Civil War - Whites vs Blacks

Do you think there will be a REAL civil war over race in this country?

  • No, because the Dems will hand over the whole nation to them

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If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?


The race war is here NOW

What are you talking about ?

Whites have been waging war on us non stop for 300+ years

During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.

If white people were waging war on you kneegrows, you'd know it....That "war" would make the weekend GSW death toteboard in Chicago, that you accept without a second thought, look like a baseball score.

Why are you assuming and why do you think that nothing has happened to any black person since 1964? And do you seriously believe that all of that racist bias and hatred suddenly vaporize with the swipe of a pen when the Executive Order creating affirmative actions and dismantling racial segregation in the U.S. was created?
Why are you putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head?

The Chinese immigrants to the west coast were treated like total shit for decades....Americans of Japanese descent were literally imprisoned during WWII because of their ethnicity.

Why is there no victimhood culture among Asians?....Where are there Asians burning their neighborhoods down?...Where is the Asian thug culture?....Where are the ghettos where Asiatics engage in open urban warfare on a daily basis?...Who is the Asian equivalent of Al Sharpton, continuously stirring up animosity?
You people are so full of shit, I was responding to your first two paragraphs in which you stated
During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.
You don't know what has happened to any of us either before or since 1964 when racial discrimination was made unlawful in the U.S. You and I just were conversing about this in another thread regarding the 3 survivors of the Tulsa Oklahoma race riots. The United States was a white supremacist society until 1964 and all of these atrocities that occurred during that time (and since) have never been addressed or made right - that's why you all keep hearing about it and will continue to hear about it until our government acknowledges it's wrong and makes amends for it.

What was done to the Japanese was not only wrong but unconstitutional and the United States issued a formal apology and paid reparations to the people affected. Black people have been a part of this country a lot longer than the Chinese who were brought in to work the mines and railroads in the west and I don't know what happened to them or their descendants as far as receiving recompense from the government or an acknowledgement of the wrongs committed against them or an apology, but their circumstances has nothing to do with ours.

I have long suspected that our government is playing a waiting game, waiting for everyone who was alive during our country's segregationist period is dead so that they can claim there is no one left to apologize to or pay.
Piss poor answer.

Peddling the "white supremacist" strawman is going to get you nowhere.

Fact remains that the Asiatics let go of shit that is behind them and beyond their control, while black Murican shit stirrers keep focused on the past.

It's a psychosis....In oreder to be oppressed, you need an oppressor....In order to continue to remain oppressed, you need to keep that oppressor close at hand....The black victim culture is a twisted version of a demon worshiping cult.
I know but certainly do not understand why it hurts you all's so much when anyone references the United States' white supremacist past. It's documented history so you can deny it all you want but doing so just makes you look dishonest and afraid of the truth.

How Asian Americans choose to live their lives is entirely up to them and you trying to hold them up as an example of how black people should behave is not going to work. It's already been mentioned that the government has addressed the wrong they committed against them and a formal apology goes a long way toward making amends but the United States as a country, in spite of the improvements it has made still has a long way to go.

If you don't like it, you can always leave and find a country more favorable to your mind set, isn't that what you all are always telling us to do?
Take your 1619 shit and pack it where the sun don't shine.

The only thing stopping blacks from enjoying the good lives that other horribly treated ethnicities have suffered, are the black oppression pimps and the guilt-riddled white chumps who patronize and condescend to them.

You want to be one of the aforementioned white chumps, that's your business...But you have absolutely no business dragging the rest into your intellectually corrupt sewer of self-imposed guilt.
1619 shit? What is that, is it like the 14 words that the white supremacists worship?

So of course, in your mind, if I'm complaining about the remaining racial discrimination and violence against black people and others, it just has to be because my life sucks and I'm oppressed right?

So you're getting your ass kicked in the debate by someone who is beneath you, less intelligence and oppressed? I'm not sure I'd be admitting to something like that.
It's obviously over your head.

You're not kicking anyone's ass....Take your white guilt and stuff it.
Uh huh. You know you could actually learn something if you weren't so insistent upon being right.
I already learned about being guilted for shit that is beyond my control from the Catholic church....Your race hustling quasi-religious cult isn't anything new.
If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?


The race war is here NOW

What are you talking about ?

Whites have been waging war on us non stop for 300+ years

During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.

If white people were waging war on you kneegrows, you'd know it....That "war" would make the weekend GSW death toteboard in Chicago, that you accept without a second thought, look like a baseball score.

Why are you assuming and why do you think that nothing has happened to any black person since 1964? And do you seriously believe that all of that racist bias and hatred suddenly vaporize with the swipe of a pen when the Executive Order creating affirmative actions and dismantling racial segregation in the U.S. was created?
Why are you putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head?

The Chinese immigrants to the west coast were treated like total shit for decades....Americans of Japanese descent were literally imprisoned during WWII because of their ethnicity.

Why is there no victimhood culture among Asians?....Where are there Asians burning their neighborhoods down?...Where is the Asian thug culture?....Where are the ghettos where Asiatics engage in open urban warfare on a daily basis?...Who is the Asian equivalent of Al Sharpton, continuously stirring up animosity?
You people are so full of shit, I was responding to your first two paragraphs in which you stated
During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.
You don't know what has happened to any of us either before or since 1964 when racial discrimination was made unlawful in the U.S. You and I just were conversing about this in another thread regarding the 3 survivors of the Tulsa Oklahoma race riots. The United States was a white supremacist society until 1964 and all of these atrocities that occurred during that time (and since) have never been addressed or made right - that's why you all keep hearing about it and will continue to hear about it until our government acknowledges it's wrong and makes amends for it.

What was done to the Japanese was not only wrong but unconstitutional and the United States issued a formal apology and paid reparations to the people affected. Black people have been a part of this country a lot longer than the Chinese who were brought in to work the mines and railroads in the west and I don't know what happened to them or their descendants as far as receiving recompense from the government or an acknowledgement of the wrongs committed against them or an apology, but their circumstances has nothing to do with ours.

I have long suspected that our government is playing a waiting game, waiting for everyone who was alive during our country's segregationist period is dead so that they can claim there is no one left to apologize to or pay.
Piss poor answer.

Peddling the "white supremacist" strawman is going to get you nowhere.

Fact remains that the Asiatics let go of shit that is behind them and beyond their control, while black Murican shit stirrers keep focused on the past.

It's a psychosis....In oreder to be oppressed, you need an oppressor....In order to continue to remain oppressed, you need to keep that oppressor close at hand....The black victim culture is a twisted version of a demon worshiping cult.
I know but certainly do not understand why it hurts you all's so much when anyone references the United States' white supremacist past. It's documented history so you can deny it all you want but doing so just makes you look dishonest and afraid of the truth.

How Asian Americans choose to live their lives is entirely up to them and you trying to hold them up as an example of how black people should behave is not going to work. It's already been mentioned that the government has addressed the wrong they committed against them and a formal apology goes a long way toward making amends but the United States as a country, in spite of the improvements it has made still has a long way to go.

If you don't like it, you can always leave and find a country more favorable to your mind set, isn't that what you all are always telling us to do?
Take your 1619 shit and pack it where the sun don't shine.

The only thing stopping blacks from enjoying the good lives that other horribly treated ethnicities have suffered, are the black oppression pimps and the guilt-riddled white chumps who patronize and condescend to them.

You want to be one of the aforementioned white chumps, that's your business...But you have absolutely no business dragging the rest into your intellectually corrupt sewer of self-imposed guilt.
1619 shit? What is that, is it like the 14 words that the white supremacists worship?

So of course, in your mind, if I'm complaining about the remaining racial discrimination and violence against black people and others, it just has to be because my life sucks and I'm oppressed right?

So you're getting your ass kicked in the debate by someone who is beneath you, less intelligence and oppressed? I'm not sure I'd be admitting to something like that.
It's obviously over your head.

You're not kicking anyone's ass....Take your white guilt and pandering to thugs and stuff it.
She's kicking your ass. That's why you are reduced to posting this retarded shit that has no basis in fact and is used to deny reality.
If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?


The race war is here NOW

What are you talking about ?

Whites have been waging war on us non stop for 300+ years

During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.

If white people were waging war on you kneegrows, you'd know it....That "war" would make the weekend GSW death toteboard in Chicago, that you accept without a second thought, look like a baseball score.

Why are you assuming and why do you think that nothing has happened to any black person since 1964? And do you seriously believe that all of that racist bias and hatred suddenly vaporize with the swipe of a pen when the Executive Order creating affirmative actions and dismantling racial segregation in the U.S. was created?
Why are you putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head?

The Chinese immigrants to the west coast were treated like total shit for decades....Americans of Japanese descent were literally imprisoned during WWII because of their ethnicity.

Why is there no victimhood culture among Asians?....Where are there Asians burning their neighborhoods down?...Where is the Asian thug culture?....Where are the ghettos where Asiatics engage in open urban warfare on a daily basis?...Who is the Asian equivalent of Al Sharpton, continuously stirring up animosity?
You people are so full of shit, I was responding to your first two paragraphs in which you stated
During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.
You don't know what has happened to any of us either before or since 1964 when racial discrimination was made unlawful in the U.S. You and I just were conversing about this in another thread regarding the 3 survivors of the Tulsa Oklahoma race riots. The United States was a white supremacist society until 1964 and all of these atrocities that occurred during that time (and since) have never been addressed or made right - that's why you all keep hearing about it and will continue to hear about it until our government acknowledges it's wrong and makes amends for it.

What was done to the Japanese was not only wrong but unconstitutional and the United States issued a formal apology and paid reparations to the people affected. Black people have been a part of this country a lot longer than the Chinese who were brought in to work the mines and railroads in the west and I don't know what happened to them or their descendants as far as receiving recompense from the government or an acknowledgement of the wrongs committed against them or an apology, but their circumstances has nothing to do with ours.

I have long suspected that our government is playing a waiting game, waiting for everyone who was alive during our country's segregationist period is dead so that they can claim there is no one left to apologize to or pay.
Piss poor answer.

Peddling the "white supremacist" strawman is going to get you nowhere.

Fact remains that the Asiatics let go of shit that is behind them and beyond their control, while black Murican shit stirrers keep focused on the past.

It's a psychosis....In oreder to be oppressed, you need an oppressor....In order to continue to remain oppressed, you need to keep that oppressor close at hand....The black victim culture is a twisted version of a demon worshiping cult.
I know but certainly do not understand why it hurts you all's so much when anyone references the United States' white supremacist past. It's documented history so you can deny it all you want but doing so just makes you look dishonest and afraid of the truth.

How Asian Americans choose to live their lives is entirely up to them and you trying to hold them up as an example of how black people should behave is not going to work. It's already been mentioned that the government has addressed the wrong they committed against them and a formal apology goes a long way toward making amends but the United States as a country, in spite of the improvements it has made still has a long way to go.

If you don't like it, you can always leave and find a country more favorable to your mind set, isn't that what you all are always telling us to do?
Take your 1619 shit and pack it where the sun don't shine.

The only thing stopping blacks from enjoying the good lives that other horribly treated ethnicities have suffered, are the black oppression pimps and the guilt-riddled white chumps who patronize and condescend to them.

You want to be one of the aforementioned white chumps, that's your business...But you have absolutely no business dragging the rest into your intellectually corrupt sewer of self-imposed guilt.
1619 shit? What is that, is it like the 14 words that the white supremacists worship?

So of course, in your mind, if I'm complaining about the remaining racial discrimination and violence against black people and others, it just has to be because my life sucks and I'm oppressed right?

So you're getting your ass kicked in the debate by someone who is beneath you, less intelligence and oppressed? I'm not sure I'd be admitting to something like that.
It's obviously over your head.

You're not kicking anyone's ass....Take your white guilt and stuff it.
Uh huh. You know you could actually learn something if you weren't so insistent upon being right.
I already learned about being guilted for shit that is beyond my control from the Catholic church....Your race hustling quasi-religious cult isn't anything new.
You are the race hustler.
"So quit bitching about whites today who had no part in the destruction of your ancestors."

I'm not so stop lying to yourself because I am talking about whites like YOU who exist today.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education
What are whites like me? I will tell you. Whites like me are sick and tired of blacks like you calling us racists just for disagreeing with you. Whites like me want equal treatment for people of all races, you want preferential treatment for blacks. Whites like me acknowledge that racism exists, but it’s not just whites who are racist. Whites like me expect anyone breaking the law to be held accountable, not given excuses or pretending a criminal is a victim. Whites like me also know there are bad cops, but don’t expect all cops to take the blame. Most of the violent street crimes are committed by blacks, but I don’t blame all black people. Most pedophiles are white men, I don’t blame all white men. These are the whites like me. Pull your head out if your ass and stop blaming whites for everything negative in a black persons life. Take responsibility for your own behavior.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call itnout.


This is what we get for our affirmative action tax dollars.
Whites have gotten affirmative action since the declaration of independence.
If it wasn't for the White man you'd be running around naked and barefoot with your spear, eating bugs, bats and lizards, and sleeping in a straw hut.
No, that would not be the case.
History proves you wrong.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.

This nation made huge progress in reversing ESPECIALLY the systemic racism that GOVT (democrat party in particular) ENSHRINED in the past. Now you want "separate Americas" where skin color is the PRIMARY determination of character and status.

It's YOUR cultural revolutionaries BOUND AND DETERMINED to RE-SEGREGATE America -- not the majority of America -- either black or white..
If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?


The race war is here NOW

What are you talking about ?

Whites have been waging war on us non stop for 300+ years

During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.

If white people were waging war on you kneegrows, you'd know it....That "war" would make the weekend GSW death toteboard in Chicago, that you accept without a second thought, look like a baseball score.

Why are you assuming and why do you think that nothing has happened to any black person since 1964? And do you seriously believe that all of that racist bias and hatred suddenly vaporize with the swipe of a pen when the Executive Order creating affirmative actions and dismantling racial segregation in the U.S. was created?
Why are you putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head?

The Chinese immigrants to the west coast were treated like total shit for decades....Americans of Japanese descent were literally imprisoned during WWII because of their ethnicity.

Why is there no victimhood culture among Asians?....Where are there Asians burning their neighborhoods down?...Where is the Asian thug culture?....Where are the ghettos where Asiatics engage in open urban warfare on a daily basis?...Who is the Asian equivalent of Al Sharpton, continuously stirring up animosity?
You people are so full of shit, I was responding to your first two paragraphs in which you stated
During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.
You don't know what has happened to any of us either before or since 1964 when racial discrimination was made unlawful in the U.S. You and I just were conversing about this in another thread regarding the 3 survivors of the Tulsa Oklahoma race riots. The United States was a white supremacist society until 1964 and all of these atrocities that occurred during that time (and since) have never been addressed or made right - that's why you all keep hearing about it and will continue to hear about it until our government acknowledges it's wrong and makes amends for it.

What was done to the Japanese was not only wrong but unconstitutional and the United States issued a formal apology and paid reparations to the people affected. Black people have been a part of this country a lot longer than the Chinese who were brought in to work the mines and railroads in the west and I don't know what happened to them or their descendants as far as receiving recompense from the government or an acknowledgement of the wrongs committed against them or an apology, but their circumstances has nothing to do with ours.

I have long suspected that our government is playing a waiting game, waiting for everyone who was alive during our country's segregationist period is dead so that they can claim there is no one left to apologize to or pay.
Piss poor answer.

Peddling the "white supremacist" strawman is going to get you nowhere.

Fact remains that the Asiatics let go of shit that is behind them and beyond their control, while black Murican shit stirrers keep focused on the past.

It's a psychosis....In oreder to be oppressed, you need an oppressor....In order to continue to remain oppressed, you need to keep that oppressor close at hand....The black victim culture is a twisted version of a demon worshiping cult.
I know but certainly do not understand why it hurts you all's so much when anyone references the United States' white supremacist past. It's documented history so you can deny it all you want but doing so just makes you look dishonest and afraid of the truth.

How Asian Americans choose to live their lives is entirely up to them and you trying to hold them up as an example of how black people should behave is not going to work. It's already been mentioned that the government has addressed the wrong they committed against them and a formal apology goes a long way toward making amends but the United States as a country, in spite of the improvements it has made still has a long way to go.

If you don't like it, you can always leave and find a country more favorable to your mind set, isn't that what you all are always telling us to do?
Take your 1619 shit and pack it where the sun don't shine.

The only thing stopping blacks from enjoying the good lives that other horribly treated ethnicities have suffered, are the black oppression pimps and the guilt-riddled white chumps who patronize and condescend to them.

You want to be one of the aforementioned white chumps, that's your business...But you have absolutely no business dragging the rest into your intellectually corrupt sewer of self-imposed guilt.
1619 shit? What is that, is it like the 14 words that the white supremacists worship?

So of course, in your mind, if I'm complaining about the remaining racial discrimination and violence against black people and others, it just has to be because my life sucks and I'm oppressed right?

So you're getting your ass kicked in the debate by someone who is beneath you, less intelligence and oppressed? I'm not sure I'd be admitting to something like that.
It's obviously over your head.

You're not kicking anyone's ass....Take your white guilt and stuff it.
Uh huh. You know you could actually learn something if you weren't so insistent upon being right.
I already learned about being guilted for shit that is beyond my control from the Catholic church....Your race hustling quasi-religious cult isn't anything new.
I don't have a cult nor am I a member of one, however I find it a bit intriguing that you believe that I am trying to make you feel guilty about anything because I'm fairly certain I have not said anything that indicates that I blame you personally for anything past or current.

What exactly is a race hustler? I hear you all use that term a lot but don't actually know what you mean it to imply.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call itnout.


This is what we get for our affirmative action tax dollars.
Whites have gotten affirmative action since the declaration of independence.
If it wasn't for the White man you'd be running around naked and barefoot with your spear, eating bugs, bats and lizards, and sleeping in a straw hut.
No, that would not be the case.
History proves you wrong.
No it doesn't. You haven't learned history. You've been taught halfstory.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.

This nation made huge progress in reversing ESPECIALLY the systemic racism that GOVT (democrat party in particular) ENSHRINED in the past. Now you want "separate Americas" where skin color is the PRIMARY determination of character and status.

It's YOUR cultural revolutionaries BOUND AND DETERMINED to RE-SEGREGATE America -- not the majority of America -- either black or white..
No flacaltenn it has not. You want to try blaming democrats like the rest of the right wing idiots when in fact both parties are complicit and todays republican party is obvious in it's white nationalism. Your gaslighting won't work. You've radicalized yourself into believing a set of ignorant ideas or should I say premises. If this country was the way you claim, no one black would be voicing the grievances we are. But you have chosen to believe some silly shit whereby a part of the black community wants to stay miserable, live about 7 fewer years than whites, live with PTSD, and a high death rate from stress related illnesses like high blood pressure and strokes, just to get a paycheck.

That shit was stupid when Booker T Washingtons dumb ass said it and it's one reason why I chose not to attend Tuskeegee. But whites like you who can't face the truth and want an easy fix, talk stupid. Today blacks are still looking for safe spaces because dumb asses like yourself do not have the motherfucking balls to look inward and fix the racism in your own fucked up culture. You want to instead fall back to blaming blacks instead of ending the white racism that's making blacks ask for someplace they can get away from the white racism in order to get a moment of peace.
No flacaltenn it has not. You want to try blaming democrats like the rest of the right wing idiots when in fact both parties are complicit and todays republican party is obvious in it's white nationalism. Your gaslighting won't work.

I dont gaslight., History doesnt lie.. You are now supporting the GREATEST SYMBOL OF ENTRENCHED "systematic racism" -- maybe in the history of the ENTIRE WORLD.. The party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and forced housing and employment discrimination.. More odious than the Confederate flag -- DEMOCRATS are who rallied and CREATED those stars and bars. AND NOW the black 14% of us in America are hijacking that party with ideas that DEMAND color consciousness uber alles -- and racial RE-segregation..

You can DENY all this and the Marxist --redistributionist backstory of your NEW EFFORT to create TWO Americas, (or 3 or a dozen Americas) -- AND I STILL would not be gaslighting anything but the bunsen burner of truth..

What PART of what I said here are you in denial about. Because the REST of America and LARGE SEGMENT of the black family ARE NOT -- on board with "your evil jack ass party" revolution... We're not THAT STUPID...
In my opinion it would be more technically accurate to call a war between the whites and the blacks a race war than a civil war.

In such a war the only winners would be this nation’s enemies mainly Russia, China and Iran.
Wipe out - no. Repatriation to any African country that would take you - yes. Just think, the only place in the world you might not be lowest of the low is in the sub-Sahara. Many of them are English speaking to boot.

1) White supremacist control Africa

2) No African is willing or should be willing to take 30 million African American that have no lineage there. That's like me, getting you from Serbia - Croatia (or were ever the fk ur from in that part of the world were you spent most of the 90's slaughtering each other) and dumping you in Ireland and saying "Well they're white arent they ? You guys just along"

3) USA was built by black people. I'm not going anywhere.
Pity, and I hear Mogadishu is beautiful this time of year. There you would be relatively educated and even respected by lowlife (which is most of the country), but yeah, there is little in the way of the free stuff that's been feeding you all your life.

I get it.
Are you just from Prague or do you still live there and are just meddling in the affairs of the United States?
Americans "meddling" in US affairs? I don't get it.
I am going to say look at history, culture, lifestyle's, and many other known aspects of the history that details the life and times of the many races of people or even specific races or tribes of people, then deduce your opinion's of what may have played a role in the history of the tribes, the condition's, their health and custom's, and why some had it tough, and why some advanced quickly in the world. Be honest now.
You know what United States history tells me? That white supremacists had this compulsion to exert and maintain complete control over black people. To help in their effort to do so they passed a slew of laws restricting the rights and freedoms of people of African descent.

How do you explain this?
Better look at world history, because the United States weren't the only ones dealing with African's that were shipped all over the world, and in those days African's were still quite primitive or seemingly uncivilized according to world standard's, but we are neither here nor there in history such as that, so all we can do is measure the progress, and then look at the problem of regression. We need black's to continue to strive in character just like any other, and don't allow radicals or sadly devil's to revert them backwards in life.
We live in America. We will look at America. You are wrong about how Africa was at that time. You have lied to yourself and it's time you stopped doing so.
Lied eh ?? So even though America didn't have TV's and many other luxuries that we enjoy today (even bathroom's and such), you know once upon a time and not so long ago in America, but next you're going to try and tell me now about how modernized the African's were in comparison back in the 1600s maybe ??? Do tell because I can't wait to compare.
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If comes down to a REAL civil war, the whites against the blacks..........
Who do you think is going to win?

Do you have a speculative scenario about what will happen and how it will end?

We know not all whites are racist fuktards, and we know not all black people are money-grubbing, murderous psychopaths. Do you think there's a simpler way to sift out the "bad ones" and keep the rest?

Do you think all of this race war lunacy is designed, created, and perpetuated by certain people to break this country up? If so, why?


The race war is here NOW

What are you talking about ?

Whites have been waging war on us non stop for 300+ years

During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.

If white people were waging war on you kneegrows, you'd know it....That "war" would make the weekend GSW death toteboard in Chicago, that you accept without a second thought, look like a baseball score.

Why are you assuming and why do you think that nothing has happened to any black person since 1964? And do you seriously believe that all of that racist bias and hatred suddenly vaporize with the swipe of a pen when the Executive Order creating affirmative actions and dismantling racial segregation in the U.S. was created?
Why are you putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head?

The Chinese immigrants to the west coast were treated like total shit for decades....Americans of Japanese descent were literally imprisoned during WWII because of their ethnicity.

Why is there no victimhood culture among Asians?....Where are there Asians burning their neighborhoods down?...Where is the Asian thug culture?....Where are the ghettos where Asiatics engage in open urban warfare on a daily basis?...Who is the Asian equivalent of Al Sharpton, continuously stirring up animosity?
You people are so full of shit, I was responding to your first two paragraphs in which you stated
During which period were you alive?

Nobody owes you shit for anything that didn't happen to you.
You don't know what has happened to any of us either before or since 1964 when racial discrimination was made unlawful in the U.S. You and I just were conversing about this in another thread regarding the 3 survivors of the Tulsa Oklahoma race riots. The United States was a white supremacist society until 1964 and all of these atrocities that occurred during that time (and since) have never been addressed or made right - that's why you all keep hearing about it and will continue to hear about it until our government acknowledges it's wrong and makes amends for it.

What was done to the Japanese was not only wrong but unconstitutional and the United States issued a formal apology and paid reparations to the people affected. Black people have been a part of this country a lot longer than the Chinese who were brought in to work the mines and railroads in the west and I don't know what happened to them or their descendants as far as receiving recompense from the government or an acknowledgement of the wrongs committed against them or an apology, but their circumstances has nothing to do with ours.

I have long suspected that our government is playing a waiting game, waiting for everyone who was alive during our country's segregationist period is dead so that they can claim there is no one left to apologize to or pay.
No the government along with many others are watching a certain sector of the black race implode in America, and they actually show possibly why they have had it so bad through out history in the world, so tell me, why is that ???

Is a part of black African culture (in which the hardcore black's want to hang onto somehow, and for whatever reason), a culture that is excepted around the world or is it rebuked or shunned around the world ?? Saggy pants, and this Cardi-B antic's, does it represent African culture or is it figured to be American culture ? Should it not be criticized if a majority of white's and black's find it offensive and deplorable ??
What business is it of yours how others conduct their lives if it's not unlawful?
Not unlawful eh ?? Well exposing one's drawers with saggy pants should be considered indecent exposure. Last I checked that's against the law. Blasting music over so many decimals is disturbing the peace. Last I checked that is breaking the law/city codes in many town's and cities across the country. Stealing to buy drug's is breaking the law, and that has become an epidemic in many areas, and guess who is doing that the most ?? Selling drugs on the street corner is against the law, and guess who is doing that the most ?? Living in free housing, and then never fixing rotted boards, painting, and even mowing the lawn (not against the law), but just ends up destroying property values, and forcing people to take flight to get away from it. Being in gang's or creating gang's that are violent, theft oriented, and engaging in intimidation tactics against one's own communities and people. No it's not my business you are right, but it becomes everyone's business (including black's), when these things keep causing trouble for everyone who wants a better American experience than this.

And quit being jealous of those who break the symbolic chains of poverty in which can hold anyone down including white's.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call itnout.


This is what we get for our affirmative action tax dollars.
Whites have gotten affirmative action since the declaration of independence.
If it wasn't for the White man you'd be running around naked and barefoot with your spear, eating bugs, bats and lizards, and sleeping in a straw hut.
No, that would not be the case.
History proves you wrong.
No it doesn't. You haven't learned history. You've been taught halfstory.
You're just another ignorant Al Sharpton race hustler.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.
Go fuck yourself, you racist piece of shit.
It always cracks me up to hear you call someone else a racist piece of shit.

Maybe you're the one who should lube up.
Sure, lady....

You do remember the part about half my family being black, and me being married to a black woman for over 30 years now?

That little factoid hasn't slipped your mind, has it?

This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.
Go fuck yourself, you racist piece of shit.
It always cracks me up to hear you call someone else a racist piece of shit.

Maybe you're the one who should lube up.
He has no rebuttal and thinks calling me a racist will do something.
Nah, I just realized there's no point trying to engage in any kind of discussion with you; you're delusional, racist to the point of being rabid about it, and a liar as well.
It's a waste of my time.

So let's keep it simple;

Go fuck yourself, you racist piece of shit.
And quit being jealous of those who break the symbolic chains of poverty in which can hold anyone down including white's.
Surely you jest, why in the hell would I be jealous of the likes of you? And normal people know that NONE of what you listed is exclusive to the black race and it's still none of your business how black people choose to live their lives. Nobody needs your approval for anything.

In the area where I grew up, we lived a middle class life, most of the whites in the area, lived in a different part of the community which included a trailer park. From what I've seen of this place, it's no different from where I grew up.

My parents placed a high premium on their children getting a good education. You get good grades in school so that you can attend a good college where upon graduation you can obtain a good job and start building the life you want. Of course that roadmap had a lot of bumps and detours some of which were caused by blatant racism however one of the most valuable lessons I've learned in this life, taught to me by another black woman is that no matter what people throw at you, or place in your way, you find a way around it and find what you can use in the situation to your advantage.

I'm still advancing in my career, what about the rest of you? What have you accomplished lately besides complaining about black people being able to enjoy some of the same things in life that white racist have always tried to prevent us from enjoying, especially when you could be working on yourselves and the racists in your own race.
This nation was built and maintains a system as seem through a racial prism. It is not black bigotry to call it out.

This nation made huge progress in reversing ESPECIALLY the systemic racism that GOVT (democrat party in particular) ENSHRINED in the past. Now you want "separate Americas" where skin color is the PRIMARY determination of character and status.

It's YOUR cultural revolutionaries BOUND AND DETERMINED to RE-SEGREGATE America -- not the majority of America -- either black or white..
Why is it in your mind that there are only two extremes. Who is it that you believe is trying to re-segregate America?

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