Claire McCaskill Rips into Lying Hatch over tax plan for people making $50,000 or less..


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
Good Video Folks.. These sneaky corrupt snakes hiding shit//

Unbelievable.. You go Girl!

Short Video:

She is wrong, they are separate issues. She can try and make the association, but it's no more fair to do that than to suggest that Obamacare was directly funded by cuts to the military.

In the end, I prefer Rand Pauls version of taxation, and I bet Trump does too. Noone can support such a plan because they want heavy government spending and intervention. You guys will be Canada soon if you don't get your taxes and expenses downs significantly. If some on the alt-left had their way, your Constitution would already be null and void.

I've said it a thousand times and will repeat it a thousand times more, I don't understand why so many want to stifle the innovation engine of the American economy. LOW taxes, LESS regulations and government intervention and allow the PRIVATE sector to flourish. You didn't become such a powerful economy over the last 200 years of effort by socialist policies. Does this not dawn on people?
Good Video Folks.. These sneaky corrupt snakes hiding shit//

Unbelievable.. You go Girl!

Short Video:

If she is correct, good for him.

Thanks to Commie Care, I lost my employer sponsored insurance. On top of that, Commie Care is unaffordable to middle-class working people. So now I don't have any coverage, but my taxes are going towards providing healthcare to lowlifes on Medicaid.

Cut Medicaid as far as I'm concerned. Let them die instead of me. I work for a living. I contribute to society. I never had children for the simple fact I was uncertain about my ability to support them. I tried to be as much of a responsible person as I could be.

I'm so sick of these Fn liberal Democrats worried about the non-producing part of our society at the expense of hard working people. Take care of the the leaches and send the bill to the working. F-that.
With her stupid little clenched fists. She should have taken her shoe off and pounded the desk!
More lies and dishonesty from the reprehensible right.

The Republican plan is in fact bad for middle class Americans:

‘Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)…explained, accurately, that the Senate GOP tax plan isn’t intended to help the middle class; it’s written to benefit the richest Americans.
Brown’s argument was, at its core, substantive: non-partisan analyses of the Senate Republican tax plan make clear that it would disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans, and raise taxes on millions of middle-class families. That’s not some lazy “political play”; it’s an argument backed up by evidence.’

A senatorial clash that explains what's wrong with the tax fight
That’s right Claire. Medicaid will bankrupt the country as well as be bankrupt in ten years. Just keep spending baby and all those little people will have no Medicaid very soon.
I hope the Republicans manage to pass their foolish bill. I hope they do it with JUST Republican votes too.

Let it be the anvil around their necks to drop them in the water with.
I hope the Republicans manage to pass their foolish bill. I hope they do it with JUST Republican votes too.

Let it be the anvil around their necks to drop them in the water with.

They really want to fuck over students, especially grad school students. They want grad school money to be TAXABLE income... and the interest paid on student loans would no longer be a tax deduction. It's fucking retarded.
I hope the Republicans manage to pass their foolish bill. I hope they do it with JUST Republican votes too.

Let it be the anvil around their necks to drop them in the water with.

They really want to fuck over students, especially grad school students. They want grad school money to be TAXABLE income... and the interest paid on student loans would no longer be a tax deduction. It's fucking retarded.
Taxes are bigger than health care.

E-VEREE-BOT-TEE is effected by it.

Let them screw around w/people's money.

This is just a big payday for the mega rich.

Socialism for the wealthy. Helping the rich get richer.
All current GOPers in congress should agree to sign a pledge to QUIT if their tax plan does INCREASE taxes for middle class Americans in the next 3 years...

I'd love to see them putting their sorry asses on the line.....LOL

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