Claim: Hillary has serious health issues

Never, in the history of American politics, has a bathroom break been sussed into a threat to global thermonuclear instability.

What a bunch of creepy little assholes you people are.
If she has medical issues she needs to be upfront about them. Of course the left would still vote for her if she was declared brain dead

Law Enforcement Officials, Medical Professionals: There’s Something Seriously Wrong With Hillary Clinton’s Health

These long-lasting symptoms stemming from a concussion and blood clot, according to a neurologist, suggest Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities.

All that said, however, Clinton’s campaign maintained to Breitbart News that she is in good health and can serve as President of the United States.

“Strong source just told me something I suspected. Hillary’s debate ‘bathroom break’ wasn’t that, but flare up of problems from brain injury,” wrote John Cardillo on Twitter.

Cardillo, who previously worked as an officer who provided VIP security details for the New York Police Department (NYPD), told Breitbart News that he knows of two additional sources who have commented about Clinton’s health problems, which have even impacted her ability to walk to her car after delivering a speech.

“I got this from both a [federal agent] … and I also got it from a New York [NYPD] guy who worked security at a Hillary event in New York City,” Cardillo told Breitbart News, adding:

These are two people that aren’t just personal friends. I worked with one and then post law-enforcement worked with another on some related things. So, these aren’t anonymous people. These are good friends. Both of them told me the same thing, that after her speeches, whether she did a talk or a policy speech, she had to sit behind – she would come off the podium backstage – and have to sit and rest before making it back to the car because she was so fatigued, dizzy and disoriented.

Law Enforcement Officials, Medical Professionals: There’s Something Seriously Wrong With Hillary Clinton’s Health

Mental health issues, she has a multitude...
New emails made public Monday indicate Hillary Clinton needed her State Department aides to explain issues to her carefully because she was "often confused."

In an exchange from January 2013, Huma Abedin, then Clinton's deputy chief of staff, reminded another aide that it was "very important" to "go over" the subject of phone calls Clinton was slated to make.

"She's often confused," Abedin wrote.

Emails: Hillary Clinton 'often confused'
One thing about Hillary, if she's not well, she'd rather hide it and die in office than give up the chance to be #1. So stay on top of this, but keep it factual if you can. I've been worried about her health since before she announced her run. She looked tired and unwell, not just older. She's had 'work,' I swear, since then, but ....

As for using a private bathroom, I can see why: a fan climbs up on the toilet in the stall beside hers and takes a picture of Hillary on the throne...her male body guard can't go in....or maybe she's just an entitled princess. Lots of reasons. None of our business, really.
The second cousin of the hat check girl also says it. And the best friend of the girlfriend of the guy who refills the toilet paper dispensers at the Hillary event.
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
You are often retarded, but we still let you play here.
Yeah, there's clearly a cover-up going on with this one. The woman's definitely been dropped on her head once too many times. She's unstable.
Never, in the history of American politics, has a bathroom break been sussed into a threat to global thermonuclear instability.

What a bunch of creepy little assholes you people are.
Remember when Liberals declared Rubio (was it) was 'done' because he TOOK A SIP OF WATER'?!


Like Jihadi Don just did?
'Jihad Don'? You guys are PATHETICALLY desperate....
This thread is desperate.

Actually, discussing the health of a Potential President of the United States is VALID. Childishly calling the opposition some immature name you come up with is desperate.

I didn't call you a name. And I also never said the health of the candidates wasn't important, please try to keep up. There doesn't seem to be any substantial reporting from the OP's link. Just a couple of buds getting together and gossiping.
This just in
Never, in the history of American politics, has a bathroom break been sussed into a threat to global thermonuclear instability.

What a bunch of creepy little assholes you people are.
Remember when Liberals declared Rubio (was it) was 'done' because he TOOK A SIP OF WATER'?!


And I said he had to drink water because the man is on fire.
CLAIM: Hillary has Ebola.

I heard it from a [government employee] and also from a guy in a suit who had a very serious face when he said it.

So there's that.
The second cousin of the hat check girl also says it. And the best friend of the girlfriend of the guy who refills the toilet paper dispensers at the Hillary event.
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
You are often retarded, but we still let you play here.
You acknowledgement of just having your ass handed to you is duly noted....
Never, in the history of American politics, has a bathroom break been sussed into a threat to global thermonuclear instability.

What a bunch of creepy little assholes you people are.
Not as bad as liberals saying global warming is the biggest threat to our security.
The second cousin of the hat check girl also says it. And the best friend of the girlfriend of the guy who refills the toilet paper dispensers at the Hillary event.
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
You are often retarded, but we still let you play here.
You acknowledgement of just having your ass handed to you is duly noted....

It's what he does... one never-ending snarky comment whereby he attempts to be the smartest guy in the room.
I heard Trump's face looks the way it does ever since he had it removed from his ass. The door man
The second cousin of the hat check girl also says it. And the best friend of the girlfriend of the guy who refills the toilet paper dispensers at the Hillary event.
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
You are often retarded, but we still let you play here.
You acknowledgement of just having your ass handed to you is duly noted....

How about a reputable link.
The second cousin of the hat check girl also says it. And the best friend of the girlfriend of the guy who refills the toilet paper dispensers at the Hillary event.
HILLARY'S OWN STAFF has been quoted as saying Hillary is 'often confused'.....
You are often retarded, but we still let you play here.
You acknowledgement of just having your ass handed to you is duly noted....

It's what he does... one never-ending snarky comment whereby he attempts to be the smartest guy in the room.

and every time he confirms that he is actually the dumbest guy in the room. Its what liberals do best.

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