Citizens opening fire

It has become the only word for you and others. Why bother to even have a discussion when that is all that comes out?
No, not all liberals are libtards, but the TDS that seems so prevalent these days makes real liberals very rare.

So I guess I should continue to call conservatives conservitards huh? Most are TDS (Trump Defense Syndrome) afflicted anyway.
Ya all looters are out to beat you to a pulp and kill you.

If you get in their way, certainly.

I get the impression you dont know too many robbers. I do, and they will harm just as quickly as they will steal everything you have and leave you broke and penniless, Lady.

Not defending them but ....

Then you go on to defend them, lol!

most are petty opportunistic property criminals who deserve a good sentence but not death.
Once again - you show yourselves to only selectively care about human life. Property is more important to you.
I dont think anyone is suggesting that one just go out and shoot anyone they think looting.

The idea is this:
1) You are in your business location that has everything you could pay for so your business can have a chance at success, and you have had to morgtage your houose to provide collateral for the loaan.

2) You dont have insurance because it is either too expensive or the area is considered too prone to riot.

3) Some thug is coming now, right at you with several friends of his and their demeanor looks like an attack.

Shake hands and say 'How yall doin'?'

Lol, of course not you shoot the bastards for obvious threat to your life.

Scenario 2, you are standing in front of your store and you see a moron thug stealing from it.

What do you do?

You tell them to stop, you have just autodialled 911, and watch as the diot runs off.

That is how you use a gun, IMO, for self defense in a riot.
You don't understand. To women like Coyote the looters and arsonists are romantic. There are tons of books written about the sexy bad boys.

You are just seriously warped dude, but whatever floats your erotic boat, you go with it.
It’s set for DC tonight
About 50 now have committed to line target areas and offer protection that law enforcement, mayor and governors won’t provide because they are too busy arresting church attendees
The lawless farce is ovet and property will be provided some protection even if poluce won’t do it .

Awesome...please KILL lots of savage boogers and report back here. Thanks in advance.
It's mind boggling. You will kill people for the sake of property but you won't tolerate a woman having an abortion.
It's mind boggling. You cannot distinguish between an innocent unborn baby, vrs a looting criminal who would beat you to a pulp and steal everything you have saved and earned for your whole life.


Ya all looters are out to beat you to a pulp and kill you.

Not defending them but most are petty opportunistic property criminals who deserve a good sentence but not death.

Once again - you show yourselves to only selectively care about human life. Property is more important to you.
You know what Coyote? You are Naive, you can not grasp that in a riot insurance generally does not pay for damage and so what ever those animals destroy is gone for ever. I FIRMLY believe I have a protected right to defend MY PROPERTY just as much as my person. And I believe anyone trying to take my stuff or destroy it deserves what ever happens to them for it. And when LIKE NOW the Cops REFUSE to defend my property I have every right to do so as do all those currently in that situation.

And YES the democratic Mayors are actually announcing open season for rioting, the Raleigh Chief of Police ANNOUNCED ON AIR that she would not ALLOW her cops to defend property. And in most of the cities with Democrats in charge they have ORDERED the police NOT TO ENGAGE the rioters at least in the beginning. And all that did is encourage them to do as much damage as they could.
It's mind boggling. You will kill people for the sake of property but you won't tolerate a woman having an abortion.
It's mind boggling. You cannot distinguish between an innocent unborn baby, vrs a looting criminal who would beat you to a pulp and steal everything you have saved and earned for your whole life.


Ya all looters are out to beat you to a pulp and kill you.

Not defending them but most are petty opportunistic property criminals who deserve a good sentence but not death.

Once again - you show yourselves to only selectively care about human life. Property is more important to you.
You know what Coyote? You are Naive, you can not grasp that in a riot insurance generally does not pay for damage and so what ever those animals destroy is gone for ever. I FIRMLY believe I have a protected right to defend MY PROPERTY just as much as my person. And I believe anyone trying to take my stuff or destroy it deserves what ever happens to them for it. And when LIKE NOW the Cops REFUSE to defend my property I have every right to do so as do all those currently in that situation.

And YES the democratic Mayors are actually announcing open season for rioting, the Raleigh Chief of Police ANNOUNCED ON AIR that she would not ALLOW her cops to defend property. And in most of the cities with Democrats in charge they have ORDERED the police NOT TO ENGAGE the rioters at least in the beginning. And all that did is encourage them to do as much damage as they could.

Severe Tards absolutely HATE accountability and the causation principle. Ain’t that right Coyote?
It’s set for DC tonight
About 50 now have committed to line target areas and offer protection that law enforcement, mayor and governors won’t provide because they are too busy arresting church attendees
The lawless farce is ovet and property will be provided some protection even if poluce won’t do it .
Interesting. Doesn't look like a civil war so 50 of you are going to go out armed to fight crime? I wonder how the police will tell you apart from the other protesters that are not supposed to be shooting guns. Maybe you could all wear tee shirts saying "we're the good guys" so the police or the National Guard will not shoot you down in the dark, by mistake.
You mean the Police that don't respond to 911 calls? Won't it be interesting to note the response they provide if people start trying to defend private property?
What could POSSIBLY go wrong here?

This is exactly what we have a Second Amendment for and they will hardly be the first ones to do this. I've seen several examples of business owners and others guarding their properties with rifles. In every instance they were spared the carnage and not a single shot was fired.
This is NOT what the second amendment is for.
LOL, because Creepy says so. GTFO
STFU, redneck.
LOL, redneck? I grew up in southern California and spent most of the last decade in Germany.
Large groups of looters are gathering at Fashion Island and South Coast plaza waiting for nightfall to attack. The National Guard has been called with a two hour notice. My neighbors are suited up.

There is a CVS in Rancho Santa Margarita that is surrounded by looters armed with rocks, bricks and metal bars. Citizens have grabbed their weapons and are on the way.

San Pedro has put out a community alert that carloads of looters are driving around looking for any business to destroy.
Vigilantism is every bit as illegal as looting.

If they start shooting they are murderers and should be treated as such.
You're a liar every moment of the day. Defending against criminals is not being a vigilante ya lying scum!
When they start shooting people, they become police, judge and jury.

Welcome lawlessness to fight lawlessness.

What could go wrong?
People have a right to protect them and theirs, sweetie.

If you start shooting unarmed people it gets dicey.

I'm pro-law enforcement. Not vigilantism
A man has the right to protect his property and his life and his family.

They don't violate that then they will not get shot........if they ignore it......OH WELL.

Play taps.

Life and family sure.

Property is something else.
BS.................I will defend my property as well.........the books Mrs. Legal eagle go by by with me.........You can hang me from the flaq pole later..........but the perp who steals from me will NEVER STEAL FROM ANYONE AGAIN.

Clear it up for you

It's mind boggling. You will kill people for the sake of property but you won't tolerate a woman having an abortion.
So you want us to be vigilantes and go out actively looking for women having abortions and stop them instead of doing what we are doing and defending our families and homes from arsonists, murderers and thieves that you support.
It’s set for DC tonight
About 50 now have committed to line target areas and offer protection that law enforcement, mayor and governors won’t provide because they are too busy arresting church attendees
The lawless farce is ovet and property will be provided some protection even if poluce won’t do it .
Interesting. Doesn't look like a civil war so 50 of you are going to go out armed to fight crime? I wonder how the police will tell you apart from the other protesters that are not supposed to be shooting guns. Maybe you could all wear tee shirts saying "we're the good guys" so the police or the National Guard will not shoot you down in the dark, by mistake.
You mean the Police that don't respond to 911 calls? Won't it be interesting to note the response they provide if people start trying to defend private property?
They respond to me, pretty quick, of course when I called lately there have been dead people waiting for them both times, though they didn't beat the ambulances.
But if you value property over life...well...that's kind of warped.
Oh really?

Man, that really bites, the guy has every right to be mad. He has worked hard to set up his business and works hard to stay in business and they took his computer with probably invaluable amount of information, destroyed his truck and store. How can people do this to one another is beyond me. The is a sad video, very sad. Small business, the backbone of our country and scum try to ruin it.
It’s set for DC tonight
About 50 now have committed to line target areas and offer protection that law enforcement, mayor and governors won’t provide because they are too busy arresting church attendees
The lawless farce is ovet and property will be provided some protection even if poluce won’t do it .

It’s set for DC tonight
About 50 now have committed to line target areas and offer protection that law enforcement, mayor and governors won’t provide because they are too busy arresting church attendees
The lawless farce is ovet and property will be provided some protection even if poluce won’t do it .

We now have vigilantes. If they shoot anyone they should be arrested and jailed.
It’s set for DC tonight
About 50 now have committed to line target areas and offer protection that law enforcement, mayor and governors won’t provide because they are too busy arresting church attendees
The lawless farce is ovet and property will be provided some protection even if poluce won’t do it .

It’s set for DC tonight
About 50 now have committed to line target areas and offer protection that law enforcement, mayor and governors won’t provide because they are too busy arresting church attendees
The lawless farce is ovet and property will be provided some protection even if poluce won’t do it .

We now have vigilantes. If they shoot anyone they should be arrested and jailed.
People engaged in self defense of their families and property are not vigilantes, you lying criminal pos. And God forbid if I ever have to do it, the police will have to kill me cause I ain't going to jail because I stopped a violent criminal.
It has become the only word for you and others. Why bother to even have a discussion when that is all that comes out?
No, not all liberals are libtards, but the TDS that seems so prevalent these days makes real liberals very rare.

So I guess I should continue to call conservatives conservitards huh? Most are TDS (Trump Defense Syndrome) afflicted anyway.
If the shoe fits.

I just dont like calling Marxists, ideological idiots, and other assorted morons 'Liberal'.

Liberals are rational, though also emotional and have a tendency to think with their heart instead of the frontal cortex.

Libtards are people one cannot discuss things with rationally.
You mean the Police that don't respond to 911 calls? Won't it be interesting to note the response they provide if people start trying to defend private property?
I dont remember where i read this, but there wqs this guy who was woken up one night to the sound of people breaking into his shed. So he calls the cops and they say that they will be there in 20 minutes.

Then the home owner says, 'Well, OK, but you are going to find two bodies when you get here', and then he hung up.

The police were there within three minutes, IIRC.
Channel 5 in DC had one of our groups on. NBC and CBS were not interested because they want violence and looting and not the stoping of it
It’s exhausting but rewarding to shoo away shit flies that want to harm people and property because their emotion are out of wack and they like to pillage and steal.
Nobody got shot, a few got hurt on both sides, its reprehensible heart breaking to watch fat ass hoochie mamas with babies in diapers try and crawl through shattered glass to steal stuff. It restores the soul to chase them away. I think we prevented about 40 people from stealing and pillaging and helped create the arrest of about a dozen

Who is next to step up to the plate ??
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Channel 5 in DC had one of our groups on. NBC and CBS were not interested because they want violence and looting and not the stoping of it
It’s exhausting but rewarding to shoo away shit flies that want to harm people and property because their emotion are out of wack and they like to pillage and steal.
Nobody got shot, a few got hurt on both sides, its reprehensible heart breaking to watch fat ass hoochie mamas with babies in diapers try and crawl through shattered glass to steal stuff. It restores the soul to chase them away. I think we prevented about 40 people from stealing and pillaging and helped create the arrest of about a dozen

Who is next to step up to the plate ??
Well, I am glad you and your fellow patriots are OK and back home safely.

What could POSSIBLY go wrong here?

Not much, considering normal gun owning citizens don't shoot people. All those rifles and pistols at the protests against the democrat party, Chinese Flu lockdown and not one shot fired......

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