Civil War

The Fondas have a long history of anti American bias, statements, and actions. Henry was a huge lib, but at least didn't say, or do stupid stuff no matter what he thought. That is called class. Hanoi Jane, and Peter are your typical classless baby boomers who feel oh so entitled to spout their drivel.
I don’t care for them or pay attention to what they do. They just aren’t very important.
Responsible gun owners should definitely be open carrying, given the frequency of these mob combatants going on the attack so arbitrarily. Or concealed if applicable. You have the right to protect yourself. And you should. For reasons just like this. Politicians are fueling them. And when you're being physically attacked by a politically riled mob just for walking down the street minding your own business and wearing something they don't like, the only alternative is to defend yourself. Just don't skin that smokewagon unless it's a last resort and necessary to secure your physical safety. Always attempt to calm the situation. Don't skin it unless you're actually being attacked. Know what I mean?

Seemed like the Mexicans were the main combatants there in the vid. I wonder if those combatants were citizens or foreign invaders.
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Yes we know. Madonna wants to blow up the WH. Kathy Griffiths wants to behead Trump. Peter Fonda wants Barron to be put in a cage with pedophilles. You guys got some nice manners going on there!
Is anyone defending their words?
The question is did you condemn them? Please link.
I never knew about Fonda’s disgusting comment, but I abhor attacks on president’s families and kids. I have said that numerous times in numerous threads. Have you...or is it ok depending on the partisan tilt?

On Griffiths, her stunt was tasteless and she paid the price. message

How about you? Ever condemn your own? Trump’s call for roughing people up? Labeling the media as the enemy of the people and targeting them to his inflamed supporters at a rally? How about the guy that mowed down protesters?

You cite one instance when Trump as President called for roughing people up and I will condemn it! How about you? Did you condemn Obama when he said you gotta get in people’s faces? Was that okay with you? How about when he said we can get in the back of the bus? How about the left constantly playing the race card? That okay? You don’t think that’s divisive do you? You’re okay with the member who constantly starts race baiting threads calling others white mother fuckers? How long do you on the left expect people to keep taking that kind os shit from your side? Give me a time frame!
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If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

Yeah, you notice the political bend of the people who keep bringing it up...almost always conservative.

Meanwhile back in reality, voter turnout is about 50% meaning that half the nation doesn't care enough to vote. You think that they care enough to fight in a war for/against some pompus jackass like Donald Trump way or the other...will be gone in no more than 6 years? LOL

Have you noticed the political bend of the people who are actually being violent?


SEE IT: One dead as car mows down counter-protesters in Virginia at tumultuous white supremacist rally - NY Daily News

Maybe democrat jihadists should not have surrounded his car trying to break in.

See...there you...when a RWNJ commits violence or kills some one you come up with a way to justify it. The courts disagreed with you.
The left has been bitching non stop about the imaginary collusion with Russia and totally embraced Hillary and Obama when they actually colluded with Russia! What hypocrites!

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

They were being attacked by liberals,what do you expect to happen if it continues?

In a civil society local law enforcement will quell the disturbance. However, the more Trump attacks LE, there will be less respect and authority for policing, and this maybe his ultimate goal, since chaos seems not to disturb him or his followers, and he continues to benefit from it.

BTW, you claim that "liberals" were attacking the agent provocateurs, is not supported by evidence.

BTW2, Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics.Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty.
LEGAL or ILLEGAL , its all a government word game as its government that does the defining and Americans get stuck with it . By the way , how many of these protesters attacking American Trump Supporters are LEGAL Immigrants or the 'spawn' of Legal immigrants i wonder ?? -------------------- just a comment .

In an attempt to be a civil society, and not have anarchy, we have chosen to have a limited government. Therefore, we have laws which define things as legal, or illegal. Are you saying that we shouldn't have laws, and just let anyone come here? We vet immigrants so we don't get people who pose a greater risk to law abiding, tax paying citizens. I pay my government to do that.
--------------------------------------------------------- i'm simply saying that there is no difference between legal and illegal immigrants and most coming from zhithole third world countries . They are all the same and ALL immigration of all types into the USA is detrimental to the USA . As i asked , how many legal immigrants are attacking TRUMP supporters or taking part in Abolish 'ICE' Protests today Pilot .
Yes we know. Madonna wants to blow up the WH. Kathy Griffiths wants to behead Trump. Peter Fonda wants Barron to be put in a cage with pedophilles. You guys got some nice manners going on there!
Is anyone defending their words?
The question is did you condemn them? Please link.
I never knew about Fonda’s disgusting comment, but I abhor attacks on president’s families and kids. I have said that numerous times in numerous threads. Have you...or is it ok depending on the partisan tilt?

On Griffiths, her stunt was tasteless and she paid the price. message

How about you? Ever condemn your own? Trump’s call for roughing people up? Labeling the media as the enemy of the people and targeting them to his inflamed supporters at a rally? How about the guy that mowed down protesters?

You cite mean instance when Trump as President called for roughing people up and I will condemn it! How about you? Did you condemn Obama when he said you gotta get in people’s faces? Was that okay with you? How about when he said we can get in the back of the bus? How about the left constantly playing the race card? That okay? You don’t think that’s divisive do you? You’re okay with the member who constantly starts race baiting threads calling others white mother fuckers? How long do you on the left expect people to keep taking that kind os shit from your side? Give me a time frame!
I have a,ready cited instances, I am not going to do so again when it is so easy to find.

I met your demands and you are making more? Your turn to provide links.
More of the same??

“This Is Just The Beginning” – Liberal Website Warns Republicans Of 70’s Style Bombings - Tea Party News

Liberal website warns Republicans of 70's style bombings...


Read a f*cking history book. Read a recent history book. The U.S. had thousands of domestic bombings per year in the early 1970s. This is what happens when citizens decide en masse that their political system is corrupt, racist, and unresponsive. The people out of power have only just begun to flex their dissatisfaction. The day will come, sooner that you all think, when Trump administration officials will look back fondly on the time when all they had to worry about was getting hollered at at a Mexican restaurant. When you aggressively f*ck with people’s lives, you should not be surprised when they decide to fuck with yours.

Stop working for this man. Stop enabling him. Stop assisting him. Start fighting him. The people who are responsible for what is happening are not going to get out of this with their happy wealthy respectable lives unscathed. This is a country that locks poor people in cages for decades for trying to make $20. This is a country that is “tough on crime.” Remember? And the ones who make the laws are not going to like what happens when America starts to regard them as the criminals.

Anyone still thinks that it isn't serious?
I think several things....

One is that the Republicans have become the party of professional victims. Everyone is against us..the left, the media, the world...whites are an endangered minority...

Two is you have a president regularly endorsing violence, enflaming his supporters against immigrants, Muslims and the media, and promoting roughing people up - yet you are ok with it.

Three - you have the left getting into it, a representative publically calling for mob harassment of innocent people and their families.

Where is this going to go and is anyone going to hold their own accountable?

Why is our leadership not calming things instead of inflaming?
ROTFL... 'professional victims', that is rich... What would you call the David Hogg ilk, the en-masse organized marches, the Bloomberg and Soros funded off shoot organizations, the not so secret cabal of MSM inspired anti's... And conservatives are the victims in your mind, lol. We're not the one's calling for more 'big brother' gov. protections, all we want is to be left alone to take care of ourselves without change, as we have done for neigh 300 years, in establishing that 'rugged individualism' precedent.
Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

Yeah, you notice the political bend of the people who keep bringing it up...almost always conservative.

Meanwhile back in reality, voter turnout is about 50% meaning that half the nation doesn't care enough to vote. You think that they care enough to fight in a war for/against some pompus jackass like Donald Trump way or the other...will be gone in no more than 6 years? LOL
Have you noticed the political bend of the people who are actually being violent?


SEE IT: One dead as car mows down counter-protesters in Virginia at tumultuous white supremacist rally - NY Daily News

She didnt die as a result of the car hitting the crowd.
The fat pig had a heart attack.

The car caused the heart attack. Nice to see it’s ok by you because she is a “fat pig”. So is Sanders. Does that change things for you?

I'm to the point that I dont give a rats ass when one of your trouble makers bites the bullet.
Yeah, you notice the political bend of the people who keep bringing it up...almost always conservative.

Meanwhile back in reality, voter turnout is about 50% meaning that half the nation doesn't care enough to vote. You think that they care enough to fight in a war for/against some pompus jackass like Donald Trump way or the other...will be gone in no more than 6 years? LOL
Have you noticed the political bend of the people who are actually being violent?


SEE IT: One dead as car mows down counter-protesters in Virginia at tumultuous white supremacist rally - NY Daily News

She didnt die as a result of the car hitting the crowd.
The fat pig had a heart attack.

The car caused the heart attack. Nice to see it’s ok by you because she is a “fat pig”. So is Sanders. Does that change things for you?

I'm to the point that I dont give a rats ass when one of your trouble makers bites the bullet.
No one cares what you give a rats ass about. Youre irrelevant boy.

If you are a Trump supporter, start attending events, restaurants and anywhere in public armed or ready for conflict.

Freedom is dying a slow death.

Why do we have at least one of these threads a day, dreaming of a Civil War, just so you can shoot liberals? And in the guise of protecting against people shouting "Shame!"
Now, I don't agree with those people, but last I checked, that was not a capital offense.

They were being attacked by liberals,what do you expect to happen if it continues?

In a civil society local law enforcement will quell the disturbance. However, the more Trump attacks LE, there will be less respect and authority for policing, and this maybe his ultimate goal, since chaos seems not to disturb him or his followers, and he continues to benefit from it.

BTW, you claim that "liberals" were attacking the agent provocateurs, is not supported by evidence.

BTW2, Liberalism, political doctrine that takes protecting and enhancing the freedom of the individual to be the central problem of politics.Liberals typically believe that government is necessary to protect individuals from being harmed by others, but they also recognize that government itself can pose a threat to liberty.

I stopped reading at "the more Trump attacks law enforcement"
Thought to myself......loon thread.
Responsible gun owners should definitely be open carrying, given the frequency of these mob combatants going on the attack so arbitrarily. Or concealed if applicable. You have the right to protect yourself. And you should. For reasons just like this. Politicians are fueling them. And when you're being physically attacked by a politically riled mob just for walking down the street minding your own business and wearing something they don't like, the only alternative is to defend yourself. Just don't skin that smokewagon unless it's a last resort. Know what I mean?

Seemed like the Mexicans were the main combatants there in the vid. I wonder if those combatants were citizens or foreign invaders.
------------------------------- probably legal or illegal immigrants or spawn of legal or illegal immigrants NatCitizen .
The Fonda assholes are not baby boomers! She was born in 37 and he in 40. They are very old liberal assholes.
Yes we know. Madonna wants to blow up the WH. Kathy Griffiths wants to behead Trump. Peter Fonda wants Barron to be put in a cage with pedophilles. You guys got some nice manners going on there!
Is anyone defending their words?

The question is did you condemn them? Please link.

My question is, did you believe that was their intent? Do you know hyperbole is satirical?

I suppose you don't know this, pity.
Yeah, you notice the political bend of the people who keep bringing it up...almost always conservative.

Meanwhile back in reality, voter turnout is about 50% meaning that half the nation doesn't care enough to vote. You think that they care enough to fight in a war for/against some pompus jackass like Donald Trump way or the other...will be gone in no more than 6 years? LOL
Have you noticed the political bend of the people who are actually being violent?


SEE IT: One dead as car mows down counter-protesters in Virginia at tumultuous white supremacist rally - NY Daily News

She didnt die as a result of the car hitting the crowd.
The fat pig had a heart attack.

The car caused the heart attack. Nice to see it’s ok by you because she is a “fat pig”. So is Sanders. Does that change things for you?

I'm to the point that I dont give a rats ass when one of your trouble makers bites the bullet.
I support the right to protest, even from those disgusting white supremacist new nazi groups. That right does not include murder.
and i guess that all their hyperbole is illegal yet they are out and about and walking free Wrycatcher .

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