Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

I do, you guys also understand it which is why you broke it when you arrested Trump

I'm fairly sure I never arrested Trump. At least I do not remember doing it. You would think I would, wouldn't you?

on crimes that are no longer valid........the actual lawyers state the statute of limitations ran out 2 years ago for the misdemeanor crimes, and then you shitheads made up felonies that even the Feds didn't push....and those ran out after 5 years and it didn't stop you.....

You are vile, and evil, and you really don't understand what you just did.............

Where do you think this Star Chamber courts end.....these Soviet show trials?

Mass graves and dumb asses....

Your brain is melting down.
I have to think this will get interesting. Thomas has taken a ton of trips paid for by a billionaire campaign donor.

On the surface this appears to be in violations of federal law when he reported none of them.

IN LATE JUNE 2019, right after the U.S. Supreme Court released its final opinion of the term, Justice Clarence Thomas boarded a large private jet headed to Indonesia. He and his wife were going on vacation: nine days of island-hopping in a volcanic archipelago on a superyacht staffed by a coterie of attendants and a private chef.

If Thomas had chartered the plane and the 162-foot yacht himself, the total cost of the trip could have exceeded $500,000. Fortunately for him, that wasn’t necessary: He was on vacation with real estate magnate and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, who owned the jet — and the yacht, too.....................................

.....................These trips appeared nowhere on Thomas’ financial disclosures. His failure to report the flights appears to violate a law passed after Watergate that requires justices, judges, members of Congress and federal officials to disclose most gifts, two ethics law experts said. He also should have disclosed his trips on the yacht, these experts said.

Clarence Thomas Secretly Accepted Luxury Trips From Major GOP Donor

A bought and paid for Supreme Court judge. That's the very definition of a banana republic.
A great deal to do about nothing. Did Billy Bob disclose and reimburse his buds for trips to Private Islands?
So what do you have to say about indicting a former President and current candidate for office for a crime that they still have yet to fully disclose? Raiding the private residence of a candidate with heavily armed FBI agents? Sorry I missed the raid on Joe’s garage or wasn’t there one? Is that not what banana republics do? Tell us how it is not hypocrisy when the very country that promotes equal justice and democracy around the world employs the DOJ for political reasons and attempts to silence all opposition?
From your distinguished legal background it is apparent when a regular tax paying citizen takes a trip with a friend and isn’t charged for splitting the bill they should have disclosed it on a disclosure document? Are you kidding me?
Again a lot about nothing but crap designed to muddy the waters.
Not how it works .......... this isn't supposed to be China...where you get to prove your innocence after you are arrested ............

It is the way it works. A DA takes his evidence to a Grand Jury. The Grand Jury then decides if there should be charges or not. If they say yes, then the person is charged with the crime(s) and then the DA has to prove his case a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt.

If the DA cannot do that, then the person walks away a free person.
There is all the difference.....I won't allow people to be arrested without actual charges guys just did it.

There were actual charges. The fact you do not agree with them does not change anything.
A great deal to do about nothing. Did Billy Bob disclose and reimburse his buds for trips to Private Islands?
So what do you have to say about indicting a former President and current candidate for office for a crime that they still have yet to fully disclose? Raiding the private residence of a candidate with heavily armed FBI agents? Sorry I missed the raid on Joe’s garage or wasn’t there one? Is that not what banana republics do? Tell us how it is not hypocrisy when the very country that promotes equal justice and democracy around the world employs the DOJ for political reasons and attempts to silence all opposition?
From your distinguished legal background it is apparent when a regular tax paying citizen takes a trip with a friend and isn’t charged for splitting the bill they should have disclosed it on a disclosure document? Are you kidding me?
Again a lot about nothing but crap designed to muddy the waters.

Again, I want all to be investigated and charged where appropriate.

Why is that so hard for you (and others) to grasp?
I am not defending Biden, I am just getting you to show you a fraud. And you are so very helpful in this endeavor.
So, I'm a fraud because I don't want Clarence Thomas convicted for breaking a law that was changed after he supposedly broke the future law? That makes zero sense.
How about we not give anyone a free pass. Have you ever thought of that?
I'm fine with that. Tell your buddies in the mainstream media.
Except this is the 2nd time he has made the same mistake. He is a fucking Supreme Court Justice, and his only excuse is ignorance of the law. And because he is from your tribe you have to defend him instead of going "yeah, he fucked up". You are the very reason those in power keep getting away with all that they do.
How is it the second time that he made the same mistake if it wasn't a mistake at all? He only needs to report such trips under the new rules, as I quoted them in the above post which you seem to have skipped over.
Why should any judge recuse themselves over the opinions of another person?
Maybe we should force all SCOTUS judges to divorce their spouses and cut all ties with their families and friends

The Democraps have long had a history of taking positions that attack marriage and family. If they thought they could get away with supporting your suggestion, they surely would.
We probably need to rethink that rule about justices having to report being invited on trips. Thanks to this ridiculous muckraking reporting by whatever that silly blog is called, now it is known that Justice Thomas takes trips on this millionaires ship.

In this day and age it is very dangerous for Democrats to be able to learn the comings and goings of Supreme Court justices. They have shown a propensity to engage in physical attacks on them. Of course their media will not call them on it and the Democrat " justice department" will not prosecute them for it, so they have no reason to stop doing it.

In the case of Justice thomas, it is particularly important that he not have to reveal his whereabouts. Democrats were calling for his death long before the recent Spate of democrat violence.
Love it! God Bless Judge Thomas!:2up:

I'm fine with that. Tell your buddies in the mainstream media.

I do not have any buddies in any media.

How is it the second time that he made the same mistake if it wasn't a mistake at all? He only needs to report such trips under the new rules, as I quoted them in the above post which you seem to have skipped over.

That is what he said. He is not being honest, but he is from your tribe so you are not allowed to every question a word that comes out of his mouth.
I do not have any buddies in any media.
That is what he said. He is not being honest, but he is from your tribe so you are not allowed to every question a word that comes out of his mouth.
I will happily read your proof that he is not being honest. By the way, just that he's a black guy isn't proof that he is not honest.
I will happily read your proof that he is not being honest.

The link to the law in question has been posted multiple times in this thread. Feel free to find a 5th grader to read it to you if there are too many big words.

By the way, just that he's a black guy isn't proof that he is not honest.

It is normally enough for you, what changed this time?
The link to the law in question has been posted multiple times in this thread. Feel free to find a 5th grader to read it to you if there are too many big words.
If there were part of that law that Clarence Thomas violated, you are somebody else would surely have quoted it by now.
Trump had 4 years to go after Hillary and the Biden's. He was too pre-occupied with Twitter. It's not my fault the Republicans won't do their job.

You expect Joe to go after Hunter when Trump wouldn't?
"4 yeara to go" for what?

You're a fucking douchebag. Who do you think you're fooling with this horseshit? Republicans don't have the job of smearing and railroading their own candidate, jackass.

I find it difficult to believe that anyone could be so lacking in scruples or ethics that they would even attempt these obvious scams.

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