto.
Some women break free. Not a lot, but some.

Yes they do, I wish we could help more break free, but if anyone even attempts to suggest this they're called "racist" or something.
I managed an apartment complex in Oxnard and one of the couples renting a unit were from Pakistan...or was it Iraq? Somewhere over there. Anyway, I heard lots of yelling by the guy on some days. Other days, silence. Then one day as I was walking the grounds, I heard her screaming STOP STOP OUCH STOP and I headed up the stairs and banged on the door. He opened it..all sweaty and face all red, her standing way back holding her face. He asked me what I wanted and I said "to talk to your wife". She told me to go away...she was fine...but she had to show her face to say it and I saw the bruises on her face.
That was it for me. I told her to come to me and she is inching her way towards me and he blocks the door. I said "you wanna try that shit with me? Really? I will kick your ass from here to there, asswipe. COME HERE, LADY" and he was aghast. Shocked. But he stepped back. She came to me and I took her hand and led her out the door to my apartment. I told her "you are in the USA now. He cannot do that to you. It is against the law here. Leave his sorry ass". She cried, was scared, but she did leave him. I gave him notice to move. So yes...some break free. And the men? Pussies.

You did well, because yes this sort of behaviour isn't acceptable in our nations. Many of the women are just terrified to leave and we know why, because if the male family members find them they'll try and do something grotesque to them.

I really wish Western Governments had a plan to include these Muslim women, in the domestic abuse programmes they already have. The Islamic communities say this isn't any of our business, but if they're doing this in our nations, then it is our business.

The men are cowards.
This little gal...omg...she did the most beautiful embroidery. Shawls, doilies, tablecloths. Stunning work. Small delicate hands and so talented. He was a jerkoff asshole.
This little gal...omg...she did the most beautiful embroidery. Shawls, doilies, tablecloths. Stunning work. Small delicate hands and so talented. He was a jerkoff asshole.

Here in Houston, Texas we have a massive Persian population along with a Palestinian population, and can tell you that the men can be asses.
... muslims are circumcised-------
Hindus are not circumcised----
Wikipedia agrees with you about who is circumcised:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that globally one-third of males aged 15 years and over are circumcised, with almost 70% of those being Muslims.

Prevalence of circumcision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, unless one is a Muslim or Jew, it's not a big deal to be natural.

I have read that at one point in America that 90% of males had been circumcised, this was from turn of 20th Century until about the mid-1960s, this now has diminished significantly. Canada though didn't mimic her American neighbours, Canada never had a high rate of circumcision, I don't know if this is because they followed the lines of their Commonwealth kin.
I've often wondered why there's been such a high circumcision rate (70-80%) in USA, whereas most immigrants came from countries with low rates.

I've concluded one main factor is MONEY ... for the medical profession (& Dental which loves X-rays).
In USA, money is king. Follow the money to understand decisions by the rich & powerful.
Circumcision procedure = income.

USA doctors also advise their patients to use anesthesia, even when not necessary.
In my own case, i had a colonoscopy without anesthesia, although anesthesia is standard procedure in USA but not in other countries.
I also had my wisdom teeth pulled while conscious, against the doc's advise. The alternative, NO2 (laughing gas), was a lot of fun & the procedure only took 12 minutes!
I'm sure my doctor's colleagues were not happy that i reduced their income.
... muslims are circumcised-------
Hindus are not circumcised----
Wikipedia agrees with you about who is circumcised:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that globally one-third of males aged 15 years and over are circumcised, with almost 70% of those being Muslims.

Prevalence of circumcision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, unless one is a Muslim or Jew, it's not a big deal to be natural.

I have read that at one point in America that 90% of males had been circumcised, this was from turn of 20th Century until about the mid-1960s, this now has diminished significantly. Canada though didn't mimic her American neighbours, Canada never had a high rate of circumcision, I don't know if this is because they followed the lines of their Commonwealth kin.

It's a Catholicism versus Protestantism thing. Circumcision in the US is an outgrowth of Puritans' insane crusade against masturbation.
... muslims are circumcised-------
Hindus are not circumcised----
Wikipedia agrees with you about who is circumcised:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that globally one-third of males aged 15 years and over are circumcised, with almost 70% of those being Muslims.

Prevalence of circumcision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, unless one is a Muslim or Jew, it's not a big deal to be natural.

I have read that at one point in America that 90% of males had been circumcised, this was from turn of 20th Century until about the mid-1960s, this now has diminished significantly. Canada though didn't mimic her American neighbours, Canada never had a high rate of circumcision, I don't know if this is because they followed the lines of their Commonwealth kin.

It's a Catholicism versus Protestantism thing. Circumcision in the US is an outgrowth of Puritans' insane crusade against masturbation.

it is news to me that the Puritans engaged in circumcision. You have a link?
... muslims are circumcised-------
Hindus are not circumcised----
Wikipedia agrees with you about who is circumcised:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that globally one-third of males aged 15 years and over are circumcised, with almost 70% of those being Muslims.

Prevalence of circumcision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, unless one is a Muslim or Jew, it's not a big deal to be natural.

I have read that at one point in America that 90% of males had been circumcised, this was from turn of 20th Century until about the mid-1960s, this now has diminished significantly. Canada though didn't mimic her American neighbours, Canada never had a high rate of circumcision, I don't know if this is because they followed the lines of their Commonwealth kin.
I've often wondered why there's been such a high circumcision rate (70-80%) in USA, whereas most immigrants came from countries with low rates.

I've concluded one main factor is MONEY ... for the medical profession (& Dental which loves X-rays).
In USA, money is king. Follow the money to understand decisions by the rich & powerful.
Circumcision procedure = income.

USA doctors also advise their patients to use anesthesia, even when not necessary.
In my own case, i had a colonoscopy without anesthesia, although anesthesia is standard procedure in USA but not in other countries.
I also had my wisdom teeth pulled while conscious, against the doc's advise. The alternative, NO2 (laughing gas), was a lot of fun & the procedure only took 12 minutes!
I'm sure my doctor's colleagues were not happy that i reduced their income.

colonoscopy is done routinely without anesthesia-------as is extraction of wisdom teeth-------
On another thread the other day, thread topic involved Female Genital Mutilation, one of the great evils, someone responded to me "what about male genital multilation?"

I said to them that there was no similarity at all between Female Genital Mutilation and male circumcision, for there to be essentially the entire penis pretty much would have to be removed.

Here is the link to the FGM thread I refer to:

Increased "risk" of female genital mutilation?

The response though has me curious, male genital "mutilation"

So for the males who've been circumcised, do you think you've been mutilated?

Of course. There isn't enough skin left to facilitate a full erection without "borrowing" from the surrounding skin. Has left the scrotum stretched out. Yeah. That is exactly the word I would use.

Would you have preferred to have been given a choice to have been circumcised, rather than your parents make that choice for you as a baby and/or child?

Obviously forcing a medically unnecessary procedure on anyone is a human rights violation. But hey, back then people were too barbaric to know better. Apparently..

Or are you quite happy with the situation?

I've learned to accept it. I'm sure it's better for most partners that I've had that it takes me so long to get off. Though perhaps a couple felt
On another thread the other day, thread topic involved Female Genital Mutilation, one of the great evils, someone responded to me "what about male genital multilation?"

I said to them that there was no similarity at all between Female Genital Mutilation and male circumcision, for there to be essentially the entire penis pretty much would have to be removed.

Here is the link to the FGM thread I refer to:

Increased "risk" of female genital mutilation?

The response though has me curious, male genital "mutilation"

So for the males who've been circumcised, do you think you've been mutilated?

Would you have preferred to have been given a choice to have been circumcised, rather than your parents make that choice for you as a baby and/or child?

Or are you quite happy with the situation?

Edited to add link.
I am happy that I was circumcised and do not feel mutilated
... muslims are circumcised-------
Hindus are not circumcised----
Wikipedia agrees with you about who is circumcised:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that globally one-third of males aged 15 years and over are circumcised, with almost 70% of those being Muslims.

Prevalence of circumcision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, unless one is a Muslim or Jew, it's not a big deal to be natural.

I have read that at one point in America that 90% of males had been circumcised, this was from turn of 20th Century until about the mid-1960s, this now has diminished significantly. Canada though didn't mimic her American neighbours, Canada never had a high rate of circumcision, I don't know if this is because they followed the lines of their Commonwealth kin.
I've often wondered why there's been such a high circumcision rate (70-80%) in USA, whereas most immigrants came from countries with low rates.

I've concluded one main factor is MONEY ... for the medical profession (& Dental which loves X-rays).
In USA, money is king. Follow the money to understand decisions by the rich & powerful.
Circumcision procedure = income.

USA doctors also advise their patients to use anesthesia, even when not necessary.
In my own case, i had a colonoscopy without anesthesia, although anesthesia is standard procedure in USA but not in other countries.
I also had my wisdom teeth pulled while conscious, against the doc's advise. The alternative, NO2 (laughing gas), was a lot of fun & the procedure only took 12 minutes!
I'm sure my doctor's colleagues were not happy that i reduced their income.

colonoscopy is done routinely without anesthesia-------as is extraction of wisdom teeth-------

I've found your medical knowledge in this thread very interesting and informative.
Circumcision causes gayness. It cuts away your neuro-sensors for sex, so the only way you can make yourself whole again is to take it from other dicks. This is the sub-conscious psycho-analysis of circumcision, and of the process of becoming gay. Would you like to be gay?
On another thread the other day, thread topic involved Female Genital Mutilation, one of the great evils, someone responded to me "what about male genital multilation?"

I said to them that there was no similarity at all between Female Genital Mutilation and male circumcision, for there to be essentially the entire penis pretty much would have to be removed.

Here is the link to the FGM thread I refer to:

Increased "risk" of female genital mutilation?

The response though has me curious, male genital "mutilation"

So for the males who've been circumcised, do you think you've been mutilated?

Would you have preferred to have been given a choice to have been circumcised, rather than your parents make that choice for you as a baby and/or child?

Or are you quite happy with the situation?

Edited to add link.

The reason why a lot of boys are circumcised is for cleanliness sake. It makes it easier for a little boy to clean. Some men who are not circumcised actually end up being circumcised as adults. I think it is much less painful and traumatizing when they are newborns and can't remember. They also heal faster. Circumcision can also help prevent the spread of STDs.
I read almost 80% of American males are circumcised.
Is that true? and above all...why do they want to be circumcised?
Yes, 80++% of them are circumcised, hence they are gay. They want to be circumcised because they want to be gay. In America, being a queered fag poofter gay dick is the fastest way to make money. Most of my clients are gay men. They have more money than anyone else. If you are from Asia, let us know what the Asian preference is, circumcision, or keeping the dick in its original form? Which way does it look better, anyway?
On another thread the other day, thread topic involved Female Genital Mutilation, one of the great evils, someone responded to me "what about male genital multilation?"

I said to them that there was no similarity at all between Female Genital Mutilation and male circumcision, for there to be essentially the entire penis pretty much would have to be removed.

Here is the link to the FGM thread I refer to:

Increased "risk" of female genital mutilation?

The response though has me curious, male genital "mutilation"

So for the males who've been circumcised, do you think you've been mutilated?

Would you have preferred to have been given a choice to have been circumcised, rather than your parents make that choice for you as a baby and/or child?

Or are you quite happy with the situation?

Edited to add link.

The reason why a lot of boys are circumcised is for cleanliness sake. It makes it easier for a little boy to clean. Some men who are not circumcised actually end up being circumcised as adults. I think it is much less painful and traumatizing when they are newborns and can't remember. They also heal faster. Circumcision can also help prevent the spread of STDs.
I'd rather not remember it.

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