City Wants to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Vote

This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
You are so full of shit.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
You are so full of shit.
I admire and respect your opinion. lol. Any argument? The greedy idiot megarich GOP loves cheap, easily bullied labor and distracting racist chumps with un-American useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. Great job!
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
I listened to the Thom Hartman Radio Show for a few years and every single Democrat that was being interviewed said they completely objected to the ID idea.
So tell me who you listened who said otherwise.
I always felt that as the last decade went by that it was inexcusable for Democrats not to ensure that all voters required and possessed such as ID.
Now you will spout your usual partisan bullshit.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
You are so full of shit.
I admire and respect your opinion. lol. Any argument? The greedy idiot megarich GOP loves cheap, easily bullied labor and distracting racist chumps with un-American useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. Great job!

"Any argument?"...
All you ever do is rant.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.
States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state, since 1808.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.

Neither of your references that you quoted have anything to do with voting or illegal citizens having the right to vote.
There are plenty references of the rights of citizens to vote. Show me where non-citizens have the right to vote.

Quit playing your silly games when you are caught flat out lying.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
I listened to the Thom Hartman Radio Show for a few years and every single Democrat that was being interviewed said they completely objected to the ID idea.
So tell me who you listened who said otherwise.
I always felt that as the last decade went by that it was inexcusable for Democrats not to ensure that all voters required and possessed such as ID.
Now you will spout your usual partisan bullshit.
Just another good idea that gets squashed by a GOP tidal wave of fear mongering bs propaganda...
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Mar 29, 2010 - Could a national identity card help resolve the heated immigration-reform divide? Two Senators, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer and ...
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
You are so full of shit.
I admire and respect your opinion. lol. Any argument? The greedy idiot megarich GOP loves cheap, easily bullied labor and distracting racist chumps with un-American useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. Great job!

"Any argument?"...
All you ever do is rant.
So no argument, just stupid insults.
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Mar 29, 2010 - Could a national identity card help resolve the heated immigration-reform divide? Two Senators, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer and ...
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
You are so full of shit.
I admire and respect your opinion. lol. Any argument? The greedy idiot megarich GOP loves cheap, easily bullied labor and distracting racist chumps with un-American useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. Great job!

"Any argument?"...
All you ever do is rant.
So no argument, just stupid insults. Who the Feq is Thom Hartman? A true GOP ranter no doubt...
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Mar 29, 2010 - Could a national identity card help resolve the heated immigration-reform divide? Two Senators, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer and ...
I listen to reps of both parties and Dems don't want's racist.
I think Dems should take Driver's Licenses away from people because people drive anyway.
Except the Dems would have ENDED this GOP mess in 2010 with an unfakable SS ID card...that the GOP has always refused. Communism!!
You are so full of shit.
I admire and respect your opinion. lol. Any argument? The greedy idiot megarich GOP loves cheap, easily bullied labor and distracting racist chumps with un-American useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. Great job!

"Any argument?"...
All you ever do is rant.
So no argument, just stupid insults. Who the Feq is Thom Hartman? A true GOP ranter no doubt...
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Mar 29, 2010 - Could a national identity card help resolve the heated immigration-reform divide? Two Senators, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer and ...
I listen to reps of both parties and Dems don't want's racist.
I think Dems should take Driver's Licenses away from people because people drive anyway.
5 Reasons Why America Should Steer Clear of a National ID Card

The GOP fear mongering and character assassination propaganda machine is a destructive disgrace.
You are so full of shit.
I admire and respect your opinion. lol. Any argument? The greedy idiot megarich GOP loves cheap, easily bullied labor and distracting racist chumps with un-American useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. Great job!

"Any argument?"...
All you ever do is rant.
So no argument, just stupid insults. Who the Feq is Thom Hartman? A true GOP ranter no doubt...
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Mar 29, 2010 - Could a national identity card help resolve the heated immigration-reform divide? Two Senators, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer and ...
I listen to reps of both parties and Dems don't want's racist.
I think Dems should take Driver's Licenses away from people because people drive anyway.
5 Reasons Why America Should Steer Clear of a National ID Card

The GOP fear mongering and character assassination propaganda machine is a destructive disgrace.
1,000 reasons why America should steer clear of Driver's Licenses...
We have 10s of 1,000s of people clogging up Court Houses because people keep getting tickets for driving without a suspended license.
You are so full of shit.
I admire and respect your opinion. lol. Any argument? The greedy idiot megarich GOP loves cheap, easily bullied labor and distracting racist chumps with un-American useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. Great job!

"Any argument?"...
All you ever do is rant.
So no argument, just stupid insults. Who the Feq is Thom Hartman? A true GOP ranter no doubt...
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Mar 29, 2010 - Could a national identity card help resolve the heated immigration-reform divide? Two Senators, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer and ...
I listen to reps of both parties and Dems don't want's racist.
I think Dems should take Driver's Licenses away from people because people drive anyway.
5 Reasons Why America Should Steer Clear of a National ID Card

The GOP fear mongering and character assassination propaganda machine is a destructive disgrace.
You know why there reasons are valid?
Because we keep using incompetent Indian Business Visas to design and write our systems.
We'll lose cheap labor!!!
I admire and respect your opinion. lol. Any argument? The greedy idiot megarich GOP loves cheap, easily bullied labor and distracting racist chumps with un-American useless fences and unconstitutional harassment laws. Great job!

"Any argument?"...
All you ever do is rant.
So no argument, just stupid insults. Who the Feq is Thom Hartman? A true GOP ranter no doubt...
Is a Biometric Identify Card the Key to Immigration Reform? - TIME,8599,1974927,00.html
Mar 29, 2010 - Could a national identity card help resolve the heated immigration-reform divide? Two Senators, New York Democrat Chuck Schumer and ...
I listen to reps of both parties and Dems don't want's racist.
I think Dems should take Driver's Licenses away from people because people drive anyway.
5 Reasons Why America Should Steer Clear of a National ID Card

The GOP fear mongering and character assassination propaganda machine is a destructive disgrace.
You know why there reasons are valid?
Because we keep using incompetent Indian Business Visas to design and write our systems.
We'll lose cheap labor!!!
The ACTUAL GOP argument...
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.
States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state, since 1808.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.

Neither of your references that you quoted have anything to do with voting or illegal citizens having the right to vote.
There are plenty references of the rights of citizens to vote. Show me where non-citizens have the right to vote.

Quit playing your silly games when you are caught flat out lying.
Residency is the only requirement in any State. Only federal elections may not be voted on by non-lawful Persons.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

From the above cited article......

The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would NOT allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor.

So...they are still allowed to vote in any election.


Three days later you still don't get that. This is exactly what I quoted out of your own link and it continues to fly over your head?
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.

Please show us in the Constitution where it says anything about garbage collection and snow removal. Hey I bet the bit about political parties is right there with it.
Are garbage services and snow removal paid by taxes? If yes then illegals don't get to vote on it.

Interesting approach, since just yesterday a thread popped up about a city raising exactly those revenues through taxes -- here.

Are you going to suggest you have to have US citizenship to buy a Coke? Methinks the Coca-Cola company may not be amused.
Is Coke a government funded program? Why the hell would I care about a corporation selling soft drinks world wide? Do we get to vote on paying Coke more tax dollars? WTF are you talking about?

Get off your ass and follow the link and you'll know. That's why it's there.
I ain't your rhetorical welfare check.
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.
States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state, since 1808.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.

Neither of your references that you quoted have anything to do with voting or illegal citizens having the right to vote.
There are plenty references of the rights of citizens to vote. Show me where non-citizens have the right to vote.

Quit playing your silly games when you are caught flat out lying.
Residency is the only requirement in any State. Only federal elections may not be voted on by non-lawful Persons.

Name one state that allows you to vote in an election if you are an illegal alien.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

Illegals have no right to do that but it's another example of liberals wanting to make or change laws as they go in order to benefit themselves. If illegals tended to vote Republican, none of this would be happening.

This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

Illegals have no right to do that but it's another example of liberals wanting to make or change laws as they go in order to benefit themselves. If illegals tended to vote Republican, none of this would be happening.

Again, there is absolutely NOTHING "Republican" or "Democrat" in which day your trash gets picked up.

The OP continues to be unable to explain his allusion to political parties.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.
States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state, since 1808.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.

Neither of your references that you quoted have anything to do with voting or illegal citizens having the right to vote.
There are plenty references of the rights of citizens to vote. Show me where non-citizens have the right to vote.

Quit playing your silly games when you are caught flat out lying.
Residency is the only requirement in any State. Only federal elections may not be voted on by non-lawful Persons.

Name one state that allows you to vote in an election if you are an illegal alien.

Just one? Besides Maryland?


>> Le nouvel État d'Illinois, qui compte de nombreux résidents français et canadiens, fait exception à ce mouvement général, en donnant le droit de vote dans sa constitution de 1818 (article II, §27) à "tous les habitants blancs de sexe masculin au-dessus de l'âge de 21 ans, ayant résidé pendant six mois dans l'État". La Cour suprême de l'Illinois confirme ce droit de vote des étrangers dans l'arrêt Spragins vs. Houghton en 1840. << (Wiki)​

("The new state of Illinois, which counted French and Canadians among its residents, made an exception to the general movement and gave the right to vote in its constitution of 1818 (article II, §27) to "all white male inhabitants over the age of 21 years, who have been a resident of the state for six months". The Supreme Court of Illinois confirmed foreigners' right to vote in Spragins vs. Houghton in 1840")

Listed on the same page are the histories of Wisconsin, Oregon, Minnesota, Indiana, Washington, Kansas, Nebraska, Nevada, Dakota, Wyoming, Oklahoma doing likewise in their inceptions, and several others amending it later on.

Read for yourself: >> over 40 states or territories, including colonies before the Declaration of Independence, have at some time given at least some aliens voting rights in some or all elections.[8][9][10][11] << -- Wiki: Right of Foreigners to Vote in the United States

Again as already noted, here's yet another click-bait article that attaches an emotional caboose to the story and you're supposed to not see the rest of the train. Gotta look inside things before taking a knee-jerk emotional reaction. Don't you GET that these headline-mongers are trying to play you?

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