City Wants to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Vote

This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.

Please show us in the Constitution where it says anything about garbage collection and snow removal. Hey I bet the bit about political parties is right there with it.
Are garbage services and snow removal paid by taxes? If yes then illegals don't get to vote on it.
what the ever luvin fuck?

I guess I should be happy about this since we are seeing some actual honesty from deranged leftists for once

so - the MOST troubling thing about this article is THIS quote:

Officials in College Park are weighing a plan that would make their city the largest in Maryland to give undocumented immigrants a right to vote in local elections, a long-standing practice elsewhere in the state that has drawn new scrutiny amid the simmering national debate over immigration.


Illegal aliens are actually already ALLOWED to vote???

Honestly did not know this. I knew they voted, just did not know they did it with the knowledge & blessing of some municipalities in the light of day

And I DID know that Shep was lying on Fox News when he said that there is NO EVIDENCE that illegals vote in mass numbers

Does anyone here have any insight or knowledge of this? Like, where else is this happening

makes Trumps popular vote comments (5 million) look more realistic...
Does anyone here have any insight or knowledge of this? Like, where else is this happening

Yeah. Back in post 15. A section of the OP's own article that he uh, "forgot to mention".

As usual a wag runs to post a thread without reading past the headline. Or as it's known on USMB, "Tuesday".
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.

Please show us in the Constitution where it says anything about garbage collection and snow removal. Hey I bet the bit about political parties is right there with it.
Are garbage services and snow removal paid by taxes? If yes then illegals don't get to vote on it.

Interesting approach, since just yesterday a thread popped up about a city raising exactly those revenues through taxes -- here.

Are you going to suggest you have to have US citizenship to buy a Coke? Methinks the Coca-Cola company may not be amused.
makes Trumps popular vote comments (5 million) look more realistic...

He's inflated it? Because it used to be "three million". Did he add "thousands of people on rooftops"? As well as "John Miller", "John Barron" and the ever-elusive "Jim"?

Makes no difference, all of those were pulled with no evidence whatsoever out of his orange ass. He must have a YUGE colonic machine.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

It has nothing to do with 'political parties' ---- try reading your own link:

>> Supporters of the College Park measure say local elections center on trash collection, snow removal and other municipal services that affect people regardless of their citizenship status. The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would not allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor. <<
This is what I keep pointing out to the partisan hacknoids on this site who keep yammering about "Democrat-run cities this" and "Democrat -run cities that". There's nothing "Democratic" or "Republican" or "left" or "right"about which day your trash gets picked up.

File this thread in the same drawer with that hokum one about the judge in Texas who isn't a citizen.

if they are not citizens they should not vote ever

if they are on the rolls, how good of a job is done during federal elections monitoring them?
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

It has nothing to do with 'political parties' ---- try reading your own link:

>> Supporters of the College Park measure say local elections center on trash collection, snow removal and other municipal services that affect people regardless of their citizenship status. The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would not allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor. <<
This is what I keep pointing out to the partisan hacknoids on this site who keep yammering about "Democrat-run cities this" and "Democrat -run cities that". There's nothing "Democratic" or "Republican" or "left" or "right"about which day your trash gets picked up.

File this thread in the same drawer with that hokum one about the judge in Texas who isn't a citizen.

if they are not citizens they should not vote ever

if they are on the rolls, how good of a job is done during federal elections monitoring them?

I uh, don't think it would be the same rolls. Even in Maryland people are smart enough to figure that out.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

From the above cited article......

The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would NOT allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor.

So...they are still allowed to vote in any election, they aren't citizens, they have no vested interest in our country's welfare, otherwise they would work to be legal citizens.
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.

Please show us in the Constitution where it says anything about garbage collection and snow removal. Hey I bet the bit about political parties is right there with it.
Are garbage services and snow removal paid by taxes? If yes then illegals don't get to vote on it.

Interesting approach, since just yesterday a thread popped up about a city raising exactly those revenues through taxes -- here.

Are you going to suggest you have to have US citizenship to buy a Coke? Methinks the Coca-Cola company may not be amused.
Is Coke a government funded program? Why the hell would I care about a corporation selling soft drinks world wide? Do we get to vote on paying Coke more tax dollars? WTF are you talking about?
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

It has nothing to do with 'political parties' ---- try reading your own link:

>> Supporters of the College Park measure say local elections center on trash collection, snow removal and other municipal services that affect people regardless of their citizenship status. The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would not allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor. <<
This is what I keep pointing out to the partisan hacknoids on this site who keep yammering about "Democrat-run cities this" and "Democrat -run cities that". There's nothing "Democratic" or "Republican" or "left" or "right"about which day your trash gets picked up.

File this thread in the same drawer with that hokum one about the judge in Texas who isn't a citizen.

if they are not citizens they should not vote ever

if they are on the rolls, how good of a job is done during federal elections monitoring them?

I uh, don't think it would be the same rolls. Even in Maryland people are smart enough to figure that out.
Here's your two rolls. The citizens that are on it and can vote on one and the illegals to be deported on the other.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

From the above cited article......

The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would NOT allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor.
We're supposed to trust they wouldn't allow that? You're an idiot.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

From the above cited article......

The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would NOT allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor.
We're supposed to trust they wouldn't allow that? You're an idiot.

I just can't understand why we would allow people that aren't here legally to vote. Voting is a privilege of the citizens. Can you think of another country that would allow this?
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

From the above cited article......

The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would NOT allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor.
We're supposed to trust they wouldn't allow that? You're an idiot.

I just can't understand why we would allow people that aren't here legally to vote. Voting is a privilege of the citizens. Can you think of another country that would allow this?
I can't think of another country including the ones these criminals came from that wouldn't throw their asses in prison or execute them.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

From the above cited article......

The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would NOT allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor.

So...they are still allowed to vote in any election, they aren't citizens, they have no vested interest in our country's welfare, otherwise they would work to be legal citizens.

I am NOT condoning the proposal at all....BUT I am pointing out that non-citizens (for whatever reason they have not yet become citizens) and who pay appropriate city taxes, should have some say in such city services as garbage pickup, snow removal, parks' maintenance, etc.

But, AGAIN, I think that College Park is moronic in their proposal.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

From the above cited article......

The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would NOT allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor.

So...they are still allowed to vote in any election, they aren't citizens, they have no vested interest in our country's welfare, otherwise they would work to be legal citizens.

I am NOT condoning the proposal at all....BUT I am pointing out that non-citizens (for whatever reason they have not yet become citizens) and who pay appropriate city taxes, should have some say in such city services as garbage pickup, snow removal, parks' maintenance, etc.

But, AGAIN, I think that College Park is moronic in their proposal.

I am talking only about illegal immigrants. If they are going through the process to become legal, then I have no issue.
If I were a resident of College Park then I would have read entire article and likely be against the idea. Glad it is another one that isn't any of my business.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.
States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state, since 1808.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.

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