Civil War on the Horizon?

Is Civil War on the Horizon?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 38.1%

  • Total voters
If I’m in charge of this war you will like the results

I know idiots like most of you are craving for civil war hoping to have a better life during civil war....

After you loot your nearby groceries and killed your neighbors for food ....

What happened if you run out of food? Are you going to hunt for food with the rest of 312+ millions Americans? Are you going to eat each other?
If I’m in charge of this war you will like the results

I know idiots like most of you are craving for civil war hoping to have a better life during civil war....

After you loot your nearby groceries and killed your neighbors for food ....

What happened if you run out of food? Are you going to hunt for food with the rest of 312+ millions Americans? Are you going to eat each other?
Americans are resilient,, we will be fine
As US cities burn, do you find Civil war more likely than not in the next decade or so?
If civil war is on the horizon again, and over blacks again, doesn't that kinda suggest that freeing the slaves WAS a bad idea and that maybe the Confederacy was right after all? Just imagine the difference had slaves never been freed, or simply freed and sent back to Africa! What has freeing slaves cost America in just the last 60 years?

Blacks aren't the problem.
Saying that is like getting hit by an asteroid and saying asteroids aren't the problem--- --- the Earth got in the way! :auiqs.jpg:
There will be no civil war.

I know blob supporters crave violence but it's not going to happen. I guess you have to go back to pulling wings off of flies or something.
Dude, you cannot buy a gun or ammo tomorrow. I'd say leftists better not overplay their hand because America just armed up against leftist bullshit. There's a lot of cocked and loaded out there.
It's not because of American Patriots, I'll tell you that!
People didn't buy all the guns and ammo up to defend themselves against American patriots.
They bought them to defend themselves against Commie insurgency.
True story.
NO, there will no Civil War in the physical sense.

As the Euro-American population continues to shrink, more and more of them will seek to find areas in the country where they feel comfortable and safe.

Barring such opportunities, some (many?) of them will emigrate (to Canada? to -- ironically -- to Mexico?). Or maybe some will return "home" -- to Europe, which will welcome them with open arms (for obvious reasons).

If you think these are challenging times, just imagine what our great-grandchildren will be faced with!
NO, there will no Civil War in the physical sense.

As the Euro-American population continues to shrink, more and more of them will seek to find areas in the country where they feel comfortable.

Barring such opportunities, some (many?) of them will emigrate (to Canada? to -- ironically -- to Mexico?). Or maybe some will return "home" -- to Europe, which may welcome them with open arms.

If you think these are challenging times, just imagine what our great-grandchildren will be faced with!
So why are no guns and ammo available in America right now? These are very interesting times.
I wish I could give the youngers the problems of my time, which were much less numerous.
We had a lot more freedom, too. Short of murder and rape and property crimes you could do what the fuck you wanted. I reckon those days are gone.
Do the commies wanna fight me because I wish they had it like that, too? And probably so does Trump.
As US cities burn, do you find Civil war more likely than not in the next decade or so?
If civil war is on the horizon again, and over blacks again, doesn't that kinda suggest that freeing the slaves WAS a bad idea and that maybe the Confederacy was right after all? Just imagine the difference had slaves never been freed, or simply freed and sent back to Africa! What has freeing slaves cost America in just the last 60 years?

Blacks aren't the problem.
Saying that is like getting hit by an asteroid and saying asteroids aren't the problem--- --- the Earth got in the way! :auiqs.jpg:

Attitudes like yours are the problem. But you ain't shit, so it's not that big of a problem. Keep your racist shit to yourself and there won't be a problem. Simple and easy. So simple even Cult45 can understand it.
The way you know there will be no civil war is that not a single conservative can explain why they haven't shot anyone yet. If they are really that worried about the nation--sincerely worried--and see themselves as patriots, then incarceration and sentence is not a valid reason. If they are fighting for the future of their kids and grand kids, they would happily sacrifice their own lives and livelihood to ensure their futures. That they are not roaming the countryside taking out the people they've branded as enemies of the nation means:

A). All of the talk of a civil war is just talk; wishful thinking of dumb asses who have seen way too many movies and read way too few books.
B). They are not patriots; even in the broadest sense of the word otherwise they would be happy to sacrifice
C). They are gutless cowards who are too worried about their own lives to care much about their kids or the nation
D). All of the above

I pick D.
As US cities burn, do you find Civil war more likely than not in the next decade or so?
If civil war is on the horizon again, and over blacks again, doesn't that kinda suggest that freeing the slaves WAS a bad idea and that maybe the Confederacy was right after all? Just imagine the difference had slaves never been freed, or simply freed and sent back to Africa! What has freeing slaves cost America in just the last 60 years?

Blacks aren't the problem.
Saying that is like getting hit by an asteroid and saying asteroids aren't the problem--- --- the Earth got in the way! :auiqs.jpg:

Attitudes like yours are the problem. But you ain't shit, so it's not that big of a problem. Keep your racist shit to yourself and there won't be a problem. Simple and easy. So simple even Cult45 can understand it.
Eat my shorts, Dickweed. My "attitude" is based on 200 years of nothing but trouble with a certain group of people who demand everything, produce nothing, want, want, want, but give nothing but headache in return. If you want people to have a better impression of you, shut up, keep your dick in your pants, go out and get a job, get responsible, and start supporting yourself and your family. We don't need people who demand a separate culture, a separate society, even their own special TV channel for themselves, then call US racist. :lmao:
This is what talk radio, and later the internet, have created on the right.

Anger, hate, frustration, rage, paranoia, paranoia and paranoia.

I don't know how you guys make it through a freakin' day.

Sounds like Mac is very angry. :itsok:
This is what talk radio, and later the internet, have created on the right.

Anger, hate, frustration, rage, paranoia, paranoia and paranoia.

I don't know how you guys make it through a freakin' day.
Fuck I feel better.........Put your dang animals on a leash......the ones burning the country down and are


Never seen so many offended Wankers in all my life..........if they even know they have one anymore........They are even confused about that..........

How about you get the message we are tired of your shit.
There will be no civil war.

I know blob supporters crave violence but it's not going to happen. I guess you have to go back to pulling wings off of flies or something.

This thread is about will there be civil war, not whether your feels are hurt if there is one. You wouldn't survive a day.
There will be no civil war. This is right now a cultural revolution patterned after the successful cultural revolution conducted by Mao Zetung. Destroying historical artifacts, rewriting history are both indications that the cultural revolution is ongoing. If there is any doubt, someone guilty of wrongthink will not only be punished but their friends and family will likewise be punished by cultural cancellation. The offender will be fired from his or her job, social contacts will be ended.

It's going on now.
There will be no civil war. This is right now a cultural revolution patterned after the successful cultural revolution conducted by Mao Zetung. Destroying historical artifacts, rewriting history are both indications that the cultural revolution is ongoing. If there is any doubt, someone guilty of wrongthink will not only be punished but their friends and family will likewise be punished by cultural cancellation. The offender will be fired from his or her job, social contacts will be ended.

It's going on now.
Forced compliance.............Forced to accept..........OBEY.........or else...............

When is OR ELSE.......gonna have to be answered with ELSE.................that is the question
I preferred the first Civil War myself, plus with how the Avengers Infinity series ended, I don't think a Civil War II would make much sense with the story line....

But hey, if you right wing ammosexuals want to lotion up and masturbate to fantasies of Civil Wars to compensate for your own insecurities and lack of be it....that obviously has to be the case since a thread like this is created every couple of days....

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