Citizens,Sheriff,stand guard to keep VA from stealing veterans guns

Citizens Sheriff Stand Guard To Keep VA From Confiscating Veteran s Guns
All you gun grabbing nuts can say it wasn't going to happen all you want. The VA sent him a letter stating since he no longer handled his own money he wasn't fit to own a gun. Its unconstitutional and illegal and I am DAMN PROUD to know people will stand against tyranny.
This lie was already debunked in another thread.

But that you and most other conservatives are consistent liars comes as no surprise.
Citizens Sheriff Stand Guard To Keep VA From Confiscating Veteran s Guns
All you gun grabbing nuts can say it wasn't going to happen all you want. The VA sent him a letter stating since he no longer handled his own money he wasn't fit to own a gun. Its unconstitutional and illegal and I am DAMN PROUD to know people will stand against tyranny.
This lie was already debunked in another thread.

But that you and most other conservatives are consistent liars comes as no surprise.
Sure Sure. Debunked even though the VA CONFIRMED they sent the letter.
Citizens Sheriff Stand Guard To Keep VA From Confiscating Veteran s Guns
All you gun grabbing nuts can say it wasn't going to happen all you want. The VA sent him a letter stating since he no longer handled his own money he wasn't fit to own a gun. Its unconstitutional and illegal and I am DAMN PROUD to know people will stand against tyranny.
This lie was already debunked in another thread.

But that you and most other conservatives are consistent liars comes as no surprise.
Sure Sure. Debunked even though the VA CONFIRMED they sent the letter.
Debunked because the VA acknowledged they don't have the authority to 'confiscate' guns:

'Veteran Affairs spokesman Bret Bowers confirmed a letter had been sent to Arnold from the VA's benefits office in Salt Lake City, but he said that VA policy prohibits discussing individual health records without consent. Bowers added that the agency doesn't have the authority to confiscate weapons.

"We don't send officers to confiscate weapons. We are about providing health care to veterans," he said.'

News from The Associated Press

Like most on the right, you're ignorant of fundamental principles of law, such as private property cannot be taken absent due process of the law; someone potentially prohibited from owning firearms due to alleged mental illness has the right to a fair hearing before a neutral magistrate before any adverse action can be taken.

And if one is adjudicated mentally ill he becomes a prohibited person in accordance with the law and the Second Amendment:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56."


Yet another ridiculous lie from the right, yet another failed thread from the right.
Citizens Sheriff Stand Guard To Keep VA From Confiscating Veteran s Guns
All you gun grabbing nuts can say it wasn't going to happen all you want. The VA sent him a letter stating since he no longer handled his own money he wasn't fit to own a gun. Its unconstitutional and illegal and I am DAMN PROUD to know people will stand against tyranny.
This lie was already debunked in another thread.

But that you and most other conservatives are consistent liars comes as no surprise.
Sure Sure. Debunked even though the VA CONFIRMED they sent the letter.
Debunked because the VA acknowledged they don't have the authority to 'confiscate' guns:

'Veteran Affairs spokesman Bret Bowers confirmed a letter had been sent to Arnold from the VA's benefits office in Salt Lake City, but he said that VA policy prohibits discussing individual health records without consent. Bowers added that the agency doesn't have the authority to confiscate weapons.

"We don't send officers to confiscate weapons. We are about providing health care to veterans," he said.'

News from The Associated Press

Like most on the right, you're ignorant of fundamental principles of law, such as private property cannot be taken absent due process of the law; someone potentially prohibited from owning firearms due to alleged mental illness has the right to a fair hearing before a neutral magistrate before any adverse action can be taken.

And if one is adjudicated mentally ill he becomes a prohibited person in accordance with the law and the Second Amendment:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56."


Yet another ridiculous lie from the right, yet another failed thread from the right.
And that has stopped government since when? You trust your government good for you. They have lied WAY to many times for any sane critically thinking person to trust them. Just because they don't have the authorization to steal weapons doesn't mean they WON'T and seeing how they already sent the letter they obviously have every intention of stealing his weapons.
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
Citizens Sheriff Stand Guard To Keep VA From Confiscating Veteran s Guns
All you gun grabbing nuts can say it wasn't going to happen all you want. The VA sent him a letter stating since he no longer handled his own money he wasn't fit to own a gun. Its unconstitutional and illegal and I am DAMN PROUD to know people will stand against tyranny.
This lie was already debunked in another thread.

But that you and most other conservatives are consistent liars comes as no surprise.
Sure Sure. Debunked even though the VA CONFIRMED they sent the letter.
Debunked because the VA acknowledged they don't have the authority to 'confiscate' guns:

'Veteran Affairs spokesman Bret Bowers confirmed a letter had been sent to Arnold from the VA's benefits office in Salt Lake City, but he said that VA policy prohibits discussing individual health records without consent. Bowers added that the agency doesn't have the authority to confiscate weapons.

"We don't send officers to confiscate weapons. We are about providing health care to veterans," he said.'

News from The Associated Press

Like most on the right, you're ignorant of fundamental principles of law, such as private property cannot be taken absent due process of the law; someone potentially prohibited from owning firearms due to alleged mental illness has the right to a fair hearing before a neutral magistrate before any adverse action can be taken.

And if one is adjudicated mentally ill he becomes a prohibited person in accordance with the law and the Second Amendment:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56."


Yet another ridiculous lie from the right, yet another failed thread from the right.
And that has stopped government since when? You trust your government good for you. They have lied WAY to many times for any sane critically thinking person to trust them. Just because they don't have the authorization to steal weapons doesn't mean they WON'T and seeing how they already sent the letter they obviously have every intention of stealing his weapons.
Non sequitur fallacy.

PM a mod and request your failed thread be closed.
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
Agreed, you don't get it.

The VA doesn't have the 'authority' to 'confiscate' guns.

If you'd bother to read post #4 you wouldn't be sounding like an idiot.
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
Agreed, you don't get it.

The VA doesn't have the 'authority' to 'confiscate' guns.

If you'd bother to read post #4 you wouldn't be sounding like an idiot.
Doesn't matter if they have the "authority" or not. They have the manpower and weapons to back it up. Seeing how THEY are the ones that sent the letter just how were they planning on stealing his weapons from him?
The SLC VA is my primary care provider when I am in town.

The benefits office sent a letter of concern re: a mentally disturbed individual.

The VA states that it has no power and no intention to take the vet's weapons, but it does express for his well being.

Odium, are you also one who thinks Jade Helm is a possible US takeover of Texas?
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
Agreed, you don't get it.

The VA doesn't have the 'authority' to 'confiscate' guns.

If you'd bother to read post #4 you wouldn't be sounding like an idiot.
Doesn't matter if they have the "authority" or not. They have the manpower and weapons to back it up. Seeing how THEY are the ones that sent the letter just how were they planning on stealing his weapons from him?
You're as delusional as you are ridiculous.

Stop embarrassing yourself.
VA tells him what the law says not that they will enforce it.

VA tells him how to appeal.
VA tells him what the law says not that they will enforce it.

VA tells him how to appeal.
Jake, I'm 100% disabled because of Agent Orange and PTSD and a touch of dementia. Last year I had to take a driver competency test because I'm over 75 and I had a 4 hour psychological session with Mental Health and it was mostly centered around gun control. The doctor said if I had failed that portion of the session they would and could force the County Sheriff to invalidate my permits and confiscate my guns. Of course I told him about a cold day in hell.
VA tells him what the law says not that they will enforce it.

VA tells him how to appeal.
Jake, I'm 100% disabled because of Agent Orange and PTSD and a touch of dementia. Last year I had to take a driver competency test because I'm over 75 and I had a 4 hour psychological session with Mental Health and it was mostly centered around gun control. The doctor said if I had failed that portion of the session they would and could force the County Sheriff to invalidate my permits and confiscate my guns. Of course I told him about a cold day in hell.
You sound rational anf like the kind of person we want walking around with firearms
VA tells him what the law says not that they will enforce it.

VA tells him how to appeal.
Jake, I'm 100% disabled because of Agent Orange and PTSD and a touch of dementia. Last year I had to take a driver competency test because I'm over 75 and I had a 4 hour psychological session with Mental Health and it was mostly centered around gun control. The doctor said if I had failed that portion of the session they would and could force the County Sheriff to invalidate my permits and confiscate my guns. Of course I told him about a cold day in hell.
You sound rational anf like the kind of person we want walking around with firearms
Hossfly's sarcasm meter is broken.
Such is the ridiculous right.

No one is disputing the existence of the letter or its contents.

At issue is the ignorant idiocy and outright lie that the VA will attempt to 'confiscate' anyone's guns. The VA itself has stated it has no authority to do so; nor can any government agency or entity attempt to 'confiscate' private property absent due process of the law.

It's as if most conservatives are pathologically incapable of understanding or accepting the truth and facts.

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