Claiming "nobody" wants to confiscate guns is a lie

Hate to break it to you but every unit has it's own fruitcake and you found the one. And then you milked it for all it was worth to hint that ALL the Government is thinking this behind the doors.

The only weapon in question is the AR-15, not all the guns. The AR-15 is not any deadlier the first mag than anything else. But it's been culturized to the point where it's the weapon of choice for mass murder. When something becomes detrimental to the publics welfare, our Government not has the responsibility to remove it from most peoples hands but the duty to do so.

Notice, I am not saying an outright ban. Regulation is not a ban. It just requires the potential owner to fulfill extra steps to own it. It's now illegal to own a Mah Deuce (50 cal machine gun) but you are required to prove to your local cop agencies that you fulfill all the things that is required of you to own it. You want a Tank? Fill this out, store it properly without scaring the living hell out of your neighbors and it's yours. Just back the truck up.

The M1921 or Thompson Sub Machine Gun wasn't regulated because of the regular firearms owner. It was regulated because of the mass shooting. So they came up with the 1934 Fire Arms Act. And they didn't confiscate a single one from the law abiding. But they did toss a few criminals into jail if they were found with them.

So how about working to fix things instead of keeping churning out all the hate and fear.

If you think they will stop at the ar15 then I have some beach front property to sell you in Indiana. The government is never happy just taking a little, if they can take more they will. And this is how all problems start, very small.

And why regulate at all? The vast vast majority of ar15 owners and gun owners don't shoot anyone, let alone go on kill crazy rampages. All regulating guns does is impede law abiding citizens. 99% of killers and criminals don't fill out paperwork and buy a gun legally anyway because they are killers and criminals.

The real fix for the problem isn't regulating guns, it's getting rid of criminals and dopeheads and crazy people. They need to be removed from our society. They cause the problems, not the majority of Americans.

I'd rather live in a country that had no tolerance for criminals and druggies, and removed crazy people from the public. More gun control doesn't get rid of the people who want to go out and hurt others.
Third thread I've seen today on this subject. one is coming for your guns. :)

Huh? That is part of the dems platform. Just look at their states.

And forget dems...reps want it too.

Trump guns.jpg
Hate to break it to you but every unit has it's own fruitcake and you found the one. And then you milked it for all it was worth to hint that ALL the Government is thinking this behind the doors.

The only weapon in question is the AR-15, not all the guns. The AR-15 is not any deadlier the first mag than anything else. But it's been culturized to the point where it's the weapon of choice for mass murder. When something becomes detrimental to the publics welfare, our Government not has the responsibility to remove it from most peoples hands but the duty to do so.

Notice, I am not saying an outright ban. Regulation is not a ban. It just requires the potential owner to fulfill extra steps to own it. It's now illegal to own a Mah Deuce (50 cal machine gun) but you are required to prove to your local cop agencies that you fulfill all the things that is required of you to own it. You want a Tank? Fill this out, store it properly without scaring the living hell out of your neighbors and it's yours. Just back the truck up.

The M1921 or Thompson Sub Machine Gun wasn't regulated because of the regular firearms owner. It was regulated because of the mass shooting. So they came up with the 1934 Fire Arms Act. And they didn't confiscate a single one from the law abiding. But they did toss a few criminals into jail if they were found with them.

So how about working to fix things instead of keeping churning out all the hate and fear.


The AR-15 is used to murder fewer people than knives, clubs or barehands......


Every year, knives are used to murder more people than AR-15s...

Clubs are used to murder more people than AR-15 rifles every single year.

Empty hands are used to murder more people than AR-15 rifles every single year.

People murdered in mass public shootings with AR-15 rifles in 2023?


People murdered in mass public shootings with AR-15 rifles in 2022?



Bare hands....665

AR-15 rifles....54...( over 20 million AR-15s in private hands)

Deer kill 200 people each year
Ladders kill 300 people each year
Lawn mowers kill 70 people each year
Bathtubs kill 100 people each year.
Bees kill between 50-100 people each year...

Mass public shootings in 2023?


12 people out of over 350 million

Number of AR-15s owned by private individuals in the U.S.....

Over 20 million

Number used in mass public shootings..


8 out of over 20 million....

What is your demented fixation on AR-15 and AK-47 rifles?

I clods of the anti-gun movement realize if you can get AR-15 rifles banned and confiscated, you can come back and get all semi-automatic rifles, pistols, and shotguns banned because they all function the same way...

The AR-15 is your trojan horse....
You will feel differently when she comes knocking on your door
I'm well over retirement age, I have nothing to lose by violently defending my right to keep and bear arms. What are they going to do to me? Lock me up, pay for my food and medical bills while I spend my days reading? Kill me? I already have one foot and half the other in the grave. Dying doesn't scare me, I've been living on borrowed time since 1972.
I'm well over retirement age, I have nothing to lose by violently defending my right to keep and bear arms. What are they going to do to me? Lock me up, pay for my food and medical bills while I spend my days reading? Kill me? I already have one foot and half the other in the grave. Dying doesn't scare me, I've been living on borrowed time since 1972.
Those FEMA are-education camps can be scary continue to show how stupid you are....
It's a look he is quite comfortable with.
I'm well over retirement age, I have nothing to lose by violently defending my right to keep and bear arms. What are they going to do to me? Lock me up, pay for my food and medical bills while I spend my days reading? Kill me? I already have one foot and half the other in the grave. Dying doesn't scare me, I've been living on borrowed time since 1972.
They could kill your spouse. Kill your children.
It's a look he is quite comfortable with.

They could kill your spouse. Kill your children.
Good luck with that. My daughter lives in another state and my wife is probably not long for this world with her medical problems. Every day with her is a blessing that I don’t count on.
Hate to break it to you but every unit has it's own fruitcake and you found the one. And then you milked it for all it was worth to hint that ALL the Government is thinking this behind the doors.

The only weapon in question is the AR-15, not all the guns. The AR-15 is not any deadlier the first mag than anything else. But it's been culturized to the point where it's the weapon of choice for mass murder. When something becomes detrimental to the publics welfare, our Government not has the responsibility to remove it from most peoples hands but the duty to do so.

Notice, I am not saying an outright ban. Regulation is not a ban. It just requires the potential owner to fulfill extra steps to own it. It's now illegal to own a Mah Deuce (50 cal machine gun) but you are required to prove to your local cop agencies that you fulfill all the things that is required of you to own it. You want a Tank? Fill this out, store it properly without scaring the living hell out of your neighbors and it's yours. Just back the truck up.

The M1921 or Thompson Sub Machine Gun wasn't regulated because of the regular firearms owner. It was regulated because of the mass shooting. So they came up with the 1934 Fire Arms Act. And they didn't confiscate a single one from the law abiding. But they did toss a few criminals into jail if they were found with them.

So how about working to fix things instead of keeping churning out all the hate and fear.
How about the People of Maine?

Following a mass shooting in Maine in October 2023 where 18 people were killed, Governor Janet Mills is pushing legislation to expand the state’s red flag law to make it easier for law enforcement to confiscate guns.
Maine already has a yellow flag law allowing police to secure a judge’s order to take firearms from those deemed a threat.
Every last Democrat is a threat to the Nation, so all Democrats should have their weapons confiscated?
The only weapon in question is the AR-15, not all the guns. The AR-15 is not any deadlier the first mag than anything else. But it's been culturized to the point where it's the weapon of choice for mass murder.
A statement or ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Of the 651 mass shootings in 2023, 6 involved an AR15.
When something becomes detrimental to the publics welfare, our Government not has the responsibility to remove it from most peoples hands but the duty to do so.
The right to keep and bear arms is not subject to a means-end test.
Here's how confiscation works. They declare a certain class of firearms to be illegal and give the public a certain amount of time to turn in the weapons or be considered felons and subject to a home invasion by the federal government.
Here's how confiscation works. They declare a certain class of firearms to be illegal and give the public a certain amount of time to turn in the weapons or be considered felons and subject to a home invasion by the federal government.
Then they start with Law Abiding Veterans & Collectors & Builder hobbyists
They are admitting it. This dude is from DoD.

There are 3 clans -

1) Those that want to confiscate guns

2) Those that want everyone, even the nut jobs, the Right to have guns, no questions asked

3) Those that want people to have guns, but they're sensibly vetted, just like in the UK

But Americans have binary brains, so only points One and Two register. Point three is too complicated for them. It's easier to teach a Jack Russell what Trigonometry is than educate a thick American.
Here's how confiscation works. They declare a certain class of firearms to be illegal and give the public a certain amount of time to turn in the weapons or be considered felons and subject to a home invasion by the federal government.
How do they know who has the illegal guns?

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