City Requires Business License Before Teens Can Cut Grass

Well, aren't you a pile of sh*t. Once again. Teabaggers like you, that like to kneel before "the peemeister" are all alike. Rules and regulations are for the other guy, but not you fools.

It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

So instead of these teens actually working and earning money they can go to the malls and act like degenerates that is so common place now days

The right way to do things is to not require a fuken license to cut grass.
You dumb fukes and your adoration of government regulations..
My, my what a filthy mouth for an adult that professes to teach their children manners and be good citizens.
Again, if you cannot control your yard apes. Someone else will.
Watch your mouth!!!!!!

It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

So instead of these teens actually working and earning money they can go to the malls and act like degenerates that is so common place now days

Excuse me asshole but our children are not at malls causing grief, they each have daily chores they have to do before anything else is done and they are paid an allowance.
It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

So instead of these teens actually working and earning money they can go to the malls and act like degenerates that is so common place now days

The right way to do things is to not require a fuken license to cut grass.
You dumb fukes and your adoration of government regulations..

Well, aren't you a pile of sh*t. Once again. Teabaggers like you, that like to kneel before "the peemeister" are all alike. Rules and regulations are for the other guy, but not you fools.

It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

So instead of these teens actually working and earning money they can go to the malls and act like degenerates that is so common place now days

The right way to do things is to not require a fuken license to cut grass.
You dumb fukes and your adoration of government regulations..

Just like a liberal....
Never met a tax he didnt like.
India may not retain its title of #1 License Raj much longer......
Mexico heavily regulates any activity to income making also. From a shoe shine boy to selling Chicklets to tourist.
No more "hey mister you want to buy my sister for a nickel?" going on in TJ.

I think you mean "Meester"
I recall that little boy clear as a bell even today trying to sell his sis to dad. We gave him a package of cookies and you would have thought we had given him gold.
India may not retain its title of #1 License Raj much longer......
Mexico heavily regulates any activity to income making also. From a shoe shine boy to selling Chicklets to tourist.
No more "hey mister you want to buy my sister for a nickel?" going on in TJ.

I think you mean "Meester"
I recall that little boy clear as a bell even today trying to sell his sis to dad. We gave him a package of cookies and you would have thought we had given him gold.

I was around eight or nine and we were in Mexico city and I'll never forget the Chicklet kids or this poor old dude with no legs that pushed himself around on a cart....that and the dead fly's swirling around in a street venders giant bowl of Aguas Frescas.
And my Dad stacking empty beer cans in front of the hotel room door as a makeshift alarm.

Come to think of it the place was pretty much a shithole.
India may not retain its title of #1 License Raj much longer......
Mexico heavily regulates any activity to income making also. From a shoe shine boy to selling Chicklets to tourist.
No more "hey mister you want to buy my sister for a nickel?" going on in TJ.

I think you mean "Meester"
I recall that little boy clear as a bell even today trying to sell his sis to dad. We gave him a package of cookies and you would have thought we had given him gold.

I was around eight or nine and we were in Mexico city and I'll never forget the Chicklet kids or this poor old dude with no legs that pushed himself around on a cart....that and the dead fly's swirling around in a street venders giant bowl of Aguas Frescas.
And my Dad stacking empty beer cans in front of the hotel room door as a makeshift alarm.

Come to think of it the place was pretty much a shithole.
We never stayed over, it was just day trips from time to time and yes the poverty and such was terrible in those areas.
Rules for all. Except for you lying teabaggers. Stay on your knees in front of the "the peemeister" and take what you like from him.


Well, aren't you a pile of sh*t. Once again. Teabaggers like you, that like to kneel before "the peemeister" are all alike. Rules and regulations are for the other guy, but not you fools.

It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

So instead of these teens actually working and earning money they can go to the malls and act like degenerates that is so common place now days

The right way to do things is to not require a fuken license to cut grass.
You dumb fukes and your adoration of government regulations..

Just like a liberal....
Never met a tax he didnt like.
Mexico heavily regulates any activity to income making also. From a shoe shine boy to selling Chicklets to tourist.
No more "hey mister you want to buy my sister for a nickel?" going on in TJ.

I think you mean "Meester"
I recall that little boy clear as a bell even today trying to sell his sis to dad. We gave him a package of cookies and you would have thought we had given him gold.

I was around eight or nine and we were in Mexico city and I'll never forget the Chicklet kids or this poor old dude with no legs that pushed himself around on a cart....that and the dead fly's swirling around in a street venders giant bowl of Aguas Frescas.
And my Dad stacking empty beer cans in front of the hotel room door as a makeshift alarm.

Come to think of it the place was pretty much a shithole.
We never stayed over, it was just day trips from time to time and yes the poverty and such was terrible in those areas.

When i lived in Junction we use to go to Acuna to party regularly.
I wouldnt do it these days.

Home of WolfMan Jack.

Used to love taking the uninitiated up to the hill and see how long it took for them to realize they were in a whore house.
Rules for all. Except for you lying teabaggers. Stay on your knees in front of the "the peemeister" and take what you like from him.


Well, aren't you a pile of sh*t. Once again. Teabaggers like you, that like to kneel before "the peemeister" are all alike. Rules and regulations are for the other guy, but not you fools.

It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

So instead of these teens actually working and earning money they can go to the malls and act like degenerates that is so common place now days

The right way to do things is to not require a fuken license to cut grass.
You dumb fukes and your adoration of government regulations..

Just like a liberal....
Never met a tax he didnt like.
God you're stupid.

Care to show Me where, in all of American history, that government has made it a law that a kid should have a business license to cut a neighbor's law for a few bucks?

What next? Are you going to let old women starve or freeze to death because you won't let neighborhood kids shovel snow for a few bucks?

Get back to Me when you fucks learn to follow the few, and very simple, rules that have been laid out for you.
Rules for all. Except for you lying teabaggers. Stay on your knees in front of the "the peemeister" and take what you like from him.


Well, aren't you a pile of sh*t. Once again. Teabaggers like you, that like to kneel before "the peemeister" are all alike. Rules and regulations are for the other guy, but not you fools.

It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

So instead of these teens actually working and earning money they can go to the malls and act like degenerates that is so common place now days

The right way to do things is to not require a fuken license to cut grass.
You dumb fukes and your adoration of government regulations..

Just like a liberal....
Never met a tax he didnt like.

Keep on sucking that government cock ya worthless fuke.
Yeah, we don't want some school kid out there working hard to make money over the summer, that wouldn't be right. We should encourage our kids to sit their asses on the couch and watch TV and teach them that government owes them and they shouldn't have to work for money.
My 15-year-old has been trying to get a job for over a year now, but no one will hire someone that young.

If he went out and mowed lawns, or make his own business he would be fine. When I was 10, I started working, mowed lawns, picked berries, cherries, beans, peaches, sold apples, sold record albums, wrote stories for a local newspaper and on and on.
He wanted to write but it required a contract. I offered to sign it for him, or even use my name to publish and give him the dough, but he didn't like the idea. He wants to be his own man.
I mowed lawns and did agriculture work, but around here there is none of that available.

That is a shame, I think being able to work when you are young is a great asset later in life. I had my kids work with me in my business and they all started at a young age. I love your son's attitude and independent spirit. Does he have a blog? I love to encourage young writers to write.
Yes, he has a blog, but he mostly works on writing on two books.

There are self publishers they are pretty good to work with but it takes money to self publish. Good for your son!
How f*cking stupid and ignorant are you. The law is the law except for you ass-licking teabaggers.
When you get "the gropenfuheres" nuts out of you mouth, maybe you will get enough oxygen to your pea brain to think.
“I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Remember this numbnuts and sh*t for brains.
Rules for all. Except for you lying teabaggers. Stay on your knees in front of the "the peemeister" and take what you like from him.


Well, aren't you a pile of sh*t. Once again. Teabaggers like you, that like to kneel before "the peemeister" are all alike. Rules and regulations are for the other guy, but not you fools.

It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

The right way to do things is to not require a fuken license to cut grass.
You dumb fukes and your adoration of government regulations..

Just like a liberal....
Never met a tax he didnt like.
God you're stupid.

Care to show Me where, in all of American history, that government has made it a law that a kid should have a business license to cut a neighbor's law for a few bucks?

What next? Are you going to let old women starve or freeze to death because you won't let neighborhood kids shovel snow for a few bucks?

Get back to Me when you fucks learn to follow the few, and very simple, rules that have been laid out for you.
When you get "the gropenfuheres" nuts out of your mouth you might have some time to think.
But then the sh*t that is in your brain will still be in the way.

“I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

“Whoa,” another voice said.

“I did try and f--- her. She was married,” Trump says.

Trump continues: “And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Rules for all. Except for you lying teabaggers. Stay on your knees in front of the "the peemeister" and take what you like from him.


Well, aren't you a pile of sh*t. Once again. Teabaggers like you, that like to kneel before "the peemeister" are all alike. Rules and regulations are for the other guy, but not you fools.

It is so sad you cannot keep control of your own children.
Teach them the right way to do things, you know, according to rules and regulations.
It seems the snowflakes on the right always think the rules apply to others and not them.

The right way to do things is to not require a fuken license to cut grass.
You dumb fukes and your adoration of government regulations..

Just like a liberal....
Never met a tax he didnt like.

Keep on sucking that government cock ya worthless fuke.

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