City Wants to Allow Illegal Immigrants to Vote

I'm afraid it will be like gay marriages: once allowed in one city, it will spread all over the country.

There are some cities across the country that already allow non-citizens to vote in local elections

Yeah but we're talking about iLLEGAL ALIENS and not "non-citizens"....right?
Dude, the right wing is clueless and Causeless about the law and economics.

Simply being socialists on a national basis is not Capitalism. We have a Commerce Clause.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

It has nothing to do with 'political parties' ---- try reading your own link:

>> Supporters of the College Park measure say local elections center on trash collection, snow removal and other municipal services that affect people regardless of their citizenship status. The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would not allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor. <<
This is what I keep pointing out to the partisan hacknoids on this site who keep yammering about "Democrat-run cities this" and "Democrat -run cities that". There's nothing "Democratic" or "Republican" or "left" or "right"about which day your trash gets picked up.

File this thread in the same drawer with that hokum one about the judge in Texas who isn't a citizen.

Run a poll POGO of ordinary folks across this country. I guarantee you you will find
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

It has nothing to do with 'political parties' ---- try reading your own link:

>> Supporters of the College Park measure say local elections center on trash collection, snow removal and other municipal services that affect people regardless of their citizenship status. The proposal, like those already approved in other small Maryland cities and towns, would not allow undocumented immigrants to vote for president, senator, congressman or governor. <<
This is what I keep pointing out to the partisan hacknoids on this site who keep yammering about "Democrat-run cities this" and "Democrat -run cities that". There's nothing "Democratic" or "Republican" or "left" or "right"about which day your trash gets picked up.

File this thread in the same drawer with that hokum one about the judge in Texas who isn't a citizen.

It doesn't matter if it's only minor municipal issues. These are still government sanctioned elections and it's utter insanity to allow anyone other than American citizens to participate. Doesn't citizenship mean anything to you?

Not in deciding which day the trash is picked up, hell no. That's kind of the same issue for everybody.

I think that's the whole point here.

Unless you'd have us believe that immigrants should be flocking to the INS process so that they have a more convenient day to take the garbage cans out.
it's utter insanity to allow anyone other than American citizens to participate

Is it?

"American citizenship" refers to a nation. This is specific to local questions in that town. Not to anything national. By the "American citizenship standard, American citizens from St. George Utah ought to have the right to come in and vote for when the garbage gets picked up in Silver Spring Maryland.

"Take a poll" indeed. We could run any poll we like on this site, maybe even a useful one, and it wouldn't be restricted by citizenship, nor would it help to so restrict it.

Detach the emotional caboose and think about it. Bait-click stories like this are intentionally designed to lead with that caboose. See past it.
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This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.

There's no such thing as a "presidential delegate". Perhaps you should take a citizenship test.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.

Please show us in the Constitution where it says anything about garbage collection and snow removal. Hey I bet the bit about political parties is right there with it.
We must admit than both parties are responsible for the flood of cheap labor and neither really wants to stop it.
It is the Oligarchy (the .1%) that is behind this.

When will the American people rise up and put an end to this?
Trump ran on this and I'm tired of him wasting his time on the ACA.
I do not expect Trump to fix anything. It more likely he will fuck it up.
I hope not.
Me too.
me three....
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

Wow.... the Left continuing with its debaucheries

let the hordes in......then they vote for you

My God ...what wickedness drives the Democrat Party!:mad-61:

Same question Skye ---- what does a "Democrat [sic] Party" --- or any party --- have to do with garbage pickups? What does "the left" -- or "the right", or the chewy caramel "center" -- have to do with snow removal?

I put that question to the OP several times since he tried to make the connection. He can't answer it either.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.

Please show us in the Constitution where it says anything about garbage collection and snow removal. Hey I bet the bit about political parties is right there with it.

Still didn't understand my point did you? It's fine by me, keep pouting. LOL!
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.

Please show us in the Constitution where it says anything about garbage collection and snow removal. Hey I bet the bit about political parties is right there with it.

If the election is ran by government, whether munincipal, state or federal, regardless of how trivial, only American citizens should be able to participate.
You can't say "the city of College Park wants to give illegals voting rights" because we don't know what the people of College Park want. The people who would probably benefit from the proposal, the mayor and city council, want to give illegals voting rights. Anyway it's unconstitutional isn't it?
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Good thing they aren't planning to let them vote for federal elections.

And, they pay local taxes for local representation.

They are not citizens, they are here illegally, the have no right to vote in any of our elections.

Again --- these are not "our elections". They would be College Park Maryland's 'elections'
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?

Please show us where in the Constitution where non-citizens are allowed the to vote in our elections.

Please show us in the Constitution where it says anything about garbage collection and snow removal. Hey I bet the bit about political parties is right there with it.

If the election is ran by government, whether munincipal, state or federal, regardless of how trivial, only American citizens should be able to participate.

Does the federal government come and oversee College Park Maryland's ballot initiative on when the garbage gets picked up?

Do you think they should?

Isn't that up to the town?
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Good thing they aren't planning to let them vote for federal elections.

And, they pay local taxes for local representation.

They are not citizens, they are here illegally, the have no right to vote in any of our elections.

Again --- these are not "our elections". They would be College Park Maryland's 'elections'

And if I live in College Park or any number of cities that are allowing illegal citizens, then it would be my election, however because it is held in the US and I live in the US it is "our" elections. If you can't make that connection, then it is on you not me. You don't like my wording, too bad, I think your inability to understand simple English is pretty sad.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.
Right wing fantasy instead of our Constitutional form of Government?
VS left wing let illegals vote fantasy? If they start that shit our Constitutional form of government has collapsed anyway so it doesn't really matter does it?
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Good thing they aren't planning to let them vote for federal elections.

And, they pay local taxes for local representation.

They are not citizens, they are here illegally, the have no right to vote in any of our elections.

Again --- these are not "our elections". They would be College Park Maryland's 'elections'

And if I live in College Park or any number of cities that are allowing illegal citizens, then it would be my election, however because it is held in the US and I live in the US it is "our" elections. If you can't make that connection, then it is on you not me. You don't like my wording, too bad, I think your inability to understand simple English is pretty sad.

Like the way you didn't understand the paragraph from your own link that I quoted, POINTING OUT that it's limited to local questions? Like the way you still can't explain your own OP trying to connect political parties?

If my town wants to hold a vote on starting a trash pickup, *I* get to vote on it. If the next town 20 miles away holds one --- I don't. Not rocket surgery. Either way what's relevant is WHICH town I'm a resident of --- not which country I'm a citizen of.
This is the Democratic Party's dream come true! What a sad state this country is heading toward.

Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights
Any state or state that allows this to happen in one of their cities should lose their presidential delegates. Maybe they can vote in Mexicos elections.

There's no such thing as a "presidential delegate". Perhaps you should take a citizenship test.
Oh, those things Trumpbwon more of to become president don't exist?

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