Circumcission Ban?

That's what I thought...

So it seems like this ban would be a breach of the free exercise clause. :doubt:
Human sacrifices are mandatory in my religion...

Nice reductio ad absurdum. The two aren't morally equivalent. There's a line; human sacrifice and circumcision are on different sides of that line, imo.

I'm just highlighting the fallacy you call an argument

You're right- we're talking about using a sharpened piece of metal to permanently deface your child's genitalia
Circumcision drastically reduces HIV and other STD infections.

Moses was very wise.

No it doesn't. All the research shows that any reduction in incidence of disease is minimal at best.

Furthermore the foreskin of a male penis is not integral to the transmission and pathogenesis of Hepatitis, HIV, Chlamydia, or Gonorrhea. You might be able to argue that syphillis and herpes could benefit from more surface area, but it's a stretch.
You mean like 99% of abortions?

"Look ma! The one trick pony just did his trick!"


I'm strongly pro-choice, but don't let that stop you from making an ass of yourself

You are?

I guess I just don't pay that much attention to you then.

Aren't you the guy who likes to harass female posters on here about having abortions? If so, that's strange behavior for someone who is "strongly pro-choice".
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Circumcision drastically reduces HIV and other STD infections.

Moses was very wise.

No it doesn't. All the research shows that any reduction in incidence of disease is minimal at best.

Furthermore the foreskin of a male penis is not integral to the transmission and pathogenesis of Hepatitis, HIV, Chlamydia, or Gonorrhea. You might be able to argue that syphillis and herpes could benefit from more surface area, but it's a stretch.

But it reduces negative friction, improving sex

therefore it must go

plus, it'll stop 'em from jackin off
At some point we have to accept that parents are responsible for the well being of their children (and even their very "being" when still in the womb). Placing such widespread responsibiliy upon the state will only lead to bad things.

Sometimes there is simply no easy solution that doesn't require compromise in determining exactly where to draw the proverbial line.

Granting the state the authority to ban infant circumcission crosses the line as I would define it.

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