Citizens,Sheriff,stand guard to keep VA from stealing veterans guns

Citizens Sheriff Stand Guard To Keep VA From Confiscating Veteran s Guns
All you gun grabbing nuts can say it wasn't going to happen all you want. The VA sent him a letter stating since he no longer handled his own money he wasn't fit to own a gun. Its unconstitutional and illegal and I am DAMN PROUD to know people will stand against tyranny.
This lie was already debunked in another thread.

But that you and most other conservatives are consistent liars comes as no surprise.
Sure Sure. Debunked even though the VA CONFIRMED they sent the letter.
Debunked because the VA acknowledged they don't have the authority to 'confiscate' guns:

'Veteran Affairs spokesman Bret Bowers confirmed a letter had been sent to Arnold from the VA's benefits office in Salt Lake City, but he said that VA policy prohibits discussing individual health records without consent. Bowers added that the agency doesn't have the authority to confiscate weapons.

"We don't send officers to confiscate weapons. We are about providing health care to veterans," he said.'

News from The Associated Press

Like most on the right, you're ignorant of fundamental principles of law, such as private property cannot be taken absent due process of the law; someone potentially prohibited from owning firearms due to alleged mental illness has the right to a fair hearing before a neutral magistrate before any adverse action can be taken.

And if one is adjudicated mentally ill he becomes a prohibited person in accordance with the law and the Second Amendment:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56."


Yet another ridiculous lie from the right, yet another failed thread from the right.

Dip shit, they submit his name to NICS...that keeps him from getting the gun moron.....
Citizens Sheriff Stand Guard To Keep VA From Confiscating Veteran s Guns
All you gun grabbing nuts can say it wasn't going to happen all you want. The VA sent him a letter stating since he no longer handled his own money he wasn't fit to own a gun. Its unconstitutional and illegal and I am DAMN PROUD to know people will stand against tyranny.
This lie was already debunked in another thread.

But that you and most other conservatives are consistent liars comes as no surprise.
Sure Sure. Debunked even though the VA CONFIRMED they sent the letter.
Debunked because the VA acknowledged they don't have the authority to 'confiscate' guns:

'Veteran Affairs spokesman Bret Bowers confirmed a letter had been sent to Arnold from the VA's benefits office in Salt Lake City, but he said that VA policy prohibits discussing individual health records without consent. Bowers added that the agency doesn't have the authority to confiscate weapons.

"We don't send officers to confiscate weapons. We are about providing health care to veterans," he said.'

News from The Associated Press

Like most on the right, you're ignorant of fundamental principles of law, such as private property cannot be taken absent due process of the law; someone potentially prohibited from owning firearms due to alleged mental illness has the right to a fair hearing before a neutral magistrate before any adverse action can be taken.

And if one is adjudicated mentally ill he becomes a prohibited person in accordance with the law and the Second Amendment:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56."


Yet another ridiculous lie from the right, yet another failed thread from the right.
And that has stopped government since when? You trust your government good for you. They have lied WAY to many times for any sane critically thinking person to trust them. Just because they don't have the authorization to steal weapons doesn't mean they WON'T and seeing how they already sent the letter they obviously have every intention of stealing his weapons.
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
Agreed, you don't get it.

The VA doesn't have the 'authority' to 'confiscate' guns.

If you'd bother to read post #4 you wouldn't be sounding like an idiot.
Obuthole doesn't have the authority to bypass congress either, yet does all the time. You fail as always libtarded commie.
VA could make a determination and ask the County Sheriff to take the guns.

Hossfly, I am sure, is quite competent in retaining his guns, having easily passed that portion of the test.
I love threads based on the odea that gyms should be in the hands of the mentally incompetent. What could possibly go wrong?
I love threads based on the odea that gyms should be in the hands of the mentally incompetent. What could possibly go wrong?
He isn't mentally incompetent. He is old. He may be physically disabled. My parents are on Disability/Retirement there minds are extremely sharp. The only mentally incompetent I know are those that think they have the right to take away someone else's rights especially their first or 2nd amendments.
I love threads based on the odea that gyms should be in the hands of the mentally incompetent. What could possibly go wrong?
He isn't mentally incompetent. He is old. He may be physically disabled. My parents are on Disability/Retirement there minds are extremely sharp. The only mentally incompetent I know are those that think they have the right to take away someone else's rights especially their first or 2nd amendments.
he needs a conservator to handle his VA benefits but he's completely mentally competent? pull the other one.
I love threads based on the odea that gyms should be in the hands of the mentally incompetent. What could possibly go wrong?
He isn't mentally incompetent. He is old. He may be physically disabled. My parents are on Disability/Retirement there minds are extremely sharp. The only mentally incompetent I know are those that think they have the right to take away someone else's rights especially their first or 2nd amendments.
he needs a conservator to handle his VA benefits but he's completely mentally competent? pull the other one.
Keep digging your grave deeper. According to the VA he needs it...he has never said he does. This is the perfect victim thanks to the government letting the world know he will be an unarmed victim soon.
I love threads based on the odea that gyms should be in the hands of the mentally incompetent. What could possibly go wrong?
He isn't mentally incompetent. He is old. He may be physically disabled. My parents are on Disability/Retirement there minds are extremely sharp. The only mentally incompetent I know are those that think they have the right to take away someone else's rights especially their first or 2nd amendments.
he needs a conservator to handle his VA benefits but he's completely mentally competent? pull the other one.
Keep digging your grave deeper. According to the VA he needs it...he has never said he does. This is the perfect victim thanks to the government letting the world know he will be an unarmed victim soon.
you're right. crazy people are so good at diagnosing their own requirements.

in fact it's probably best to leave it to the individual to decide if they are mentally competent than some highly trained doctors.
I love threads based on the odea that gyms should be in the hands of the mentally incompetent. What could possibly go wrong?
He isn't mentally incompetent. He is old. He may be physically disabled. My parents are on Disability/Retirement there minds are extremely sharp. The only mentally incompetent I know are those that think they have the right to take away someone else's rights especially their first or 2nd amendments.
he needs a conservator to handle his VA benefits but he's completely mentally competent? pull the other one.
Keep digging your grave deeper. According to the VA he needs it...he has never said he does. This is the perfect victim thanks to the government letting the world know he will be an unarmed victim soon.
you're right. crazy people are so good at diagnosing their own requirements.

in fact it's probably best to leave it to the individual to decide if they are mentally competent than some highly trained doctors.
Doctors working for the government. Nuff said. Letting the government "decide" what rights you are "allowed" to have is unconstitutional and illegal and tyrannical. You keep digging your hole deeper you are on the losing side from all sides.
I love threads based on the odea that gyms should be in the hands of the mentally incompetent. What could possibly go wrong?
He isn't mentally incompetent. He is old. He may be physically disabled. My parents are on Disability/Retirement there minds are extremely sharp. The only mentally incompetent I know are those that think they have the right to take away someone else's rights especially their first or 2nd amendments.
he needs a conservator to handle his VA benefits but he's completely mentally competent? pull the other one.
Keep digging your grave deeper. According to the VA he needs it...he has never said he does. This is the perfect victim thanks to the government letting the world know he will be an unarmed victim soon.
you're right. crazy people are so good at diagnosing their own requirements.

in fact it's probably best to leave it to the individual to decide if they are mentally competent than some highly trained doctors.
Doctors working for the government. Nuff said. Letting the government "decide" what rights you are "allowed" to have is unconstitutional and illegal and tyrannical. You keep digging your hole deeper you are on the losing side from all sides.
right. i'm saying that the mentally incompetent shouldn't have guns, you're saying they should... and somehow you think i'm on the losing side?
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
They provide the info to FBI who would show up
Citizens Sheriff Stand Guard To Keep VA From Confiscating Veteran s Guns
All you gun grabbing nuts can say it wasn't going to happen all you want. The VA sent him a letter stating since he no longer handled his own money he wasn't fit to own a gun. Its unconstitutional and illegal and I am DAMN PROUD to know people will stand against tyranny.
This lie was already debunked in another thread.

But that you and most other conservatives are consistent liars comes as no surprise.
Sure Sure. Debunked even though the VA CONFIRMED they sent the letter.
Debunked because the VA acknowledged they don't have the authority to 'confiscate' guns:

'Veteran Affairs spokesman Bret Bowers confirmed a letter had been sent to Arnold from the VA's benefits office in Salt Lake City, but he said that VA policy prohibits discussing individual health records without consent. Bowers added that the agency doesn't have the authority to confiscate weapons.

"We don't send officers to confiscate weapons. We are about providing health care to veterans," he said.'

News from The Associated Press

Like most on the right, you're ignorant of fundamental principles of law, such as private property cannot be taken absent due process of the law; someone potentially prohibited from owning firearms due to alleged mental illness has the right to a fair hearing before a neutral magistrate before any adverse action can be taken.

And if one is adjudicated mentally ill he becomes a prohibited person in accordance with the law and the Second Amendment:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56."


Yet another ridiculous lie from the right, yet another failed thread from the right.
If a federal agency sent you a letter saying you were prohibited from having an abortion.....
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
Agreed, you don't get it.

The VA doesn't have the 'authority' to 'confiscate' guns.

If you'd bother to read post #4 you wouldn't be sounding like an idiot.

Yet they gave the impression they did with their terrorist letter.
VA could make a determination and ask the County Sheriff to take the guns.

Hossfly, I am sure, is quite competent in retaining his guns, having easily passed that portion of the test.
More likely, if they try to send anyone to take his guns, the sheriff will arrest those agents. Did you miss the part where the sheriff said he will protect this veteran from gun confiscation?
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
They provide the info to FBI who would show up

The FBI doesn't do that, it would be the U.S. Marshals. You really don't know how our government works, do you?
He isn't mentally incompetent. He is old. He may be physically disabled. My parents are on Disability/Retirement there minds are extremely sharp. The only mentally incompetent I know are those that think they have the right to take away someone else's rights especially their first or 2nd amendments.
he needs a conservator to handle his VA benefits but he's completely mentally competent? pull the other one.
Keep digging your grave deeper. According to the VA he needs it...he has never said he does. This is the perfect victim thanks to the government letting the world know he will be an unarmed victim soon.
you're right. crazy people are so good at diagnosing their own requirements.

in fact it's probably best to leave it to the individual to decide if they are mentally competent than some highly trained doctors.
Doctors working for the government. Nuff said. Letting the government "decide" what rights you are "allowed" to have is unconstitutional and illegal and tyrannical. You keep digging your hole deeper you are on the losing side from all sides.
right. i'm saying that the mentally incompetent shouldn't have guns, you're saying they should... and somehow you think i'm on the losing side?

Then if you believe that, give up your own certainly fit the criteria...but in regards to others, mind your own business.

Or try to take the man's guns yourself. I'd like to see that. But you won't because a pussy like you has others do his bidding.
he needs a conservator to handle his VA benefits but he's completely mentally competent? pull the other one.
Keep digging your grave deeper. According to the VA he needs it...he has never said he does. This is the perfect victim thanks to the government letting the world know he will be an unarmed victim soon.
you're right. crazy people are so good at diagnosing their own requirements.

in fact it's probably best to leave it to the individual to decide if they are mentally competent than some highly trained doctors.
Doctors working for the government. Nuff said. Letting the government "decide" what rights you are "allowed" to have is unconstitutional and illegal and tyrannical. You keep digging your hole deeper you are on the losing side from all sides.
right. i'm saying that the mentally incompetent shouldn't have guns, you're saying they should... and somehow you think i'm on the losing side?

Then if you believe that, give up your own certainly fit the criteria...but in regards to others, mind your own business.

Or try to take the man's guns yourself. I'd like to see that. But you won't because a pussy like you has others do his bidding.
i don't have the authority to take anyone's guns - and i won't be doing so.
so do you think that the mentally incompetent should have firearms? that when a doctor finds that they can't be trusted to handle their own va benefits that we should still trust them to keep weapons in their homes?
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
They provide the info to FBI who would show up

The FBI doesn't do that, it would be the U.S. Marshals. You really don't know how our government works, do you?
Who runs gun background data base? Marshals or FBI
I don't get it. How does the Veterans Administration have the authority to confiscate property? Did we give every federal agency the right to their own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment while we weren't looking?
They provide the info to FBI who would show up

The FBI doesn't do that, it would be the U.S. Marshals. You really don't know how our government works, do you?
Who runs gun background data base? Marshals or FBI

The Marshals are the ones who serve warrants, go after suspects, and enforce court rulings. When Ruby Ridge went down, the ATF was the agency that set up the sting, but when Randy Weaver didn't show up for court, they sent the Marshals. That's their job.

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