Citizen United being used to defend Disney over DeSantis attacks.

1. My TV bleeps out those words on the main channels, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc,. not on cable or movies, there they say anything.

Must be a setting on your TV. Hell, I hear the word shit on just about every cooking show I watch.

3. Its not always about Disney, its about the gay agenda, the teacher's unions or someone else is putting those gay books like "Gender Queer" in schools.

This thread is about Disney being attacked for daring to disagree with DeSantis

5. If its constituitional to keep offensive material away from children and parents want to protect their kids from being "harmed" I do support it.

It is not constitutional for the Govt to attack a private company for merely disagreeing with said Govt.
I'm mean exactly that. Is that the kind of government we should tolerate?
It exists whether you tolerate it or not.

Trump tried to "drain the swamp" but the swamp drained him.

Blinken got those 50 traitiors to sign that bogus "Russian Disinformation" memo.
It exists whether you tolerate it or not.

Trump tried to "drain the swamp" but the swamp drained him.

Blinken got those 50 traitiors to sign that bogus "Russian Disinformation" memo.
Well, ok. If what you're saying is "Republicans are gonna play the same shit games Democrats do" why in the fuck should anyone support Republicans?
Must be a setting on your TV. Hell, I hear the word shit on just about every cooking show I watch.
This thread is about Disney being attacked for daring to disagree with DeSantis
It is not constitutional for the Govt to attack a private company for merely disagreeing with said Govt.
1. How about "fuck" or motherfucker or cocksucker? I never heard any of them on ABC, CBS, NBC or FNC.

2. I thought this thread is about the FL "don't say gay" law and Disney's response to it as well as the basis for the law?

3. There was no attack. If its not constitutional take FL to court.
Well, ok. If what you're saying is "Republicans are gonna play the same shit games Democrats do" why in the fuck should anyone support Republicans?
How about "both parties do it, but democrats do it better"?
How about "both parties do it, but democrats do it better"?
So you're jealous?

Now that Republicans have given up any semblance of a limited government party, I see little stopping our descent into fascism.
So you're jealous?
Now that Republicans have given up any semblance of a limited government party, I see little stopping our descent into fascism.
Republicans will cut budgets. Possibly end the Department of Education.
My recommendation is to have another "Grace Commission" but follow their recommendations this time.
Republicans will cut budgets. Possibly end the Department of Education.
My recommendation is to have another "Grace Commission" but follow their recommendations this time.
Now that Republicans have given up any pretense of being a limited government party, I see little stopping our descent into fascism.
That the government has no business going after either individuals or a business because of what they have to say. So tell me, why should a governor be able to attack a business. What could be more un-American than that?

You just called Bidden unAmerican.

He and the left have been going after individuals and businesses for years for reasons of politics having absolutely no legal basis of doing so.
Now that Republicans have given up any pretense of being a limited government party, I see little stopping our descent into fascism.

Dude, you've already been under fascism for years, we're trying to get out of it. Now, just for instance, the banks, working with the Bidens are shutting down businesses they don't like on the slightest technicality of even a small error in filling out a form to harass them, as well as reporting anyone doing business with the company despite it all being perfectly legal, indeed, even "protected" under the Constitution.

Better wake the F up.
This has nothing to do with children

Quit your denial. It has EVERYTHING to do with children, it was Disney's promotion of child mutilation and abuse that started all of this. But what would you know, all of the democrats just voted to BLOCK a law making exposing yourself to little kids a felony.

Pro child abuse.
Pro child murder via unlimited abortion.
Pro denying women even privacy to change and shower without risking exposure to leering lechers.

That is a democrat now. That is you. That you could defend it says all we need to know about you.
You just called Bidden unAmerican.

He and the left have been going after individuals and businesses for years for reasons of politics having absolutely no legal basis of doing so.

And I've always condemned it.
Quit your denial. It has EVERYTHING to do with children, it was Disney's promotion of child mutilation and abuse that started all of this.

Translation: DeSantis is using the power of the State to punish Disney for protected speech.

Thank you for admitting as much.

DeSantis' failure.....was being so vocal about the explicit retaliation for Disney's free speech.
Disney is getting pushback for giving a black female the role of Ariel in their latest 'Littlest Myrmaid' movie.

Hell, they should have gone 'Bud Light' and given the role to Lia Thomas



Disney is getting pushback for giving a black female the role of Ariel in their latest 'Littlest Myrmaid' movie.

Hell, they should have gone 'Bud Light' and given the role to Lia Thomas

View attachment 781437



So much for the conservative commitment to free speech.

Conservatives gleefully using the power of the state to punish and harass those who criticize the government was always the plan.
If you do not recognize that the Mouse is manhandling DeSantis, do not be concerned about it.

The clash between authoritarianism and private sector free speech will be resolved in court.

Just stop, loser. It was funny, now you're just pathetic.

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