City warns Michigan farmers market of selling blueberries unless it affirms Gay marriage

These farmers can't even sell on their own property because the city won't give them a permit.

The gay mafia needs to be seriously slapped upside the head.

Oops. They live and farm 50 miles outside of Lansing. The city has absolutely no right to tell them what they can or cannot do on their private property. I hope they set up stands there as I bet they'll sell out everything they have to sell.
Love is one thing, cramming and forcing others to embrace your lifestyle choice is another issue all together. I don't have that right why because of choice should another have that right?
It will be interesting to watch this....does a city have the right to not allow businesses to take advantage of their markets when the business doesn't follow the city's no-discrimination ordnances or not.
How did the farmer discriminate against gays? Who was harmed by his belief?
It will be interesting to watch this....does a city have the right to not allow businesses to take advantage of their markets when the business doesn't follow the city's no-discrimination ordnances or not.
How did the farmer discriminate against gays? Who was harmed by his belief?
It sounds like this case has nothing to do with marketing produce. They apparently host weddings on their farm and refuse to host weddings for gays. That is in violation of the town they are licensed to sell produce in. It would seem that the county where the farm is actually located and hosting the weddings would and should have jurisdiction, not the far away town hosting the farmers market and produce stand.

Unless they are soliciting the wedding business at the farmers market location. It they are, the would come under the town's jurisdiction.
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City Warns Michigan Farmer's Market Of Selling Blueberries Unless It Affirms "Gay Marriage"

(Reported By Todd Starnes) The Tennes family has been farming in Michigan for generations. They grow all sorts of crops at the Country Mill Farm—organic apples, blueberries, pumpkins, sweet corn. And for the past seven years, Steve Tennes and his family have sold their produce at the farmer’s market owned by the city of East Lansing. But this year, city officials told the devout Catholic family that their blueberries and sweet corn were not welcome at the farmer’s market—and neither were they. Last year,


This is beyond wrong on multiple levels. When you begin to force people or blackmail them into accepting something there is a huge problem of America disintegrating to the depths of no return,

What else can you expect from the fringe left, but political bullying and social terrorism?
It will be interesting to watch this....does a city have the right to not allow businesses to take advantage of their markets when the business doesn't follow the city's no-discrimination ordnances or not.
How did the farmer discriminate against gays? Who was harmed by his belief?
It sounds like this case has nothing to do with marketing produce. They apparently host weddings on their farm and refuse to host weddings for gays. That is in violation of the town they are licensed to sell produce in. It would seem that the county where the farm is actually located and hosting the weddings would and should have jurisdiction, not the far away town hosting the farmers market and produce stand.

They are free to chose who they allow on their own property.
It will be interesting to watch this....does a city have the right to not allow businesses to take advantage of their markets when the business doesn't follow the city's no-discrimination ordnances or not.
How did the farmer discriminate against gays? Who was harmed by his belief?
It sounds like this case has nothing to do with marketing produce. They apparently host weddings on their farm and refuse to host weddings for gays. That is in violation of the town they are licensed to sell produce in. It would seem that the county where the farm is actually located and hosting the weddings would and should have jurisdiction, not the far away town hosting the farmers market and produce stand.

They are free to chose who they allow on their own property.
Not if they are operating a public business. They have to have a license to do that and in accepting a license they agree to adhere to certain laws and regulations. Not discriminating would be one of those agreements.
It will be interesting to watch this....does a city have the right to not allow businesses to take advantage of their markets when the business doesn't follow the city's no-discrimination ordnances or not.
How did the farmer discriminate against gays? Who was harmed by his belief?
It sounds like this case has nothing to do with marketing produce. They apparently host weddings on their farm and refuse to host weddings for gays. That is in violation of the town they are licensed to sell produce in. It would seem that the county where the farm is actually located and hosting the weddings would and should have jurisdiction, not the far away town hosting the farmers market and produce stand.

They are free to chose who they allow on their own property.
Not if they are operating a public business. They have to have a license to do that and in accepting a license they agree to adhere to certain laws and regulations. Not discriminating would be one of those agreements.

No matter where it is, nobody esp. a Gov. official has no right to blackmail people. That is pure BS.
They actually have never discriminated against anyone. No one has asked them to host a same sex wedding and been turned down. It's from the department of prediscrimination.

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