Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoff


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report
but, but,'s the affordable care act. It's supposed to help the chiltren.


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Cleveland Clinic gets most of it's money from "Medicaid". That's a government program. I thought right wingers want government to spend less.

What a bunch of "tards". And they have the nerve to PRETEND to care about children. They are trying to cut millions of children off food stamps, the fuckers.
David H. Koch bought a cancer research center when he got cancer.

Now he's trying to talk people out of health care.
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Cleveland Clinic gets most of it's money from "Medicaid". That's a government program. I thought right wingers want government to spend less.

What a bunch of "tards". And they have the nerve to PRETEND to care about children. They are trying to cut millions of children off food stamps, the fuckers.

And Dumnocrats have the nerve to PRETEND to care about WORKERS...

I mean, you're the party of unions and bailouts. So what the fuck RDeantard?!? You're sending all of these workers to the sidelines.
Cleveland Clinic gets most of it's money from "Medicaid".

That is an outrageous LIE. [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] doesn't know a fucking thing about the Cleveland Clinic and literally just makes shit like this up in a weak attempt to defend the indefensible....
What a bunch of "tards". And they have the nerve to PRETEND to care about children. They are trying to cut millions of children off food stamps, the fuckers.

If it wasn't for you Dumbocrats destroying jobs with taxes, Obamacare, and other marxist policies, those "children" wouldn't be on food stamps in the first place asshole....

With the exception of maybe the Mayo Clinic, the most powerful healthcare institution in America (who once backed Obamacare to the hilt) has now crunched the numbers and found that Obamacare is going to bankrupt them. And thus, they are laying off workers (which will cause people to lose their health insurance, which will cause them to become government dependent, which will cause the costs to skyrocket further, which will cause even more layoffs - Lather. Rinse. Repeat.)

Obamacare is astounding Dumbocrat failure (even by the standard levels of liberal failure)

Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

justice would be if the ones who voted for obama get laid off first.
David H. Koch bought a cancer research center when he got cancer.

Now he's trying to talk people out of health care.

Exactly asshat - he bought a cancer research center. He didn't ask the government to buy it for him...

David H. Koch bought a cancer research center when he got cancer.

Now he's trying to talk people out of health care.

Exactly asshat - he bought a cancer research center. He didn't ask the government to buy it for him...


But he does ask government to not make him pay taxes.

Certainly, he doesn't give a shit about you. In fact, does anyone?
"To prepare for health care reform, Cleveland Clinic is transforming the way care is delivered to patients," the Clinic's representatives said in a statement. "Over the past several years, we have had an ongoing focus on driving efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing duplication in services and enhancing quality to make health care affordable to patients."

The law is driving efficiencies, prompting providers to offer better or equivalent quality care at lower costs? Who knew!
David H. Koch bought a cancer research center when he got cancer.

Now he's trying to talk people out of health care.

Exactly asshat - he bought a cancer research center. He didn't ask the government to buy it for him...


But he does ask government to not make him pay taxes.

Certainly, he doesn't give a shit about you. In fact, does anyone?

Uh, why should David Koch give a shit about me?!? :cuckoo:
"To prepare for health care reform, Cleveland Clinic is transforming the way care is delivered to patients," the Clinic's representatives said in a statement. "Over the past several years, we have had an ongoing focus on driving efficiencies, lowering costs, reducing duplication in services and enhancing quality to make health care affordable to patients."

The law is driving efficiencies, prompting providers to offer better or equivalent quality care at lower costs? Who knew!

Yeah - it's so "efficient" it's causing hard working people to lose their jobs! Yeah for Dumbocrat government-style "efficiency"!

Why do you ignore what this story is really about, cherry pick one quote and take it completely out of context (they didn't say Obamacare made them do that stupid - business is ALWAYS trying to lower their costs and be more efficient), and just be a disingenuous ass in general to attempt to defend a failed ideology.

The facts show you are WRONG. Why can't you just reexamine your failed ideology? Did mommy & daddy really brainwash you that thoroughly?
Cleveland Clinic gets most of it's money from "Medicaid".

That is an outrageous LIE. [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] doesn't know a fucking thing about the Cleveland Clinic and literally just makes shit like this up in a weak attempt to defend the indefensible....

Medicaid Questions & Answers - Cleveland Clinic

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Just read ALL 23 pages asshat and it didn't say ONE single thing about "most" of the Cleveland Clinic's money coming from Medicaid. It was just a QA for for anyone with concerns about coverage Want to try again LIAR?

See, like most dumbocrats, Rdeantard is fiercely racist. He assumes that the Cleveland Clinic must be utilized by all black, "po folk" because he sees "Cleveland" in the name and assumes that equals poor black people.

Because he exists in a constant state of ignorance, he has no idea that the wealthiest people from around the world (from billionaire oil sheiks who rent out entire floors for millions of dollars per day to pro athletes) go to the Cleveland Clinic for all of their healthcare needs.

I love calling out Rdeantard on each of his LIES....

That is an outrageous LIE. [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] doesn't know a fucking thing about the Cleveland Clinic and literally just makes shit like this up in a weak attempt to defend the indefensible....

Medicaid Questions & Answers - Cleveland Clinic

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Just read ALL 23 pages asshat and it didn't say ONE single thing about "most" of the Cleveland Clinic's money coming from Medicaid. It was just a QA for for anyone with concerns about coverage Want to try again LIAR?

See, like most dumbocrats, Rdeantard is fiercely racist. He assumes that the Cleveland Clinic must be utilized by all black, "po folk" because he sees "Cleveland" in the name and assumes that equals poor black people.

Because he exists in a constant state of ignorance, he has no idea that the wealthiest people from around the world (from billionaire oil sheiks who rent out entire floors for millions of dollars per day to pro athletes) go to the Cleveland Clinic for all of their healthcare needs.

I love calling out Rdeantard on each of his LIES....


Wow, you really went over the edge on that one. So it's billionaire oil sheikhs who fund our clinics. Amazing. They take both Medicaid and billionaire oil sheikhs. But it's the billionaire oil sheikhs who we should be thanking. how about this guy:

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