
I read almost 80% of American males are circumcised.
Is that true? and above all...why do they want to be circumcised?
Yes, 80++% of them are circumcised, hence they are gay. They want to be circumcised because they want to be gay. In America, being a queered fag poofter gay dick is the fastest way to make money. Most of my clients are gay men. They have more money than anyone else. If you are from Asia, let us know what the Asian preference is, circumcision, or keeping the dick in its original form? Which way does it look better, anyway?
I didn't know being gay was so popular in the US.... O_O
anyways I've never seen in my experience a circumcised man. All the men I've seen (not many to be honest) were "normal"
I think we Asian women don't love circumcision too much :)
Then looks like Asian women don't like if their boyfriends are gay. In the USA on the other hand, pop music sales volumes show in hard dollar figures, that the best selling artists for female buyers are the gay ones. This is a financial fact.

I read almost 80% of American males are circumcised.
Is that true? and above all...why do they want to be circumcised?
Yes, about 70-80% of USA (not Mexico or south America) families circumcise their infants ... for cultural reasons or financial benefit to greedy doctors, not good medical reasons.

Here is an explanation from an American group of doctors opposed to infant circumcision on medical grounds, which reflects European views:

The group Doctors Opposing Circumcision accuses the members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) of bias verging on outright corruption. The commentary names several members of the task force and lists their potential conflicts of interest, including strong religious beliefs in favor of the procedure, economic incentive in the promoting it, and, in one case, deriving financial income from a medical practice devoted to treating boys with circumcision-related problems. Lest it go unnoticed, an additional potential source of bias is noted: “It appears that no member of the task force had a foreskin.”

These recent “favorable” reviews of circumcision by the CDC and the AAP come at a time when peer medical organizations in other Western countries are moving in the exact opposite direction. Medical organizations in England, Canada, Australia, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany all oppose routine infant circumcision on medical grounds.

Why Is Circumcision So Popular in America?
I read almost 80% of American males are circumcised.
Is that true? and above all...why do they want to be circumcised?
Yes, about 70-80% of USA (not Mexico or south America) families circumcise their infants ... for cultural reasons or financial benefit to greedy doctors, not good medical reasons.

Here is an explanation from an American group of doctors opposed to infant circumcision on medical grounds, which reflects European views:

The group Doctors Opposing Circumcision accuses the members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) of bias verging on outright corruption. The commentary names several members of the task force and lists their potential conflicts of interest, including strong religious beliefs in favor of the procedure, economic incentive in the promoting it, and, in one case, deriving financial income from a medical practice devoted to treating boys with circumcision-related problems. Lest it go unnoticed, an additional potential source of bias is noted: “It appears that no member of the task force had a foreskin.”

These recent “favorable” reviews of circumcision by the CDC and the AAP come at a time when peer medical organizations in other Western countries are moving in the exact opposite direction. Medical organizations in England, Canada, Australia, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany all oppose routine infant circumcision on medical grounds.

Why Is Circumcision So Popular in America?

It looks nicer when it's circumcised. :D It's cleaner too. It is recommended in some third world countries to slow the spread of HIV as well.
Wikipedia agrees with you about who is circumcised:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that globally one-third of males aged 15 years and over are circumcised, with almost 70% of those being Muslims.

Prevalence of circumcision - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, unless one is a Muslim or Jew, it's not a big deal to be natural.

I have read that at one point in America that 90% of males had been circumcised, this was from turn of 20th Century until about the mid-1960s, this now has diminished significantly. Canada though didn't mimic her American neighbours, Canada never had a high rate of circumcision, I don't know if this is because they followed the lines of their Commonwealth kin.
I've often wondered why there's been such a high circumcision rate (70-80%) in USA, whereas most immigrants came from countries with low rates.

I've concluded one main factor is MONEY ... for the medical profession (& Dental which loves X-rays).
In USA, money is king. Follow the money to understand decisions by the rich & powerful.
Circumcision procedure = income.

USA doctors also advise their patients to use anesthesia, even when not necessary.
In my own case, i had a colonoscopy without anesthesia, although anesthesia is standard procedure in USA but not in other countries.
I also had my wisdom teeth pulled while conscious, against the doc's advise. The alternative, NO2 (laughing gas), was a lot of fun & the procedure only took 12 minutes!
I'm sure my doctor's colleagues were not happy that i reduced their income.
colonoscopy is done routinely without anesthesia-------as is extraction of wisdom teeth-------
I was speaking from my own experience and that of my doctor's.

This writer's experience mirrors mine:
"I’m one of an elite group of American patients. Only about one percent of us undergo colonoscopy without sedation.
Dr. Horst says he performs about two to five percent of colonoscopies without sedation, “higher than the general rate because I have a small reputation for success at that.” ...
in Europe very roughly half of all colonoscopies are unsedated."

One Man’s Sedation-Free Colonoscopy (And Why You Should Try It Too)

sorry PK you wrote ANESTHESIA ----not SEDATION. That little shot of
5 or 6 mg of VALIUM is SEDATION----not ANESTHESIA. Getting back to
ANESTHESIA in reference to tooth extraction------the NOVACAINE is----strictly speaking Anesthesia-------when I commented that extraction of wisdom teeth is
done ROUTINELY without anesthesia-----I was thinking GENERAL ANESTHESIA----in fact ---------even I got a shot of novacaine--------NO (nitrous oxide) is---strictly speaking, also a kind of anesthesia. The valium used for colonoscopy is sedation and also used as a muscle relaxant. Most people are awake during colonoscopy. I do not think that either dentists or gastroenterologists make their living off ANESTHESIA
You have a good point about sedation vs full anesthesia.
However, in my own case, my initial doctors recommended full anesthesia for both wisdom tooth removal and colonoscopy. I immediately changed doctors!
I prefer the natural approach.
Here are clips from a doctor i respect:

Sedation for colonoscopies has become a bit controversial. At issue is the growing practice in some parts of the United States of giving patients unnecessary full anesthesia. This is typically performed with the drug Propofol, a powerful sedative that must be administered and monitored by an anesthesiologist. This colonoscopy anesthesia can be an expensive option
the use of full anesthesia for colonoscopy procedures is adding $1.1 billion annually to medical costs.

The JAMA study found that full anesthesia was used in more than 30 percent of all colonoscopies and other gastroenterology procedures in 2009, up 14 percent from 2003. It is most widely used in the northeastern United States, where 59 percent of all these procedures were done with full anesthesia. In the west, only 13 percent of colonoscopies were being done with full anesthesia.

I read almost 80% of American males are circumcised.
Is that true? and above all...why do they want to be circumcised?
Yes, about 70-80% of USA (not Mexico or south America) families circumcise their infants ... for cultural reasons or financial benefit to greedy doctors, not good medical reasons.

Here is an explanation from an American group of doctors opposed to infant circumcision on medical grounds, which reflects European views:

The group Doctors Opposing Circumcision accuses the members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) of bias verging on outright corruption. The commentary names several members of the task force and lists their potential conflicts of interest, including strong religious beliefs in favor of the procedure, economic incentive in the promoting it, and, in one case, deriving financial income from a medical practice devoted to treating boys with circumcision-related problems. Lest it go unnoticed, an additional potential source of bias is noted: “It appears that no member of the task force had a foreskin.”

These recent “favorable” reviews of circumcision by the CDC and the AAP come at a time when peer medical organizations in other Western countries are moving in the exact opposite direction. Medical organizations in England, Canada, Australia, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany all oppose routine infant circumcision on medical grounds.

Why Is Circumcision So Popular in America?

It looks nicer when it's circumcised. :D It's cleaner too.
Apparently, looks is in the eye of the beholder ... mostly what you are used to or influenced to believe (both = cultural/psychological patterns).

The asian poster had a different view.

Cleanliness is non issue for me. I am clean & only sleep with clean women.
I read almost 80% of American males are circumcised.
Is that true? and above all...why do they want to be circumcised?
Yes, about 70-80% of USA (not Mexico or south America) families circumcise their infants ... for cultural reasons or financial benefit to greedy doctors, not good medical reasons.

Here is an explanation from an American group of doctors opposed to infant circumcision on medical grounds, which reflects European views:

The group Doctors Opposing Circumcision accuses the members of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) of bias verging on outright corruption. The commentary names several members of the task force and lists their potential conflicts of interest, including strong religious beliefs in favor of the procedure, economic incentive in the promoting it, and, in one case, deriving financial income from a medical practice devoted to treating boys with circumcision-related problems. Lest it go unnoticed, an additional potential source of bias is noted: “It appears that no member of the task force had a foreskin.”

These recent “favorable” reviews of circumcision by the CDC and the AAP come at a time when peer medical organizations in other Western countries are moving in the exact opposite direction. Medical organizations in England, Canada, Australia, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany all oppose routine infant circumcision on medical grounds.

Why Is Circumcision So Popular in America?

It looks nicer when it's circumcised. :D It's cleaner too.
Apparently, looks is in the eye of the beholder ... mostly what you are used to or influenced to believe (both = cultural/psychological patterns).

The asian poster had a different view.

Cleanliness is non issue for me. I am clean & only sleep with clean women.

True. As opposed to the other poster, I've never been with a guy who was UNcircumcised, but I've seen pictures, and it looks weird.
It looks nicer when it's circumcised. :D It's cleaner too.

Also the rationale that is used by some cultures to rationalize female circumcision. :eusa_eh:

Not really, the rational is so that the female doesn't get pleasure from sex.

Lessening the enjoyability is obviously behind both procedures. Entirely about trying to get people to focus on things other than sex. It has failed in both cases.

Orgasm in ritually circumcised African women

In the American case, it has failed because men find stimulation from visual media as well. Hence why pornography is so widespread here. Cause and effect.
It looks nicer when it's circumcised. :D It's cleaner too.

Also the rationale that is used by some cultures to rationalize female circumcision. :eusa_eh:

Not really, the rational is so that the female doesn't get pleasure from sex.

Lessening the enjoyability is obviously behind both procedures. Entirely about trying to get people to focus on things other than sex. It has failed in both cases.

Orgasm in ritually circumcised African women

In the American case, it has failed because men find stimulation from visual media as well. Hence why pornography is so widespread here. Cause and effect.

I disagree. Male circumcision does in fact have health benefits, whereas female circumcision CAUSES health problems.
I disagree. Male circumcision does in fact have health benefits.

Dogmatized mythology. There are not any net benefits.

Doctors disagree with you. I will take their words over yours, thanks. :)

Most doctors in the world do not. Most that do work in a system of profit-driven medicine. Their motivations are transparent to anyone who doesn't agree with them for dogmatic or sexist reasons.
On another thread the other day, thread topic involved Female Genital Mutilation, one of the great evils, someone responded to me "what about male genital multilation?"

I said to them that there was no similarity at all between Female Genital Mutilation and male circumcision, for there to be essentially the entire penis pretty much would have to be removed.

Here is the link to the FGM thread I refer to:

Increased "risk" of female genital mutilation?

The response though has me curious, male genital "mutilation"

So for the males who've been circumcised, do you think you've been mutilated?

Would you have preferred to have been given a choice to have been circumcised, rather than your parents make that choice for you as a baby and/or child?

Or are you quite happy with the situation?

Edited to add link.

The reason why a lot of boys are circumcised is for cleanliness sake. It makes it easier for a little boy to clean. Some men who are not circumcised actually end up being circumcised as adults. I think it is much less painful and traumatizing when they are newborns and can't remember. They also heal faster. Circumcision can also help prevent the spread of STDs.
Is that because girls just don't trust men to wash their dicks? Even if men wash it?

Not at all. It just makes it easier. An uncircumcised penis is more prone to infections, as well as STDs. Those are just facts.
But what if this is propaganda? Logically, by the way, it should be easier to infect a dick without its protective skin.
I read almost 80% of American males are circumcised.
Is that true? and above all...why do they want to be circumcised?
Yes, 80++% of them are circumcised, hence they are gay. They want to be circumcised because they want to be gay. In America, being a queered fag poofter gay dick is the fastest way to make money. Most of my clients are gay men. They have more money than anyone else. If you are from Asia, let us know what the Asian preference is, circumcision, or keeping the dick in its original form? Which way does it look better, anyway?
I didn't know being gay was so popular in the US.... O_O
anyways I've never seen in my experience a circumcised man. All the men I've seen (not many to be honest) were "normal"
I think we Asian women don't love circumcision too much :)
Then looks like Asian women don't like if their boyfriends are gay. In the USA on the other hand, pop music sales volumes show in hard dollar figures, that the best selling artists for female buyers are the gay ones. This is a financial fact.

No, you don't get off this easy. Now confess that you picked your boyfriend because he is gay.
Moses peered up to the heavens and said to God, " So let me get this straight. You want us to cut the ends of our dicks off?"
Moses peered up to the heavens and said to God, " So let me get this straight. You want us to cut the ends of our dicks off?"

Ironically, the ancients cut less off in their days then the 20th century circumcisers did. It became a point of pride, that they leave the bare minimum required to facilitate procreation--and that, not by leaving the organ with any particular sensation, but by pressure and friction.

And we call the ancients barbarians...
Jesus of Nazareth was circumcised
"Jesus of Nazareth was circumcised"

How do you know that?
1) What's your source?
2) What is the source of the person claiming that in your source?
3) Was Jesus observed naked, or was it assumed he was circumcised because he came from a Jewish family?
I don't believe any of the story but according to the accounts he was a Jew and the Jews were circumcised.
I read almost 80% of American males are circumcised.
Is that true? and above all...why do they want to be circumcised?
My theory is it is cultural and comes from Christianity, which comes from Judaism.
Your theory is wrong. Circumcision is not practiced by Christians, unless their Jewish or Islamic doctors influence them for mostly cultural reasons, if not for financial gain (doctor's).
This map shows in yellow the countries & regions that have very low rates of circumcision:
View attachment 69959
This is still mostly a Christian nation according to those that self identify as such and most males are circumcised, by a wide margin. Patches on a map off the internet doesn't change it.
in the US-----circumcision is a norm thruout most of the US------unrelated to the religion of the doctor--------it has been considered advisable on medical grounds for
almost the past century-------I doubt that it is a money making procedure. Anyone
know how much hospitals charge?------my kid was snipped at home by a mohel----
the doc did not complain. In some hospitals the procedure is handed to the intern-----like spinal taps. I have done 100s (if not thousands) of spinal taps------I have no idea how the procedure is billed-----I never collected a dime
I heard the doctors just work for tips.

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