Civil War 2.0


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Is it possible? I useta dismiss talk of Texas seceding from the Union as BS, but now I'm having a few 2nd thoughts. What if the GOP continues to lose in future elections and enough people are convinced that the elections are rigged? Never mind for the moment whether it's true or not, or who said what. What if all those red states between the East and West coasts actually decide to leave the United States and form their own country? It happened before, 160 years ago. I'm not so sure it can't happen again.

What would the future President do about it? Not Biden, he'll be dead by then and so will Trump. This isn't about individuals or even parties; we are so divided right now, and I can foresee it getting worse rather than better. Declare an emergency and call up the military? There's a law that says US active duty troops cannot be deployed on US soil, but what if the prez suspends that law? Would he send in active duty troops to put down the secession? How many of those troops would actually fire on US Citizens? How many would say no, I won't do that. Some might though, remember Kent State? How many would desert and join the secession? Would he really call in bombers and F-15s, tanks and artillery? Civil War, 2.0.

Hard to imagine, isn't it? But there's an awful lot of unhappy citizens out there, and a lot of guns too. We've already seen instances of individuals shooting at politicians or trying to assassinate one or more SC justices. Should we brush that off as nothing to worry about, a one-off? Or could it get worse?

Do we have any reasons to believe the situation will improve and the emotions recede? I ain't seeing any of that, the extremists on both sides have little or no interest in compromise. So, all I can see is things getting worse until something happens and the lid blows off, like the raid at Harper's Ferry so long ago. Or the shot heard around the world at Lexington. Is it likely? Not in my opinion, not now anyway. But 5 or 10 or 20 years or whenever, I don't think it can be ruled out.
But 5 or 10 or 20 years or whenever, I don't think it can be ruled out.
We can only guess. My guess is that we could see some sporadic violence, and even death, but not a civil war. Then it will be up to those people with microphones and cameras who are pushing this shit for ratings and clicks to be shamed into stopping.

This isn't organic. There is a clear accelerant exacerbating this, and it's those who are doing it for their own gain.
Is it possible? I useta dismiss talk of Texas seceding from the Union as BS, but now I'm having a few 2nd thoughts. What if the GOP continues to lose in future elections and enough people are convinced that the elections are rigged? Never mind for the moment whether it's true or not, or who said what. What if all those red states between the East and West coasts actually decide to leave the United States and form their own country? It happened before, 160 years ago. I'm not so sure it can't happen again.

What would the future President do about it? Not Biden, he'll be dead by then and so will Trump. This isn't about individuals or even parties; we are so divided right now, and I can foresee it getting worse rather than better. Declare an emergency and call up the military? There's a law that says US active duty troops cannot be deployed on US soil, but what if the prez suspends that law? Would he send in active duty troops to put down the secession? How many of those troops would actually fire on US Citizens? How many would say no, I won't do that. Some might though, remember Kent State? How many would desert and join the secession? Would he really call in bombers and F-15s, tanks and artillery? Civil War, 2.0.

Hard to imagine, isn't it? But there's an awful lot of unhappy citizens out there, and a lot of guns too. We've already seen instances of individuals shooting at politicians or trying to assassinate one or more SC justices. Should we brush that off as nothing to worry about, a one-off? Or could it get worse?

Do we have any reasons to believe the situation will improve and the emotions recede? I ain't seeing any of that, the extremists on both sides have little or no interest in compromise. So, all I can see is things getting worse until something happens and the lid blows off, like the raid at Harper's Ferry so long ago. Or the shot heard around the world at Lexington. Is it likely? Not in my opinion, not now anyway. But 5 or 10 or 20 years or whenever, I don't think it can be ruled out.
There won't be a civil war. The fist shakers on the right wing talk so tough about this, but when it comes to facing down the military's armored tank divisions with their little pop guns, you'll see these potbellied rednecks running back to their whiskey stills, and 20-year-old pickups. Too many armchair generals, and not enough real fighters.
There won't be a civil war. The fist shakers on the right wing talk so tough about this, but when it comes to facing down the military's armored tank divisions with their little pop guns, you'll see these potbellied rednecks running back to their whiskey stills, and 20-year-old pickups. Too many armchair generals, and not enough real fighters.
A 2nd civil war wouldn't be fought as the first one was... on a battle field with weapons... it will be fought in a very different way and we all would pay dearly in a lifestyle change no one alive today will be able to sustain....
Is it possible? I useta dismiss talk of Texas seceding from the Union as BS, but now I'm having a few 2nd thoughts. What if the GOP continues to lose in future elections and enough people are convinced that the elections are rigged? Never mind for the moment whether it's true or not, or who said what. What if all those red states between the East and West coasts actually decide to leave the United States and form their own country? It happened before, 160 years ago. I'm not so sure it can't happen again.

What would the future President do about it? Not Biden, he'll be dead by then and so will Trump. This isn't about individuals or even parties; we are so divided right now, and I can foresee it getting worse rather than better. Declare an emergency and call up the military? There's a law that says US active duty troops cannot be deployed on US soil, but what if the prez suspends that law? Would he send in active duty troops to put down the secession? How many of those troops would actually fire on US Citizens? How many would say no, I won't do that. Some might though, remember Kent State? How many would desert and join the secession? Would he really call in bombers and F-15s, tanks and artillery? Civil War, 2.0.

Hard to imagine, isn't it? But there's an awful lot of unhappy citizens out there, and a lot of guns too. We've already seen instances of individuals shooting at politicians or trying to assassinate one or more SC justices. Should we brush that off as nothing to worry about, a one-off? Or could it get worse?

Do we have any reasons to believe the situation will improve and the emotions recede? I ain't seeing any of that, the extremists on both sides have little or no interest in compromise. So, all I can see is things getting worse until something happens and the lid blows off, like the raid at Harper's Ferry so long ago. Or the shot heard around the world at Lexington. Is it likely? Not in my opinion, not now anyway. But 5 or 10 or 20 years or whenever, I don't think it can be ruled out.
Doesnt help when the dumbass president threatens to use F-15s on the citizens he swore to protect.

There won't be a civil war. The fist shakers on the right wing talk so tough about this, but when it comes to facing down the military's armored tank divisions with their little pop guns, you'll see these potbellied rednecks running back to their whiskey stills, and 20-year-old pickups. Too many armchair generals, and not enough real fighters.
Dude, when the economy goes to hell, and not one policeman or military will work without getting paid, you can bet your bottom dollar that the shooting will begin. Think about it, moron, no police to protect you, as you hate the police, no military to protect you because you hate the military, the only ones left are those will the guns, and criminals like you.
Is it possible? I useta dismiss talk of Texas seceding from the Union as BS, but now I'm having a few 2nd thoughts. What if the GOP continues to lose in future elections and enough people are convinced that the elections are rigged? Never mind for the moment whether it's true or not, or who said what. What if all those red states between the East and West coasts actually decide to leave the United States and form their own country? It happened before, 160 years ago. I'm not so sure it can't happen again.

What would the future President do about it? Not Biden, he'll be dead by then and so will Trump. This isn't about individuals or even parties; we are so divided right now, and I can foresee it getting worse rather than better. Declare an emergency and call up the military? There's a law that says US active duty troops cannot be deployed on US soil, but what if the prez suspends that law? Would he send in active duty troops to put down the secession? How many of those troops would actually fire on US Citizens? How many would say no, I won't do that. Some might though, remember Kent State? How many would desert and join the secession? Would he really call in bombers and F-15s, tanks and artillery? Civil War, 2.0.

Hard to imagine, isn't it? But there's an awful lot of unhappy citizens out there, and a lot of guns too. We've already seen instances of individuals shooting at politicians or trying to assassinate one or more SC justices. Should we brush that off as nothing to worry about, a one-off? Or could it get worse?

Do we have any reasons to believe the situation will improve and the emotions recede? I ain't seeing any of that, the extremists on both sides have little or no interest in compromise. So, all I can see is things getting worse until something happens and the lid blows off, like the raid at Harper's Ferry so long ago. Or the shot heard around the world at Lexington. Is it likely? Not in my opinion, not now anyway. But 5 or 10 or 20 years or whenever, I don't think it can be ruled out.
Naturally, the Deep State wants to avoid these skirmishes but I'm sure is more than willing to squash them at any given time. Those voters either need to behave and deal or die.
Then it will be up to those people with microphones and cameras who are pushing this shit for ratings and clicks to be shamed into stopping.

I have some doubts about this possibility. Although it may be that some of the media outlets are trying to shift back to the middle a little bit. I don't think Fox News and CNN are as extreme as they used to be, and maybe that will bring journalism in general back to being more impartial than we've seen in recent years. LOL, not a lot of visible shame so far.
IOW, I'll believe it when I see it.

This isn't organic. There is a clear accelerant exacerbating this, and it's those who are doing it for their own gain.

Not so sure about that. There was a lot of public resentment against the DC Establishment before Trump came along. He did capitalize on it and fanned the flames, as did many on the Left. But IMHO there is a lot of grass roots dissatisfaction out there to begin with and that IS organic. Unfortunately, there are some people who do have a voice and can influence people or think they can, who are dividing us further instead of uniting us. Everybody claims they'll unite us but nobody is doing it.
If every one armed citizen is able to take out 10 or so government thugs, then soon the jack booted guys will give up the roost and turn on their leaders.
If you had not noticed, they don't care about saving lives

No, they want to depopulate.

Abortion anyone?
There won't be a civil war. The fist shakers on the right wing talk so tough about this, but when it comes to facing down the military's armored tank divisions with their little pop guns, you'll see these potbellied rednecks running back to their whiskey stills, and 20-year-old pickups. Too many armchair generals, and not enough real fighters.
Like you? Lolol.
This isn't organic. There is a clear accelerant exacerbating this, and it's those who are doing it for their own gain.
Absolutely, and if violence does begin, they will find pretty quickly that the 1A shield they rely on to spread their hate and division isn't exactly bullet-proof.
There won't be a civil war. The fist shakers on the right wing talk so tough about this, but when it comes to facing down the military's armored tank divisions with their little pop guns, you'll see these potbellied rednecks running back to their whiskey stills, and 20-year-old pickups. Too many armchair generals, and not enough real fighters.

Dude, if the president calls out the active-duty military's armored tank divisions, that IS a Civil War. Is he/she going to do that before the 1st shots are fired? What if a state governor calls out his state's National Guard, what then? The President says no, you can't do that but the governor says fuck you, I'm doing it. The NG has more than little pop guns, and these guys are local citizens with family, neighbors, and friends who will be standing right there next to them. So tell me, you don't think that can happen? Sounds like a Civil War to me.

And BTW, you can take your denigrating demagoguery and shove it where the sun don't shine.
The simple solution would be to cut off/starve out the city states.....

Take Virginia, our state would be very red were it not for NOtVA transplants.....It's just three counties. Of course the peaceful way would be to have those counties join MD and be shed of them for good and all and then to severely limit any new residential construction within 75 miles of DC.

What would NY be like politically without NYC or IL without Chicago? PA without Philly/Pittsburg.....By and large it's the same across the land.
Is it possible? I useta dismiss talk of Texas seceding from the Union as BS, but now I'm having a few 2nd thoughts. What if the GOP continues to lose in future elections and enough people are convinced that the elections are rigged? Never mind for the moment whether it's true or not, or who said what. What if all those red states between the East and West coasts actually decide to leave the United States and form their own country? It happened before, 160 years ago. I'm not so sure it can't happen again.

What would the future President do about it? Not Biden, he'll be dead by then and so will Trump. This isn't about individuals or even parties; we are so divided right now, and I can foresee it getting worse rather than better. Declare an emergency and call up the military? There's a law that says US active duty troops cannot be deployed on US soil, but what if the prez suspends that law? Would he send in active duty troops to put down the secession? How many of those troops would actually fire on US Citizens? How many would say no, I won't do that. Some might though, remember Kent State? How many would desert and join the secession? Would he really call in bombers and F-15s, tanks and artillery? Civil War, 2.0.

Hard to imagine, isn't it? But there's an awful lot of unhappy citizens out there, and a lot of guns too. We've already seen instances of individuals shooting at politicians or trying to assassinate one or more SC justices. Should we brush that off as nothing to worry about, a one-off? Or could it get worse?

Do we have any reasons to believe the situation will improve and the emotions recede? I ain't seeing any of that, the extremists on both sides have little or no interest in compromise. So, all I can see is things getting worse until something happens and the lid blows off, like the raid at Harper's Ferry so long ago. Or the shot heard around the world at Lexington. Is it likely? Not in my opinion, not now anyway. But 5 or 10 or 20 years or whenever, I don't think it can be ruled out.

There will be no civil war because the entire government is on the same side. Anyone who tells you different is extremely well paid controlled opposition or useful idiots—take your pick.
There will be no civil war because the entire government is on the same side. Anyone who tells you different is extremely well paid controlled opposition or useful idiots—take your pick.
Same side as whom? The communists?

There will be no civil war because the entire government is on the same side. Anyone who tells you different is extremely well paid controlled opposition or useful idiots—take your pick.

Well, I guess I am a useful idiot cuz I ain't getting any money from anybody, and I do not believe the entire gov't is on the same side. There's too much money riding on who wins and loses. One side wants greater gov't control while the other wants less, so it's kinda hard to see much similarity there.

I asked my wife if I am a useful idiot; she said I ain't that useful.

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