Civil Rights groups demand minorities be exempt from standardized testing.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
HAHAHA. That's one way to handle the huge black/white achievement gap. Remove the evidence.

Civil Rights Groups to Obama More Fed Edu Funding No Standardized Tests for Minorities

jan 4 2015
When the new Congress begins to consider the federal government’s role in America’s classrooms, civil rights groups will be doing their best to advocate for the strength of that role to ensure mandates that purport to promote “equity” for “diverse” groups. However, in October of last year, these same groups referred to the standardized testing requirements of the same federal government as “overly punitive” of racial minorities.

Politico’s recent overview of the upcoming debate in Congress concerning the reauthorization of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the latest version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), referred to the fears of civil rights groups that Republican leaders will “strip the federal role out of education.”

Politico aptly points out the conundrum for these groups in that the standardized testing requirement of NCLB – one of “the most hated parts of the bill” – is tangled up with its civil rights provisions:

…The testing requirements, for example, allowed the government for the first time to spotlight the achievement gaps between white students from higher-income families and their peers when those test results were broken down by race and socioeconomic status. NCLB put a public spotlight on schools and districts that were falling flat when it comes to helping disadvantaged students — and pressed them to improve when no one else would.
Blacks always come in last in standardized testing. And it's not because the tests are "culturally biased" in favor of whites - asians do as well or better than whites.

Why can't we admit what everyone knows. - blacks are mentally inferior.
Oh for Gods sake.

I have lost all sympathy for race hustlers.

Maybe they want paternity testing excluded too.
Blacks always come in last in standardized testing. And it's not because the tests are "culturally biased" in favor of whites - asians do as well or better than whites.

Why can't we admit what everyone knows. - blacks are mentally inferior.

Between you and Ben Carson, who is mentally superior?
Why can't we go by the constitution and keep the feds out of education?. The tenth amendment makes it very clear that education is 100% a state matter
Dumbing down the standard for minorities won't help them. It will be treating them differently because they're minorities and make business owners refuse to hire them.
So should white football and basketball players (minorities in those fields) be exempt from standard tests like the bench press and 40 yard dash?
So should white football and basketball players (minorities in those fields) be exempt from standard tests like the bench press and 40 yard dash?

Weeeee! We are working at a high level now, folks! Gonna need a doctorate in philosophy to participate in this discussion.

If only you were black! Then you could really experience all the advantages that being American brings! Poor guy!
Me of course. Ben Carson is an affirmative action baby. Without AA he'd by laying tiles.

He still pioneered a field in medicine and proved he had skill.

He didn't pioneer anything, you moron. That's just media lies like their claim that obozo was a harvard professor and a constitutional scholar. I bet carson can just barely read.

Yeah, Matthew.....ya moron! Carson is just pretending to be a doctor. He can barely read! Any intelligent person can figure that out!
So should white football and basketball players (minorities in those fields) be exempt from standard tests like the bench press and 40 yard dash?

I thought the same thing. It's discrimination for NBA teams to test players for vertical leap knowing full well whites do poorly at that. HAHAHA
Yeah, Matthew.....ya moron! Carson is just pretending to be a doctor. He can barely read! Any intelligent person can figure that out!

Glad we straightened you out. Because of affirmative action, all black accomplishments are suspect.
Dumbing down standards or eliminating them won't help blacks. Changing their culture will. Look at what is going on today. They are acting like fools, walking into diners protesting that they are being systematically killed by police! Twenty eight or some silly number they made up a day.

Instead of playing the victim, they should act like a student and a citizen and get ahead. They want to live in the past and play the victim they will be the victim. The choice is theirs.

Look at how many blacks are scholars, holding good jobs, owning nice homes and have families with values. They made the right choice. You don't see them looting or claiming to be a victim. Rather than walking with one arm up in a fist, they are tending to patients, clients and customers and making mortgage payments. They made the right choice.
Dumbing down standards or eliminating them won't help blacks. Changing their culture will. Look at what is going on today. They are acting like fools, walking into diners protesting that they are being systematically killed by police! Twenty eight or some silly number they made up a day.

Instead of playing the victim, they should act like a student and a citizen and get ahead. They want to live in the past and play the victim they will be the victim. The choice is theirs.

Look at how many blacks are scholars, holding good jobs, owning nice homes and have families with values. They made the right choice. You don't see them looting or claiming to be a victim. Rather than walking with one arm up in a fist, they are tending to patients, clients and customers and making mortgage payments. They made the right choice.

Oh.....WOW!! What an outstanding post! You've explained it in a way that I've never heard before. It's a simple choice that every American can make. Like turning on a light switch! It's so simple! Thanks for this. You are so damned original I can hardly take it.
Blacks always come in last in standardized testing. And it's not because the tests are "culturally biased" in favor of whites - asians do as well or better than whites.

Why can't we admit what everyone knows. - blacks are mentally inferior.

The Bell Curve proved it two decades ago..........and yes, Asians pwned whites in intelligence.

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