Civil War - Whites vs Blacks

Do you think there will be a REAL civil war over race in this country?

  • No, because the Dems will hand over the whole nation to them

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This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.
Go fuck yourself, you racist piece of shit.
It always cracks me up to hear you call someone else a racist piece of shit.

Maybe you're the one who should lube up.
Sure, lady....

You do remember the part about half my family being black, and me being married to a black woman for over 30 years now?

That little factoid hasn't slipped your mind, has it?

Why do you think being married to a black woman somehow precludes you from being a racist?
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.
Go fuck yourself, you racist piece of shit.
It always cracks me up to hear you call someone else a racist piece of shit.

Maybe you're the one who should lube up.
Sure, lady....

You do remember the part about half my family being black, and me being married to a black woman for over 30 years now?

That little factoid hasn't slipped your mind, has it?

Why do you think being married to a black woman somehow precludes you from being a racist?
Why do you believe someone as racist as you accuse me of being would marry, and more importantly, stay married to a black woman then?

This is your problem; I believe behavior is the truth. It's about how a person acts, what they do, that matters...... I don't care what crazy shit is in your head, or how you feel, if you are doing good things or at least not doing bad things.
You on the other hand believe everyone is racist and therefore evil, even if they haven't done a damn thing wrong...... you're fucked in the head, lady.
And quit being jealous of those who break the symbolic chains of poverty in which can hold anyone down including white's.
Surely you jest, why in the hell would I be jealous of the likes of you? And normal people know that NONE of what you listed is exclusive to the black race and it's still none of your business how black people choose to live their lives. Nobody needs your approval for anything.

In the area where I grew up, we lived a middle class life, most of the whites in the area, lived in a different part of the community which included a trailer park. From what I've seen of this place, it's no different from where I grew up.

My parents placed a high premium on their children getting a good education. You get good grades in school so that you can attend a good college where upon graduation you can obtain a good job and start building the life you want. Of course that roadmap had a lot of bumps and detours some of which were caused by blatant racism however one of the most valuable lessons I've learned in this life, taught to me by another black woman is that no matter what people throw at you, or place in your way, you find a way around it and find what you can use in the situation to your advantage.

I'm still advancing in my career, what about the rest of you? What have you accomplished lately besides complaining about black people being able to enjoy some of the same things in life that white racist have always tried to prevent us from enjoying, especially when you could be working on yourselves and the racists in your own race.
When I say quit being jealous dummy, I'm saying quit being jealous of other black people who don't need your weight around their neck in an attempt to drag them back into the misery that you bring upon yourselves by being lying crying racist yourselves.

That shit was stupid when Booker T Washingtons dumb ass said it and it's one reason why I chose not to attend Tuskeegee. But whites like you who can't face the truth and want an easy fix, talk stupid. Today blacks are still looking for safe spaces because dumb asses like yourself do not have the motherfucking balls to look inward and fix the racism in your own fucked up culture. You want to instead fall back to blaming blacks instead of ending the white racism that's making blacks ask for someplace they can get away from the white racism in order to get a moment of peace.

Wow.., Should have read this part earlier.. You've got your own solution here.. Screw MLK and call Booker T stupid -- that's a good 1st start. YOU dont need them.. You got the black Marxist collective to figure out everything. And if ya dont LIKE what they think -- you just add them to list of your enemies like MLK and Booker T even if they are BLACKER THAN YOU... Tell them to shut up as well.

But I'm amazed at guilt you want me to assume for high blood pressure and strokes and shorter lives. I've ask you several times why any sane person would want to live where the drive-bys and sirens wake you up every night.. And you told me -- it was about a cultural bond and friends and stuff. That "cultural bond" is what real cases of PTSD in military service are based on. And although that comradery is a strong and important bond -- NO ONE gets a normal stress free life living in a combat zone for most or all of their lives.. Waking up every morning safe and refreshed is NOT a reserved privilege. It's YOUR choice.. Many of those blacks you Uncle Tom understand this.. Which is why you can excommunicate them from your militant hive collective and they still win...

U can thrive outside the ghetto and gangland borders.. I aint holding you back.. NO ONE is.. Dont blame us for the loss of seven years...
And if whites treated Derick Chauvin (Killer of George Floyd) just like they treated Mohamed Noor, Minneapolis and other cities would not have been be out of control, businesses would still be standing, and mostly operational right now.
Bull shyt. The savages that trashed the towns and looted would have done so regardless of the actions of any white government. Stop pissing down our back and telling us it's just rain.
If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?



If a Race War breaks out, it won't be a Civil War.
The ones who start it will be fighting for genocide, and not simply control of the Nation.

Any Civil War may use race as a component in aggression,
But that would just be repeating history.

And quit being jealous of those who break the symbolic chains of poverty in which can hold anyone down including white's.
Surely you jest, why in the hell would I be jealous of the likes of you? And normal people know that NONE of what you listed is exclusive to the black race and it's still none of your business how black people choose to live their lives. Nobody needs your approval for anything.

In the area where I grew up, we lived a middle class life, most of the whites in the area, lived in a different part of the community which included a trailer park. From what I've seen of this place, it's no different from where I grew up.

My parents placed a high premium on their children getting a good education. You get good grades in school so that you can attend a good college where upon graduation you can obtain a good job and start building the life you want. Of course that roadmap had a lot of bumps and detours some of which were caused by blatant racism however one of the most valuable lessons I've learned in this life, taught to me by another black woman is that no matter what people throw at you, or place in your way, you find a way around it and find what you can use in the situation to your advantage.

I'm still advancing in my career, what about the rest of you? What have you accomplished lately besides complaining about black people being able to enjoy some of the same things in life that white racist have always tried to prevent us from enjoying, especially when you could be working on yourselves and the racists in your own race.

Great attitude. Once you value education, you will strive to make the most of it.. I've had an exceptional career in science and engineering.. Still working to get those American kids into the STEM courses in college. Can't do that very "equitably" if the notion that math and science and even history is racist tho.. Math is too often used as a weapon by those that want to dominate the discussion. Worst offender is the Federal Govt where THEIR numbers and statistics and analysis and NOW SCIENCE -- mean little in terms of truth.. That's why -- for SELF PRESERVATION AND DEFENSE -- those who are often the target of "hostile math and statistics" need to be ARMED with the same tools.. Not abandon them.. Make sense????

The largest contingent of anything approaching racism towards blacks are the teachers unions, the College level "Ed schools" and the bleeding heart libs running these systems who believe that black kids can not achieve or excel academically.. Same contingent of metaphysical morons who cant believe blacks can acquire ID cards...

If I had more time in life, I'd set out to prove them wrong.. Same challenge I posed to Jesse Jackson back in the early 80s in a major city editorial when he came to shake down Silicon Valley for money.. Told him if he sent a trainload of qualified black college grads out there, I'd quit work for a year and get them all placed... Didn't address the fact that he'd have a hard time filling up that trainload.. Figured someone else was already working that part of the problem..
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.

This nation made huge progress in reversing ESPECIALLY the systemic racism that GOVT (democrat party in particular) ENSHRINED in the past. Now you want "separate Americas" where skin color is the PRIMARY determination of character and status.

It's YOUR cultural revolutionaries BOUND AND DETERMINED to RE-SEGREGATE America -- not the majority of America -- either black or white..
Why is it in your mind that there are only two extremes. Who is it that you believe is trying to re-segregate America?

That's what Critical Race Theory is.. And I've taken the time to figure it out from primary sources. It's the belief that race is the PRINCIPLE factor in estimating character and morals -- along with historical guilt and other baggage tagging along. It's stereotyping of MOTIVES and honesty and worth to the conversation by the color of your skin. It's telling people about the "Two Americas" like IM2 does daily. But now TWO AMERICAS IS the VIRTUOUS GOAL... That's resegregation -- pure and simple.. Along with collectivism and a hefty dose of Marxist "fairness" concerning EQUAL OUTCOMES instead of equal opportunity..

Some of your buds willingly toss MLK and Booker T under the bus to achieve that goal..
Because ONE AMERICA just aint possible because America like colored people on grocery products and Hallmark greeting cards is itself "inherently racist"..

No simpler way to state all that than going back to good old Democrat days of segregation of the races and constant tension and distrust...
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.

This nation made huge progress in reversing ESPECIALLY the systemic racism that GOVT (democrat party in particular) ENSHRINED in the past. Now you want "separate Americas" where skin color is the PRIMARY determination of character and status.

It's YOUR cultural revolutionaries BOUND AND DETERMINED to RE-SEGREGATE America -- not the majority of America -- either black or white..
Why is it in your mind that there are only two extremes. Who is it that you believe is trying to re-segregate America?

That's what Critical Race Theory is.. And I've taken the time to figure it out from primary sources. It's the belief that race is the PRINCIPLE factor in estimating character and morals -- along with historical guilt and other baggage tagging along. It's stereotyping of MOTIVES and honesty and worth to the conversation by the color of your skin. It's telling people about the "Two Americas" like IM2 does daily. But now TWO AMERICAS IS the VIRTUOUS GOAL... That's resegregation -- pure and simple.. Along with collectivism and a hefty dose of Marxist "fairness" concerning EQUAL OUTCOMES instead of equal opportunity..

Some of your buds willingly toss MLK and Booker T under the bus to achieve that goal..
Because ONE AMERICA just aint possible because America like colored people on grocery products and Hallmark greeting cards is itself "inherently racist"..

No simpler way to state all that than going back to good old Democrat days of segregation of the races and constant tension and distrust...
All compliments of Barack Obama and family bringing it all back into style again. The man was as evil a human being as there is, and whether he knew or not doesn't even matter, because it's still evil what he was doing.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.

This nation made huge progress in reversing ESPECIALLY the systemic racism that GOVT (democrat party in particular) ENSHRINED in the past. Now you want "separate Americas" where skin color is the PRIMARY determination of character and status.

It's YOUR cultural revolutionaries BOUND AND DETERMINED to RE-SEGREGATE America -- not the majority of America -- either black or white..
Why is it in your mind that there are only two extremes. Who is it that you believe is trying to re-segregate America?

That's what Critical Race Theory is.. And I've taken the time to figure it out from primary sources. It's the belief that race is the PRINCIPLE factor in estimating character and morals -- along with historical guilt and other baggage tagging along. It's stereotyping of MOTIVES and honesty and worth to the conversation by the color of your skin. It's telling people about the "Two Americas" like IM2 does daily. But now TWO AMERICAS IS the VIRTUOUS GOAL... That's resegregation -- pure and simple.. Along with collectivism and a hefty dose of Marxist "fairness" concerning EQUAL OUTCOMES instead of equal opportunity..

Some of your buds willingly toss MLK and Booker T under the bus to achieve that goal..
Because ONE AMERICA just aint possible because America like colored people on grocery products and Hallmark greeting cards is itself "inherently racist"..

No simpler way to state all that than going back to good old Democrat days of segregation of the races and constant tension and distrust...
All compliments of Barack Obama and family bringing it all back into style again. The man was as evil a human being as there is, and whether he knew or not doesn't even matter, because it's still evil what he was doing.
You mean all compliments of the American white racists who lost their minds when a black man and his family were put into office by other white people, cause there certainly are not enough of us to have done it alone.

And if President Obama is evil, what the hell does that make you and your ilk? Aren't you a Christian and doesn't the Bible teach you that envy is a sin as is bearing false witness? I know people who are not even Christian that live their lives more in accordance to the teachings of Christ that you all do.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.

This nation made huge progress in reversing ESPECIALLY the systemic racism that GOVT (democrat party in particular) ENSHRINED in the past. Now you want "separate Americas" where skin color is the PRIMARY determination of character and status.

It's YOUR cultural revolutionaries BOUND AND DETERMINED to RE-SEGREGATE America -- not the majority of America -- either black or white..
Why is it in your mind that there are only two extremes. Who is it that you believe is trying to re-segregate America?

That's what Critical Race Theory is.. And I've taken the time to figure it out from primary sources. It's the belief that race is the PRINCIPLE factor in estimating character and morals -- along with historical guilt and other baggage tagging along. It's stereotyping of MOTIVES and honesty and worth to the conversation by the color of your skin. It's telling people about the "Two Americas" like IM2 does daily. But now TWO AMERICAS IS the VIRTUOUS GOAL... That's resegregation -- pure and simple.. Along with collectivism and a hefty dose of Marxist "fairness" concerning EQUAL OUTCOMES instead of equal opportunity..

Some of your buds willingly toss MLK and Booker T under the bus to achieve that goal..
Because ONE AMERICA just aint possible because America like colored people on grocery products and Hallmark greeting cards is itself "inherently racist"..

No simpler way to state all that than going back to good old Democrat days of segregation of the races and constant tension and distrust...
All compliments of Barack Obama and family bringing it all back into style again. The man was as evil a human being as there is, and whether he knew or not doesn't even matter, because it's still evil what he was doing.
You mean all compliments of the American white racists who lost their minds when a black man and his family were put into office by other white people, cause there certainly are not enough of us to have done it alone.

And if President Obama is evil, what the hell does that make you and your ilk? Aren't you a Christian and doesn't the Bible teach you that envy is a sin as is bearing false witness? I know people who are not even Christian that live their lives more in accordance to the teachings of Christ that you all do.
Envy Barack Obama ??? Rotflmbo.... Maybe you see the man as your god, but I only know of one God, and there is no human being on earth who can fill those sandal's, otherwise when he visited us back in the day as a man.

Now you defending the indefensible isn't bearing false witness when trying to make excuses for bad behavior's or action's committed by those you support, and sadly based upon a skin color found in many cases ??
If 12% of the population goes to war with 78% of the population it will be a real short war. Even with antifa helping.

Blacks should be way more concerned about blacks killing blacks. Shooting a month old baby girl in the head is a bit much. Or don't blacks think so?
If 12% of the population goes to war with 78% of the population it will be a real short war. Even with antifa helping. Blacks should be way more concerned about blacks killing blacks. Shooting a month old baby girl in the head is a bit much. Or don't blacks think so?

Especially since if that war ever happened, there would be no federal laws protecting blacks giving them an edge anymore. Blacks are always being handed stuff on a platter to the point to where now they underestimate how hard it really is to accomplish things much less win a civil war with nothing being handed to you where they are in a tiny minority.
"Yes, real Americans are sick of this BS and will fight back if pushed to that point."

Real Americans have been pushed to that point and are fighting against the racism coming from descendants of European immigrants. My family has been in America longer than the OP's and most of the whites in the forum.
Do you honestly believe blacks in America will be better off if they engage in civil war against their white neighbors? If you do, I'd really like to understand your thought process on how that positive change is accomplished through bloodshed.
If 12% of the population goes to war with 78% of the population it will be a real short war.

Tough talk. Now are you strong enough to back up those words with action and get to killing ? Or you just going to write on the internet ?
If 12% of the population goes to war with 78% of the population it will be a real short war.

Tough talk. Now are you strong enough to back up those words with action and get to killing ? Or you just going to write on the internet ?
And what exactly do YOU do?

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