Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire.

If Thomas thumbed his nose at the law, he should be gone. Just the same as any Justice that did the same.

And he didn't.....but thanks for playing.........

Meanwhile, the law won't matter.....if they get enough power, the democrats are now going to start impeaching judges who don't give them what they want.
Then it's a dead issue.

So, if Biden were say "Oh, I did not know that was wrong, I will not do it again" when it comes to money from China, it will be a dead issue for you?

Or is it only a dead issue since the person involved is from your tribe?
Meanwhile, the law won't matter.....if they get enough power, the democrats are now going to start impeaching judges who don't give them what they want.

You mean like the super majority GOP legislature in Wisconsin is talking about doing to a Justice just elected, before she is even sworn in?
You mean like the super majority GOP legislature in Wisconsin is talking about doing to a Justice just elected, before she is even sworn in?

You guys started this by arresting Trump on bullshit charges where both the state and federal statute of limitations both ran out, and even if they hadn't, no one other than Trump would have even been looked at for this crap....

You guys wanted set the you get to suffer too.....since you are the ones who have to stop this, since you are the ones who started it....
What's "illegal" about Justice Thomas or anyone palling around with billionaire friends?

Aren't justices allowed to have friends? Or billionaires like Mr. Crow for that matter?

The issue is failing to report gifts that could compromise your position as a Supreme Court ajustice
A pound and a half of grapes costs $10

You are getting ripped off.


And your jobs data was mostly seasonal and leisure as seasonal business hire up for the warmer weather months, economists see March's jobs data as beginning a period of slower growth for the U.S. labor market that will eventually result in a rise in the unemployment rate.

This is what the Fed has been working towards, do you really think all those rate hikes would not have any impact?
You guys started this by arresting Trump on bullshit charges where both the state and federal statute of limitations both ran out, and even if they hadn't, no one other than Trump would have even been looked at for this crap....

You guys wanted set the you get to suffer too.....since you are the ones who have to stop this, since you are the ones who started it....

Thanks for confirming one more time there is no difference between the Dems and the Repubs.
So, if Biden were say "Oh, I did not know that was wrong, I will not do it again" when it comes to money from China, it will be a dead issue for you?

Or is it only a dead issue since the person involved is from your tribe?
I hope you are well paid to defend Biden the way you do. If not you have surrendered your dignity for too low a price. Seriously, give that some thought. Sometimes military retirees getting, for example 2 grand a month in pension, tend to mentally add whatever money they earn an a post-military job to that and feel that they now are paid (for example) $3,500 per month.

You should be in line for a raise and/or a promotion with all this effort.

Actually, if Biden were to admit that he was wrong to take money from China and then give them a pass on things like flying spy balloons over our nation, and to take money from Ukraine, and then give them hundreds of billions of dollars in military aid, when they were never adjudged fit to join NAOT? That would be a much welcome step to restoring credibility to our disgraced executive branch. If he were to really stop doing that, a lot of damage could be undone. It might well prevent our sending troops to yet another European conflict.

It would be a dead issue for Thomas if he had said that he was wrong to do it, which you mistakenly posted. A person may make a mistake on advice of counsel and later be forgiven, especially after a lifetime of otherwise unblemished record.

It is in reality a dead issue for Thomas because - as I noted in the next post - he only said that he will report such social interactions now that the rules have been changed. In the U.S., we don't change the law and then convict people for "breaking" the new law before it was changed. It's called "ex post facto law," and I believe the constitution specifically proscribes it. If not, it is a long-standing part of common law.
Yet nobody is charging them. Because you don't know anything about the law.
No, nobody is charging them because the only ones that could are either the New York State AG or the U.S. AG. Both, of which, are Democrats who are pushing the tyranny led by Joe Biden's administration of commies. You don't know anything about politics nor the law.
I hope you are well paid to defend Biden the way you do. If not you have surrendered your dignity for too low a price.

I am not defending Biden, I am just getting you to show you a fraud. And you are so very helpful in this endeavor.

Actually, if Biden were to admit that he was wrong to take money from China and then give them a pass on things like flying spy balloons over our nation, it would be a much welcome step to restoring credibility to our disgraced executive branch.

How about we not give anyone a free pass. Have you ever thought of that?

It would be a dead issue for Thomas if he had said that he was wrong to do it, which you mistakenly posted. A person may make a mistake on advice of counsel and later be forgiven, especially after a lifetime of otherwise unblemished record.

Except this is the 2nd time he has made the same mistake. He is a fucking Supreme Court Justice, and his only excuse is ignorance of the law. And because he is from your tribe you have to defend him instead of going "yeah, he fucked up". You are the very reason those in power keep getting away with all that they do.
You mean like the super majority GOP legislature in Wisconsin is talking about doing to a Justice just elected, before she is even sworn in?

To you, I respond with Kurt Schlichter....

There was a time not long ago when even the most based conservative was willing to live and let live with all manner of divergent and bizarre people, but live and let live has become “I live and you submit” and that’s just not going to work out in the long run. The tolerant have been rewarded for their tolerance with intolerance, and if you look, you can already see the backlash brewing.

The breaking point may have been when the man who won the women’s swimming championship and all the smart, moral people of our garbage elite demanded we celebrate it. Or it might be weirdos trying to chat up our kindergarteners about sex. Or it might be CRT. Regardless, people are getting fed up. There’s a difference between living your life as you wish and making the rest of us live their lives as you wish too, especially when it’s a lie or when it means some freak gets to groom our kids.

Tolerance is good, but tolerance only works if it goes both ways. And that’s not happening anymore. It’s been weaponized, and if dumb people don’t stop their idiotic provocations they are going to see the emerging backlash grow and grow. It’s human nature – and human nature, contrary to the fantasies of the Marxists, has not been repealed.

And he didn't.....but thanks for playing.........

Meanwhile, the law won't matter.....if they get enough power, the democrats are now going to start impeaching judges who don't give them what they want.

I get so sick of "But the Democrats...........". Same for the opposite. Doesn't it bother you even a little how they have you trained?
To you, I respond with Kurt Schlichter....

There was a time not long ago when even the most based conservative was willing to live and let live with all manner of divergent and bizarre people

That has never been the case.
I am not defending Biden, I am just getting you to show you a fraud. And you are so very helpful in this endeavor.

How about we not give anyone a free pass. Have you ever thought of that?

Except this is the 2nd time he has made the same mistake. He is a fucking Supreme Court Justice, and his only excuse is ignorance of the law. And because he is from your tribe you have to defend him instead of going "yeah, he fucked up". You are the very reason those in power keep getting away with all that they do. guy let the worst of the worst in politics go free....then say we have to wreck our guys....cause the law....

when you guys start to hold your assholes accountable, like biden, clinton, obama.......and so many others...get back to us....then we might look at Thomas and give him a slap on the wrist...

till you guys stop putting innocent people in prison, stop arresting oppositioin leaders.....go pound sand...
I get so sick of "But the Democrats...........". Same for the opposite. Doesn't it bother you even a little how they have you trained?

Nope........... they are putting Americans in jail and prison.....they just arrested Trump on fake charges...they are threatening to pack the Supreme Court and this is their opening salvo on that front....

Mutually assured pain is the only way to make them obey the laws they won't obey.............

"But the democrats," is the truth, they have broken all codes of civility as they burned our cities for a year with their blm and antifa brown shirts.....burning, looting and murdering Americans, using lawfare against repbulicans going back to Palin, Tom Delay and others....

so more, it stops now, or you feel the pain too....
The issue is failing to report gifts that could compromise your position as a Supreme Court ajustice

Yeah....get back to us with the left wing justices...........after that, you can still pound sand.
Nope........... they are putting Americans in jail and prison.....they just arrested Trump on fake charges...they are threatening to pack the Supreme Court and this is their opening salvo on that front....

Mutually assured pain is the only way to make them obey the laws they won't obey.............

"But the democrats," is the truth, they have broken all codes of civility as they burned our cities for a year with their blm and antifa brown shirts.....burning, looting and murdering Americans, using lawfare against repbulicans going back to Palin, Tom Delay and others....

so more, it stops now, or you feel the pain too....

Me? LOL. I want the Republicans to go after the Democrats also. I've stated that many times.

Your brainwashing allows you to miss that part. guy let the worst of the worst in politics go free....then say we have to wreck our guys....cause the law....

when you guys start to hold your assholes accountable, like biden, clinton, obama.......and so many others...get back to us....then we might look at Thomas and give him a slap on the wrist...

till you guys stop putting innocent people in prison, stop arresting oppositioin leaders.....go pound sand...

I have no idea who "you guys" are since I do not vote for Dems, I do not support Dems and I do not like the Dem party any more than I do your beloved party
Me? LOL. I want the Republicans to go after the Democrats also. I've stated that many times.

Your brainwashing allows you to miss that part.

Get back to us when the system doesn't just target republicans....

Members of the Supreme Court took scores of trips paid for by private sponsors last year, according to the financial disclosure forms of eight justices released Wednesday.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor was next, with 16 paid trips, but to less exotic places. She reported no new royalties from her best-selling memoir, “My Beloved World.”
A few of the justices disclosed gifts received last year. The University of Chicago Law School gave Justice Kagan a signed first edition of a book by Justice Felix Frankfurter.


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