City warns Michigan farmers market of selling blueberries unless it affirms Gay marriage

Oh hell, just noticed who wrote the article....Todd Starnes.....a KNOWN liar. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I wondered where that liar got favorite was when he was on Hannity and tried to convince the audience that a 7th grade Soc. St. textbook was all about Islam and nothing about Christianity....he held the book up and it was the SAME textbook my daughter had that year.....1 unit with 2 chapters on Islam....FIVE units with about 11 chapters on Christianity......he was stupid enough to think people wouldn't check. :lol:

He's notorious for being a big fat liar.

How One Fox News's Contributor Is Compromising the Network’s Credibility
Hoo-wee! They're going to win that suit! Will the heads of who was behind the

discrimination roll or not?
City Warns Michigan Farmer's Market Of Selling Blueberries Unless It Affirms "Gay Marriage"

(Reported By Todd Starnes) The Tennes family has been farming in Michigan for generations. They grow all sorts of crops at the Country Mill Farm—organic apples, blueberries, pumpkins, sweet corn. And for the past seven years, Steve Tennes and his family have sold their produce at the farmer’s market owned by the city of East Lansing. But this year, city officials told the devout Catholic family that their blueberries and sweet corn were not welcome at the farmer’s market—and neither were they. Last year,


This is beyond wrong on multiple levels. When you begin to force people or blackmail them into accepting something there is a huge problem of America disintegrating to the depths of no return,

It appears someone on the East Lansing city council may have went to some level of effort to locate the family's facebook page to then exclude them from the farmer's market. Do they investigate everyone's facebook page that sell produce at their market?
City Warns Michigan Farmer's Market Of Selling Blueberries Unless It Affirms "Gay Marriage"

(Reported By Todd Starnes) The Tennes family has been farming in Michigan for generations. They grow all sorts of crops at the Country Mill Farm—organic apples, blueberries, pumpkins, sweet corn. And for the past seven years, Steve Tennes and his family have sold their produce at the farmer’s market owned by the city of East Lansing. But this year, city officials told the devout Catholic family that their blueberries and sweet corn were not welcome at the farmer’s market—and neither were they. Last year,


This is beyond wrong on multiple levels. When you begin to force people or blackmail them into accepting something there is a huge problem of America disintegrating to the depths of no return,

Does he has a sin questionnaire for those who have weddings there, of which he makes big bucks? Its the law in MI not to discriminate. The family only rents the barn, or outdoor space, not like they have to attend the wedding.

Do they sell produce to gay , lesbians, trans, and bisexuals, how about women who have had an abortion, liars, thief's, etc. I am sure they do.

Would he rent to Trump, Rush L, and Gingrich? If so they are adulterers. He probably hosted a trump rally.
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City Warns Michigan Farmer's Market Of Selling Blueberries Unless It Affirms "Gay Marriage"

(Reported By Todd Starnes) The Tennes family has been farming in Michigan for generations. They grow all sorts of crops at the Country Mill Farm—organic apples, blueberries, pumpkins, sweet corn. And for the past seven years, Steve Tennes and his family have sold their produce at the farmer’s market owned by the city of East Lansing. But this year, city officials told the devout Catholic family that their blueberries and sweet corn were not welcome at the farmer’s market—and neither were they. Last year,


This is beyond wrong on multiple levels. When you begin to force people or blackmail them into accepting something there is a huge problem of America disintegrating to the depths of no return,

He does not need to sell at the farmers market, no one is getting in the way of his religious freedom, freedom of religions also protects those who rights are discriminated against from those who try and force their beliefs on others.

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