Civil War


She didnt die as a result of the car hitting the crowd.
The fat pig had a heart attack.

The car caused the heart attack. Nice to see it’s ok by you because she is a “fat pig”. So is Sanders. Does that change things for you?

I'm to the point that I dont give a rats ass when one of your trouble makers bites the bullet.
I support the right to protest, even from those disgusting white supremacist new nazi groups. That right does not include murder.
Do you support the right to wear a MAGA hat without being attacked?

She didnt die as a result of the car hitting the crowd.
The fat pig had a heart attack.

The car caused the heart attack. Nice to see it’s ok by you because she is a “fat pig”. So is Sanders. Does that change things for you?

I'm to the point that I dont give a rats ass when one of your trouble makers bites the bullet.
I support the right to protest, even from those disgusting white supremacist new nazi groups. That right does not include murder.

LOL....your side doesnt respect the right to hold political rallies.
More of the same??

“This Is Just The Beginning” – Liberal Website Warns Republicans Of 70’s Style Bombings - Tea Party News

Liberal website warns Republicans of 70's style bombings...


Read a f*cking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively f*ck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours.

Stop working for this man. Stop enabling him. Stop assisting him. Start fighting him. The people who are responsible for what is happening are not going to get out of this with their happy wealthy respectable lives unscathed. This is a country that locks poor people in cages for decades for trying to make $20. This is a country that is “tough on crime.” Remember? And the ones who make the laws are not going to like what happens when America starts to regard them as the criminals.

Anyone still thinks that it isn't serious?
I think several things....

One is that the Republicans have become the party of professional victims. Everyone is against us..the left, the media, the world...whites are an endangered minority...

Two is you have a president regularly endorsing violence, enflaming his supporters against immigrants, Muslims and the media, and promoting roughing people up - yet you are ok with it.

Three - you have the left getting into it, a representative publically calling for mob harassment of innocent people and their families.

Where is this going to go and is anyone going to hold their own accountable?

Why is our leadership not calming things instead of inflaming?
ROTFL... 'professional victims', that is rich... What would you call the David Hogg ilk, the en-masse organized marches, the Bloomberg and Soros funded off shoot organizations, the not so secret cabal of MSM inspired anti's... And conservatives are the victims in your mind, lol. We're not the one's calling for more 'big brother' gov. protections, all we want is to be left alone to take care of ourselves without change, as we have done for neigh 300 years, in establishing that 'rugged individualism' precedent.

Lol...they have fashioned themselves into a persecuted and embattled white Christian minority embattled by the evil forces of queers, Muslims, blacks, immigrants, the complicit media and Hollywood. They call for white rights and a recognition of white culture. They claim discrimination.

They have created a new party of victims and don’t even recognize it.
Responsible gun owners should definitely be open carrying, given the frequency of these mob combatants going on the attack so arbitrarily. Or concealed if applicable. You have the right to protect yourself. And you should. For reasons just like this. Politicians are fueling them. And when you're being physically attacked by a politically riled mob just for walking down the street minding your own business and wearing something they don't like, the only alternative is to defend yourself. Just don't skin that smokewagon unless it's a last resort and necessary to secure your physical safety. Always attempt to calm the situation. Don't skin it unless you're actually being attacked. Know what I mean?

Seemed like the Mexicans were the main combatants there in the vid. I wonder if those combatants were citizens or foreign invaders.

Citizens do not have a use of force policy. You are suggesting lethal force is an acceptable response to shamming. It would not be legal, and could lead to a capital crime and the needle.

Your example suggests fighting words or expressions are an intelligent thing to do; an intelligent person considers consequences before action, and by carry a sign or inciting violence the response is to use lethal force is at best foolish, and likely criminal.

The car caused the heart attack. Nice to see it’s ok by you because she is a “fat pig”. So is Sanders. Does that change things for you?

I'm to the point that I dont give a rats ass when one of your trouble makers bites the bullet.
I support the right to protest, even from those disgusting white supremacist new nazi groups. That right does not include murder.
Do you support the right to wear a MAGA hat without being attacked?

Are you going to answer any questions or provide any links?
------------------------------- probably legal or illegal immigrants or spawn of legal or illegal immigrants NatCitizen .

Yeah, see, that's a problem. We don't even know. Of course, the point stands no matter who it is.

Anyway. Hey, I had edited that post that you quoted here to just clarify that I we should always try to calm the situation when these mob combatants arbitrarily go on the attack and not skin that weapon unless we absolutely have to for our physical safety. Can you please edit the quote in your response to reflect my clarification? I'd appreciate it. I don't often say anything online that I wouldn't otherwise feel comfortabe saying in a courtroom. Thanks.
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More of the same??

“This Is Just The Beginning” – Liberal Website Warns Republicans Of 70’s Style Bombings - Tea Party News

Liberal website warns Republicans of 70's style bombings...


Read a f*cking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively f*ck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours.

Stop working for this man. Stop enabling him. Stop assisting him. Start fighting him. The people who are responsible for what is happening are not going to get out of this with their happy wealthy respectable lives unscathed. This is a country that locks poor people in cages for decades for trying to make $20. This is a country that is “tough on crime.” Remember? And the ones who make the laws are not going to like what happens when America starts to regard them as the criminals.

Anyone still thinks that it isn't serious?
I think several things....

One is that the Republicans have become the party of professional victims. Everyone is against us..the left, the media, the world...whites are an endangered minority...

Two is you have a president regularly endorsing violence, enflaming his supporters against immigrants, Muslims and the media, and promoting roughing people up - yet you are ok with it.

Three - you have the left getting into it, a representative publically calling for mob harassment of innocent people and their families.

Where is this going to go and is anyone going to hold their own accountable?

Why is our leadership not calming things instead of inflaming?
ROTFL... 'professional victims', that is rich... What would you call the David Hogg ilk, the en-masse organized marches, the Bloomberg and Soros funded off shoot organizations, the not so secret cabal of MSM inspired anti's... And conservatives are the victims in your mind, lol. We're not the one's calling for more 'big brother' gov. protections, all we want is to be left alone to take care of ourselves without change, as we have done for neigh 300 years, in establishing that 'rugged individualism' precedent.

Lol...they have fashioned themselves into a persecuted and embattled white Christian minority embattled by the evil forces of queers, Muslims, blacks, immigrants, the complicit media and Hollywood. They call for white rights and a recognition of white culture. They claim discrimination.

They have created a new party of victims and don’t even recognize it.

I guess you don’t believe that whites should have rights. Good job! Your statement says it all. You are intolerant of Christians, whites, you got that from the great divider obama, he bitched about the hard working white Christian clinging to their guns and bibles too. That’s why you think it’s okay to beat and harass them.
More of the same??

“This Is Just The Beginning” – Liberal Website Warns Republicans Of 70’s Style Bombings - Tea Party News

Liberal website warns Republicans of 70's style bombings...


Read a f*cking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively f*ck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours.

Stop working for this man. Stop enabling him. Stop assisting him. Start fighting him. The people who are responsible for what is happening are not going to get out of this with their happy wealthy respectable lives unscathed. This is a country that locks poor people in cages for decades for trying to make $20. This is a country that is “tough on crime.” Remember? And the ones who make the laws are not going to like what happens when America starts to regard them as the criminals.

Anyone still thinks that it isn't serious?
I think several things....

One is that the Republicans have become the party of professional victims. Everyone is against us..the left, the media, the world...whites are an endangered minority...

Two is you have a president regularly endorsing violence, enflaming his supporters against immigrants, Muslims and the media, and promoting roughing people up - yet you are ok with it.

Three - you have the left getting into it, a representative publically calling for mob harassment of innocent people and their families.

Where is this going to go and is anyone going to hold their own accountable?

Why is our leadership not calming things instead of inflaming?
ROTFL... 'professional victims', that is rich... What would you call the David Hogg ilk, the en-masse organized marches, the Bloomberg and Soros funded off shoot organizations, the not so secret cabal of MSM inspired anti's... And conservatives are the victims in your mind, lol. We're not the one's calling for more 'big brother' gov. protections, all we want is to be left alone to take care of ourselves without change, as we have done for neigh 300 years, in establishing that 'rugged individualism' precedent.

Lol...they have fashioned themselves into a persecuted and embattled white Christian minority embattled by the evil forces of queers, Muslims, blacks, immigrants, the complicit media and Hollywood. They call for white rights and a recognition of white culture. They claim discrimination.

They have created a new party of victims and don’t even recognize it.
Taking umbridge with the ideological trajectory of their Nation from a position of precedent is not victimhood, it could be more aptly be described as proactive legislative restraint exercised at State Houses and at the ballot box.
Citizens do not have a use of force policy. You are suggesting lethal force is an acceptable response to shamming.

I said physical threat.

My example was clear. As was it clear when I said to always try to calm the situation first.

Don't twist my words, please. It's impolite.


By the way, did you mean shaming? Or did you mean shamming?

I witnessed an arbitrary physical attack by a combatant mob in that video. Hardly shaming.
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It would serve these soccer moms right to have these marches turn into full blown antifa riots.

Los Angeles once had a Grande Marcha, and a day without a Mexican. There were half a million people in the streets. The day without a mexican was like a holiday. Crime dropped, the freeways were a breeze, stores weren't crowded. The only businesses to suffer were hispanic was so successful in proving how nice life without Mexicans was, they never did it again.
It would serve these soccer moms right to have these marches turn into full blown antifa riots.

Los Angeles once had a Grande Marcha, and a day without a Mexican. There were half a million people in the streets. The day without a mexican was like a holiday. Crime dropped, the freeways were a breeze, stores weren't crowded. The only businesses to suffer were hispanic was so successful in proving how nice life without Mexicans was, they never did it again.

They did that here in Houston as well.
With no mexicans at work I took my chance at tearing down all the mexican flags and defacing all of their mexican stickers.
Boy were they pissed!!!
Yes we know. Madonna wants to blow up the WH. Kathy Griffiths wants to behead Trump. Peter Fonda wants Barron to be put in a cage with pedophilles. You guys got some nice manners going on there!
Is anyone defending their words?
The question is did you condemn them? Please link.
I never knew about Fonda’s disgusting comment, but I abhor attacks on president’s families and kids. I have said that numerous times in numerous threads. Have you...or is it ok depending on the partisan tilt?

On Griffiths, her stunt was tasteless and she paid the price. message

How about you? Ever condemn your own? Trump’s call for roughing people up? Labeling the media as the enemy of the people and targeting them to his inflamed supporters at a rally? How about the guy that mowed down protesters?


It’s OK to rough up people interfering in your First Amendment rights, such as protesters/rioters that showed up to Trump rallies solely to disrupt them. It’s also OK to punch back when attacked at any other point, such as the harassment in the OP.

The guy that mowed down protesters may have feared for his life, since these squatters like attacking cars as well, but let him have a trial to determine that. Protesters don’t have a right to block traffic and start rioting as we have seen them do many times.
Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty.

Very few people whom identify as liberal in modern America are actually liberal in the core sense of the ism. They're statists. That's the correct term to apply to their political position. And statism is not relegated to the so-called left. I know many so-called conservatives who are equally as statist. Cultural Marxism is a more fitting ism, to be clear.

And government is the only threat to Individual liberty.
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More of the same??

“This Is Just The Beginning” – Liberal Website Warns Republicans Of 70’s Style Bombings - Tea Party News

Liberal website warns Republicans of 70's style bombings...


Read a f*cking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively f*ck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours.

Stop working for this man. Stop enabling him. Stop assisting him. Start fighting him. The people who are responsible for what is happening are not going to get out of this with their happy wealthy respectable lives unscathed. This is a country that locks poor people in cages for decades for trying to make $20. This is a country that is “tough on crime.” Remember? And the ones who make the laws are not going to like what happens when America starts to regard them as the criminals.

Anyone still thinks that it isn't serious?
I think several things....

One is that the Republicans have become the party of professional victims. Everyone is against us..the left, the media, the world...whites are an endangered minority...

Two is you have a president regularly endorsing violence, enflaming his supporters against immigrants, Muslims and the media, and promoting roughing people up - yet you are ok with it.

Three - you have the left getting into it, a representative publically calling for mob harassment of innocent people and their families.

Where is this going to go and is anyone going to hold their own accountable?

Why is our leadership not calming things instead of inflaming?
ROTFL... 'professional victims', that is rich... What would you call the David Hogg ilk, the en-masse organized marches, the Bloomberg and Soros funded off shoot organizations, the not so secret cabal of MSM inspired anti's... And conservatives are the victims in your mind, lol. We're not the one's calling for more 'big brother' gov. protections, all we want is to be left alone to take care of ourselves without change, as we have done for neigh 300 years, in establishing that 'rugged individualism' precedent.

Lol...they have fashioned themselves into a persecuted and embattled white Christian minority embattled by the evil forces of queers, Muslims, blacks, immigrants, the complicit media and Hollywood. They call for white rights and a recognition of white culture. They claim discrimination.

They have created a new party of victims and don’t even recognize it.

We need to get a “victim of the year” award for the most unfairly treated people. I get a feeling well off white guys would sweep the category every year.

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

You didn't watch those big brave left wingers attacking cars.

You fuckers are so big and so brave when it is 100 to 1.

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

Cowards that want someone else to do the dirty work while they sit safe at home whacking off to the chaos.

You are talking about the lawless ignorant assholes on the left.

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

Cowards that want someone else to do the dirty work while they sit safe at home whacking off to the chaos.

You are talking about the lawless ignorant assholes on the left.

Nope. The inbred brain dead ones on the right.

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

Cowards that want someone else to do the dirty work while they sit safe at home whacking off to the chaos.

You are talking about the lawless ignorant assholes on the left.

Nope. The inbred brain dead ones on the right.

Maxine Waters is not on the right.

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