Citizen's Arrests of Capitalist Pigs and CEO's Who Roam Free

The reason the banks issued these mortgages is that they figured it was a no-lose deal.

No they didn't. At least most of them didn't.

If they foreclosed on Johnny Foodstamp, the house was worth more than the mortgage, and they'd more than get their money back by reselling it.

Banks don't like foreclosing on properties because they are in the lending business, not the real estate management and brokerage business.

Then they took that mortgage and sold it as an "investment", overstating its value.

This is totally wrong because it is physically impossible. If the bank forecloses on a property, the mortgage no longer exists so it can't be sold.

That was the criminal part of what was done.


If you live in Fairy-Tale Land, maybe.

It certainly would be a crime if a bank sold a mortgage that no longer existed on a home it foreclosed. But since you're making shit up, it's not a crime banks actually committed.

I mean, unless you can prove me wrong by backing up your statement with a link. But I'm not holding my breath.

That isn't what I said. It was well known that the banks were selling toxic mortgages as investments...

Knowing these folks were going to be forclosed on because they never should have gotten a loan to start with.

Again, we need to take the banksters and throw them in big boy prison with the rest of the crooks and a jar of vasoline. Then film the results and show them on Orientation Day for new bankers.

That will get the point across.
* * * *

Bloomberg isn't a Democrat.


JoeBitch thinks that if Mayor McNanny CALLS himself a 'Republican' or an 'Independent' that he is, therefore, not a Democrat.


Gullible liberals who willingly suspend disbelief in all things done by other liberals are worse than sheep.
But again- no one forced the banks to make loans to people who couldn't pay them off.

If they had a bad credit score, they could refuse them a loan.

Instead, they just gave them loans with ridiculous terms, knowing they could foreclose, sell the property to the next sucker.

And it was all so fine with the banks, UNTIL the bottom fell out of the property market, and all those $200,000 McMansions they sold to middle class folks who just lost their jobs were only worth $100,000.

Democrat Mayor Bloomberg doesn't agree with you, Joe....a quote from him in 2011

Bloomberg isn't a Democrat.

And of course, since his company was cashing in with all the rest of them, of course he thought it was wonderful.

Well my bad calling Bloomberg a Democrat, Joe. With all his regulating of soft drink sizes etc, he missed his calling, because he reminded me of a Democrat.
Goldman Sachs Sued By Hedge Fund For Knowingly Selling Toxic Mortgage-Backed Investments

There's a link, Toro. You can pretend you didn't see it or claim it says something else or whatever the fuck it is you do with links when defending plutocracy.

That's not what you said. You said they foreclosed on the house then sold the mortgage. That was not happening. Banks can't foreclose on a house once they no longer own the mortgage. Only if they own the mortgage can they foreclose.

There was fraud, and the governments went too easy on the banks. But you know very little about this and what happened. Instead, like you do with Mormons, you assume everyone is guilty for the sins of a few.
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Conservative or liberal isn't really the question, is it?

Whether or not New York's mayor is among the 8 million US households with a net worth above $836,033 or whether he's among the 111 million households worth less than the richest 7% would seem a more useful label since the former has seen their aggregate wealth rise by an estimated 5.6 trillion between the "end' of the Great Recession in 2009 and 2011.

Where have all those job creators found the additional wealth? Possibly from the 93% who have seen their aggregate wealth redistributed upwards during that same time period by $600 billion.

It's the class war, stupid.
"The Conservative Nanny State: How the Wealthy Use the Government to Stay Rich and Get Richer
Economist Dean Baker debunks the myth that conservatives favor the market over government intervention.

"In fact, conservatives rely on a range of 'nanny state' policies that ensure the rich get richer while leaving most Americans worse off..."
* * * *

Bloomberg isn't a Democrat.


JoeBitch thinks that if Mayor McNanny CALLS himself a 'Republican' or an 'Independent' that he is, therefore, not a Democrat.


Gullible liberals who willingly suspend disbelief in all things done by other liberals are worse than sheep.

Mayor McNanny is a very good name for him, IlarMeilyr. :lol:

I used to listen to Howard Stern who used to refer to a prior Mayor (Dinkins) (who spent a great amount of time watching the sets at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens) as "Mayor McTennis."

Thus, Bloomy HAS to be Mayor McTennis. Either that or Mary fuckin' Poppins.

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