Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

No, nobody is charging them because the only ones that could are either the New York State AG or the U.S. AG. Both, of which, are Democrats who are pushing the tyranny led by Joe Biden's administration of commies. You don't know anything about politics nor the law.
Pretty sure I know more than you, chimp. At least I've read a Constitutional Law text book. Keep crying little bitch because criminals are going to keep getting arrested. We know how much your kind hates the rule of law.
I have to think this will get interesting. Thomas has taken a ton of trips paid for by a billionaire campaign donor.

On the surface this appears to be in violations of federal law when he reported none of them.
Go ahead, try to have him impeached. Good luck with that.
Again, turd - what law?

This "debate" technique Democringies use is hilarious.

Dem: Clarence, the GOP House N_______ on the soup-ream court browoke the law, and Republicans don't care!

Normal guy: He did? What law?

Dem: The Law raht he-uh!

Normal Guy: Which part did he beak? The part about Indians, Mineral Lands and Mining? What?

Dem: OMFG! It's obvious! Cain't you read? You's a eye-literate Trump sucker or sumpin?

Normal Guy: Well what did he do and which part of that law did it break?

Dem: Exactly! What he did broke that law right there. It's been explained over and over on this thread.

If they were old enough to remember, but not yet demented, we could say "what?" and they'd say "Second base!"

This "debate" technique Democringies use is hilarious.

Dem: Clarence, the GOP House N_______ on the soup-ream court browoke the law, and Republicans don't care!

Normal guy: He did? What law?

Dem: The Law raht he-uh!

Normal Guy: Which part did he beak? The part about Indians, Mineral Lands and Mining? What?

Dem: OMFG! It's obvious! Cain't you read? You's a eye-literate Trump sucker or sumpin?

Normal Guy: Well what did he do and which part of that law did it break?

Dem: Exactly! What he did broke that law right there. It's been explained over and over on this thread.

If they were old enough to remember, but not yet demented, we could say "what?" and they'd say "Second base!"

The post-Watergate reforms and the enactment of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 requires justices of the Supreme Court to annually file financial public disclosure reports detailing “sources amounts of income, gifts, and reimbursements.” The law also directs the “Judicial Conference of the United States,” which Chief Justice John Roberts presides over, to “establish a Judicial Ethics Committee,” to “receive such reports of judicial personnel,” and to “ascertain possible violations of conflict of interest laws.”
The shitlibs have a satanic contempt for black people that seems to know no bounds.

Justice Thomas has endured their overt racism for most of his life. It's bad enough they founded the KKK and then voted against all the civil rights legislation..... but it's 2023.... it's time for the party that likes to fuck kids to stop hating black people.

Remember when the stuttering fuck was almost coherent?

View attachment 774220
Oh Shut Up!

What justice Thomas has done is UNETHICAL in the LEAST.
Actually, you got that wrong. What he said was that under the new rules he will disclose the trips from now on:

Thomas, one of the court's six conservative justices, noted that he would comply with changes made to disclosure rules that were announced last month. Those revisions made it clear that trips on private jets and stays at privately owned resorts like one Crow owns in upstate New York would have to be disclosed.

The change to disclosure rules tightened an exemption for "personal hospitality" that was not strictly defined.

That tweak was made just weeks before a ProPublica article published Thursday detailed extravagant trips that Thomas took that were funded by Crow.

Thomas did not disclose these trips — reportedly including travel on Crow’s private jet and visits to the resort — on his annual financial disclosure statements. Under the rules that existed until recently it was not clear if he was required to, but — whether he was or not — ethics experts have questioned his judgment.

The “personal hospitality” exemption means judges and justices don’t have to disclose certain gifts, including accommodations and food, when the person involved is a friend. The new interpretation made it clear that travel by private jet and stays at resort-type facilities owned by private entities have to be disclosed.

Joe about Ginny Thomas getting a $500,000 donation from crow for her political PAC, and paid $150,000 by him....and NOT declare it.

This is ALL HIGHLY UNETHICAL for a supreme court justice or any judge.

Here he is admitting he took the trips.

Hhere is in admitting he did not pay for them.

Here he is admtting he did not disclouse them

And as predicted, here he is claiming ignorance of the rules, for the second time.
i never claimed he didn’t take the trips. there is nothing wrong with a justice accepting the hospitality of a friend

the demaklans been trying to lynch thomas since rhe 90s…and are so desperate to that you are going to try and hang him for takin hospitality from his white friend…sad
So your evidence is that Justice Thomas went on trips with a wealthy GOP donor, and that Thomas later made a ruling that you assume the wealthy donor wanted?

You'll need some evidence that one had anything to do with the other, but I'm sure it will be forthcoming.
he broke ethics rules of 1978, written after watergate...any gift above $450 has to be declared.

and Crow donate to a POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE of his wife Ginny....for $500,000 of which she was PAID +/- $150,000.

now you tell me, that Ginny, talked to crow about the PAC, and got $500 k from Crow, and Clarence didn't know about it? Clarence wasn't part of the conversation? There was no knowledge by clarence?

Utter bull shit!

What Thomas has done in not declaring these gifts and Crow as the donor is not unethical, according to you lawless Trumpers....?

How low, will you go Mr. Slithering snake?
A list of rich people that proved you were a liar when you posted this...All the millionair doners gave money to Biden, not Trump.
You took "all" far too literaly, jackass. That's the kind of pathetic victory that gives you a reason to live.

The post-Watergate reforms and the enactment of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 requires justices of the Supreme Court to annually file financial public disclosure reports detailing “sources amounts of income, gifts, and reimbursements.” The law also directs the “Judicial Conference of the United States,” which Chief Justice John Roberts presides over, to “establish a Judicial Ethics Committee,” to “receive such reports of judicial personnel,” and to “ascertain possible violations of conflict of interest laws.”
Going on a trip with a friend doesn't qualify as a gift, moron.
You took "all" far too literaly, jackass. That's the kind of pathetic victory that gives you a reason to live.

So, now it is my fault for taking the words you posted at face value.

I guess I should know better given your track record for dishonesty.
Going on a trip with a friend doesn't qualify as a gift, moron.

If the friend pays for it, then yes it does according to the The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 which was amended by Title 5 of the United States Code, 13101-13111.

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